// FexImgPyramid.cpp: implementation of the FexImgPyramid class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "StdAfx.h" #include "FexImgPyramid.h" #include "../FexGenericFilter/FexGenericFilter_Include.h" void BaseFloatImage_GaussEdgeDetect( float* Img, int sizx, int sizy, float sigma, float* GradX, float* GradY ); void BaseFloatImage_GaussSmooth( float* Img, int sizx, int sizy, float sigma, float* Out ); void BaseFloatImage_LanczosRescale( float* in, int inSx, int inSy, float* out, int outSx, int outSy ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FexImgPyramidLevel::FexImgPyramidLevel( int isx, int isy ) { sx = isx; sy = isy; Img = new float[ sx*sy ]; GradX = new float[ sx*sy ]; GradY = new float[ sx*sy ]; } FexImgPyramidLevel::~FexImgPyramidLevel() { delete [] Img; delete [] GradX; delete [] GradY; } void FexImgPyramidLevel::Fill( float* iImg, float DetectSmoothSigma ) { /* for( int y=0;ysx, old->sy, old->Img); BaseFloatImage_LanczosRescale( old->Img, old->sx, old->sy, Img, sx, sy ); imdebug("lum b=32f w=%d h=%d %p /255", sx, sy, Img); } void FexImgPyramidLevel::Calc( float EdgeDetectSigma ) { imdebug("lum b=32f w=%d h=%d %p /255", sx, sy, Img); BaseFloatImage_GaussEdgeDetect( Img, sx, sy, EdgeDetectSigma, GradX, GradY ); imdebug("lum b=32f w=%d h=%d %p /2", sx, sy, GradX); imdebug("lum b=32f w=%d h=%d %p /2", sx, sy, GradY); } FexImgPyramid::FexImgPyramid( float* Img, int SizX, int SizY, float EdgeDetectSigma, float DetectSmoothSigma, int iSubsampling, int Levels ) { int i; Subsampling = iSubsampling; if( Levels == -1 ) Levels = 999; int mLvl = 0; int tsm = min(SizX,SizY); while( tsm>1 && tsm%2==0 ) { tsm/=Subsampling; ++mLvl; } if( Levels > mLvl ) Levels = mLvl; if( Levels < 1 ) Levels = 1; nLevels = Levels; lLevels = new FexImgPyramidLevel*[ nLevels ]; lLevels[0] = new FexImgPyramidLevel( SizX, SizY ); lLevels[0]->Fill( Img, DetectSmoothSigma ); for( i=1;iScale( lLevels[i-1] ); } float cmul = 1.f; for( i=0;iCoordMul = cmul; lLevels[i]->Calc( EdgeDetectSigma ); cmul /= Subsampling; } } FexImgPyramid::~FexImgPyramid() { for( int i=0;i