#!/bin/sh # USAGE # osx-dmg.sh [Bundle Directory] "[Package Name]" # # This script is based on osx-dmg.sh from the Inkscape Project http://www.inkscape.org/ # # Jean-Olivier Irisson # Michael Wybrow # # Copyright (C) 2006-2007 # Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information TMP_DMG="temp_dmg" PKG_DIR="${1}.app" PKG_NAME="${2}" PKG_NAME_RW="${1}_rw.dmg" PKG_NAME_VOLUME="${2}" if ! test -d "${PKG_DIR}"; then echo "${PKG_DIR} does not exist, please run 'make osx-bundle'" exit 1; fi mkdir -v ${TMP_DMG} echo echo "---- Copying ${1} into ${TMP_DMG}/ ----" cp -R ${PKG_DIR} ${TMP_DMG} echo echo "---- Setting up ----" ln -vsf /Applications "${TMP_DMG}" mkdir -v ${TMP_DMG}/.background cp -v packages/osx_dmg/dmg_background.png ${TMP_DMG}/.background/background.png cp -v packages/osx_dmg/DS_Store ${TMP_DMG}/.DS_Store echo echo "---- Creating image ----" /usr/bin/hdiutil create -srcfolder "${TMP_DMG}" -volname "${PKG_NAME}" -fs HFS+ -fsargs "-c c=64,a=16,e=16" -format UDRW "${PKG_NAME_RW}" echo echo "---- Mounting image ----" DEV_NAME=`/usr/bin/hdiutil attach -readwrite -noverify -noautoopen "${PKG_NAME_RW}" |awk '/Apple_partition_scheme/ {print $1}'` echo "Device name: ${DEV_NAME}" echo echo "---- Setting bless -openfolder \"/Volumes/${PKG_NAME_VOLUME}\" ----" bless -openfolder "/Volumes/${PKG_NAME_VOLUME}" echo echo "---- Detaching ----" /usr/bin/hdiutil detach "${DEV_NAME}" echo echo "---- Compressing ----" /usr/bin/hdiutil convert "${PKG_NAME_RW}" -format UDZO -imagekey zlib-level=9 -o "${PKG_NAME}.dmg" echo echo "---- Removing ${TMP_DMG}, ${PKG_NAME_RW} ----" rm -rf ${TMP_DMG} ${PKG_NAME_RW} echo echo "Done!"