// Copyright (c) 2014, Thomas Goyne // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES // WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR // ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES // WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF // OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. // // Aegisub Project http://www.aegisub.org/ #include "libaegisub/lua/script_reader.h" #include "libaegisub/file_mapping.h" #include "libaegisub/log.h" #include "libaegisub/lua/utils.h" #include #include #include namespace agi { namespace lua { bool LoadFile(lua_State *L, agi::fs::path const& raw_filename) { auto filename = raw_filename; try { filename = agi::fs::Canonicalize(raw_filename); } catch (agi::fs::FileSystemUnknownError const& e) { LOG_E("auto4/lua") << "Error canonicalizing path: " << e.GetChainedMessage(); } agi::read_file_mapping file(filename); auto buff = file.read(); size_t size = static_cast(file.size()); // Discard the BOM if present if (size >= 3 && buff[0] == -17 && buff[1] == -69 && buff[2] == -65) { buff += 3; size -= 3; } if (!agi::fs::HasExtension(filename, "moon")) return luaL_loadbuffer(L, buff, size, filename.string().c_str()) == 0; // We have a MoonScript file, so we need to load it with that // It might be nice to have a dedicated lua state for compiling // MoonScript to Lua lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "moonscript"); // Save the text we'll be loading for the line number rewriting in the // error handling lua_pushlstring(L, buff, size); lua_pushvalue(L, -1); lua_setfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ("raw moonscript: " + filename.string()).c_str()); push_value(L, filename); if (lua_pcall(L, 2, 2, 0)) return false; // Leaves error message on stack // loadstring returns nil, error on error or a function on success if (lua_isnil(L, 1)) { lua_remove(L, 1); return false; } lua_pop(L, 1); // Remove the extra nil for the stackchecker return true; } static int module_loader(lua_State *L) { int pretop = lua_gettop(L); std::string module(check_string(L, -1)); boost::replace_all(module, ".", LUA_DIRSEP); // Get the lua package include path (which the user may have modified) lua_getglobal(L, "package"); lua_getfield(L, -1, "path"); std::string package_paths(check_string(L, -1)); lua_pop(L, 2); boost::char_separator sep(";"); for (auto filename : boost::tokenizer>(package_paths, sep)) { boost::replace_all(filename, "?", module); // If there's a .moon file at that path, load it instead of the // .lua file agi::fs::path path = filename; if (agi::fs::HasExtension(path, "lua")) { agi::fs::path moonpath = path; moonpath.replace_extension("moon"); if (agi::fs::FileExists(moonpath)) path = moonpath; } if (!agi::fs::FileExists(path)) continue; try { if (!LoadFile(L, path)) return error(L, "Error loading Lua module \"%s\":\n%s", path.string().c_str(), check_string(L, 1).c_str()); break; } catch (agi::fs::FileNotFound const&) { // Not an error so swallow and continue on } catch (agi::fs::NotAFile const&) { // Not an error so swallow and continue on } catch (agi::Exception const& e) { return error(L, "Error loading Lua module \"%s\":\n%s", path.string().c_str(), e.GetChainedMessage().c_str()); } } return lua_gettop(L) - pretop; } bool Install(lua_State *L, std::vector const& include_path) { // set the module load path to include_path lua_getglobal(L, "package"); push_value(L, "path"); #ifdef _WIN32 // No point in checking any of the default locations on Windows since // there won't be anything there push_value(L, ""); #else push_value(L, "path"); lua_gettable(L, -3); #endif for (auto const& path : include_path) { lua_pushfstring(L, ";%s/?.lua;%s/?/init.lua", path.string().c_str(), path.string().c_str()); lua_concat(L, 2); } lua_settable(L, -3); luaL_loadstring(L, "return require('moonscript').loadstring"); if (lua_pcall(L, 0, 1, 0)) { lua_remove(L, -2); // remove package.path table return false; // leave error message } lua_setfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "moonscript"); // Replace the default lua module loader with our unicode compatible one lua_getfield(L, -1, "loaders"); push_value(L, exception_wrapper); lua_rawseti(L, -2, 2); lua_pop(L, 2); return true; } } }