// Copyright (c) 2011, Niels Martin Hansen // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of the Aegisub Group nor the names of its contributors // may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software // without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // AEGISUB // // Website: http://www.aegisub.org // Contact: mailto:nielsm@indvikleren.dk // #include "config.h" #ifdef WITH_ALSA /////////// // Headers #include "audio_player_alsa.h" #include "include/aegisub/audio_provider.h" #include #include #include "utils.h" #include "frame_main.h" #include "options.h" #include class PthreadMutexLocker { pthread_mutex_t &mutex; PthreadMutexLocker(const PthreadMutexLocker &); // uncopyable PthreadMutexLocker(); // no default public: explicit PthreadMutexLocker(pthread_mutex_t &mutex) : mutex(mutex) { pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); } ~PthreadMutexLocker() { pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); } int WaitCondition(pthread_cond_t &cond) { return pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &mutex); } int WaitConditionTimeout(pthread_cond_t &cond, int ms) { timespec abstime; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &abstime); abstime.tv_nsec += ms * 1000000; abstime.tv_sec += abstime.tv_nsec / 1000000000; abstime.tv_nsec = abstime.tv_nsec % 1000000000; return pthread_cond_timedwait(&cond, &mutex, &abstime); } }; class ScopedAliveFlag { volatile bool &flag; ScopedAliveFlag(const ScopedAliveFlag &); // uncopyable ScopedAliveFlag(); // no default public: explicit ScopedAliveFlag(volatile bool &var) : flag(var) { flag = true; } ~ScopedAliveFlag() { flag = false; } }; struct PlaybackState { pthread_mutex_t mutex; pthread_cond_t cond; volatile bool playing; volatile bool alive; volatile bool signal_start; volatile bool signal_stop; volatile bool signal_close; volatile bool signal_volume; volatile double volume; volatile int64_t start_position; volatile int64_t end_position; AudioProvider *provider; std::string device_name; int64_t last_position; timespec last_position_time; PlaybackState() { pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, 0); pthread_cond_init(&cond, 0); Reset(); volume = 1.0; } ~PlaybackState() { pthread_cond_destroy(&cond); pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex); } void Reset() { playing = false; alive = false; signal_start = false; signal_stop = false; signal_close = false; signal_volume = false; start_position = 0; end_position = 0; last_position = 0; provider = 0; } }; class AlsaPlayer : public AudioPlayer { private: PlaybackState ps; pthread_t thread; bool IsAlive(); public: AlsaPlayer(); ~AlsaPlayer(); void OpenStream(); void CloseStream(); void Play(int64_t start, int64_t count); void Stop(bool timerToo=true); bool IsPlaying(); int64_t GetStartPosition(); int64_t GetEndPosition(); int64_t GetCurrentPosition(); void SetEndPosition(int64_t pos); void SetCurrentPosition(int64_t pos); void SetVolume(double vol); double GetVolume(); }; void *playback_thread(void *arg) { // This is exception-free territory! // Return a pointer to a static string constant describing the error, or 0 on no error PlaybackState &ps = *(PlaybackState*)arg; PthreadMutexLocker ml(ps.mutex); ScopedAliveFlag alive_flag(ps.alive); snd_pcm_t *pcm = 0; if (snd_pcm_open(&pcm, ps.device_name.c_str(), SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK, 0) != 0) return "snd_pcm_open"; //printf("alsa_player: opened pcm\n"); do_setup: snd_pcm_format_t pcm_format; switch (ps.provider->GetBytesPerSample()) { case 1: //printf("alsa_player: format U8\n"); pcm_format = SND_PCM_FORMAT_U8; break; case 2: //printf("alsa_player: format S16_LE\n"); pcm_format = SND_PCM_FORMAT_S16_LE; break; default: snd_pcm_close(pcm); return "snd_pcm_format_t"; } if (snd_pcm_set_params(pcm, pcm_format, SND_PCM_ACCESS_RW_INTERLEAVED, ps.provider->GetChannels(), ps.provider->GetSampleRate(), 1, // allow resample 100*1000 // 100 milliseconds latency ) != 0) return "snd_pcm_set_params"; //printf("alsa_player: set pcm params\n"); size_t framesize = ps.provider->GetChannels() * ps.provider->GetBytesPerSample(); ps.signal_close = false; while (ps.signal_close == false) { // Wait for condition to trigger if (!ps.signal_start) ml.WaitCondition(ps.cond); //printf("alsa_player: outer loop, condition happened\n"); if (ps.signal_start == false || ps.end_position <= ps.start_position) { continue; } //printf("alsa_player: starting playback\n"); int64_t position = ps.start_position; // Playback position ps.last_position = position; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ps.last_position_time); // Initial buffer-fill snd_pcm_sframes_t avail = std::min(snd_pcm_avail(pcm), (snd_pcm_sframes_t)(ps.end_position-position)); char *buf = new char[avail*framesize]; ps.provider->GetAudioWithVolume(buf, position, avail, ps.volume); snd_pcm_sframes_t written = 0; while (written <= 0) { written = snd_pcm_writei(pcm, buf, avail); if (written == -ESTRPIPE) { snd_pcm_recover(pcm, written, 0); } else if (written <= 0) { delete[] buf; snd_pcm_close(pcm); //printf("alsa_player: error filling buffer\n"); return "snd_pcm_writei"; } } delete[] buf; position += written; // Start playback //printf("alsa_player: initial buffer filled, hitting start\n"); snd_pcm_start(pcm); ps.signal_start = false; ps.signal_stop = false; while (ps.signal_stop == false) { ScopedAliveFlag playing_flag(ps.playing); // Sleep a bit, or until an event ml.WaitConditionTimeout(ps.cond, 50); //printf("alsa_player: playback loop, out of wait\n"); // Check for stop signal if (ps.signal_stop == true) { //printf("alsa_player: playback loop, stop signal\n"); snd_pcm_drop(pcm); break; } // Playback position snd_pcm_sframes_t delay; if (snd_pcm_delay(pcm, &delay) == 0) { ps.last_position = position - delay; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ps.last_position_time); } // Fill buffer avail = std::min(snd_pcm_avail(pcm), (snd_pcm_sframes_t)(ps.end_position-position)); buf = new char[avail*framesize]; ps.provider->GetAudioWithVolume(buf, position, avail, ps.volume); written = 0; while (written <= 0) { written = snd_pcm_writei(pcm, buf, avail); if (written == -ESTRPIPE || written == -EPIPE) { snd_pcm_recover(pcm, written, 0); } else if (written == 0) { break; } else if (written < 0) { delete[] buf; snd_pcm_close(pcm); //printf("alsa_player: error filling buffer, written=%d\n", written); return "snd_pcm_writei"; } } delete[] buf; position += written; //printf("alsa_player: playback loop, filled buffer\n"); // Check for end of playback if (position >= ps.end_position) { //printf("alsa_player: playback loop, past end, draining\n"); snd_pcm_drain(pcm); break; } } ps.signal_stop = false; //printf("alsa_player: out of playback loop\n"); switch (snd_pcm_state(pcm)) { case SND_PCM_STATE_OPEN: // no clue what could have happened here, but start over ps.signal_start = false; ps.signal_stop = false; goto do_setup; case SND_PCM_STATE_SETUP: // we lost the preparedness? snd_pcm_prepare(pcm); break; case SND_PCM_STATE_DISCONNECTED: // lost device, close the handle and return error snd_pcm_close(pcm); return "SND_PCM_STATE_DISCONNECTED"; default: // everything else should either be fine or impossible (here) break; } } ps.signal_close = false; //printf("alsa_player: out of outer loop\n"); snd_pcm_close(pcm); return 0; } AlsaPlayer::AlsaPlayer() { ps.Reset(); thread = 0; } AlsaPlayer::~AlsaPlayer() { CloseStream(); } void AlsaPlayer::OpenStream() { // Don't re-open if it's already alive // Assume this means it isn't about to shut down if (IsAlive()) return; // Catch any errors in case the thread died unexpectedly CloseStream(); ps.Reset(); ps.provider = GetProvider(); wxString device_name = Options.AsText(_T("Audio ALSA Device")); ps.device_name = std::string(device_name.utf8_str()); int err = pthread_create(&thread, 0, &playback_thread, &ps); if (err == EAGAIN) { wxLogError(_T("AlsaPlayer: Failed creating playback thread, too little resources")); } else if (err == EPERM) { wxLogError(_T("AlsaPlayer: Failed creating playback thread, permissions error")); } else if (err != 0) { wxLogError(_T("AlsaPlayer: Failed creating playback thread, unexpected error, report this to the developers")); } } void AlsaPlayer::CloseStream() { // Make the thread go away if it's alive if (IsAlive()) { PthreadMutexLocker ml(ps.mutex); ps.signal_stop = true; ps.signal_close = true; //printf("AlsaPlayer: close stream, stop+close signal\n"); pthread_cond_signal(&ps.cond); } if (thread == 0) return; void *thread_result; int err = pthread_join(thread, &thread_result); thread = 0; if (err == 0 && thread_result != 0) { // Thread errored wxString errstr((const char *)thread_result, wxConvUTF8); if (errstr == _T("snd_pcm_open")) errstr = _T("Could not open the specified PCM device"); else if (errstr == _T("snd_pcm_format_t")) errstr = _T("Unsupported sample format"); else if (errstr == _T("snd_pcm_set_params")) errstr = _T("Could not set stream format"); else if (errstr == _T("snd_pcm_writei")) errstr = _T("Error sending audio data to device"); else if (errstr == _T("SND_PCM_STATE_DISCONNECTED")) errstr = _T("The audio device was removed. Make sure an audio device is available and retry playback."); wxLogError(_T("AlsaPlayer: Error in thread: %s"), errstr.c_str()); } else if (err == 0 && thread_result == 0) { // Successful exit } else if (err == EINVAL || err == ESRCH) { // Thread was already joined to or was never created, ignore this } else { // EDEADLK but the playback thread shouldn't be trying to join us wxLogError(_T("AlsaPlayer: Unexpected thread error, report this to the developers")); } } void AlsaPlayer::Play(int64_t start, int64_t count) { OpenStream(); { PthreadMutexLocker ml(ps.mutex); ps.signal_start = true; ps.signal_stop = true; // make sure to stop any ongoing playback first ps.start_position = start; ps.end_position = start + count; pthread_cond_signal(&ps.cond); } if (displayTimer && !displayTimer->IsRunning()) displayTimer->Start(15); } void AlsaPlayer::Stop(bool timerToo) { if (!IsPlaying()) return; { PthreadMutexLocker ml(ps.mutex); ps.signal_stop = true; //printf("AlsaPlayer: stop stream, stop signal\n"); pthread_cond_signal(&ps.cond); } if (timerToo && displayTimer) { displayTimer->Stop(); } } bool AlsaPlayer::IsAlive() { return ps.alive; } bool AlsaPlayer::IsPlaying() { return ps.playing; // should always be false if ps.alive is false } void AlsaPlayer::SetEndPosition(int64_t pos) { if (!IsPlaying()) return; PthreadMutexLocker ml(ps.mutex); ps.end_position = pos; } void AlsaPlayer::SetCurrentPosition(int64_t pos) { if (!IsPlaying()) return; PthreadMutexLocker ml(ps.mutex); ps.start_position = pos; ps.signal_start = true; ps.signal_stop = true; //printf("AlsaPlayer: set position, stop+start signal\n"); pthread_cond_signal(&ps.cond); } int64_t AlsaPlayer::GetStartPosition() { if (!IsPlaying()) return 0; return ps.start_position; } int64_t AlsaPlayer::GetEndPosition() { if (!IsPlaying()) return 0; return ps.end_position; } int64_t AlsaPlayer::GetCurrentPosition() { if (!IsPlaying()) return 0; int64_t lastpos; timespec lasttime; int64_t samplerate; { // Try to do this without synchronisation // Might give unreliable results but shouldn't be catastrophic //PthreadMutexLocker ml(ps.mutex); lastpos = ps.last_position; lasttime = ps.last_position_time; samplerate = ps.provider->GetSampleRate(); } timespec now; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now); const double NANO = 1000000000; // nano- is 10^-9 double now_sec = now.tv_sec + now.tv_nsec/NANO; double last_sec = lasttime.tv_sec + lasttime.tv_nsec/NANO; double diff_sec = now_sec - last_sec; int64_t pos = lastpos + (int64_t)(diff_sec * samplerate); //printf("AlsaPlayer: current position = %lld\n", pos); return pos; } void AlsaPlayer::SetVolume(double vol) { if (!IsAlive()) return; PthreadMutexLocker ml(ps.mutex); ps.volume = vol; ps.signal_volume = true; pthread_cond_signal(&ps.cond); } double AlsaPlayer::GetVolume() { if (!IsAlive()) return 1.0; PthreadMutexLocker ml(ps.mutex); return ps.volume; } // The factory method AudioPlayer * AlsaPlayerFactory::CreatePlayer() { return new AlsaPlayer(); } #endif // WITH_ALSA