script_name = "Test furigana parsing" script_description = "Tests the Auto4/Lua karaskel furigana and multi-highlight parsing code by running it and dumping the result" script_author = "jfs" include "karaskel.lua" function test_furi(subs) aegisub.progress.task("Collecting header data") local meta, styles = karaskel.collect_head(subs, true) -- make sure to create furigana styles aegisub.progress.task("Preprocessing lines") for i = 1, #subs do local l = subs[i] if l.class == "dialogue" then aegisub.progress.task(l.text) karaskel.preproc_line_text(meta, styles, l) -- Dump the thing aegisub.debug.out(4, "Line: %s\nStripped: %s\nDuration: %d\n", l.text, l.text_stripped, l.duration) aegisub.debug.out(4, "Karaoke syllables: (%d)\n", l.kara.n) for s = 0, l.kara.n do local syl = l.kara[s] aegisub.debug.out(4, "\tSyllable: text='%s' stripped='%s' duration=%d, start/end_time=%d/%d, inline_fx='%s', highlights=%d\n", syl.text, syl.text_stripped, syl.duration, syl.start_time, syl.end_time, syl.inline_fx, syl.highlights.n) aegisub.debug.out(4, "\t\tHighlights:") for h = 1, syl.highlights.n do local hl = syl.highlights[h] aegisub.debug.out(4, " %d-%d=%d", hl.start_time, hl.end_time, hl.duration) end aegisub.debug.out(4, "\n") end aegisub.debug.out(4, "Furigana parts: (%d)\n", l.furi.n) for f = 1, l.furi.n do local furi = l.furi[f] aegisub.debug.out(4, "\tFurigana: text='%s', duration=%d, start/end_time=%d/%d, flags=%s%s, syl='%s'\n", furi.text, furi.duration, furi.start_time, furi.end_time, furi.isbreak and "b" or "", furi.spillback and "s" or "", furi.syl.text_stripped) end aegisub.debug.out(4, " - - - - - -\n") end end aegisub.debug.out(4, "Done dumping!") end aegisub.register_macro(script_name, script_description, test_furi)