/* * Copyright (c) 2007, ai-chan * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the ASSDraw3 Team nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY AI-CHAN ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AI-CHAN BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: engine.cpp // Purpose: ASSDraw drawing engine // Author: ai-chan // Created: 08/26/06 // Copyright: (c) ai-chan // Licence: 3-clause BSD /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "engine.hpp" // the header #include "cmd.hpp" // we need the drawing command classes declaration #include // we use string tokenizer #include // ok, we use vector too #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Point // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constructor Point::Point ( int _x, int _y, PointSystem* ps, POINTTYPE t, DrawCmd* cmd, unsigned n ) { x_ = _x; y_ = _y; pointsys = ps; cmd_main = cmd; cmd_next = NULL; type = t; isselected = false; num = n; } // setters void Point::setXY( int _x, int _y) { x_ = _x; y_ = _y; } // simply returns true if px and py are the coordinate values bool Point::IsAt( int px, int py ) { return (x_ == px && y_ == py ); } // convert this point to wxPoint using scale and originx, originy wxPoint Point::ToWxPoint ( bool useorigin ) { if (useorigin) return pointsys->ToWxPoint( x_, y_ ); else return *(new wxPoint(x_ * (int) pointsys->scale, y_ * (int) pointsys->scale )); } // check if wxpoint is nearby this point bool Point::CheckWxPoint ( wxPoint wxpoint ) { wxPoint p = ToWxPoint(); int cx, cy; pointsys->FromWxPoint( wxpoint, cx, cy ); //delete &p; return (x_ == cx && y_ == cy ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DrawCmd // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constructor DrawCmd::DrawCmd ( int x, int y, PointSystem *ps, DrawCmd *pv ) { m_point = new Point ( x, y, ps, MP, this ); m_point->cmd_main = this; prev = pv; dobreak = false; invisible = false; } // destructor DrawCmd::~DrawCmd ( ) { if (m_point) delete m_point; for (PointList::iterator iter_cpoint = controlpoints.begin(); iter_cpoint != controlpoints.end(); iter_cpoint++) delete (*iter_cpoint); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ASSDrawEngine // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(ASSDrawEngine, GUI::AGGWindow) EVT_PAINT (ASSDrawEngine::OnPaint) END_EVENT_TABLE() // constructor ASSDrawEngine::ASSDrawEngine( wxWindow *parent, int extraflags ) : GUI::AGGWindow(parent, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxNO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE | extraflags ) { pointsys = new PointSystem(1, 0, 0) ; refresh_called = false; fitviewpoint_hmargin = 10; fitviewpoint_vmargin = 10; setfitviewpoint = false; rgba_shape = agg::rgba(0,0,1); color_bg = PixelFormat::AGGType::color_type(255, 255, 255); drawcmdset = wxT("m n l b s p c _"); //the spaces and underscore are in there for a reason, guess? ResetEngine(); } ASSDrawEngine::~ASSDrawEngine() { ResetEngine ( false ); delete pointsys; } // parse ASS draw commands; returns the number of parsed commands int ASSDrawEngine::ParseASS ( wxString str ) { ResetEngine( false ); str.Replace(_T("\t"), _T("")); str.Replace(_T("\r"), _T("")); str.Replace(_T("\n"), _T("")); str = str.Lower() + wxT(" _ _"); // we don't use regex because the pattern is too simple wxStringTokenizer tkz( str, wxT(" ") ); wxString currcmd(wxT("")); std::vector val; wxString token; long tmp_int; bool n_collected = false; DrawCmd_S *s_command = NULL; wxPoint tmp_n_pnt; while ( tkz.HasMoreTokens() ) { token = tkz.GetNextToken(); if ( drawcmdset.Find(token) > -1 ) { bool done; do { done = true; // N if (currcmd.IsSameAs(wxT("n")) && val.size() >= 2) { tmp_n_pnt.x = val[0], tmp_n_pnt.y = val[1]; n_collected = true; } else if(n_collected) { AppendCmd ( L, tmp_n_pnt.x, tmp_n_pnt.y ); n_collected = false; } if (s_command != NULL) { bool ends = true; if (currcmd.IsSameAs(wxT("p"))&& val.size() >= 2) { s_command->m_point->type = CP; s_command->m_point->num = s_command->controlpoints.size() + 1; s_command->controlpoints.push_back(s_command->m_point); s_command->m_point = new Point(val[0], val[1], pointsys, MP, s_command); ends = false; } else if (currcmd.IsSameAs(wxT("c"))) s_command->closed = true; if (ends) { AppendCmd(s_command); s_command = NULL; } } // M if (currcmd.IsSameAs(wxT("m")) && val.size() >= 2) AppendCmd ( M, val[0], val[1] ); // L if (currcmd.IsSameAs(wxT("l")) && val.size() >= 2) { AppendCmd ( L, val[0], val[1] ); val.erase(val.begin(), val.begin()+2); // L is greedy if (val.size() >= 2) done = false; } // B if (currcmd.IsSameAs(wxT("b")) && val.size() >= 6) { AppendCmd ( new DrawCmd_B(val[4], val[5], val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3], pointsys, LastCmd()) ); val.erase(val.begin(), val.begin()+6); // so is B if (val.size() >= 6) done = false; } // S if (currcmd.IsSameAs(wxT("s")) && val.size() >= 6) { int num = (val.size() / 2) * 2; std::vector val2; int i = 0; for (; i < num - 2; i++) val2.push_back(val[i]); s_command = new DrawCmd_S(val[num - 2], val[num - 1], val2, pointsys, LastCmd()); } // more to come later } while (!done); val.clear(); currcmd = token; } else if (token.ToLong( &tmp_int )) { val.push_back( (int) tmp_int ); } } return (int) cmds.size(); } // generate ASS draw commands wxString ASSDrawEngine::GenerateASS ( ) { wxString output = _T(""); for (DrawCmdList::iterator iterate = cmds.begin(); iterate != cmds.end(); iterate++) output = output + (*iterate)->ToString() + _T(" "); return output; } // reset; delete all points and add a new M(0,0) void ASSDrawEngine::ResetEngine() { ResetEngine(true); } // reset; delete all points and add a new M(0,0) if addM == true void ASSDrawEngine::ResetEngine( bool addM ) { for (DrawCmdList::iterator iterate = cmds.begin(); iterate != cmds.end(); iterate++) delete (*iterate); cmds.clear(); if (addM) AppendCmd( M, 0, 0 ); } // Create draw command of type 'type' and m_point (x, y), append to the // list and return it DrawCmd* ASSDrawEngine::AppendCmd ( CMDTYPE type, int x, int y ) { // use a variation of this method return AppendCmd( NewCmd( type, x, y ) ); } // Append draw command DrawCmd* ASSDrawEngine::AppendCmd ( DrawCmd* cmd ) { // no NULL command! if (cmd == NULL) return NULL; // set dependency of this command on the m_point of the last command if (!cmds.empty()) ConnectSubsequentCmds( cmds.back(), cmd ); else { // since this is the first command, if it's not an M make it into one if (cmd->type != M) cmd = NewCmd( M, cmd->m_point->x(), cmd->m_point->y() ); ConnectSubsequentCmds( NULL, cmd ); } // put it in the list cmds.push_back( cmd ); return cmd; } // create draw command of type 'type' and m_point (x, y), insert to the // list after the _cmd and return it DrawCmd* ASSDrawEngine::InsertCmd ( CMDTYPE type, int x, int y, DrawCmd* _cmd ) { // prepare the new DrawCmd DrawCmd* c = NewCmd( type, x, y ); // use a variation of this method InsertCmd( c, _cmd ); return NULL; } // insert draw command cmd after _cmd void ASSDrawEngine::InsertCmd ( DrawCmd* cmd, DrawCmd* _cmd ) { DrawCmdList::iterator iterate = cmds.begin(); for (; iterate != cmds.end() && *iterate != _cmd; iterate++) { // do nothing } if (iterate == cmds.end()) { AppendCmd( cmd ); } else { iterate++; if (iterate != cmds.end()) { ConnectSubsequentCmds( cmd, (*iterate) ); } cmds.insert( iterate, cmd ); ConnectSubsequentCmds( _cmd, cmd ); } } DrawCmd* ASSDrawEngine::NewCmd ( CMDTYPE type, int x, int y ) { DrawCmd* c = NULL; switch (type) { case M: c = new DrawCmd_M(x, y, pointsys, LastCmd()); break; case L: c = new DrawCmd_L(x, y, pointsys, LastCmd()); break; case B: c = new DrawCmd_B(x, y, pointsys, LastCmd()); break; case S: c = new DrawCmd_S(x, y, pointsys, LastCmd()); break; } return c; } // returns the iterator for the list DrawCmdList::iterator ASSDrawEngine::Iterator ( ) { return cmds.begin(); } // returns the 'end' iterator for the list DrawCmdList::iterator ASSDrawEngine::IteratorEnd ( ) { return cmds.end(); } // returns the last command in the list DrawCmd* ASSDrawEngine::LastCmd () { if (cmds.size() == 0) return NULL; else return cmds.back(); } // move all points by relative amount of x, y coordinates void ASSDrawEngine::MovePoints ( int x, int y ) { DrawCmdList::iterator iterate = cmds.begin(); PointList::iterator iterate2; for (; iterate != cmds.end(); iterate++) { (*iterate)->m_point->setXY( (*iterate)->m_point->x() + x, (*iterate)->m_point->y() + y ); for (iterate2 = (*iterate)->controlpoints.begin(); iterate2 != (*iterate)->controlpoints.end(); iterate2++) { (*iterate2)->setXY( (*iterate2)->x() + x, (*iterate2)->y() + y ); } } } // transform all points using the calculation: // | (m11) (m12) | x | (x - mx) | + | nx | // | (m21) (m22) | | (y - my) | | ny | void ASSDrawEngine::Transform( float m11, float m12, float m21, float m22, float mx, float my, float nx, float ny ) { DrawCmdList::iterator iterate = cmds.begin(); PointList::iterator iterate2; float x, y; for (; iterate != cmds.end(); iterate++) { x = ((float) (*iterate)->m_point->x()) - mx; y = ((float) (*iterate)->m_point->y()) - my; (*iterate)->m_point->setXY((int) (x * m11 + y * m12 + nx), (int) (x * m21 + y * m22 + ny) ); for (iterate2 = (*iterate)->controlpoints.begin(); iterate2 != (*iterate)->controlpoints.end(); iterate2++) { x = ((float) (*iterate2)->x()) - mx; y = ((float) (*iterate2)->y()) - my; (*iterate2)->setXY((int) (x * m11 + y * m12 + nx), (int) (x * m21 + y * m22 + ny) ); } } } // returns some DrawCmd if its m_point = (x, y) DrawCmd* ASSDrawEngine::PointAt ( int x, int y ) { DrawCmd* c = NULL; DrawCmdList::iterator iterate = cmds.begin(); for (; iterate != cmds.end(); iterate++) { if ( (*iterate)->m_point->IsAt( x, y ) ) c = (*iterate); } //delete &iterate; return c; } // returns some DrawCmd if one of its control point = (x, y) // also set &point to refer to that control point DrawCmd* ASSDrawEngine::ControlAt ( int x, int y, Point* &point ) { DrawCmd* c = NULL; point = NULL; DrawCmdList::iterator cmd_iterator = cmds.begin(); PointList::iterator pnt_iterator; PointList::iterator end; for (; cmd_iterator != cmds.end(); cmd_iterator++) { pnt_iterator = (*cmd_iterator)->controlpoints.begin(); end = (*cmd_iterator)->controlpoints.end(); for (; pnt_iterator != end; pnt_iterator++) { if ( (*pnt_iterator)->IsAt( x, y ) ) { c = (*cmd_iterator); point = (*pnt_iterator); } } } return c; } // attempts to delete a commmand, returns true|false if successful|fail bool ASSDrawEngine::DeleteCommand ( DrawCmd* cmd ) { DrawCmdList::iterator iterate = cmds.begin(); // can't delete the first command without deleting other commands first if ( cmd == (*iterate) && cmds.size() > 1) return false; DrawCmd* lastiter = NULL; for (; iterate != cmds.end(); iterate++) { if ( cmd == (*iterate) ) { iterate++; DrawCmd* nxt = (iterate != cmds.end()? (*iterate):NULL); ConnectSubsequentCmds( lastiter, nxt ); iterate--; cmds.erase( iterate ); delete cmd; break; } else lastiter = (*iterate); } return true; } // set stuff to connect two drawing commands cmd1 and cmd2 such that // cmd1 comes right before cmd2 void ASSDrawEngine::ConnectSubsequentCmds (DrawCmd* cmd1, DrawCmd* cmd2) { if (cmd1 != NULL) { cmd1->m_point->cmd_next = cmd2; } if (cmd2 != NULL) { cmd2->prev = cmd1; } } void ASSDrawEngine::RefreshDisplay() { if (!refresh_called) { Refresh(); refresh_called = true; } } void ASSDrawEngine::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event) { draw(); onPaint(event); if (setfitviewpoint) { FitToViewPoint( fitviewpoint_hmargin, fitviewpoint_vmargin ); setfitviewpoint = false; RefreshDisplay(); } } void ASSDrawEngine::draw() { refresh_called = false; PixelFormat::AGGType pixf(rBuf); RendererBase rbase(pixf); RendererPrimitives rprim(rbase); RendererSolid rsolid(rbase); agg::trans_affine mtx; ConstructPathsAndCurves(mtx, rm_path, rb_path, rm_curve); rasterizer.reset(); update_rendered_bound_coords(true); DoDraw(rbase, rprim, rsolid, mtx); delete rm_path, rb_path, rm_curve; } void ASSDrawEngine::ConstructPathsAndCurves(agg::trans_affine& mtx, trans_path*& _rm_path, trans_path*& _rb_path, agg::conv_curve*& _rm_curve) { mtx *= agg::trans_affine_scaling(pointsys->scale); mtx *= agg::trans_affine_translation(pointsys->originx, pointsys->originy); m_path.remove_all(); b_path.remove_all(); DrawCmdList::iterator ci = cmds.begin(); while (ci != cmds.end()) { AddDrawCmdToAGGPathStorage(*ci, m_path); AddDrawCmdToAGGPathStorage(*ci, b_path, CTRL_LN); ci++; } _rm_path = new trans_path(m_path, mtx); _rb_path = new trans_path(b_path, mtx); _rm_curve = new agg::conv_curve(*rm_path); } void ASSDrawEngine::DoDraw( RendererBase& rbase, RendererPrimitives& rprim, RendererSolid& rsolid, agg::trans_affine& mtx ) { Draw_Clear( rbase ); Draw_Draw( rbase, rprim, rsolid, mtx, rgba_shape ); } void ASSDrawEngine::Draw_Clear( RendererBase& rbase ) { rbase.clear(color_bg); } void ASSDrawEngine::Draw_Draw( RendererBase& rbase, RendererPrimitives& rprim, RendererSolid& rsolid, agg::trans_affine& mtx, agg::rgba color ) { agg::conv_contour< agg::conv_curve< agg::conv_transform< agg::path_storage > > > contour(*rm_curve); rasterizer.add_path(contour); render_scanlines_aa_solid(rbase, color); } void ASSDrawEngine::AddDrawCmdToAGGPathStorage(DrawCmd* cmd, agg::path_storage& path, DRAWCMDMODE mode) { if (mode == HILITE && cmd->prev) path.move_to(cmd->prev->m_point->x(), cmd->prev->m_point->y()); switch(cmd->type) { case M: path.move_to(cmd->m_point->x(),cmd->m_point->y()); break; case B: if (cmd->initialized) { //path.move_to(cmd->prev->m_point->x(),cmd->prev->m_point->y()); PointList::iterator iterate = cmd->controlpoints.begin(); int x[2], y[2]; x[0] = (*iterate)->x(); y[0] = (*iterate)->y(); iterate++; x[1] = (*iterate)->x(); y[1] = (*iterate)->y(); path.curve4(x[0], y[0], x[1], y[1], cmd->m_point->x(),cmd->m_point->y()); break; } case L: if (mode == CTRL_LN) path.move_to(cmd->m_point->x(),cmd->m_point->y()); else path.line_to(cmd->m_point->x(),cmd->m_point->y()); break; case S: unsigned np = cmd->controlpoints.size(); agg::pod_array m_polygon(np * 2); unsigned _pn = 0; PointList::iterator iterate = cmd->controlpoints.begin(); while (iterate != cmd->controlpoints.end()) { m_polygon[_pn] = (*iterate)->x(); _pn++; m_polygon[_pn] = (*iterate)->y(); _pn++; iterate++; } //m_polygon[_pn++] = cmd->m_point->x(); //m_polygon[_pn++] = cmd->m_point->y(); //path.move_to(cmd->prev->m_point->x(),cmd->prev->m_point->y()); if (mode == CTRL_LN) { _pn = 0; while (_pn < np * 2) { path.line_to((int) m_polygon[_pn],(int) m_polygon[_pn + 1]); _pn += 2; } path.line_to(cmd->m_point->x(), cmd->m_point->y()); } else { //path.line_to((int) m_polygon[0],(int) m_polygon[1]); aggpolygon poly(&m_polygon[0], np, false, false); agg::conv_bcspline bspline(poly); bspline.interpolation_step(0.01); agg::path_storage npath; npath.join_path(bspline); path.join_path(npath); if (mode == HILITE) path.move_to((int) m_polygon[np * 2 - 2], (int) m_polygon[np * 2 - 1] ); path.line_to(cmd->m_point->x(), cmd->m_point->y()); } break; } } void ASSDrawEngine::render_scanlines_aa_solid(RendererBase& rbase, agg::rgba rgba, bool affectboundaries) { agg::render_scanlines_aa_solid(rasterizer, scanline, rbase, rgba); if (affectboundaries) update_rendered_bound_coords(); } void ASSDrawEngine::render_scanlines(RendererSolid& rsolid, bool affectboundaries) { agg::render_scanlines(rasterizer, scanline, rsolid); if (affectboundaries) update_rendered_bound_coords(); } void ASSDrawEngine::update_rendered_bound_coords(bool rendered_fresh) { int min_x = rasterizer.min_x(); int min_y = rasterizer.min_y(); int max_x = rasterizer.max_x(); int max_y = rasterizer.max_y(); if (min_x < rendered_min_x || rendered_fresh) rendered_min_x = min_x; if (min_y < rendered_min_y || rendered_fresh) rendered_min_y = min_y; if (max_x > rendered_max_x || rendered_fresh) rendered_max_x = max_x; if (max_y > rendered_max_y || rendered_fresh) rendered_max_y = max_y; } void ASSDrawEngine::FitToViewPoint(int hmargin, int vmargin) { wxSize v = GetClientSize(); double wide = rendered_max_x - rendered_min_x; double high = rendered_max_y - rendered_min_y; double widthratio = (double) (v.x - hmargin * 2) / wide; double heightratio = (double) (v.y - vmargin * 2) / high; double ratio = (widthratio < heightratio? widthratio:heightratio); pointsys->scale = pointsys->scale * ratio; if (pointsys->scale < 0.01) pointsys->scale = 0.01; double new_min_x = pointsys->originx + (rendered_min_x - pointsys->originx) * ratio; double new_max_x = pointsys->originx + (rendered_max_x - pointsys->originx) * ratio; pointsys->originx += (v.x - new_max_x + new_min_x) / 2 - new_min_x; double new_min_y = pointsys->originy + (rendered_min_y - pointsys->originy) * ratio; double new_max_y = pointsys->originy + (rendered_max_y - pointsys->originy) * ratio; pointsys->originy += (v.y - new_max_y + new_min_y) / 2 - new_min_y; RefreshDisplay(); } void ASSDrawEngine::SetFitToViewPointOnNextPaint(int hmargin, int vmargin) { if (vmargin >= 0) fitviewpoint_vmargin = vmargin; if (hmargin >= 0) fitviewpoint_hmargin = hmargin; setfitviewpoint = true; } std::vector< bool > ASSDrawEngine::PrepareC1ContData() { std::vector< bool > out; for (DrawCmdList::iterator it = cmds.begin(); it != cmds.end(); it++) { bool c1 = false; if ((*it)->type == B) { DrawCmd_B *cmdb = static_cast(*it); c1 = cmdb->C1Cont; } out.push_back(c1); } return out; }