From 9466c98fd7b16f161f9db5d6d3601f3f0031b026 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Thomas Goyne Date: Sun, 1 Mar 2015 11:20:15 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] Remove trailing whitespace from kara-templater.lua --- automation/autoload/kara-templater.lua | 88 +++++++++++++------------- 1 file changed, 44 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-) diff --git a/automation/autoload/kara-templater.lua b/automation/autoload/kara-templater.lua index d1ea07972..1830fdf3d 100644 --- a/automation/autoload/kara-templater.lua +++ b/automation/autoload/kara-templater.lua @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ function parse_code(meta, styles, line, templates, mods) aegisub.debug.out(3, "Unknown modifier in code template: %s\nIn template code line: %s\nEffect field: %s\n\n", m, line.text, line.effect) end end - + if not inserted then aegisub.debug.out(5, "Found implicit run-once code line: %s\n", line.text) table.insert(templates.once, template) @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ function parse_template(meta, styles, line, templates, mods) noblank = false } local inserted = false - + local rest = mods while rest ~= "" do local m, t = string.headtail(rest) @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ function parse_template(meta, styles, line, templates, mods) aegisub.debug.out(3, "Unknown modifier in template: %s\nIn template line: %s\nEffect field: %s\n\n", m, line.text, line.effect) end end - + if not inserted then table.insert(templates.syl, template) end @@ -299,9 +299,9 @@ function apply_templates(meta, styles, subs, templates) _G = _G } tenv.tenv = tenv - + -- Define helper functions in tenv - + tenv.retime = function(mode, addstart, addend) local line, syl = tenv.line, tenv.syl local newstart, newend = line.start_time, line.end_time @@ -346,20 +346,20 @@ function apply_templates(meta, styles, subs, templates) line.duration = newend - newstart return "" end - + tenv.fxgroup = {} - + tenv.relayer = function(layer) tenv.line.layer = layer return "" end - + tenv.restyle = function(style) = style tenv.line.styleref = styles[style] return "" end - + tenv.maxloop = function(newmaxj) tenv.maxj = newmaxj return "" @@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ function apply_templates(meta, styles, subs, templates) tenv.maxj = newmaxj return "" end - + tenv.recall = {} setmetatable(tenv.recall, { decorators = {}, @@ -416,13 +416,13 @@ function apply_templates(meta, styles, subs, templates) end return value end - + -- run all run-once code snippets for k, t in pairs(templates.once) do assert(t.code, "WTF, a 'once' template without code?") run_code_template(t, tenv) end - + -- start processing lines local i, n = 0, #subs while i < n do @@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ function apply_templates(meta, styles, subs, templates) l.comment = true l.effect = "karaoke" subs[i] = l - end + end end end end @@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ end function apply_line(meta, styles, subs, line, templates, tenv) -- Tell whether any templates were applied to this line, needed to know whether the original line should be removed from input local applied_templates = false - + -- General variable replacement context local varctx = { layer = line.layer, @@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ function apply_line(meta, styles, subs, line, templates, tenv) lx = math.floor(line.x+0.5), ly = math.floor(line.y+0.5) } - + tenv.orgline = line tenv.line = nil tenv.syl = nil @@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ function apply_line(meta, styles, subs, line, templates, tenv) aegisub.debug.out(5, "Running line templates\n") for t in matching_templates(templates.line, line, tenv) do if aegisub.progress.is_cancelled() then break end - + -- Set varctx for per-line variables varctx["start"] = varctx.lstart varctx["end"] = varctx.lend @@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ function apply_line(meta, styles, subs, line, templates, tenv) varctx.height = varctx.lheight varctx.x = varctx.lx varctx.y = - + for j, maxj in template_loop(tenv, t.loops) do if t.code then aegisub.debug.out(5, "Code template, %s\n", t.code) @@ -605,29 +605,29 @@ function apply_line(meta, styles, subs, line, templates, tenv) end end aegisub.debug.out(5, "Done running line templates\n\n") - + -- Loop over syllables for i = 0, line.kara.n do if aegisub.progress.is_cancelled() then break end local syl = line.kara[i] - + aegisub.debug.out(5, "Applying templates to syllable: %s\n", syl.text) if apply_syllable_templates(syl, line, templates.syl, tenv, varctx, subs) then applied_templates = true end end - + -- Loop over furigana for i = 1, line.furi.n do if aegisub.progress.is_cancelled() then break end local furi = line.furi[i] - + aegisub.debug.out(5, "Applying templates to furigana: %s\n", furi.text) if apply_syllable_templates(furi, line, templates.furi, tenv, varctx, subs) then applied_templates = true end end - + return applied_templates end @@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ end function run_text_template(template, tenv, varctx) local res = template aegisub.debug.out(5, "Running text template '%s'\n", res) - + -- Replace the variables in the string (this is probably faster than using a custom function, but doesn't provide error reporting) if varctx then aegisub.debug.out(5, "Has varctx, replacing variables\n") @@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ function run_text_template(template, tenv, varctx) res = string.gsub(res, "$([%a_]+)", var_replacer) aegisub.debug.out(5, "Done replacing variables, new template string is '%s'\n", res) end - + -- Function for evaluating expressions local function expression_evaluator(expression) f, err = loadstring(string.format("return (%s)", expression)) @@ -691,24 +691,24 @@ function run_text_template(template, tenv, varctx) aegisub.debug.out(5, "Now evaluating expressions\n") res = string.gsub(res , "!(.-)!", expression_evaluator) aegisub.debug.out(5, "After evaluation: %s\nDone handling template\n\n", res) - + return res end function apply_syllable_templates(syl, line, templates, tenv, varctx, subs) local applied = 0 - + -- Loop over all templates matching the line style for t in matching_templates(templates, line, tenv) do if aegisub.progress.is_cancelled() then break end - + tenv.syl = syl tenv.basesyl = syl set_ctx_syl(varctx, line, syl) - + applied = applied + apply_one_syllable_template(syl, line, t, tenv, varctx, subs, false, false) end - + return applied > 0 end @@ -716,7 +716,7 @@ function is_syl_blank(syl) if syl.duration <= 0 then return true end - + -- try to remove common spacing characters local t = syl.text_stripped if t:len() <= 0 then return true end @@ -729,26 +729,26 @@ function apply_one_syllable_template(syl, line, template, tenv, varctx, subs, sk if aegisub.progress.is_cancelled() then return 0 end local t = template local applied = 0 - + aegisub.debug.out(5, "Applying template to one syllable with text: %s\n", syl.text) - + -- Check for right inline_fx if t.fx and t.fx ~= syl.inline_fx then aegisub.debug.out(5, "Syllable has wrong inline-fx (wanted '%s', got '%s'), skipping.\n", t.fx, syl.inline_fx) return 0 end - + if t.noblank and is_syl_blank(syl) then aegisub.debug.out(5, "Syllable is blank, skipping.\n") return 0 end - + -- Recurse to per-char if required if not skip_perchar and t.perchar then aegisub.debug.out(5, "Doing per-character effects...\n") local charsyl = table.copy(syl) tenv.syl = charsyl - + local left, width = syl.left, 0 for c in unicode.chars(syl.text_stripped) do charsyl.text = c @@ -762,29 +762,29 @@ function apply_one_syllable_template(syl, line, template, tenv, varctx, subs, sk charsyl.prespacewidth, charsyl.postspacewidth = 0, 0 -- whatever... left = left + width set_ctx_syl(varctx, line, charsyl) - + applied = applied + apply_one_syllable_template(charsyl, line, t, tenv, varctx, subs, true, false) end - + return applied end - + -- Recurse to multi-hl if required if not skip_multi and t.multi then aegisub.debug.out(5, "Doing multi-highlight effects...\n") local hlsyl = table.copy(syl) tenv.syl = hlsyl - + for hl = 1, syl.highlights.n do local hldata = syl.highlights[hl] hlsyl.start_time = hldata.start_time hlsyl.end_time = hldata.end_time hlsyl.duration = hldata.duration set_ctx_syl(varctx, line, hlsyl) - + applied = applied + apply_one_syllable_template(hlsyl, line, t, tenv, varctx, subs, true, true) end - + return applied end @@ -813,7 +813,7 @@ function apply_one_syllable_template(syl, line, template, tenv, varctx, subs, sk applied = applied + 1 end end - + return applied end @@ -822,10 +822,10 @@ end function filter_apply_templates(subs, config) aegisub.progress.task("Collecting header data...") local meta, styles = karaskel.collect_head(subs, true) - + aegisub.progress.task("Parsing templates...") local templates = parse_templates(meta, styles, subs) - + aegisub.progress.task("Applying templates...") apply_templates(meta, styles, subs, templates) end