Automation 4 Progress Reporting and Debugging interface This document describes the functions used for reporting progress and outputting debug information during the running of a script. --- Showing/hiding the progress dialog This function is used to show or hide the progress dialog. function, can_cancel) @do_show (boolean) True if the dialog should be shown, false if it should be hidden. @can_cancel (boolean) Determines whether the Cancel button is shown. If you set this to true, you should remember to periodically test whether the script has been cancelled. Returns: nothing. --- Setting the progress bar position function aegisub.progress.set(precent) @percent (number) The percentage completed. Returns: nothing. --- Showing the current task Used to set a message describing the current task being done. function aegisub.progress.task(msg, ...) @msg (string) A format string used for the message. @... Parameters to the format string. Returns: nothing. --- Setting the progress dialog title function aegisub.progress.title(title, ...) @title (string) A format string used for the title. @... Parameters to the format string. Returns: nothing. --- Getting the "cancelled" status Call this function to determine whether the Cancel button in the progress dialog has been clicked. function aegisub.progress.is_cancelled() Returns: Boolean. True is the user has clicked the Cancel button, false if it has not been clicked, nil if there is no Cancel button. --- Outputting text to the debug log function aegisub.debug.out(level, msg, ...) @level (number) Integer describing the verbosity of this message. Here are some suggested values you can use: 0: Fatal, this is really an error that can't be ignored. 1: Error, this kind of error can be recovered from, but might result in a fatal error later on. 2: Warning, something might be going wrong. 3: Hint, something isn't entirely sane, but nothing wrong. 4: Debug, some additional data only needed for development. 5: Trace, extremely verbose data showing every tiny step during execution. @msg (string) A format string used for the message. @... Parameters for the format string. Returns: nothing. ---