-- Aegisub Automation demonstration script -- Original written by Niels Martin Hansen -- Given into the public domain -- This script demonstrated using include scripts in Automation. -- You include a file simply by calling the include function with a filename. -- Depending on whether the filename contains a path or not, it is interpreted in slightly different ways, -- see the documentation for more information. include("utils.lua") -- The usual info name = "Include demo" description = "Simple demonstration of the include function." -- Here several values are set in one line version, kind, configuration = 3, 'basic_ass', {} function process_lines(meta, styles, lines, config) -- Copy the first line (line 0) and store it as as a new last line -- The last line has index lines.n-1, so lines.n is one past the last line lines[lines.n] = copy_line(lines[0]) -- Make sure to increment 'n', so the correct number of lines are read out lines.n = lines.n + 1 -- Then return the modified lines table return lines end