local tr = aegisub.gettext script_name = tr"Karaoke 1sec adjust lead-in" script_description = tr"Adjust karaoke leadin to 1sec" script_author = "Flore" script_version = "1.00" include("cleantags.lua") leadinmsec = 1000 --lead in time can be changed here ktag = "\\[kK][fo]?%d+" --pattern used to detect karaoke tags -- KM template line definition km_template_effect = "template pre-line all keeptags" km_templayte_text = '!retime("line",$start < 900 and -$start or -900,200)!{!$start < 900 and "\\\\k" .. ($start/10) or "\\\\k90"!\\fad(!$start < 900 and $start or 300!,200)}' function hasleadin(line)--check if there is an existing lead in (2 consecutive bracket with karaoke tags at the start of the line) return line.text:find("^{[^{}]-" .. ktag .. "[^{}]-}%s*{[^{}]-" .. ktag .. "[^{}]-}") end function removeleadin(line) if not hasleadin(line) then return line end leadin = tonumber( line.text:match("^{[^{}]-\\[kK][fo]?(%d+)[^{}]-}%s*{[^{}]-" .. ktag .. "[^{}]-}") ) --read lead-in value line.text = line.text:gsub("^({[^{}]-)\\[kK][fo]?%d+(.-}%s*{[^{}]-" .. ktag .. ".-})","%1%2") --remove lead in line.text = cleantags(line.text) --clean tags line.start_time = line.start_time + leadin*10 --adjust start time --aegisub.log(line.text) return line end function adjust_1sec(subs, sel) for _, i in ipairs(sel) do local line = subs[i] line.text = cleantags(line.text) if( line.text:find(ktag)) then--don't do anything if there is no ktags in this line --start by removing existing lead-in while hasleadin(line) do if aegisub.progress.is_cancelled() then return end line = removeleadin(line) end --then add our lead in if line.start_time >= leadinmsec then line.text = string.format("{\\k%d}%s",leadinmsec/10, line.text) line.start_time = line.start_time - leadinmsec else --if line starts too early to put the needed lead in, make the line start at time 0 and fill with appropriate lead in line.text = string.format("{\\k%d}%s",line.start_time/10, line.text) line.start_time = 0 end subs[i] = line end end aegisub.set_undo_point(tr"1sec adjust lead-in") end function remove_tag(line, tag) local expr = "^(.-{[^}]*)\\" .. tag .. "[^\\}]*(.*)" while true do before, after = line.text:match(expr) if before == nil then return line else line.text = cleantags(before .. after) end end end function is_template_line(line) return (line.class == "dialogue" and line.effect == km_template_effect and line.text == km_templayte_text) end function mugenizer(subs) local first = nil local styles_different = false local styles = 0 local i_styles = {} local template_present = false for i, line in ipairs(subs) do if line.class == "info" then if line.key == "PlayResX" or line.key == "PlayResY" then line.value = "0" end end if line.class == "style" then line.fontname = "Arial" line.fontsize = "24" line.outline = "1.5" line.margin_l = "15" line.margin_r = "15" line.margin_t = "20" line.margin_b = "20" i_styles[styles] = i if styles > 0 then styles_different = styles_different or line.color1 ~= subs[i_styles[styles-1]].color1 or line.color2 ~= subs[i_styles[styles-1]].color2 or line.color3 ~= subs[i_styles[styles-1]].color3 or line.color4 ~= subs[i_styles[styles-1]].color4 end styles = styles + 1 end if is_template_line(line) then line.comment = true template_present = true end if line.class == "dialogue" and not line.comment and line.effect ~= "fx" then if first == nil then first = i end line.text = cleantags(line.text) while hasleadin(line) do if aegisub.progress.is_cancelled() then return end line = removeleadin(line) end line = remove_tag(line, "fad") end subs[i] = line end if not styles_different then for i = 0, styles-1, 1 do line = subs[i_styles[i]] line.color1 = "&H008AFF" line.color2 = "&HFFFFFF" line.color3 = "&H000000" line.color4 = "&H000000" subs[i_styles[i]] = line end end if not template_present then -- add mugen's magic line line = subs[first] line.comment = true line.start_time = 0 line.end_time = 0 line.effect = km_template_effect line.text = km_templayte_text subs.insert(first, line) end end aegisub.register_macro(script_name, script_description, adjust_1sec) aegisub.register_macro(tr"Mugenizer", tr"Mugenize your subs", mugenizer)