// Copyright (c) 2014, Thomas Goyne <plorkyeran@aegisub.org> // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES // WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR // ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES // WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF // OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. // // Aegisub Project http://www.aegisub.org/ #include "libaegisub/audio/provider.h" #include "libaegisub/fs.h" #include "libaegisub/io.h" #include "libaegisub/log.h" #include "libaegisub/util.h" namespace agi { void AudioProvider::GetAudioWithVolume(void *buf, int64_t start, int64_t count, double volume) const { GetAudio(buf, start, count); if (volume == 1.0) return; if (bytes_per_sample != 2) throw agi::InternalError("GetAudioWithVolume called on unconverted audio stream"); auto buffer = static_cast<int16_t *>(buf); for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t)count; ++i) buffer[i] = util::mid(-0x8000, static_cast<int>(buffer[i] * volume + 0.5), 0x7FFF); } void AudioProvider::ZeroFill(void *buf, int64_t count) const { if (bytes_per_sample == 1) // 8 bit formats are usually unsigned with bias 127 memset(buf, 127, count * channels); else // While everything else is signed memset(buf, 0, count * bytes_per_sample * channels); } void AudioProvider::GetAudio(void *buf, int64_t start, int64_t count) const { if (start < 0) { ZeroFill(buf, std::min(-start, count)); buf = static_cast<char *>(buf) + -start * bytes_per_sample * channels; count += start; start = 0; } if (start + count > num_samples) { int64_t zero_count = std::min(count, start + count - num_samples); count -= zero_count; ZeroFill(static_cast<char *>(buf) + count * bytes_per_sample * channels, zero_count); } if (count <= 0) return; try { FillBuffer(buf, start, count); } catch (AudioDecodeError const& e) { // We don't have any good way to report errors here, so just log the // failure and return silence LOG_E("audio_provider") << e.GetMessage(); ZeroFill(buf, count); return; } catch (...) { LOG_E("audio_provider") << "Unknown audio decoding error"; ZeroFill(buf, count); return; } } namespace { class writer { io::Save outfile; std::ostream& out; public: writer(agi::fs::path const& filename) : outfile(filename, true), out(outfile.Get()) { } template<int N> void write(const char(&str)[N]) { out.write(str, N - 1); } void write(std::vector<char> const& data) { out.write(data.data(), data.size()); } template<typename Dest, typename Src> void write(Src v) { auto converted = static_cast<Dest>(v); out.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&converted), sizeof(Dest)); } }; } void SaveAudioClip(AudioProvider *provider, fs::path const& path, int start_time, int end_time) { auto start_sample = ((int64_t)start_time * provider->GetSampleRate() + 999) / 1000; auto end_sample = ((int64_t)end_time * provider->GetSampleRate() + 999) / 1000; if (start_sample >= provider->GetNumSamples() || start_sample >= end_sample) return; size_t bytes_per_sample = provider->GetBytesPerSample() * provider->GetChannels(); size_t bufsize = (end_sample - start_sample) * bytes_per_sample; writer out{path}; out.write("RIFF"); out.write<int32_t>(bufsize + 36); out.write("WAVEfmt "); out.write<int32_t>(16); // Size of chunk out.write<int16_t>(1); // compression format (PCM) out.write<int16_t>(provider->GetChannels()); out.write<int32_t>(provider->GetSampleRate()); out.write<int32_t>(provider->GetSampleRate() * provider->GetChannels() * provider->GetBytesPerSample()); out.write<int16_t>(provider->GetChannels() * provider->GetBytesPerSample()); out.write<int16_t>(provider->GetBytesPerSample() * 8); out.write("data"); out.write<int32_t>(bufsize); // samples per read size_t spr = 65536 / bytes_per_sample; std::vector<char> buf; for (int64_t i = start_sample; i < end_sample; i += spr) { spr = std::min<size_t>(spr, end_sample - i); buf.resize(spr * bytes_per_sample); provider->GetAudio(&buf[0], i, spr); out.write(buf); } } }