Video Frame functions in Automation 4 This file describes the interface used for reading frames from loaded videos. --- Get a specific frame from the currently loaded video on which multiple other functions are defined. function aegisub.get_frame(frame_number, withSubtitles) @frame_number (number) Number of frame to retrieve. @withSubtitles (boolean) Optional. Whether to load with subtitles drawn on to the frame. Returns: frame (userdata) The frame object defines multiple other functions. See below. --- Get width of frame object. function frame:width() Returns: number Width in pixels. --- Get height of frame object. function frame:height() Returns: number Height in pixels. --- Get RGB pixel value at a certain position of frame object. function frame:frame:getPixel(x, y) @x (number) Pixel to retrieve on the x-axis @y (number) Pixel to retrieve on the y-axis Returns: number Integer value representing the RGB pixel value. --- Get ASS formated pixel value at a certain position of frame object. function frame:getPixelFormatted(x, y) @x (number) Pixel to retrieve on the x-axis @y (number) Pixel to retrieve on the y-axis Returns: string String in ASS format representing the pixel value. e.g. "&H0073FF&" ---