// Copyright (c) 2011, Thomas Goyne // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES // WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR // ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES // WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF // OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. /// @file menu.cpp /// @brief Dynamic menu and toolbar generator. /// @ingroup menu #include "config.h" #include "include/aegisub/menu.h" #include "include/aegisub/context.h" #include "include/aegisub/hotkey.h" #include "auto4_base.h" #include "command/command.h" #include "compat.h" #include "libresrc/libresrc.h" #include "main.h" #include "options.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { /// Window ID of first menu item static const int MENU_ID_BASE = 10000; class MruMenu final : public wxMenu { std::string type; std::vector items; std::vector *cmds; void Resize(size_t new_size) { for (size_t i = GetMenuItemCount(); i > new_size; --i) { Remove(FindItemByPosition(i - 1)); } for (size_t i = GetMenuItemCount(); i < new_size; ++i) { if (i >= items.size()) { items.push_back(new wxMenuItem(this, MENU_ID_BASE + cmds->size(), "_")); cmds->push_back(from_wx(wxString::Format("recent/%s/%d", to_wx(type).Lower(), (int)i))); } Append(items[i]); } } public: MruMenu(std::string type, std::vector *cmds) : type(std::move(type)) , cmds(cmds) { } ~MruMenu() { // Append all items to ensure that they're all cleaned up Resize(items.size()); } void Update() { const auto mru = config::mru->Get(type); Resize(mru->size()); if (mru->empty()) { Resize(1); items[0]->Enable(false); items[0]->SetItemLabel(_("Empty")); return; } int i = 0; for (auto it = mru->begin(); it != mru->end(); ++it, ++i) { wxString name = it->wstring(); if (!name.StartsWith("?")) name = it->filename().wstring(); items[i]->SetItemLabel(wxString::Format("%s%d %s", i <= 9 ? "&" : "", i + 1, name)); items[i]->Enable(true); } } }; /// @class CommandManager /// @brief Event dispatcher to update menus on open and handle click events /// /// Some of what the class does could be dumped off on wx, but wxEVT_MENU_OPEN /// is super buggy (GetMenu() often returns nullptr and it outright doesn't trigger /// on submenus in many cases, and registering large numbers of wxEVT_UPDATE_UI /// handlers makes everything involves events unusably slow. class CommandManager { /// Menu items which need to do something on menu open std::deque> dynamic_items; /// Menu items which need to be updated only when hotkeys change std::deque> static_items; /// window id -> command map std::vector items; /// MRU menus which need to be updated on menu open std::deque mru; /// Project context agi::Context *context; /// Connection for hotkey change signal agi::signal::Connection hotkeys_changed; /// Update a single dynamic menu item void UpdateItem(std::pair const& item) { cmd::Command *c = cmd::get(item.first); int flags = c->Type(); if (flags & cmd::COMMAND_VALIDATE) { item.second->Enable(c->Validate(context)); flags = c->Type(); } if (flags & cmd::COMMAND_DYNAMIC_NAME) UpdateItemName(item); if (flags & cmd::COMMAND_DYNAMIC_HELP) item.second->SetHelp(c->StrHelp()); if (flags & cmd::COMMAND_RADIO || flags & cmd::COMMAND_TOGGLE) { bool check = c->IsActive(context); // Don't call Check(false) on radio items as this causes wxGtk to // send a menu clicked event, and it should be a no-op anyway if (check || flags & cmd::COMMAND_TOGGLE) item.second->Check(check); } } void UpdateItemName(std::pair const& item) { cmd::Command *c = cmd::get(item.first); wxString text; if (c->Type() & cmd::COMMAND_DYNAMIC_NAME) text = c->StrMenu(context); else text = item.second->GetItemLabel().BeforeFirst('\t'); item.second->SetItemLabel(text + to_wx("\t" + hotkey::get_hotkey_str_first("Default", c->name()))); } public: CommandManager(agi::Context *context) : context(context) , hotkeys_changed(hotkey::inst->AddHotkeyChangeListener(&CommandManager::OnHotkeysChanged, this)) { } /// Append a command to a menu and register the needed handlers int AddCommand(cmd::Command *co, wxMenu *parent, std::string const& text) { int flags = co->Type(); wxItemKind kind = flags & cmd::COMMAND_RADIO ? wxITEM_RADIO : flags & cmd::COMMAND_TOGGLE ? wxITEM_CHECK : wxITEM_NORMAL; wxString menu_text = text.empty() ? co->StrMenu(context) : _(to_wx(text)); menu_text += to_wx("\t" + hotkey::get_hotkey_str_first("Default", co->name())); wxMenuItem *item = new wxMenuItem(parent, MENU_ID_BASE + items.size(), menu_text, co->StrHelp(), kind); #ifndef __WXMAC__ /// @todo Maybe make this a configuration option instead? if (kind == wxITEM_NORMAL) item->SetBitmap(co->Icon(16)); #endif parent->Append(item); items.push_back(co->name()); if (flags != cmd::COMMAND_NORMAL) dynamic_items.push_back(std::make_pair(co->name(), item)); else static_items.push_back(std::make_pair(co->name(), item)); return item->GetId(); } /// Unregister a dynamic menu item void Remove(wxMenuItem *item) { auto pred = [=](std::pair const& o) { return o.second == item; }; auto it = find_if(dynamic_items.begin(), dynamic_items.end(), pred); if (it != dynamic_items.end()) dynamic_items.erase(it); it = find_if(static_items.begin(), static_items.end(), pred); if (it != static_items.end()) static_items.erase(it); } /// Create a MRU menu and register the needed handlers /// @param name MRU type /// @param parent Menu to append the new MRU menu to void AddRecent(std::string const& name, wxMenu *parent) { mru.push_back(new MruMenu(name, &items)); parent->AppendSubMenu(mru.back(), _("&Recent")); } void OnMenuOpen(wxMenuEvent &) { for (auto const& item : dynamic_items) UpdateItem(item); for (auto item : mru) item->Update(); } void OnMenuClick(wxCommandEvent &evt) { // This also gets clicks on unrelated things such as the toolbar, so // the window ID ranges really need to be unique size_t id = static_cast(evt.GetId() - MENU_ID_BASE); if (id < items.size()) cmd::call(items[id], context); #ifdef __WXMAC__ else { switch (evt.GetId()) { case wxID_ABOUT: cmd::call("app/about", context); break; case wxID_PREFERENCES: cmd::call("app/options", context); break; case wxID_EXIT: cmd::call("app/exit", context); break; default: break; } } #endif } /// Update the hotkeys for all menu items void OnHotkeysChanged() { for (auto const& item : dynamic_items) UpdateItemName(item); for (auto const& item : static_items) UpdateItemName(item); } }; /// Wrapper for wxMenu to add a command manager struct CommandMenu final : public wxMenu { CommandManager cm; CommandMenu(agi::Context *c) : cm(c) { } }; /// Wrapper for wxMenuBar to add a command manager struct CommandMenuBar final : public wxMenuBar { CommandManager cm; CommandMenuBar(agi::Context *c) : cm(c) { } }; /// Read a string from a json object /// @param obj Object to read from /// @param name Index to read from /// @param[out] value Output value to write to /// @return Was the requested index found bool read_entry(json::Object const& obj, const char *name, std::string *value) { auto it = obj.find(name); if (it == obj.end()) return false; *value = static_cast(it->second); return true; } /// Get the root object of the menu configuration json::Object const& get_menus_root() { static json::Object root; if (!root.empty()) return root; try { root = agi::json_util::file(config::path->Decode("?user/menu.json"), GET_DEFAULT_CONFIG(default_menu)); return root; } catch (json::Reader::ParseException const& e) { LOG_E("menu/parse") << "json::ParseException: " << e.what() << ", Line/offset: " << e.m_locTokenBegin.m_nLine + 1 << '/' << e.m_locTokenBegin.m_nLineOffset + 1; throw; } catch (std::exception const& e) { LOG_E("menu/parse") << e.what(); throw; } } /// Get the menu with the specified name /// @param name Name of menu to get /// @return Array of menu items json::Array const& get_menu(std::string const& name) { auto const& root = get_menus_root(); auto it = root.find(name); if (it == root.end()) throw menu::UnknownMenu("Menu named " + name + " not found"); return it->second; } wxMenu *build_menu(std::string const& name, agi::Context *c, CommandManager *cm, wxMenu *menu = nullptr); /// Recursively process a single entry in the menu json /// @param parent Menu to add the item(s) from this entry to /// @param c Project context to bind the menu to /// @param ele json object to process /// @param cm Command manager for this menu void process_menu_item(wxMenu *parent, agi::Context *c, json::Object const& ele, CommandManager *cm) { if (ele.empty()) { parent->AppendSeparator(); return; } std::string submenu, recent, command, text, special; read_entry(ele, "special", &special); if (read_entry(ele, "submenu", &submenu) && read_entry(ele, "text", &text)) { wxString tl_text = _(to_wx(text)); parent->AppendSubMenu(build_menu(submenu, c, cm), tl_text); #ifdef __WXMAC__ if (special == "help") wxApp::s_macHelpMenuTitleName = tl_text; #endif return; } if (read_entry(ele, "recent", &recent)) { cm->AddRecent(recent, parent); return; } if (!read_entry(ele, "command", &command)) return; read_entry(ele, "text", &text); try { int id = cm->AddCommand(cmd::get(command), parent, text); #ifdef __WXMAC__ if (!special.empty()) { if (special == "about") wxApp::s_macAboutMenuItemId = id; else if (special == "exit") wxApp::s_macExitMenuItemId = id; else if (special == "options") wxApp::s_macPreferencesMenuItemId = id; } #else (void)id; #endif } catch (agi::Exception const& e) { #ifdef _DEBUG parent->Append(-1, to_wx(e.GetMessage()))->Enable(false); #endif LOG_W("menu/command/not_found") << "Skipping command " << command << ": " << e.GetMessage(); } } /// Build the menu with the given name /// @param name Name of the menu /// @param c Project context to bind the menu to wxMenu *build_menu(std::string const& name, agi::Context *c, CommandManager *cm, wxMenu *menu) { if (!menu) menu = new wxMenu; for (auto const& item : get_menu(name)) process_menu_item(menu, c, item, cm); return menu; } class AutomationMenu final : public wxMenu { agi::Context *c; CommandManager *cm; agi::signal::Connection global_slot; agi::signal::Connection local_slot; void Regenerate() { wxMenuItemList &items = GetMenuItems(); for (size_t i = items.size() - 1; i >= 2; --i) { cm->Remove(items[i]); Delete(items[i]); } std::vector macros = wxGetApp().global_scripts->GetMacros(); std::vector local_macros = c->local_scripts->GetMacros(); copy(local_macros.begin(), local_macros.end(), back_inserter(macros)); if (macros.empty()) Append(-1, _("No Automation macros loaded"))->Enable(false); else { for (auto const& macro : macros) cm->AddCommand(macro, this, ""); } } public: AutomationMenu(agi::Context *c, CommandManager *cm) : c(c) , cm(cm) , global_slot(wxGetApp().global_scripts->AddScriptChangeListener(&AutomationMenu::Regenerate, this)) , local_slot(c->local_scripts->AddScriptChangeListener(&AutomationMenu::Regenerate, this)) { cm->AddCommand(cmd::get("am/meta"), this, ""); AppendSeparator(); Regenerate(); } }; } namespace menu { void GetMenuBar(std::string const& name, wxFrame *window, agi::Context *c) { auto menu = agi::util::make_unique(c); for (auto const& item : get_menu(name)) { std::string submenu, disp; read_entry(item, "submenu", &submenu); read_entry(item, "text", &disp); if (!submenu.empty()) { menu->Append(build_menu(submenu, c, &menu->cm), _(to_wx(disp))); } else { read_entry(item, "special", &submenu); if (submenu == "automation") menu->Append(new AutomationMenu(c, &menu->cm), _(to_wx(disp))); } } window->Bind(wxEVT_MENU_OPEN, &CommandManager::OnMenuOpen, &menu->cm); window->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, &CommandManager::OnMenuClick, &menu->cm); window->SetMenuBar(menu.get()); menu.release(); } std::unique_ptr GetMenu(std::string const& name, agi::Context *c) { auto menu = agi::util::make_unique(c); build_menu(name, c, &menu->cm, menu.get()); menu->Bind(wxEVT_MENU_OPEN, &CommandManager::OnMenuOpen, &menu->cm); menu->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, &CommandManager::OnMenuClick, &menu->cm); return std::unique_ptr(menu.release()); } void OpenPopupMenu(wxMenu *menu, wxWindow *parent_window) { wxMenuEvent evt; evt.SetEventType(wxEVT_MENU_OPEN); menu->ProcessEvent(evt); parent_window->PopupMenu(menu); } }