// Copyright (c) 2013, Thomas Goyne // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES // WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR // ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES // WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF // OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. // // Aegisub Project http://www.aegisub.org/ /// @file visual_tool.cpp /// @brief Base class for visual typesetting functions /// @ingroup visual_ts #include "config.h" #include "visual_tool.h" #include "ass_dialogue.h" #include "ass_file.h" #include "ass_style.h" #include "ass_time.h" #include "include/aegisub/context.h" #include "options.h" #include "selection_controller.h" #include "utils.h" #include "video_context.h" #include "video_display.h" #include "visual_feature.h" #include "visual_tool_clip.h" #include "visual_tool_drag.h" #include "visual_tool_vector_clip.h" #include #include #include using std::placeholders::_1; const wxColour VisualToolBase::colour[] = { wxColour(106,32,19), wxColour(255,169,40), wxColour(255,253,185), wxColour(187,0,0) }; VisualToolBase::VisualToolBase(VideoDisplay *parent, agi::Context *context) : c(context) , parent(parent) , frame_number(c->videoController->GetFrameN()) , file_changed_connection(c->ass->AddCommitListener(&VisualToolBase::OnCommit, this)) { int script_w, script_h; c->ass->GetResolution(script_w, script_h); script_res = Vector2D(script_w, script_h); active_line = GetActiveDialogueLine(); connections.push_back(c->selectionController->AddActiveLineListener(&VisualToolBase::OnActiveLineChanged, this)); connections.push_back(c->videoController->AddSeekListener(&VisualToolBase::OnSeek, this)); parent->Bind(wxEVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_LOST, &VisualToolBase::OnMouseCaptureLost, this); } void VisualToolBase::OnCommit(int type) { holding = false; dragging = false; if (type == AssFile::COMMIT_NEW || type & AssFile::COMMIT_SCRIPTINFO) { int script_w, script_h; c->ass->GetResolution(script_w, script_h); script_res = Vector2D(script_w, script_h); OnCoordinateSystemsChanged(); } if (type & AssFile::COMMIT_DIAG_FULL || type & AssFile::COMMIT_DIAG_ADDREM) { active_line = GetActiveDialogueLine(); OnFileChanged(); } } void VisualToolBase::OnSeek(int new_frame) { if (frame_number == new_frame) return; frame_number = new_frame; OnFrameChanged(); AssDialogue *new_line = GetActiveDialogueLine(); if (new_line != active_line) { dragging = false; active_line = new_line; OnLineChanged(); } } void VisualToolBase::OnMouseCaptureLost(wxMouseCaptureLostEvent &) { holding = false; dragging = false; } void VisualToolBase::OnActiveLineChanged(AssDialogue *new_line) { if (!IsDisplayed(new_line)) new_line = nullptr; holding = false; dragging = false; if (new_line != active_line) { active_line = new_line; OnLineChanged(); parent->Render(); } } bool VisualToolBase::IsDisplayed(AssDialogue *line) const { int frame = c->videoController->GetFrameN(); return line && !line->Comment && c->videoController->FrameAtTime(line->Start, agi::vfr::START) <= frame && c->videoController->FrameAtTime(line->End, agi::vfr::END) >= frame; } void VisualToolBase::Commit(wxString message) { file_changed_connection.Block(); if (message.empty()) message = _("visual typesetting"); commit_id = c->ass->Commit(message, AssFile::COMMIT_DIAG_TEXT, commit_id); file_changed_connection.Unblock(); } AssDialogue* VisualToolBase::GetActiveDialogueLine() { AssDialogue *diag = c->selectionController->GetActiveLine(); if (IsDisplayed(diag)) return diag; return nullptr; } void VisualToolBase::SetDisplayArea(int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (x == video_pos.X() && y == video_pos.Y() && w == video_res.X() && h == video_res.Y()) return; video_pos = Vector2D(x, y); video_res = Vector2D(w, h); holding = false; dragging = false; if (parent->HasCapture()) parent->ReleaseMouse(); OnCoordinateSystemsChanged(); } Vector2D VisualToolBase::ToScriptCoords(Vector2D point) const { return (point - video_pos) * script_res / video_res; } Vector2D VisualToolBase::FromScriptCoords(Vector2D point) const { return (point * video_res / script_res) + video_pos; } template VisualTool::VisualTool(VideoDisplay *parent, agi::Context *context) : VisualToolBase(parent, context) { } template void VisualTool::OnMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent &event) { bool left_click = event.LeftDown(); bool left_double = event.LeftDClick(); shift_down = event.ShiftDown(); ctrl_down = event.CmdDown(); alt_down = event.AltDown(); mouse_pos = event.GetPosition(); if (event.Leaving()) { mouse_pos = Vector2D(); parent->Render(); return; } if (!dragging) { int max_layer = INT_MIN; active_feature = nullptr; for (auto& feature : features) { if (feature.IsMouseOver(mouse_pos) && feature.layer >= max_layer) { active_feature = &feature; max_layer = feature.layer; } } } if (dragging) { // continue drag if (event.LeftIsDown()) { for (auto sel : sel_features) sel->UpdateDrag(mouse_pos - drag_start, shift_down); for (auto sel : sel_features) UpdateDrag(sel); Commit(); } // end drag else { dragging = false; // mouse didn't move, fiddle with selection if (active_feature && !active_feature->HasMoved()) { // Don't deselect stuff that was selected in this click's mousedown event if (!sel_changed) { if (ctrl_down) RemoveSelection(active_feature); else SetSelection(active_feature, true); } } active_feature = nullptr; parent->ReleaseMouse(); parent->SetFocus(); } } else if (holding) { if (!event.LeftIsDown()) { holding = false; parent->ReleaseMouse(); parent->SetFocus(); } UpdateHold(); Commit(); } else if (left_click) { drag_start = mouse_pos; // start drag if (active_feature) { if (!sel_features.count(active_feature)) { sel_changed = true; SetSelection(active_feature, !ctrl_down); } else sel_changed = false; if (active_feature->line) c->selectionController->SetActiveLine(active_feature->line); if (InitializeDrag(active_feature)) { for (auto sel : sel_features) sel->StartDrag(); dragging = true; parent->CaptureMouse(); } } // start hold else { if (!alt_down && features.size() > 1) { sel_features.clear(); c->selectionController->SetSelectedSet({ c->selectionController->GetActiveLine() }); } if (active_line && InitializeHold()) { holding = true; parent->CaptureMouse(); } } } if (active_line && left_double) OnDoubleClick(); parent->Render(); // Only coalesce the changes made in a single drag if (!event.LeftIsDown()) commit_id = -1; } template void VisualTool::DrawAllFeatures() { gl.SetLineColour(colour[0], 1.0f, 2); for (auto& feature : features) { int fill = 1; if (&feature == active_feature) fill = 2; else if (sel_features.count(&feature)) fill = 3; gl.SetFillColour(colour[fill], 0.6f); feature.Draw(gl); } } template void VisualTool::SetSelection(FeatureType *feat, bool clear) { if (clear) sel_features.clear(); if (sel_features.insert(feat).second && feat->line) { Selection sel; if (!clear) sel = c->selectionController->GetSelectedSet(); if (sel.insert(feat->line).second) c->selectionController->SetSelectedSet(std::move(sel)); } } template void VisualTool::RemoveSelection(FeatureType *feat) { if (!sel_features.erase(feat) || !feat->line) return; for (auto sel : sel_features) if (sel->line == feat->line) return; auto sel = c->selectionController->GetSelectedSet(); // Don't deselect the only selected line if (sel.size() <= 1) return; sel.erase(feat->line); // Set the active line to an arbitrary selected line if we just // deselected the active line AssDialogue *new_active = c->selectionController->GetActiveLine(); if (feat->line == new_active) new_active = *sel.begin(); c->selectionController->SetSelectionAndActive(std::move(sel), new_active); } //////// PARSERS typedef const std::vector * param_vec; // Find a tag's parameters in a line or return nullptr if it's not found static param_vec find_tag(boost::ptr_vector& blocks, std::string const& tag_name) { for (auto ovr : blocks | agi::of_type()) { for (auto const& tag : ovr->Tags) { if (tag.Name == tag_name) return &tag.Params; } } return nullptr; } // Get a Vector2D from the given tag parameters, or Vector2D::Bad() if they are not valid static Vector2D vec_or_bad(param_vec tag, size_t x_idx, size_t y_idx) { if (!tag || tag->size() <= x_idx || tag->size() <= y_idx || (*tag)[x_idx].omitted || (*tag)[y_idx].omitted) { return Vector2D(); } return Vector2D((*tag)[x_idx].Get(), (*tag)[y_idx].Get()); } Vector2D VisualToolBase::GetLinePosition(AssDialogue *diag) { boost::ptr_vector blocks(diag->ParseTags()); if (Vector2D ret = vec_or_bad(find_tag(blocks, "\\pos"), 0, 1)) return ret; if (Vector2D ret = vec_or_bad(find_tag(blocks, "\\move"), 0, 1)) return ret; // Get default position auto margin = diag->Margin; int align = 2; if (AssStyle *style = c->ass->GetStyle(diag->Style)) { align = style->alignment; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (margin[i] == 0) margin[i] = style->Margin[i]; } } param_vec align_tag; int ovr_align = 0; if ((align_tag = find_tag(blocks, "\\an"))) ovr_align = (*align_tag)[0].Get(ovr_align); else if ((align_tag = find_tag(blocks, "\\a"))) ovr_align = AssStyle::SsaToAss((*align_tag)[0].Get(2)); if (ovr_align > 0 && ovr_align <= 9) align = ovr_align; // Alignment type int hor = (align - 1) % 3; int vert = (align - 1) / 3; // Calculate positions int x, y; if (hor == 0) x = margin[0]; else if (hor == 1) x = (script_res.X() + margin[0] - margin[1]) / 2; else x = script_res.X() - margin[1]; if (vert == 0) y = script_res.Y() - margin[2]; else if (vert == 1) y = script_res.Y() / 2; else y = margin[2]; return Vector2D(x, y); } Vector2D VisualToolBase::GetLineOrigin(AssDialogue *diag) { boost::ptr_vector blocks(diag->ParseTags()); return vec_or_bad(find_tag(blocks, "\\org"), 0, 1); } bool VisualToolBase::GetLineMove(AssDialogue *diag, Vector2D &p1, Vector2D &p2, int &t1, int &t2) { boost::ptr_vector blocks(diag->ParseTags()); param_vec tag = find_tag(blocks, "\\move"); if (!tag) return false; p1 = vec_or_bad(tag, 0, 1); p2 = vec_or_bad(tag, 2, 3); // VSFilter actually defaults to -1, but it uses <= 0 to check for default and 0 seems less bug-prone t1 = (*tag)[4].Get(0); t2 = (*tag)[5].Get(0); return p1 && p2; } void VisualToolBase::GetLineRotation(AssDialogue *diag, float &rx, float &ry, float &rz) { rx = ry = rz = 0.f; if (AssStyle *style = c->ass->GetStyle(diag->Style)) rz = style->angle; boost::ptr_vector blocks(diag->ParseTags()); if (param_vec tag = find_tag(blocks, "\\frx")) rx = tag->front().Get(rx); if (param_vec tag = find_tag(blocks, "\\fry")) ry = tag->front().Get(ry); if (param_vec tag = find_tag(blocks, "\\frz")) rz = tag->front().Get(rz); else if ((tag = find_tag(blocks, "\\fr"))) rz = tag->front().Get(rz); } void VisualToolBase::GetLineShear(AssDialogue *diag, float& fax, float& fay) { fax = fay = 0.f; boost::ptr_vector blocks(diag->ParseTags()); if (param_vec tag = find_tag(blocks, "\\fax")) fax = tag->front().Get(fax); if (param_vec tag = find_tag(blocks, "\\fay")) fay = tag->front().Get(fay); } void VisualToolBase::GetLineScale(AssDialogue *diag, Vector2D &scale) { float x = 100.f, y = 100.f; if (AssStyle *style = c->ass->GetStyle(diag->Style)) { x = style->scalex; y = style->scaley; } boost::ptr_vector blocks(diag->ParseTags()); if (param_vec tag = find_tag(blocks, "\\fscx")) x = tag->front().Get(x); if (param_vec tag = find_tag(blocks, "\\fscy")) y = tag->front().Get(y); scale = Vector2D(x, y); } void VisualToolBase::GetLineClip(AssDialogue *diag, Vector2D &p1, Vector2D &p2, bool &inverse) { inverse = false; boost::ptr_vector blocks(diag->ParseTags()); param_vec tag = find_tag(blocks, "\\iclip"); if (tag) inverse = true; else tag = find_tag(blocks, "\\clip"); if (tag && tag->size() == 4) { p1 = vec_or_bad(tag, 0, 1); p2 = vec_or_bad(tag, 2, 3); } else { p1 = Vector2D(0, 0); p2 = script_res - 1; } } std::string VisualToolBase::GetLineVectorClip(AssDialogue *diag, int &scale, bool &inverse) { boost::ptr_vector blocks(diag->ParseTags()); scale = 1; inverse = false; param_vec tag = find_tag(blocks, "\\iclip"); if (tag) inverse = true; else tag = find_tag(blocks, "\\clip"); if (tag && tag->size() == 4) { return str(boost::format("m %d %d l %d %d %d %d %d %d") % (*tag)[0].Get() % (*tag)[1].Get() % (*tag)[2].Get() % (*tag)[1].Get() % (*tag)[2].Get() % (*tag)[3].Get() % (*tag)[0].Get() % (*tag)[3].Get()); } if (tag) { scale = std::max((*tag)[0].Get(scale), 1); return (*tag)[1].Get(""); } return ""; } void VisualToolBase::SetSelectedOverride(std::string const& tag, std::string const& value) { for (auto line : c->selectionController->GetSelectedSet()) SetOverride(line, tag, value); } void VisualToolBase::SetOverride(AssDialogue* line, std::string const& tag, std::string const& value) { if (!line) return; std::string removeTag; if (tag == "\\1c") removeTag = "\\c"; else if (tag == "\\frz") removeTag = "\\fr"; else if (tag == "\\pos") removeTag = "\\move"; else if (tag == "\\move") removeTag = "\\pos"; else if (tag == "\\clip") removeTag = "\\iclip"; else if (tag == "\\iclip") removeTag = "\\clip"; // Get block at start boost::ptr_vector blocks(line->ParseTags()); AssDialogueBlock *block = &blocks.front(); if (AssDialogueBlockOverride *ovr = dynamic_cast(block)) { // Remove old of same for (size_t i = 0; i < ovr->Tags.size(); i++) { std::string const& name = ovr->Tags[i].Name; if (tag == name || removeTag == name) { ovr->Tags.erase(ovr->Tags.begin() + i); i--; } } ovr->AddTag(tag + value); line->UpdateText(blocks); } else line->Text = "{" + tag + value + "}" + line->Text.get(); } // If only export worked template class VisualTool; template class VisualTool; template class VisualTool; template class VisualTool;