// Copyright (c) 2006, Rodrigo Braz Monteiro // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of the Aegisub Group nor the names of its contributors // may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software // without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Aegisub Project http://www.aegisub.org/ #include "base_grid.h" #include "include/aegisub/context.h" #include "include/aegisub/hotkey.h" #include "include/aegisub/menu.h" #include "ass_dialogue.h" #include "ass_file.h" #include "audio_box.h" #include "compat.h" #include "grid_column.h" #include "options.h" #include "project.h" #include "utils.h" #include "selection_controller.h" #include "subs_controller.h" #include "video_controller.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include enum { GRID_SCROLLBAR = 1730, MENU_SHOW_COL = 1250 // Needs 15 IDs after this }; BaseGrid::BaseGrid(wxWindow* parent, agi::Context *context) : wxWindow(parent, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxWANTS_CHARS | (OPT_GET("App/Dark Mode")->GetBool() ? wxBORDER_SIMPLE : wxSUNKEN_BORDER)) , scrollBar(new wxScrollBar(this, GRID_SCROLLBAR, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxSB_VERTICAL)) , context(context) , columns(GetGridColumns()) , columns_visible(OPT_GET("Subtitle/Grid/Column")->GetListBool()) , seek_listener(context->videoController->AddSeekListener(&BaseGrid::OnSeek, this)) { scrollBar->SetScrollbar(0,10,100,10); auto scrollbarpositioner = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); scrollbarpositioner->AddStretchSpacer(); scrollbarpositioner->Add(scrollBar, 0, wxEXPAND, 0); SetSizerAndFit(scrollbarpositioner); SetBackgroundStyle(wxBG_STYLE_PAINT); for (size_t i : agi::util::range(std::min(columns_visible.size(), columns.size()))) { if (!columns_visible[i]) columns[i]->SetVisible(false); } UpdateStyle(); OnHighlightVisibleChange(*OPT_GET("Subtitle/Grid/Highlight Subtitles in Frame")); connections = agi::signal::make_vector({ context->ass->AddCommitListener(&BaseGrid::OnSubtitlesCommit, this), context->selectionController->AddActiveLineListener(&BaseGrid::OnActiveLineChanged, this), context->selectionController->AddSelectionListener([&]{ Refresh(false); }), OPT_SUB("Subtitle/Grid/Font Face", &BaseGrid::UpdateStyle, this), OPT_SUB("Subtitle/Grid/Font Size", &BaseGrid::UpdateStyle, this), OPT_SUB("Colour/Subtitle Grid/Active Border", &BaseGrid::UpdateStyle, this), OPT_SUB("Colour/Subtitle Grid/Background/Background", &BaseGrid::UpdateStyle, this), OPT_SUB("Colour/Subtitle Grid/Background/Comment", &BaseGrid::UpdateStyle, this), OPT_SUB("Colour/Subtitle Grid/Background/Inframe", &BaseGrid::UpdateStyle, this), OPT_SUB("Colour/Subtitle Grid/Background/Selected Comment", &BaseGrid::UpdateStyle, this), OPT_SUB("Colour/Subtitle Grid/Background/Selection", &BaseGrid::UpdateStyle, this), OPT_SUB("Colour/Subtitle Grid/Collision", &BaseGrid::UpdateStyle, this), OPT_SUB("Colour/Subtitle Grid/Header", &BaseGrid::UpdateStyle, this), OPT_SUB("Colour/Subtitle Grid/Left Column", &BaseGrid::UpdateStyle, this), OPT_SUB("Colour/Subtitle Grid/Lines", &BaseGrid::UpdateStyle, this), OPT_SUB("Colour/Subtitle Grid/Selection", &BaseGrid::UpdateStyle, this), OPT_SUB("Colour/Subtitle Grid/Standard", &BaseGrid::UpdateStyle, this), OPT_SUB("Subtitle/Grid/Highlight Subtitles in Frame", &BaseGrid::OnHighlightVisibleChange, this), OPT_SUB("Subtitle/Grid/Hide Overrides", [&](agi::OptionValue const&) { Refresh(false); }), }); Bind(wxEVT_CONTEXT_MENU, &BaseGrid::OnContextMenu, this); } BaseGrid::~BaseGrid() { } BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(BaseGrid,wxWindow) EVT_PAINT(BaseGrid::OnPaint) EVT_SIZE(BaseGrid::OnSize) EVT_COMMAND_SCROLL(GRID_SCROLLBAR,BaseGrid::OnScroll) EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS(BaseGrid::OnMouseEvent) EVT_KEY_DOWN(BaseGrid::OnKeyDown) EVT_CHAR_HOOK(BaseGrid::OnCharHook) EVT_MENU_RANGE(MENU_SHOW_COL,MENU_SHOW_COL+15,BaseGrid::OnShowColMenu) END_EVENT_TABLE() void BaseGrid::OnSubtitlesCommit(int type) { if (type == AssFile::COMMIT_NEW || type & AssFile::COMMIT_ORDER || type & AssFile::COMMIT_DIAG_ADDREM) UpdateMaps(); if (type & AssFile::COMMIT_DIAG_META) { SetColumnWidths(); Refresh(false); return; } if (type & AssFile::COMMIT_DIAG_TIME) Refresh(false); else if (type & AssFile::COMMIT_DIAG_TEXT) { for (auto const& rect : text_refresh_rects) RefreshRect(rect, false); } } void BaseGrid::OnShowColMenu(wxCommandEvent &event) { int item = event.GetId() - MENU_SHOW_COL; bool new_value = !columns_visible[item]; columns_visible.resize(columns.size(), true); columns_visible[item] = new_value; OPT_SET("Subtitle/Grid/Column")->SetListBool(columns_visible); columns[item]->SetVisible(new_value); SetColumnWidths(); Refresh(false); } void BaseGrid::OnHighlightVisibleChange(agi::OptionValue const& opt) { if (opt.GetBool()) seek_listener.Unblock(); else seek_listener.Block(); } void BaseGrid::UpdateStyle() { wxString fontname = FontFace("Subtitle/Grid"); if (fontname.empty()) fontname = "Tahoma"; font.SetFaceName(fontname); font.SetPointSize(OPT_GET("Subtitle/Grid/Font Size")->GetInt()); font.SetWeight(wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL); wxClientDC dc(this); dc.SetFont(font); // Set line height lineHeight = dc.GetCharHeight() + 4; // Set row brushes row_colors.Default.SetColour(to_wx(OPT_GET("Colour/Subtitle Grid/Background/Background")->GetColor())); row_colors.Header.SetColour(to_wx(OPT_GET("Colour/Subtitle Grid/Header")->GetColor())); row_colors.Selection.SetColour(to_wx(OPT_GET("Colour/Subtitle Grid/Background/Selection")->GetColor())); row_colors.Comment.SetColour(to_wx(OPT_GET("Colour/Subtitle Grid/Background/Comment")->GetColor())); row_colors.Visible.SetColour(to_wx(OPT_GET("Colour/Subtitle Grid/Background/Inframe")->GetColor())); row_colors.SelectedComment.SetColour(to_wx(OPT_GET("Colour/Subtitle Grid/Background/Selected Comment")->GetColor())); row_colors.LeftCol.SetColour(to_wx(OPT_GET("Colour/Subtitle Grid/Left Column")->GetColor())); SetColumnWidths(); AdjustScrollbar(); Refresh(false); } void BaseGrid::UpdateMaps() { index_line_map.clear(); for (auto& curdiag : context->ass->Events) index_line_map.push_back(&curdiag); SetColumnWidths(); AdjustScrollbar(); Refresh(false); } void BaseGrid::OnActiveLineChanged(AssDialogue *new_active) { if (new_active) { if (new_active->Row != active_row) MakeRowVisible(new_active->Row); extendRow = active_row = new_active->Row; Refresh(false); } else active_row = -1; } void BaseGrid::MakeRowVisible(int row) { int h = GetClientSize().GetHeight(); if (row < yPos + 1) ScrollTo(row - 1); else if (row > yPos + h/lineHeight - 3) ScrollTo(row - h/lineHeight + 3); } void BaseGrid::SelectRow(int row, bool addToSelected, bool select) { if (row < 0 || (size_t)row >= index_line_map.size()) return; AssDialogue *line = index_line_map[row]; if (!addToSelected) { context->selectionController->SetSelectedSet(Selection{line}); return; } bool selected = !!context->selectionController->GetSelectedSet().count(line); if (select != selected) { auto selection = context->selectionController->GetSelectedSet(); if (select) selection.insert(line); else selection.erase(line); context->selectionController->SetSelectedSet(std::move(selection)); } } void BaseGrid::OnSeek() { int lines = GetClientSize().GetHeight() / lineHeight + 1; lines = mid(0, lines, GetRows() - yPos); auto it = begin(visible_rows); for (int i : boost::irange(yPos, yPos + lines)) { if (IsDisplayed(index_line_map[i])) { if (it == end(visible_rows) || *it != i) { Refresh(false); return; } ++it; } } if (it != end(visible_rows)) Refresh(false); } void BaseGrid::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent &) { // Find which columns need to be repainted std::vector paint_columns; paint_columns.resize(columns.size(), false); bool any = false; for (wxRegionIterator region(GetUpdateRegion()); region; ++region) { wxRect updrect = region.GetRect(); int x = 0; for (size_t i : agi::util::range(columns.size())) { int width = columns[i]->Width(); if (width && updrect.x < x + width && updrect.x + updrect.width > x) { paint_columns[i] = true; any = true; } x += width; } } if (!any) return; int w = 0; int h = 0; GetClientSize(&w,&h); w -= scrollBar->GetSize().GetWidth(); wxAutoBufferedPaintDC dc(this); dc.SetFont(font); dc.SetBackground(row_colors.Default); dc.Clear(); // Draw labels dc.SetPen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); dc.SetBrush(row_colors.LeftCol); dc.DrawRectangle(0, lineHeight, columns[0]->Width(), h-lineHeight); // Row colors wxColour text_standard(to_wx(OPT_GET("Colour/Subtitle Grid/Standard")->GetColor())); wxColour text_selection(to_wx(OPT_GET("Colour/Subtitle Grid/Selection")->GetColor())); wxColour text_collision(to_wx(OPT_GET("Colour/Subtitle Grid/Collision")->GetColor())); // First grid row wxPen grid_pen(to_wx(OPT_GET("Colour/Subtitle Grid/Lines")->GetColor())); dc.SetPen(grid_pen); dc.DrawLine(0, 0, w, 0); dc.SetPen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); auto paint_text = [&](wxString const& str, int x, int y, int col) { int left = x + 4; if (columns[col]->Centered()) { wxSize ext = dc.GetTextExtent(str); left += (columns[col]->Width() - 6 - ext.GetWidth()) / 2; } dc.DrawText(str, left, y + 2); }; // Paint header { dc.SetTextForeground(text_standard); dc.SetBrush(row_colors.Header); dc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, w, lineHeight); int x = 0; for (size_t i : agi::util::range(columns.size())) { if (paint_columns[i]) paint_text(columns[i]->Header(), x, 0, i); x += columns[i]->Width(); } dc.SetPen(grid_pen); dc.DrawLine(0, lineHeight, w, lineHeight); } // Paint the rows const int drawPerScreen = h/lineHeight + 1; const int nDraw = mid(0, drawPerScreen, GetRows() - yPos); const int grid_x = columns[0]->Width(); const auto active_line = context->selectionController->GetActiveLine(); auto const& selection = context->selectionController->GetSelectedSet(); visible_rows.clear(); for (int i : agi::util::range(nDraw)) { wxBrush color = row_colors.Default; AssDialogue *curDiag = index_line_map[i + yPos]; bool inSel = !!selection.count(curDiag); if (inSel && curDiag->Comment) color = row_colors.SelectedComment; else if (inSel) color = row_colors.Selection; else if (curDiag->Comment) color = row_colors.Comment; if (OPT_GET("Subtitle/Grid/Highlight Subtitles in Frame")->GetBool() && IsDisplayed(curDiag)) { if (color == row_colors.Default) color = row_colors.Visible; visible_rows.push_back(i + yPos); } dc.SetBrush(color); // Draw row background color if (color != row_colors.Default) { dc.SetPen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); dc.DrawRectangle(grid_x, (i + 1) * lineHeight + 1, w, lineHeight); } if (active_line != curDiag && curDiag->CollidesWith(active_line)) dc.SetTextForeground(text_collision); else if (inSel) dc.SetTextForeground(text_selection); else dc.SetTextForeground(text_standard); // Draw text int x = 0; int y = (i + 1) * lineHeight; for (size_t j : agi::util::range(columns.size())) { if (paint_columns[j]) columns[j]->Paint(dc, x, y, curDiag, context); x += columns[j]->Width(); } // Draw grid dc.SetPen(grid_pen); dc.DrawLine(0, y + lineHeight, w , y + lineHeight); dc.SetPen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); } // Draw grid columns { int maxH = (nDraw + 1) * lineHeight; int x = 0; dc.SetPen(grid_pen); for (auto const& column : columns) { x += column->Width(); if (x < w) dc.DrawLine(x, 0, x, maxH); } dc.DrawLine(0, 0, 0, maxH); dc.DrawLine(w, 0, w, maxH); } if (active_line && active_line->Row >= yPos && active_line->Row < yPos + nDraw) { dc.SetPen(wxPen(to_wx(OPT_GET("Colour/Subtitle Grid/Active Border")->GetColor()))); dc.SetBrush(*wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH); dc.DrawRectangle(0, (active_line->Row - yPos + 1) * lineHeight, w, lineHeight + 1); } } void BaseGrid::OnSize(wxSizeEvent &) { AdjustScrollbar(); Refresh(false); } void BaseGrid::OnScroll(wxScrollEvent &event) { int newPos = event.GetPosition(); if (yPos != newPos) { context->ass->Properties.scroll_position = yPos = newPos; Refresh(false); } } void BaseGrid::OnMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent &event) { int h = GetClientSize().GetHeight(); bool shift = event.ShiftDown(); bool alt = event.AltDown(); bool ctrl = event.CmdDown(); // Row that mouse is over bool click = event.LeftDown(); bool dclick = event.LeftDClick(); int row = event.GetY() / lineHeight + yPos - 1; if (holding && !click) row = mid(0, row, GetRows()-1); AssDialogue *dlg = GetDialogue(row); if (!dlg) row = 0; if (event.ButtonDown() && OPT_GET("Subtitle/Grid/Focus Allow")->GetBool()) SetFocus(); if (holding) { if (!event.LeftIsDown()) { if (dlg) MakeRowVisible(row); holding = false; ReleaseMouse(); } else { // Only scroll if the mouse has moved to a different row to avoid // scrolling on sloppy clicks if (row != extendRow) { if (row <= yPos) ScrollTo(yPos - 3); // When dragging down we give a 3 row margin to make it easier // to see what's going on, but we don't want to scroll down if // the user clicks on the bottom row and drags up else if (row > yPos + h / lineHeight - (row > extendRow ? 3 : 1)) ScrollTo(yPos + 3); } } } else if (click && dlg) { holding = true; CaptureMouse(); } if ((click || holding || dclick) && dlg) { int old_extend = extendRow; // SetActiveLine will scroll the grid if the row is only half-visible, // but we don't want to scroll until the mouse moves or the button is // released, to avoid selecting multiple lines on a click int old_y_pos = yPos; context->selectionController->SetActiveLine(dlg); ScrollTo(old_y_pos); extendRow = row; auto const& selection = context->selectionController->GetSelectedSet(); // Toggle selected if (click && ctrl && !shift && !alt) { bool isSel = !!selection.count(dlg); if (isSel && selection.size() == 1) return; SelectRow(row, true, !isSel); return; } // Normal click if ((click || dclick) && !shift && !ctrl && !alt) { if (dclick) { context->audioBox->ScrollToActiveLine(); context->videoController->JumpToTime(dlg->Start); } SelectRow(row, false); return; } // Change active line only if (click && !shift && !ctrl && alt) return; // Block select if ((click && shift && !alt) || holding) { extendRow = old_extend; int i1 = row; int i2 = extendRow; if (i1 > i2) std::swap(i1, i2); // Toggle each Selection newsel; if (ctrl) newsel = selection; for (int i = i1; i <= i2; i++) newsel.insert(GetDialogue(i)); context->selectionController->SetSelectedSet(std::move(newsel)); return; } return; } // Mouse wheel if (event.GetWheelRotation() != 0) { if (ForwardMouseWheelEvent(this, event)) { int step = shift ? h / lineHeight - 2 : 3; ScrollTo(yPos - step * event.GetWheelRotation() / event.GetWheelDelta()); } return; } event.Skip(); } void BaseGrid::OnContextMenu(wxContextMenuEvent &evt) { wxPoint pos = evt.GetPosition(); if (pos == wxDefaultPosition || ScreenToClient(pos).y > lineHeight) { if (!context_menu) context_menu = menu::GetMenu("grid_context", context); menu::OpenPopupMenu(context_menu.get(), this); } else { wxMenu menu; for (size_t i : agi::util::range(columns.size())) { if (columns[i]->CanHide()) menu.Append(MENU_SHOW_COL + i, columns[i]->Description(), "", wxITEM_CHECK)->Check(columns[i]->Visible()); } PopupMenu(&menu); } } void BaseGrid::ScrollTo(int y) { int nextY = mid(0, y, GetRows() - 1); if (yPos != nextY) { context->ass->Properties.scroll_position = yPos = nextY; scrollBar->SetThumbPosition(yPos); Refresh(false); } } void BaseGrid::AdjustScrollbar() { wxSize clientSize = GetClientSize(); wxSize scrollbarSize = scrollBar->GetSize(); scrollBar->Freeze(); scrollBar->SetSize(clientSize.GetWidth() - scrollbarSize.GetWidth(), 0, scrollbarSize.GetWidth(), clientSize.GetHeight()); if (GetRows() <= 1) { yPos = 0; scrollBar->Enable(false); scrollBar->Thaw(); return; } if (!scrollBar->IsEnabled()) scrollBar->Enable(true); int drawPerScreen = clientSize.GetHeight() / lineHeight; int rows = GetRows(); context->ass->Properties.scroll_position = yPos = mid(0, yPos, rows - 1); scrollBar->SetScrollbar(yPos, drawPerScreen, rows + drawPerScreen - 1, drawPerScreen - 2, true); scrollBar->Thaw(); } void BaseGrid::SetColumnWidths() { int w, h; GetClientSize(&w, &h); // DC for text extents test wxClientDC dc(this); dc.SetFont(font); text_refresh_rects.clear(); int x = 0; if (!width_helper) width_helper = agi::make_unique(); width_helper->SetDC(&dc); for (auto const& column : columns) { column->UpdateWidth(context, *width_helper); if (column->Width() && column->RefreshOnTextChange()) text_refresh_rects.emplace_back(x, 0, column->Width(), h); x += column->Width(); } width_helper->Age(); } AssDialogue *BaseGrid::GetDialogue(int n) const { if (static_cast(n) >= index_line_map.size()) return nullptr; return index_line_map[n]; } bool BaseGrid::IsDisplayed(const AssDialogue *line) const { if (!context->project->VideoProvider()) return false; int frame = context->videoController->GetFrameN(); return context->project->Timecodes().FrameAtTime(line->Start, agi::vfr::START) <= frame && context->project->Timecodes().FrameAtTime(line->End, agi::vfr::END) >= frame; } void BaseGrid::OnCharHook(wxKeyEvent &event) { if (hotkey::check("Subtitle Grid", context, event)) return; int key = event.GetKeyCode(); if (key == WXK_UP || key == WXK_DOWN || key == WXK_PAGEUP || key == WXK_PAGEDOWN || key == WXK_HOME || key == WXK_END) { event.Skip(); return; } hotkey::check("Audio", context, event); } void BaseGrid::OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent &event) { int w,h; GetClientSize(&w, &h); int key = event.GetKeyCode(); bool ctrl = event.CmdDown(); bool alt = event.AltDown(); bool shift = event.ShiftDown(); int dir = 0; int step = 1; if (key == WXK_UP) dir = -1; else if (key == WXK_DOWN) dir = 1; else if (key == WXK_PAGEUP) { dir = -1; step = h / lineHeight - 2; } else if (key == WXK_PAGEDOWN) { dir = 1; step = h / lineHeight - 2; } else if (key == WXK_HOME) { dir = -1; step = GetRows(); } else if (key == WXK_END) { dir = 1; step = GetRows(); } if (!dir) { event.Skip(); return; } auto active_line = context->selectionController->GetActiveLine(); int old_extend = extendRow; int next = mid(0, (active_line ? active_line->Row : 0) + dir * step, GetRows() - 1); context->selectionController->SetActiveLine(GetDialogue(next)); // Move selection if (!ctrl && !shift && !alt) { SelectRow(next); return; } // Move active only if (alt && !shift && !ctrl) return; // Shift-selection if (shift && !ctrl && !alt) { extendRow = old_extend; // Set range int begin = next; int end = extendRow; if (end < begin) std::swap(begin, end); // Select range Selection newsel; for (int i = begin; i <= end; i++) newsel.insert(GetDialogue(i)); context->selectionController->SetSelectedSet(std::move(newsel)); MakeRowVisible(next); return; } } void BaseGrid::SetByFrame(bool state) { if (byFrame == state) return; byFrame = state; for (auto& column : columns) column->SetByFrame(byFrame); SetColumnWidths(); Refresh(false); }