// Copyright (c) 2012, Thomas Goyne // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES // WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR // ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES // WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF // OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. // // Aegisub Project http://www.aegisub.org/ #include "ass_time.h" #include "colour_button.h" #include "help_button.h" #include "libresrc/libresrc.h" #include "options.h" #include "validators.h" #include "video_provider_dummy.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { struct DialogDummyVideo final : wxDialog { double fps = OPT_GET("Video/Dummy/FPS")->GetDouble(); int width = OPT_GET("Video/Dummy/Last/Width")->GetInt(); int height = OPT_GET("Video/Dummy/Last/Height")->GetInt(); int length = OPT_GET("Video/Dummy/Last/Length")->GetInt(); agi::Color color = OPT_GET("Colour/Video Dummy/Last Colour")->GetColor(); bool pattern = OPT_GET("Video/Dummy/Pattern")->GetBool(); wxStaticText *length_display; wxFlexGridSizer *sizer; template void AddCtrl(wxString const& label, T *ctrl); void OnResolutionShortcut(wxCommandEvent &evt); void UpdateLengthDisplay(); DialogDummyVideo(wxWindow *parent); }; struct ResolutionShortcut { const char *name; int width; int height; }; static ResolutionShortcut resolutions[] = { {"640x480 (SD fullscreen)", 640, 480}, {"704x480 (SD anamorphic)", 704, 480}, {"640x360 (SD widescreen)", 640, 360}, {"704x396 (SD widescreen)", 704, 396}, {"640x352 (SD widescreen MOD16)", 640, 352}, {"704x400 (SD widescreen MOD16)", 704, 400}, {"1280x720 (HD 720p)", 1280, 720}, {"1920x1080 (HD 1080p)", 1920, 1080}, {"1024x576 (SuperPAL widescreen)", 1024, 576} }; wxSpinCtrl *spin_ctrl(wxWindow *parent, int min, int max, int *value) { auto ctrl = new wxSpinCtrl(parent, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(50, -1), wxSP_ARROW_KEYS, min, max, *value); ctrl->SetValidator(wxGenericValidator(value)); return ctrl; } wxControl *spin_ctrl(wxWindow *parent, double min, double max, double *value) { return new wxTextCtrl(parent, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(50, -1), 0, DoubleValidator(value, min, max)); } wxComboBox *resolution_shortcuts(wxWindow *parent, int width, int height) { wxComboBox *ctrl = new wxComboBox(parent, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, nullptr, wxCB_READONLY); for (auto const& res : resolutions) { ctrl->Append(res.name); if (res.width == width && res.height == height) ctrl->SetSelection(ctrl->GetCount() - 1); } return ctrl; } DialogDummyVideo::DialogDummyVideo(wxWindow *parent) : wxDialog(parent, -1, _("Dummy video options")) { SetIcon(GETICON(use_dummy_video_menu_16)); auto res_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); res_sizer->Add(spin_ctrl(this, 1, 10000, &width), wxSizerFlags(1).Expand()); res_sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, " x "), wxSizerFlags().Center()); res_sizer->Add(spin_ctrl(this, 1, 10000, &height), wxSizerFlags(1).Expand()); auto color_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); auto color_btn = new ColourButton(this, wxSize(30, 17), false, color); color_sizer->Add(color_btn, wxSizerFlags().DoubleBorder(wxRIGHT)); color_sizer->Add(new wxCheckBox(this, -1, _("Checkerboard &pattern"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, wxGenericValidator(&pattern)), wxSizerFlags(1).Center()); sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(2, 5, 5); AddCtrl(_("Video resolution:"), resolution_shortcuts(this, width, height)); AddCtrl("", res_sizer); AddCtrl(_("Color:"), color_sizer); AddCtrl(_("Frame rate (fps):"), spin_ctrl(this, .1, 1000.0, &fps)); AddCtrl(_("Duration (frames):"), spin_ctrl(this, 2, 36000000, &length)); // Ten hours of 1k FPS AddCtrl("", length_display = new wxStaticText(this, -1, "")); wxStdDialogButtonSizer *btn_sizer = CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL | wxHELP); btn_sizer->GetHelpButton()->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, std::bind(&HelpButton::OpenPage, "Dummy Video")); auto main_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); main_sizer->Add(sizer, wxSizerFlags(1).Border().Expand()); main_sizer->Add(new wxStaticLine(this, wxHORIZONTAL), wxSizerFlags().HorzBorder().Expand()); main_sizer->Add(btn_sizer, wxSizerFlags().Expand().Border()); UpdateLengthDisplay(); SetSizerAndFit(main_sizer); CenterOnParent(); Bind(wxEVT_COMBOBOX, &DialogDummyVideo::OnResolutionShortcut, this); color_btn->Bind(EVT_COLOR, [=](wxThreadEvent& e) { color = color_btn->GetColor(); }); Bind(wxEVT_SPINCTRL, [=](wxCommandEvent&) { TransferDataFromWindow(); UpdateLengthDisplay(); }); } template void DialogDummyVideo::AddCtrl(wxString const& label, T *ctrl) { if (!label) sizer->AddStretchSpacer(); else sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, label), wxSizerFlags().Center().Left()); sizer->Add(ctrl, wxSizerFlags().Expand().Center().Left()); } void DialogDummyVideo::OnResolutionShortcut(wxCommandEvent &e) { TransferDataFromWindow(); int rs = e.GetSelection(); width = resolutions[rs].width; height = resolutions[rs].height; TransferDataToWindow(); } void DialogDummyVideo::UpdateLengthDisplay() { length_display->SetLabel(wxString::Format(_("Resulting duration: %s"), AssTime(length / fps * 1000).GetAssFormated(true))); } } std::string CreateDummyVideo(wxWindow *parent) { DialogDummyVideo dlg(parent); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return ""; OPT_SET("Video/Dummy/FPS")->SetDouble(dlg.fps); OPT_SET("Video/Dummy/Last/Width")->SetInt(dlg.width); OPT_SET("Video/Dummy/Last/Height")->SetInt(dlg.height); OPT_SET("Video/Dummy/Last/Length")->SetInt(dlg.length); OPT_SET("Colour/Video Dummy/Last Colour")->SetColor(dlg.color); OPT_SET("Video/Dummy/Pattern")->SetBool(dlg.pattern); return DummyVideoProvider::MakeFilename(dlg.fps, dlg.length, dlg.width, dlg.height, dlg.color, dlg.pattern); }