// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Fredrik Mellbin // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. #include #include #include "ffms.h" #include "ffvideosource.h" #include "ffaudiosource.h" #include "indexing.h" static bool FFmpegInited = false; int CPUFeatures = 0; #ifdef FFMS_WIN_DEBUG extern "C" int av_log_level; void av_log_windebug_callback(void* ptr, int level, const char* fmt, va_list vl) { static int print_prefix=1; static int count; static char line[1024], prev[1024]; AVClass* avc= ptr ? *(AVClass**)ptr : NULL; if(level>av_log_level) return; #undef fprintf if(print_prefix && avc) { snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "[%s @ %p]", avc->item_name(ptr), ptr); }else line[0]=0; vsnprintf(line + strlen(line), sizeof(line) - strlen(line), fmt, vl); print_prefix= line[strlen(line)-1] == '\n'; if(print_prefix && !strcmp(line, prev)){ count++; return; } if(count>0){ fprintf(stderr, " Last message repeated %d times\n", count); count=0; } OutputDebugStringA(line); strcpy(prev, line); } #endif FFMS_API(void) FFMS_Init(int CPUFeatures) { if (!FFmpegInited) { av_register_all(); #ifdef FFMS_WIN_DEBUG av_log_set_callback(av_log_windebug_callback); av_log_set_level(AV_LOG_INFO); #else av_log_set_level(AV_LOG_QUIET); #endif ::CPUFeatures = CPUFeatures; FFmpegInited = true; } } FFMS_API(int) FFMS_GetLogLevel() { return av_log_get_level(); } FFMS_API(void) FFMS_SetLogLevel(int Level) { av_log_set_level(Level); } FFMS_API(FFVideo *) FFMS_CreateVideoSource(const char *SourceFile, int Track, FFIndex *Index, const char *PP, int Threads, int SeekMode, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize) { if (Track < 0 || Track >= static_cast(Index->size())) { snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Out of bounds track index selected"); return NULL; } if (Index->at(Track).TT != FFMS_TYPE_VIDEO) { snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Not a video track"); return NULL; } try { switch (Index->Decoder) { case 0: return new FFLAVFVideo(SourceFile, Track, Index, PP, Threads, SeekMode, ErrorMsg, MsgSize); case 1: return new FFMatroskaVideo(SourceFile, Track, Index, PP, Threads, ErrorMsg, MsgSize); #ifdef HAALISOURCE case 2: return new FFHaaliVideo(SourceFile, Track, Index, PP, Threads, 0, ErrorMsg, MsgSize); case 3: return new FFHaaliVideo(SourceFile, Track, Index, PP, Threads, 1, ErrorMsg, MsgSize); #endif default: snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Unsupported format"); return NULL; } } catch (...) { return NULL; } } FFMS_API(FFAudio *) FFMS_CreateAudioSource(const char *SourceFile, int Track, FFIndex *Index, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize) { if (Track < 0 || Track >= static_cast(Index->size())) { snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Out of bounds track index selected"); return NULL; } if (Index->at(Track).TT != FFMS_TYPE_AUDIO) { snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Not an audio track"); return NULL; } try { switch (Index->Decoder) { case 0: return new FFLAVFAudio(SourceFile, Track, Index, ErrorMsg, MsgSize); case 1: return new FFMatroskaAudio(SourceFile, Track, Index, ErrorMsg, MsgSize); #ifdef HAALISOURCE case 2: return new FFHaaliAudio(SourceFile, Track, Index, 0, ErrorMsg, MsgSize); case 3: return new FFHaaliAudio(SourceFile, Track, Index, 1, ErrorMsg, MsgSize); #endif default: snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Unsupported format"); return NULL; } } catch (...) { return NULL; } } FFMS_API(void) FFMS_DestroyVideoSource(FFVideo *V) { delete V; } FFMS_API(void) FFMS_DestroyAudioSource(FFAudio *A) { delete A; } FFMS_API(const FFVideoProperties *) FFMS_GetVideoProperties(FFVideo *V) { return &V->GetFFVideoProperties(); } FFMS_API(const FFAudioProperties *) FFMS_GetAudioProperties(FFAudio *A) { return &A->GetFFAudioProperties(); } FFMS_API(const FFAVFrame *) FFMS_GetFrame(FFVideo *V, int n, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize) { return (FFAVFrame *)V->GetFrame(n, ErrorMsg, MsgSize); } FFMS_API(const FFAVFrame *) FFMS_GetFrameByTime(FFVideo *V, double Time, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize) { return (FFAVFrame *)V->GetFrameByTime(Time, ErrorMsg, MsgSize); } FFMS_API(int) FFMS_GetAudio(FFAudio *A, void *Buf, int64_t Start, int64_t Count, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize) { return A->GetAudio(Buf, Start, Count, ErrorMsg, MsgSize); } FFMS_API(int) FFMS_SetOutputFormatV(FFVideo *V, int64_t TargetFormats, int Width, int Height, int Resizer, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize) { return V->SetOutputFormat(TargetFormats, Width, Height, Resizer, ErrorMsg, MsgSize); } FFMS_API(void) FFMS_ResetOutputFormatV(FFVideo *V) { V->ResetOutputFormat(); } FFMS_API(void) FFMS_DestroyIndex(FFIndex *Index) { delete Index; } FFMS_API(int) FFMS_GetFirstTrackOfType(FFIndex *Index, int TrackType, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize) { for (int i = 0; i < static_cast(Index->size()); i++) if ((*Index)[i].TT == TrackType) return i; snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "No suitable, indexed track found"); return -1; } FFMS_API(int) FFMS_GetFirstIndexedTrackOfType(FFIndex *Index, int TrackType, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize) { for (int i = 0; i < static_cast(Index->size()); i++) if ((*Index)[i].TT == TrackType && (*Index)[i].size() > 0) return i; snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "No suitable, indexed track found"); return -1; } FFMS_API(int) FFMS_GetNumTracks(FFIndex *Index) { return Index->size(); } FFMS_API(int) FFMS_GetNumTracksI(FFIndexer *Indexer) { return Indexer->GetNumberOfTracks(); } FFMS_API(int) FFMS_GetTrackType(FFTrack *T) { return T->TT; } FFMS_API(int) FFMS_GetTrackTypeI(FFIndexer *Indexer, int Track) { return Indexer->GetTrackType(Track); } FFMS_API(const char *) FFMS_GetCodecNameI(FFIndexer *Indexer, int Track) { return Indexer->GetTrackCodec(Track); } FFMS_API(int) FFMS_GetNumFrames(FFTrack *T) { return T->size(); } FFMS_API(const FFFrameInfo *) FFMS_GetFrameInfo(FFTrack *T, int Frame) { return reinterpret_cast(&(*T)[Frame]); } FFMS_API(FFTrack *) FFMS_GetTrackFromIndex(FFIndex *Index, int Track) { return &(*Index)[Track]; } FFMS_API(FFTrack *) FFMS_GetTrackFromVideo(FFVideo *V) { return V->GetFFTrack(); } FFMS_API(FFTrack *) FFMS_GetTrackFromAudio(FFAudio *A) { return A->GetFFTrack(); } FFMS_API(const FFTrackTimeBase *) FFMS_GetTimeBase(FFTrack *T) { return &T->TB; } FFMS_API(int) FFMS_WriteTimecodes(FFTrack *T, const char *TimecodeFile, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize) { return T->WriteTimecodes(TimecodeFile, ErrorMsg, MsgSize); } FFMS_API(FFIndex *) FFMS_MakeIndex(const char *SourceFile, int IndexMask, int DumpMask, TAudioNameCallback ANC, void *ANCPrivate, bool IgnoreDecodeErrors, TIndexCallback IC, void *ICPrivate, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize) { FFIndexer *Indexer = FFMS_CreateIndexer(SourceFile, ErrorMsg, MsgSize); if (!Indexer) return NULL; return FFMS_DoIndexing(Indexer, IndexMask, DumpMask, ANC, ANCPrivate, IgnoreDecodeErrors, IC, ICPrivate, ErrorMsg, MsgSize); } /* Used by FFMS_DefaultAudioFilename */ static std::string IntToStr(int i, int zp = 0) { std::stringstream s; s.fill('0'); s.width(zp); s << i; return s.str(); } static void ReplaceString(std::string &s, std::string from, std::string to) { int idx; while ((idx = s.find(from)) != std::string::npos) s.replace(idx, from.length(), to); } FFMS_API(int) FFMS_DefaultAudioFilename(const char *SourceFile, int Track, const FFAudioProperties *AP, char *FileName, int FNSize, void *Private) { std::string s = static_cast(Private); ReplaceString(s, "%sourcefile%", SourceFile); ReplaceString(s, "%trackn%", IntToStr(Track)); ReplaceString(s, "%trackzn%", IntToStr(Track, 2)); ReplaceString(s, "%samplerate%", IntToStr(AP->SampleRate)); ReplaceString(s, "%channels%", IntToStr(AP->Channels)); ReplaceString(s, "%bps%", IntToStr(AP->BitsPerSample)); ReplaceString(s, "%delay%", IntToStr(static_cast(AP->FirstTime))); if (FileName == NULL) { return s.length() + 1; } else { strcpy(FileName, s.c_str()); return 0; } } FFMS_API(FFIndexer *) FFMS_CreateIndexer(const char *SourceFile, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize) { try { return FFIndexer::CreateFFIndexer(SourceFile, ErrorMsg, MsgSize); } catch (...) { return NULL; } } FFMS_API(FFIndex *) FFMS_DoIndexing(FFIndexer *Indexer, int IndexMask, int DumpMask, TAudioNameCallback ANC, void *ANCPrivate, bool IgnoreDecodeErrors, TIndexCallback IC, void *ICPrivate, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize) { Indexer->SetIndexMask(IndexMask | DumpMask); Indexer->SetDumpMask(DumpMask); Indexer->SetIgnoreDecodeErrors(IgnoreDecodeErrors); Indexer->SetProgressCallback(IC, ICPrivate); Indexer->SetAudioNameCallback(ANC, ANCPrivate); FFIndex *Index = Indexer->DoIndexing(ErrorMsg, MsgSize); delete Indexer; return Index; } FFMS_API(void) FFMS_CancelIndexing(FFIndexer *Indexer) { delete Indexer; } FFMS_API(FFIndex *) FFMS_ReadIndex(const char *IndexFile, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize) { FFIndex *Index = new FFIndex(); if (Index->ReadIndex(IndexFile, ErrorMsg, MsgSize)) { delete Index; return NULL; } else { return Index; } } FFMS_API(int) FFMS_IndexBelongsToFile(FFIndex *Index, const char *SourceFile, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize) { return Index->CompareFileSignature(SourceFile, ErrorMsg, MsgSize); } FFMS_API(int) FFMS_WriteIndex(const char *IndexFile, FFIndex *Index, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize) { return Index->WriteIndex(IndexFile, ErrorMsg, MsgSize); } FFMS_API(int) FFMS_GetPixFmt(const char *Name) { return avcodec_get_pix_fmt(Name); }