// Copyright (c) 2010, Amar Takhar // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES // WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR // ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES // WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF // OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. /// @file option.cpp /// @brief Option interface. /// @ingroup libaegisub #include "libaegisub/option.h" #include "libaegisub/cajun/reader.h" #include "libaegisub/cajun/writer.h" #include "libaegisub/cajun/elements.h" #include "libaegisub/cajun/visitor.h" #include "libaegisub/exception.h" #include "libaegisub/fs.h" #include "libaegisub/io.h" #include "libaegisub/log.h" #include "libaegisub/option_value.h" #include "libaegisub/make_unique.h" #include #include #include #include namespace { using namespace agi; DEFINE_EXCEPTION(OptionJsonValueError, Exception); class ConfigVisitor final : public json::ConstVisitor { std::vector> values; /// Option name prefix to add to read names std::string name; /// Log errors rather than throwing them, for when loading user config files /// (as a bad user config file shouldn't make the program fail to start) bool ignore_errors; void Error(const char *message) { if (ignore_errors) LOG_E("option/load/config_visitor") << "Error loading option from user configuration: " << message; else throw OptionJsonValueError(message); } template void ReadArray(json::Array const& src, std::string const& array_type) { typename OptionValueType::value_type arr; arr.reserve(src.size()); for (json::Object const& obj : src) { if (obj.size() != 1) return Error("Invalid array member"); if (obj.begin()->first != array_type) return Error("Attempt to insert value into array of wrong type"); arr.push_back((typename OptionValueType::value_type::value_type)(obj.begin()->second)); } values.push_back(agi::make_unique(name, std::move(arr))); } void Visit(const json::Object& object) { auto old_name = name; for (auto const& obj : object) { name = old_name + (old_name.empty() ? "" : "/") + obj.first; obj.second.Accept(*this); } name = old_name; } void Visit(const json::Array& array) { if (array.empty()) return Error("Cannot infer the type of an empty array"); json::Object const& front = array.front(); if (front.size() != 1) return Error("Invalid array member"); auto const& array_type = front.begin()->first; if (array_type == "string") ReadArray(array, array_type); else if (array_type == "int") ReadArray(array, array_type); else if (array_type == "double") ReadArray(array, array_type); else if (array_type == "bool") ReadArray(array, array_type); else if (array_type == "color") ReadArray(array, array_type); else Error("Array type not handled"); } void Visit(int64_t number) { values.push_back(agi::make_unique(name, number)); } void Visit(double number) { values.push_back(agi::make_unique(name, number)); } void Visit(const json::String& string) { size_t size = string.size(); if ((size == 4 && string[0] == '#') || (size == 7 && string[0] == '#') || (size >= 10 && boost::starts_with(string, "rgb(")) || ((size == 9 || size == 10) && boost::starts_with(string, "&H"))) { values.push_back(agi::make_unique(name, string)); } else { values.push_back(agi::make_unique(name, string)); } } void Visit(bool boolean) { values.push_back(agi::make_unique(name, boolean)); } void Visit(const json::Null& null) { Error("Attempt to read null value"); } public: ConfigVisitor(bool ignore_errors) : ignore_errors(ignore_errors) { } std::vector> Values() { return std::move(values); } }; /// @brief Write an option to a json object /// @param[out] obj Parent object /// @param[in] path Path option should be stored in. /// @param[in] value Value to write. void put_option(json::Object &obj, const std::string &path, json::UnknownElement value) { std::string::size_type pos = path.find('/'); // Not having a '/' denotes it is a leaf. if (pos == std::string::npos) { assert(obj.find(path) == obj.end()); obj[path] = std::move(value); } else put_option(obj[path.substr(0, pos)], path.substr(pos + 1), std::move(value)); } template void put_array(json::Object &obj, const std::string &path, const char *element_key, std::vector const& value) { json::Array array; for (T const& elem : value) { array.push_back(json::Object()); static_cast(array.back())[element_key] = (json::UnknownElement)elem; } put_option(obj, path, std::move(array)); } struct option_name_cmp { bool operator()(std::unique_ptr const& a, std::unique_ptr const& b) const { return a->GetName() < b->GetName(); } bool operator()(std::unique_ptr const& a, std::string const& b) const { return a->GetName() < b; } bool operator()(std::unique_ptr const& a, const char *b) const { return a->GetName() < b; } }; } namespace agi { Options::Options(agi::fs::path const& file, std::pair default_config, const OptionSetting setting) : config_file(file) , setting(setting) { LOG_D("agi/options") << "New Options object"; boost::interprocess::ibufferstream stream(default_config.first, default_config.second); LoadConfig(stream); } Options::~Options() { if ((setting & FLUSH_SKIP) != FLUSH_SKIP) Flush(); } void Options::ConfigUser() { try { LoadConfig(*io::Open(config_file), true); } catch (fs::FileNotFound const&) { return; } } void Options::LoadConfig(std::istream& stream, bool ignore_errors) { json::UnknownElement config_root; try { json::Reader::Read(config_root, stream); } catch (json::Reader::ParseException& e) { LOG_E("option/load") << "json::ParseException: " << e.what() << ", Line/offset: " << e.m_locTokenBegin.m_nLine + 1 << '/' << e.m_locTokenBegin.m_nLineOffset + 1; return; } catch (json::Exception& e) { LOG_E("option/load") << "json::Exception: " << e.what(); return; } ConfigVisitor config_visitor(ignore_errors); config_root.Accept(config_visitor); auto new_values = config_visitor.Values(); if (new_values.empty()) return; sort(begin(new_values), end(new_values), option_name_cmp()); if (values.empty()) { values = std::move(new_values); return; } auto src_it = begin(new_values), src_end = end(new_values); auto dst_it = begin(values), dst_end = end(values); while (src_it != src_end && dst_it != dst_end) { int cmp = (*src_it)->GetName().compare((*dst_it)->GetName()); if (cmp < 0) // Option doesn't exist in defaults so skip ++src_it; else if (cmp > 0) ++dst_it; else { if (ignore_errors) { try { (*dst_it)->Set((*src_it).get()); } catch (agi::InternalError const& e) { LOG_E("option/load/config_visitor") << "Error loading option from user configuration: " << e.GetMessage(); } } else { *dst_it = std::move(*src_it); } ++src_it; ++dst_it; } } } OptionValue *Options::Get(const char *name) { auto index = lower_bound(begin(values), end(values), name, option_name_cmp()); if (index != end(values) && (*index)->GetName() == name) return index->get(); LOG_E("option/get") << "agi::Options::Get Option not found: (" << name << ")"; throw agi::InternalError("Option value not found: " + std::string(name)); } void Options::Flush() const { json::Object obj_out; for (auto const& ov : values) { switch (ov->GetType()) { case OptionType::String: put_option(obj_out, ov->GetName(), ov->GetString()); break; case OptionType::Int: put_option(obj_out, ov->GetName(), ov->GetInt()); break; case OptionType::Double: put_option(obj_out, ov->GetName(), ov->GetDouble()); break; case OptionType::Color: put_option(obj_out, ov->GetName(), ov->GetColor().GetRgbFormatted()); break; case OptionType::Bool: put_option(obj_out, ov->GetName(), ov->GetBool()); break; case OptionType::ListString: put_array(obj_out, ov->GetName(), "string", ov->GetListString()); break; case OptionType::ListInt: put_array(obj_out, ov->GetName(), "int", ov->GetListInt()); break; case OptionType::ListDouble: put_array(obj_out, ov->GetName(), "double", ov->GetListDouble()); break; case OptionType::ListColor: put_array(obj_out, ov->GetName(), "color", ov->GetListColor()); break; case OptionType::ListBool: put_array(obj_out, ov->GetName(), "bool", ov->GetListBool()); break; } } agi::JsonWriter::Write(obj_out, io::Save(config_file).Get()); } } // namespace agi