Commit Graph

2 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Niels Martin Hansen 44e17e9e11 Converting audio provider didn't know about channel count during bitdepth and samplerate conversion and intermixed samples from channels and more, resulting in garbage output. Fixes #726.
Originally committed to SVN as r2933.
2009-05-15 00:48:43 +00:00
Amar Takhar 91d73ec8ea SVN Transition Step 3/7
1. cd aegisub/
  2. svn mv *cpp *h src/
  3. svn mv MatroskaParser.c bitmaps boost \
     changelog.txt config gl include libosxutil libresrc md5.c msvc mythes.cxx \
     mythes.hxx res.rc src/
  4. cd ..
  5. svn mv FFmpegSource2/ INSTALL README  acinclude.m4 \ automation/ bin build desktop dummy.txt lib \
     libass/ m4macros/ packages/ po/ scripts/ universalchardet/ aegisub/
  6. mkdir -p docs/wiki_convert
  7. svn add docs/wiki_convert
  8. cd docs
  9. svn mv convert.bat output wiki_convert/

* See r2749 for full description.

Originally committed to SVN as r2752.
2009-03-08 08:30:39 +00:00