// Copyright (c) 2005, Niels Martin Hansen, Rodrigo Braz Monteiro // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of the Aegisub Group nor the names of its contributors // may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software // without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // AEGISUB // // Website: http://aegisub.cellosoft.com // Contact: mailto:zeratul@cellosoft.com // #include "colorspace.h" #include "utils.h" // matrix from http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=684080#post684080 void yuv_to_rgb(int Y, int U, int V, unsigned char *R, unsigned char *G, unsigned char *B) { U = U - 128; V = V - 128; *R = clip_colorval((Y*65536 + int(1.140*65536) * V) / 65536); *G = clip_colorval((Y*65536 - int(0.395*65536) * U - int(0.581*65536) * V) / 65536); *B = clip_colorval((Y*65536 + int(2.032*65536) * U ) / 65536); } // algorithm from // making every value into 0..255 range though void hsl_to_rgb(int H, int S, int L, unsigned char *R, unsigned char *G, unsigned char *B) { if (S == 0) { *R = L; *G = L; *B = L; return; } int r, g, b; int temp2; if (L < 128) { temp2 = L * (256 + S) / 256; } else { temp2 = L + S - L * S / 256; } int temp1 = 2*L - temp2; int temp3[3]; temp3[0] = H + 256/3; if (temp3[0] < 0) temp3[0] += 256; if (temp3[0] > 256) temp3[0] -= 256; temp3[1] = H; temp3[2] = H - 256/3; if (temp3[2] < 0) temp3[2] += 256; if (temp3[2] > 256) temp3[2] -= 256; if (6 * temp3[0] < 255) r = temp1 + (temp2 - temp1) * 6 * temp3[0] / 256; else if (2 * temp3[0] < 255) r = temp2; else if (3 * temp3[0] < 511) r = temp1 + (temp2 - temp1) * ((512/3) - temp3[0]) * 6 / 256; else r = temp1; if (6 * temp3[1] < 255) g = temp1 + (temp2 - temp1) * 6 * temp3[1] / 256; else if (2 * temp3[1] < 255) g = temp2; else if (3 * temp3[1] < 511) g = temp1 + (temp2 - temp1) * ((512/3) - temp3[1]) * 6 / 256; else g = temp1; if (6 * temp3[2] < 255) b = temp1 + (temp2 - temp1) * 6 * temp3[2] / 256; else if (2 * temp3[2] < 255) b = temp2; else if (3 * temp3[2] < 511) b = temp1 + (temp2 - temp1) * ((512/3) - temp3[2]) * 6 / 256; else b = temp1; *R = clip_colorval(r); *G = clip_colorval(g); *B = clip_colorval(b); } // formulas taken from wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSV_color_space // the range for H is 0..255 instead of 0..359, so 60 degrees has been translated to 256/6 here void hsv_to_rgb(int H, int S, int V, unsigned char *R, unsigned char *G, unsigned char *B) { *R = *G = *B = 0; // Cap values unsigned int h = H * 360; unsigned int s = clip_colorval(S)*256; unsigned int v = clip_colorval(V)*256; // Saturation is zero, make grey if (S == 0) { *R = V; *G = V; *B = V; return; } unsigned int r, g, b; // Else, calculate color unsigned int Hi = h / 60 / 256; unsigned int f = h / 60 - Hi * 256; unsigned int p = v * (65535 - s) / 65536; unsigned int q = v * (65535 - (f * s)/256) / 65536; unsigned int t = v * (65535 - ((255 - f) * s)/256) / 65536; switch (Hi) { case 0: r = v; g = t; b = p; break; case 1: r = q; g = v; b = p; break; case 2: r = p; g = v; b = t; break; case 3: r = p; g = q; b = v; break; case 4: r = t; g = p; b = v; break; case 5: r = v; g = p; b = q; break; } *R = clip_colorval(r/256); *G = clip_colorval(g/256); *B = clip_colorval(b/256); } // matrix from http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=684080#post684080 void rgb_to_yuv(int R, int G, int B, unsigned char *Y, unsigned char *U, unsigned char *V) { *Y = clip_colorval(( int(0.299*65536) * R + int(0.587*65536) * G + int(0.114*65536) * B) / 65536); *U = clip_colorval((-int(0.147*65536) * R - int(0.289*65536) * G + int(0.436*65536) * B) / 65536 + 128); *V = clip_colorval(( int(0.615*65536) * R - int(0.515*65536) * G - int(0.100*65536) * B) / 65536 + 128); } // also from // still keeping everything integer void rgb_to_hsl(int R, int G, int B, unsigned char *H, unsigned char *S, unsigned char *L) { /* int maxcolor = MAX(R, MAX(G, B)); int mincolor = MIN(R, MIN(G, B)); *L = (maxcolor + mincolor) / 2; if (mincolor == maxcolor) { *S = 0; *H = 0; return; } if (*L < 128) *S = (maxcolor - mincolor) * 256 / (maxcolor + mincolor); else *S = (maxcolor - mincolor) * 256 / (512 - maxcolor - mincolor); int h; if (R == maxcolor) h = (G - B) * 256 / (maxcolor - mincolor); else if (G == maxcolor) h = 512 + (B - R) / (maxcolor - mincolor); else // if (B == maxcolor) h = 1024 + (R - G) / (maxcolor - mincolor); h /= 6; if (h < 0) h += 256; *H = h; */ float r = R/255.f, g = G/255.f, b = B/255.f; float h, s, l; float maxrgb = MAX(r, MAX(g, b)), minrgb = MIN(r, MIN(g, b)); l = (minrgb + maxrgb) / 2; if (minrgb == maxrgb) { h = 0; s = 0; } else { if (l < 0.5) { s = (maxrgb - minrgb) / (maxrgb + minrgb); } else { s = (maxrgb - minrgb) / (2.f - maxrgb - minrgb); } if (r == maxrgb) { h = (g-b) / (maxrgb-minrgb) + 0; } else if (g == maxrgb) { h = (b-r) / (maxrgb-minrgb) + 2; } else { // if b == maxrgb h = (r-g) / (maxrgb-minrgb) + 4; } } if (h < 0) h += 6; if (h >= 6) h -= 6; *H = clip_colorval(int(h*256/6)); *S = clip_colorval(int(s*255)); *L = clip_colorval(int(l*255)); } // formulas from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSV_color_space void rgb_to_hsv(int R, int G, int B, unsigned char *H, unsigned char *S, unsigned char *V) { /* int maxrgb = MAX(R, MAX(R, B)), minrgb = MIN(R, MIN(G, B)); *V = clip_colorval(maxrgb); if (maxrgb == 0) { *S = 0; } else { *S = clip_colorval((maxrgb - minrgb) * 256 / maxrgb); } int h; if (minrgb == maxrgb) { h = 0; } else if (R == maxrgb) { h = (G - B) * 256 / (maxrgb - minrgb) * 256 / 6; } else if (G == maxrgb) { h = (B - R) * 256 / (maxrgb - minrgb) * 256 / 6 + 256/3; } else { // if B == maxrgb h = (R - G) * 256 / (maxrgb - minrgb) * 256 / 6 + 256*2/3; } if (h < 0) h += 256; if (h > 255) h -= 256; *H = clip_colorval(h); */ float r = R/255.f, g = G/255.f, b = B/255.f; float h, s, v; float maxrgb = MAX(r, MAX(g, b)), minrgb = MIN(r, MIN(g, b)); v = maxrgb; if (maxrgb < .001f) { s = 1; } else { s = (maxrgb - minrgb) / maxrgb; } if (minrgb == maxrgb) { h = 0; } else if (maxrgb == r) { h = (g-b) / (maxrgb-minrgb) + 0; } else if (maxrgb == g) { h = (b-r) / (maxrgb-minrgb) + 2; } else { // if maxrgb == b h = (r-g) / (maxrgb-minrgb) + 4; } if (h < 0) h += 6; if (h >= 6) h -= 6; *H = clip_colorval(int(h*256/6)); *S = clip_colorval(int(s*255)); *V = clip_colorval(int(v*255)); } wxString color_to_html(wxColour color) { return wxString::Format(_T("#%02X%02X%02X"), color.Red(), color.Green(), color.Blue()); } wxColour html_to_color(wxString html) { html.Trim(true); html.Trim(false); if (html.StartsWith(_T("#"))) { html.Remove(0, 1); } if (html.size() == 6) { // 8 bit per channel long r, g, b; wxString sr, sg, sb; sr = html.Mid(0, 2); sg = html.Mid(2, 2); sb = html.Mid(4, 2); if (sr.ToLong(&r, 16) && sg.ToLong(&g, 16) && sb.ToLong(&b, 16)) { return wxColour(r, g, b); } else { return wxColour(*wxBLACK); } } else if (html.size() == 3) { // 4 bit per channel long r, g, b; wxString sr, sg, sb; sr = html.Mid(0, 1); sg = html.Mid(1, 1); sb = html.Mid(2, 1); if (sr.ToLong(&r, 16) && sg.ToLong(&g, 16) && sb.ToLong(&b, 16)) { return wxColour(r*16+r, g*16+g, b*16+b); } else { return wxColour(*wxBLACK); } } else { // only care about valid colors return wxColour(*wxBLACK); } }