""" Utility functions for loading video files into Aegisub using the VapourSynth video provider. When encountering a file whose file extension is not .py or .vpy, the VapourSynth audio and video providers will execute the respective default script set in Aegisub's configuration, with the following string variables set: - filename: The path to the file that's being opened. - __aegi_data, __aegi_dictionary, __aegi_local, __aegi_script, __aegi_temp, __aegi_user: The values of ?data, ?dictionary, etc. respectively. - __aegi_vscache: The path to a directory where the VapourSynth script can store cache files. This directory is cleaned by Aegisub when it gets too large (as defined by Aegisub's configuration). The provider reads the video from the script's 0-th output node. By default, the video is assumed to be CFR. The script can pass further information to Aegisub using the following variables: - __aegi_timecodes: List[int] | str: The timecodes for the video, or the path to a timecodes file. - __aegi_keyframes: List[int] | str: List of frame numbers to load as keyframes, or the path to a keyframes file. - __aegi_hasaudio: int: If nonzero, Aegisub will try to load an audio track from the same file. The script can control the progress dialog shown by Aegisub with certain log messages. Check the functions defined below for more information. This module provides some utility functions to obtain timecodes, keyframes, and other data. """ import os import os.path import re from enum import Enum from collections import deque from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Callable import vapoursynth as vs core = vs.core aegi_vscache: str = "" aegi_vsplugins: str = "" plugin_extension = ".dll" if os.name == "nt" else ".so" def progress_set_message(message: str): """ Sets the message of Aegisub's progress dialog. """ vs.core.log_message(vs.MESSAGE_TYPE_DEBUG, f"__aegi_set_message,{message}") def progress_set_progress(percent: float): """ Sets the progress shown in Aegisub's progress dialog to the given percentage. """ vs.core.log_message(vs.MESSAGE_TYPE_DEBUG, f"__aegi_set_progress,{percent}") def progress_set_indeterminate(): """ Sets Aegisub's progress dialog to show indeterminate progress. """ vs.core.log_message(vs.MESSAGE_TYPE_DEBUG, f"__aegi_set_indeterminate,") def set_paths(vars: dict): """ Initialize the wrapper library with the given configuration directories. Should usually be called at the start of the default script as set_paths(globals()) """ global aegi_vscache global aegi_vsplugins aegi_vscache = vars["__aegi_vscache"] aegi_vsplugins = vars["__aegi_vsplugins"] def ensure_plugin(name: str, loadname: str, errormsg: str): """ Ensures that the VapourSynth plugin with the given name exists. If it doesn't, it tries to load it from `loadname`. If that fails, it raises an error with the given error message. """ if hasattr(core, name): return if aegi_vsplugins and loadname: try: core.std.LoadPlugin(os.path.join(aegi_vsplugins, loadname + plugin_extension)) if hasattr(core, name): return except vs.Error: pass raise vs.Error(errormsg) def make_lwi_cache_filename(filename: str) -> str: """ Given a path to a video, will return a file name like the one LWLibavSource would use for a .lwi file. """ max_len = 254 extension = ".lwi" if len(filename) + len(extension) > max_len: filename = filename[-(max_len + len(extension)):] return "".join(("_" if c in "/\\:" else c) for c in filename) + extension def make_keyframes_filename(filename: str) -> str: """ Given a path `path/to/file.mkv`, will return the path `path/to/file_keyframes.txt`. """ extlen = filename[::-1].find(".") + 1 return filename[:len(filename) - extlen] + "_keyframes.txt" lwindex_re1 = re.compile(r"Index=(?P-?[0-9]+),POS=(?P-?[0-9]+),PTS=(?P-?[0-9]+),DTS=(?P-?[0-9]+),EDI=(?P-?[0-9]+)") lwindex_re2 = re.compile(r"Key=(?P-?[0-9]+),Pic=(?P-?[0-9]+),POC=(?P-?[0-9]+),Repeat=(?P-?[0-9]+),Field=(?P-?[0-9]+)") streaminfo_re = re.compile(r"Codec=(?P[0-9]+),TimeBase=(?P[0-9\/]+),Width=(?P[0-9]+),Height=(?P[0-9]+),Format=(?P[0-9a-zA-Z]+),ColorSpace=(?P[0-9]+)") class LWIndexFrame: pts: int key: int index: int def __init__(self, raw: list[str]): match1 = lwindex_re1.match(raw[0]) match2 = lwindex_re2.match(raw[1]) if not match1 or not match2: raise ValueError("Invalid lwindex format") self.index = int(match1.group("Index")) self.pts = int(match1.group("PTS")) self.key = int(match2.group("Key")) def __int__(self) -> int: return self.pts def info_from_lwindex(indexfile: str) -> Dict[str, List[int]]: """ Given a path to an .lwi file, will return a dictionary containing information about the video, with the keys - timcodes: The timecodes. - keyframes: Array of frame numbers of keyframes. """ with open(indexfile, encoding="latin1") as f: index = f.read().splitlines() # The picture list starts after the last tag indexstart, indexend = (len(index) - index[::-1].index("")), index.index("") frames = [LWIndexFrame(index[i:i+2]) for i in range(indexstart, indexend, 2)] frames = [f for f in frames if f.index == 0] # select the first stream frames.sort(key=int) streaminfo = streaminfo_re.match(index[index.index("") + 1]) # info of first stream if not streaminfo: raise ValueError("Invalid lwindex format") timebase_num, timebase_den = [int(i) for i in streaminfo.group("TimeBase").split("/")] return { "timecodes": [(f.pts * 1000 * timebase_num) // timebase_den for f in frames], "keyframes": [i for i, f in enumerate(frames) if f.key], } def wrap_lwlibavsource(filename: str, cachedir: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[vs.VideoNode, Dict[str, List[int]]]: """ Given a path to a video file and a directory to store index files in (usually __aegi_vscache), will open the video with LWLibavSource and read the generated .lwi file to obtain the timecodes and keyframes. Additional keyword arguments are passed on to LWLibavSource. """ if cachedir is None: cachedir = aegi_vscache try: os.mkdir(cachedir) except FileExistsError: pass cachefile = os.path.join(cachedir, make_lwi_cache_filename(filename)) progress_set_message("Loading video file") progress_set_indeterminate() ensure_plugin("lsmas", "libvslsmashsource", "To use Aegisub's LWLibavSource wrapper, the `lsmas` plugin for VapourSynth must be installed") if b"-Dcachedir" not in core.lsmas.Version()["config"]: # type: ignore raise vs.Error("To use Aegisub's LWLibavSource wrapper, the `lsmas` plugin must support the `cachedir` option for LWLibavSource.") clip = core.lsmas.LWLibavSource(source=filename, cachefile=cachefile, **kwargs) progress_set_message("Getting timecodes and keyframes from the index file") return clip, info_from_lwindex(cachefile) def make_keyframes(clip: vs.VideoNode, use_scxvid: bool = False, resize_h: int = 360, resize_format: int = vs.GRAY8, **kwargs: Any) -> List[int]: """ Generates a list of keyframes from a clip, using either WWXD or Scxvid. :param clip: Clip to process. :param use_scxvid: Whether to use Scxvid. If False, the function uses WWXD. :param resize_h: Height to resize the clip to before processing. :param resize_format: Format to convert the clip to before processing. The remaining keyword arguments are passed on to the respective filter. """ progress_set_message("Generating keyframes") progress_set_progress(1) clip = core.resize.Bilinear(clip, width=resize_h * clip.width // clip.height, height=resize_h, format=resize_format) if use_scxvid: ensure_plugin("scxvid", "libscxvid", "To use the keyframe generation, the scxvid plugin for VapourSynth must be installed") clip = core.scxvid.Scxvid(clip, **kwargs) else: ensure_plugin("wwxd", "libwwxd64", "To use the keyframe generation, the wwxdplugin for VapourSynth must be installed") clip = core.wwxd.WWXD(clip, **kwargs) keyframes = {} done = 0 def _cb(n: int, f: vs.VideoFrame) -> vs.VideoFrame: nonlocal done keyframes[n] = f.props._SceneChangePrev if use_scxvid else f.props.Scenechange # type: ignore done += 1 if done % (clip.num_frames // 200) == 0: progress_set_progress(100 * done / clip.num_frames) return f deque(clip.std.ModifyFrame(clip, _cb).frames(close=True), 0) progress_set_progress(100) return [n for n in range(clip.num_frames) if keyframes[n]] def save_keyframes(filename: str, keyframes: List[int]): """ Saves a list of keyframes in Aegisub's keyframe format v1 to a file with the given filename. """ with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write("# keyframe format v1\n") f.write("fps 0\n") f.write("".join(f"{n}\n" for n in keyframes)) class GenKeyframesMode(Enum): NEVER = 0 ALWAYS = 1 ASK = 2 def ask_gen_keyframes(_: str) -> bool: from tkinter.messagebox import askyesno progress_set_message("Asking whether to generate keyframes") progress_set_indeterminate() result = askyesno("Generate Keyframes", \ "No keyframes file was found for this video file.\nShould Aegisub detect keyframes from the video?\nThis will take a while.", default="no") progress_set_message("") return result def get_keyframes(filename: str, clip: vs.VideoNode, fallback: str | List[int], generate: GenKeyframesMode = GenKeyframesMode.ASK, ask_callback: Callable = ask_gen_keyframes, **kwargs: Any) -> str | List[int]: """ Looks for a keyframes file for the given filename. If no file was found, this function can generate a keyframe file for the given clip next to the given filename using WWXD or Scxvid (see the make_keyframes docstring). Whether or not keyframes are generated depends on the `generate` argument. Depending on the `generate` argument, the function will - always generate keyframes when no file was found - never generate keyframes when no file was found (and return the fallback keyframes instead) - show a dialog to ask the user whether keyframes should be generated or not Additional keyword arguments are passed on to make_keyframes. """ progress_set_message("Looking for keyframes") progress_set_indeterminate() kffilename = make_keyframes_filename(filename) if not os.path.exists(kffilename): if generate == GenKeyframesMode.NEVER: return fallback if generate == GenKeyframesMode.ASK and not ask_callback(filename): return fallback keyframes = make_keyframes(clip, **kwargs) save_keyframes(kffilename, keyframes) return kffilename def check_audio(filename: str, **kwargs: Any) -> bool: """ Checks whether the given file has an audio track by trying to open it with BestAudioSource. Requires the `bas` plugin to return correct results, but won't crash if it's not installed. Additional keyword arguments are passed on to BestAudioSource. """ progress_set_message("Checking if the file has an audio track") progress_set_indeterminate() try: ensure_plugin("bas", "BestAudioSource", "") vs.core.bas.Source(source=filename, **kwargs) return True except AttributeError: pass except vs.Error: pass return False