From 76f0afecaf2d4eaf8bae425c0867f3b0da080d70 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thomas Goyne <>
Date: Fri, 30 May 2014 17:05:25 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Eliminate pointless wxDialog subclasses

A lot of the wxDialog subclasses don't actually override any virtual
functions, so there's no particular need for them to be subclasses at
all, and wxDialog's vtable is so huge that they actually contribute
measureable to the size of the executable.
 src/dialog_about.cpp            | 172 +++++++++++++++-----------------
 src/dialog_attachments.cpp      |  33 +++---
 src/dialog_autosave.cpp         |  23 +++--
 src/dialog_dummy_video.cpp      |  48 ++++-----
 src/dialog_export.cpp           |  62 ++++++------
 src/dialog_export_ebu3264.cpp   |  46 +++++----
 src/dialog_export_ebu3264.h     |  13 +--
 src/dialog_jumpto.cpp           |  36 +++----
 src/dialog_paste_over.cpp       |  34 +++----
 src/dialog_properties.cpp       |  48 ++++-----
 src/dialog_resample.cpp         |  59 +++++------
 src/dialog_selected_choices.cpp |  39 +++-----
 src/dialog_text_import.cpp      |  48 ++++-----
 src/dialog_timing_processor.cpp |  64 ++++++------
 src/dialog_video_details.cpp    |  29 ++----
 src/dialog_video_properties.cpp |  74 +++++++-------
 src/subtitle_format_ebu3264.cpp |   2 +-
 17 files changed, 394 insertions(+), 436 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/dialog_about.cpp b/src/dialog_about.cpp
index d56de1148..217fe358c 100644
--- a/src/dialog_about.cpp
+++ b/src/dialog_about.cpp
@@ -40,114 +40,102 @@
 #include <wx/stattext.h>
 #include <wx/textctrl.h>
-namespace {
-struct AboutScreen : wxDialog {
-	AboutScreen(wxWindow *parent)
-	: wxDialog(parent, -1, _("About Aegisub"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxCAPTION | wxCLOSE_BOX, _("About Aegisub"))
-	{
-		// Generate library string
-		wxString libString = "Aegisub includes portions from the following other projects:\n";
-		libString += "    wxWidgets - Copyright (c) Julian Smart, Robert Roebling et al;\n";
-		libString += "    wxStyledTextCtrl - Copyright (c) Robin Dunn, Neil Hodgson;\n";
-		libString += "    Scintilla - Copyright (c) Neil Hodgson;\n";
-		libString += "    Boost - Copyright (c) Beman Dawes, David Abrahams et al;\n";
-		libString += "    UniversalCharDet - Copyright (c) Netscape Communications Corp.;\n";
-		libString += "    ICU - Copyright (c) International Business Machines Corp.;\n";
-		libString += "    Lua - Copyright (c), PUC-Rio;\n";
-		libString += "    LuaJIT - Copyright (c) Mike Pall;\n";
-		libString += "    luabins - Copyright (c) Alexander Gladysh;\n";
+void ShowAboutDialog(wxWindow *parent) {
+	wxDialog d(parent, -1, _("About Aegisub"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxCAPTION | wxCLOSE_BOX);
+	wxString translatorCredit = _("Translated into LANGUAGE by PERSON\n");
+	if (translatorCredit == "Translated into LANGUAGE by PERSON\n")
+		translatorCredit.clear();
+	// Generate about string
+	wxString aboutString = wxString("Aegisub ") + GetAegisubShortVersionString() + ".\n"
+		"Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Rodrigo Braz Monteiro, Niels Martin Hansen, Thomas Goyne et al.\n\n"
+		"Programmers:\n"
+		"    Alysson Souza e Silva\n"
+		"    Amar Takhar\n"
+		"    Dan Donovan\n"
+		"    Daniel Moscoviter\n"
+		"    David Conrad\n"
+		"    David Lamparter\n"
+		"    Eric Batalitzky\n"
+		"    Evgeniy Stepanov\n"
+		"    Fredrik Mellbin\n"
+		"    Grigori Goronzy\n"
+		"    Karl Blomster\n"
+		"    Mike Matsnev\n"
+		"    Moritz Brunner\n"
+		"    Muhammad Lukman Nasaruddin\n"
+		"    Niels Martin Hansen\n"
+		"    Patryk Pomykalski\n"
+		"    Ravi Pinjala\n"
+		"    Rodrigo Braz Monteiro\n"
+		"    Simone Cociancich\n"
+		"    Thomas Goyne\n"
+		"User manual written by:\n"
+		"    Karl Blomster\n"
+		"    Niels Martin Hansen\n"
+		"    Rodrigo Braz Monteiro\n"
+		"Icons by:\n"
+		"    Philip Cash\n"
+		"Additional thanks to:\n"
+		"    Mentar\n"
+		"    Sigurd Tao Lyngse\n"
+		"    Everyone in the Aegisub IRC channel\n"
+		"    Everyone who ever reported a bug\n"
+		+ translatorCredit + "\n"
+		"Aegisub includes portions from the following other projects:\n"
+		"    wxWidgets - Copyright (c) Julian Smart, Robert Roebling et al;\n"
+		"    wxStyledTextCtrl - Copyright (c) Robin Dunn, Neil Hodgson;\n"
+		"    Scintilla - Copyright (c) Neil Hodgson;\n"
+		"    Boost - Copyright (c) Beman Dawes, David Abrahams et al;\n"
+		"    UniversalCharDet - Copyright (c) Netscape Communications Corp.;\n"
+		"    ICU - Copyright (c) International Business Machines Corp.;\n"
+		"    Lua - Copyright (c), PUC-Rio;\n"
+		"    LuaJIT - Copyright (c) Mike Pall;\n"
+		"    luabins - Copyright (c) Alexander Gladysh;\n"
-		libString += "    Hunspell - Copyright (c) Kevin Hendricks;\n";
+		"    Hunspell - Copyright (c) Kevin Hendricks;\n"
-		libString += "    PortAudio - Copyright (c) Ross Bencina, Phil Burk;\n";
+		"    PortAudio - Copyright (c) Ross Bencina, Phil Burk;\n"
 #ifdef WITH_FFMS2
-		libString += "    FFmpeg - Copyright (c) Fabrice Bellard;\n";
-		libString += "    FFMS2 - Copyright (c) Fredrik Mellbin;\n";
+		"    FFmpeg - Copyright (c) Fabrice Bellard;\n"
+		"    FFMS2 - Copyright (c) Fredrik Mellbin;\n"
-		libString += "    Avisynth 2.5 - Copyright (c) Ben Rudiak-Gould et al;\n";
+		"    Avisynth 2.5 - Copyright (c) Ben Rudiak-Gould et al;\n"
 #ifdef WITH_CSRI
-		libString += "    csri - Copyright (c) David Lamparter;\n";
+		"    csri - Copyright (c) David Lamparter;\n"
 # ifdef __WINDOWS__
-		libString += "    vsfilter - Copyright (c) Gabest et al;\n";
+		"    vsfilter - Copyright (c) Gabest et al;\n"
 # endif
-		libString += "    libass - Copyright (c) Evgeniy Stepanov, Grigori Goronzy;\n";
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
-		libString += "    Matroska Parser - Copyright (c) Mike Matsnev;\n";
-		libString += "    Freetype - Copyright (c) David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, Werner Lemberg;\n";
-		libString += "    Fontconfig - Copyright (c) Keith Packard et al;\n";
+		"    libass - Copyright (c) Evgeniy Stepanov, Grigori Goronzy;\n"
+		"    Matroska Parser - Copyright (c) Mike Matsnev;\n"
+		"    Freetype - Copyright (c) David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, Werner Lemberg;\n"
+		"    Fontconfig - Copyright (c) Keith Packard et al;\n"
 #ifdef WITH_FFTW3
-		libString += "    FFTW - Copyright (c) Matteo Frigo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology;\n";
+		"    FFTW - Copyright (c) Matteo Frigo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology;\n"
+		+ _("\nSee the help file for full credits.\n")
+		+ fmt_tl("Built by %s on %s.", GetAegisubBuildCredit(), GetAegisubBuildTime());
-		wxString translatorCredit = _("Translated into LANGUAGE by PERSON\n");
-		if (translatorCredit == "Translated into LANGUAGE by PERSON\n") translatorCredit.Clear();
+	// Replace copyright symbol
+	wxChar copySymbol = 0xA9;
+	aboutString.Replace("(c)", wxString(copySymbol));
-		// Generate about string
-		wxString aboutString;
-		aboutString += wxString("Aegisub ") + GetAegisubShortVersionString() + ".\n";
-		aboutString += "Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Rodrigo Braz Monteiro, Niels Martin Hansen, Thomas Goyne et al.\n\n";
-		aboutString += "Programmers:\n";
-		aboutString += "    Alysson Souza e Silva\n";
-		aboutString += "    Amar Takhar\n";
-		aboutString += "    Dan Donovan\n";
-		aboutString += "    Daniel Moscoviter\n";
-		aboutString += "    David Conrad\n";
-		aboutString += "    David Lamparter\n";
-		aboutString += "    Eric Batalitzky\n";
-		aboutString += "    Evgeniy Stepanov\n";
-		aboutString += "    Fredrik Mellbin\n";
-		aboutString += "    Grigori Goronzy\n";
-		aboutString += "    Karl Blomster\n";
-		aboutString += "    Mike Matsnev\n";
-		aboutString += "    Moritz Brunner\n";
-		aboutString += "    Muhammad Lukman Nasaruddin\n";
-		aboutString += "    Niels Martin Hansen\n";
-		aboutString += "    Patryk Pomykalski\n";
-		aboutString += "    Ravi Pinjala\n";
-		aboutString += "    Rodrigo Braz Monteiro\n";
-		aboutString += "    Simone Cociancich\n";
-		aboutString += "    Thomas Goyne\n";
-		aboutString += "User manual written by:\n";
-		aboutString += "    Karl Blomster\n";
-		aboutString += "    Niels Martin Hansen\n";
-		aboutString += "    Rodrigo Braz Monteiro\n";
-		aboutString += "Icons by:\n";
-		aboutString += "    Philip Cash\n";
-		aboutString += "Additional thanks to:\n";
-		aboutString += "    Mentar\n";
-		aboutString += "    Sigurd Tao Lyngse\n";
-		aboutString += "    Everyone in the Aegisub IRC channel\n";
-		aboutString += "    Everyone who ever reported a bug\n";
-		aboutString += translatorCredit;
-		aboutString += "\n" + libString;
-		aboutString += _("\nSee the help file for full credits.\n");
-		aboutString += fmt_tl("Built by %s on %s.", GetAegisubBuildCredit(), GetAegisubBuildTime());
+	wxTextCtrl *textctrl = new wxTextCtrl(&d, -1, aboutString, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(-1, 200), wxTE_MULTILINE | wxTE_READONLY | wxBORDER_NONE);
-		// Replace copyright symbol
-		wxChar copySymbol = 0xA9;
-		aboutString.Replace("(c)", wxString(copySymbol));
+	wxSizer *MainSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
+	MainSizer->Add(new wxStaticBitmap(&d, -1, GETIMAGE(splash)), 0, wxCENTER, 0);
+	MainSizer->Add(new wxStaticLine(&d, wxID_ANY), 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 0);
+	MainSizer->Add(textctrl, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 0);
+	MainSizer->Add(new wxStaticLine(&d, wxID_ANY), 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 0);
+	MainSizer->Add(d.CreateButtonSizer(wxOK), 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 6);
-		wxTextCtrl *textctrl = new wxTextCtrl(this, -1, aboutString, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(-1, 200), wxTE_MULTILINE | wxTE_READONLY | wxBORDER_NONE);
-		wxSizer *MainSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
-		MainSizer->Add(new wxStaticBitmap(this, -1, GETIMAGE(splash)), 0, wxCENTER, 0);
-		MainSizer->Add(new wxStaticLine(this, wxID_ANY), 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 0);
-		MainSizer->Add(textctrl, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 0);
-		MainSizer->Add(new wxStaticLine(this, wxID_ANY), 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 0);
-		MainSizer->Add(CreateButtonSizer(wxOK), 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 6);
-		SetSizerAndFit(MainSizer);
-		CentreOnParent();
-	}
-void ShowAboutDialog(wxWindow *parent) {
-	AboutScreen(parent).ShowModal();
+	d.SetSizerAndFit(MainSizer);
+	d.CentreOnParent();
+	d.ShowModal();
diff --git a/src/dialog_attachments.cpp b/src/dialog_attachments.cpp
index 4e20be6cd..706b202d2 100644
--- a/src/dialog_attachments.cpp
+++ b/src/dialog_attachments.cpp
@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@
 #include <wx/sizer.h>
 namespace {
-class DialogAttachments final : public wxDialog {
+struct DialogAttachments {
+	wxDialog d;
 	AssFile *ass;
 	wxListView *listView;
@@ -64,18 +65,18 @@ public:
 DialogAttachments::DialogAttachments(wxWindow *parent, AssFile *ass)
-: wxDialog(parent, -1, _("Attachment List"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE)
+: d(parent, -1, _("Attachment List"))
 , ass(ass)
-	SetIcon(GETICON(attach_button_16));
+	d.SetIcon(GETICON(attach_button_16));
-	listView = new wxListView(this, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(500, 200));
+	listView = new wxListView(&d, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(500, 200));
-	auto attachFont = new wxButton(this, -1, _("Attach &Font"));
-	auto attachGraphics = new wxButton(this, -1, _("Attach &Graphics"));
-	extractButton = new wxButton(this, -1, _("E&xtract"));
-	deleteButton = new wxButton(this, -1, _("&Delete"));
+	auto attachFont = new wxButton(&d, -1, _("Attach &Font"));
+	auto attachGraphics = new wxButton(&d, -1, _("Attach &Graphics"));
+	extractButton = new wxButton(&d, -1, _("E&xtract"));
+	deleteButton = new wxButton(&d, -1, _("&Delete"));
@@ -84,14 +85,14 @@ DialogAttachments::DialogAttachments(wxWindow *parent, AssFile *ass)
 	buttonSizer->Add(attachGraphics, 1);
 	buttonSizer->Add(extractButton, 1);
 	buttonSizer->Add(deleteButton, 1);
-	buttonSizer->Add(new HelpButton(this, "Attachment Manager"), 1, wxLEFT, 5);
-	buttonSizer->Add(new wxButton(this, wxID_CANCEL, _("&Close")), 1);
+	buttonSizer->Add(new HelpButton(&d, "Attachment Manager"), 1, wxLEFT, 5);
+	buttonSizer->Add(new wxButton(&d, wxID_CANCEL, _("&Close")), 1);
 	auto mainSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
 	mainSizer->Add(listView, 1, wxTOP | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxEXPAND, 5);
 	mainSizer->Add(buttonSizer, 0, wxALL | wxEXPAND, 5);
-	SetSizerAndFit(mainSizer);
-	CenterOnParent();
+	d.SetSizerAndFit(mainSizer);
+	d.CenterOnParent();
 	attachFont->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, &DialogAttachments::OnAttachFont, this);
 	attachGraphics->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, &DialogAttachments::OnAttachGraphics, this);
@@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ void DialogAttachments::AttachFile(wxFileDialog &diag, wxString const& commit_ms
 void DialogAttachments::OnAttachFont(wxCommandEvent &) {
-	wxFileDialog diag(this,
+	wxFileDialog diag(&d,
 		_("Choose file to be attached"),
 		to_wx(OPT_GET("Path/Fonts Collector Destination")->GetString()), "", "Font Files (*.ttf)|*.ttf",
@@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ void DialogAttachments::OnAttachFont(wxCommandEvent &) {
 void DialogAttachments::OnAttachGraphics(wxCommandEvent &) {
-	wxFileDialog diag(this,
+	wxFileDialog diag(&d,
 		_("Choose file to be attached"),
 		"", "",
 		"Graphic Files (*.bmp, *.gif, *.jpg, *.ico, *.wmf)|*.bmp;*.gif;*.jpg;*.ico;*.wmf",
@@ -167,7 +168,7 @@ void DialogAttachments::OnExtract(wxCommandEvent &) {
 			"Path/Fonts Collector Destination",
 			".ttf", "Font Files (*.ttf)|*.ttf",
-			this);
+			&d);
 		fullPath = true;
 	if (path.empty()) return;
@@ -200,5 +201,5 @@ void DialogAttachments::OnListClick(wxListEvent &) {
 void ShowAttachmentsDialog(wxWindow *parent, AssFile *file) {
-	DialogAttachments(parent, file).ShowModal();
+	DialogAttachments(parent, file).d.ShowModal();
diff --git a/src/dialog_autosave.cpp b/src/dialog_autosave.cpp
index 73981005f..c5a5f61cb 100644
--- a/src/dialog_autosave.cpp
+++ b/src/dialog_autosave.cpp
@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ struct AutosaveFile {
 	std::vector<Version> versions;
-class DialogAutosave final : public wxDialog {
+class DialogAutosave {
+	wxDialog d;
 	std::vector<AutosaveFile> files;
 	wxListBox *file_list;
@@ -57,34 +58,36 @@ class DialogAutosave final : public wxDialog {
 	DialogAutosave(wxWindow *parent);
 	std::string ChosenFile() const;
+	int ShowModal() { return d.ShowModal(); }
 DialogAutosave::DialogAutosave(wxWindow *parent)
-: wxDialog(parent, -1, _("Open autosave file"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(800, 350), wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxRESIZE_BORDER)
+: d(parent, -1, _("Open autosave file"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(800, 350), wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxRESIZE_BORDER)
-	SetIcon(GETICON(open_toolbutton_16));
+	d.SetIcon(GETICON(open_toolbutton_16));
-	wxSizer *files_box = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, this, _("Files"));
-	file_list = new wxListBox(this, -1);
+	wxSizer *files_box = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, &d, _("Files"));
+	file_list = new wxListBox(&d, -1);
 	file_list->Bind(wxEVT_LISTBOX, &DialogAutosave::OnSelectFile, this);
 	files_box->Add(file_list, wxSizerFlags(1).Expand().Border());
-	wxSizer *versions_box = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, this, _("Versions"));
-	version_list = new wxListBox(this, -1);
-	version_list->Bind(wxEVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK, [=](wxCommandEvent&) { EndModal(wxID_OK); });
+	wxSizer *versions_box = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, &d, _("Versions"));
+	version_list = new wxListBox(&d, -1);
+	version_list->Bind(wxEVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK, [=](wxCommandEvent&) { d.EndModal(wxID_OK); });
 	versions_box->Add(version_list, wxSizerFlags(1).Expand().Border());
 	wxSizer *boxes_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
 	boxes_sizer->Add(files_box, wxSizerFlags(1).Expand().Border());
 	boxes_sizer->Add(versions_box, wxSizerFlags(1).Expand().Border());
-	wxStdDialogButtonSizer *btn_sizer = CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL);
+	auto *btn_sizer = d.CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL);
 	wxSizer *main_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
 	main_sizer->Add(boxes_sizer, wxSizerFlags(1).Expand().Border());
 	main_sizer->Add(btn_sizer, wxSizerFlags().Expand().Border(wxALL & ~wxTOP));
-	SetSizer(main_sizer);
+	d.SetSizer(main_sizer);
 	std::map<wxString, AutosaveFile> files_map;
 	Populate(files_map, OPT_GET("Path/Auto/Save")->GetString(), ".AUTOSAVE.ass", "%s");
diff --git a/src/dialog_dummy_video.cpp b/src/dialog_dummy_video.cpp
index d46e6f53d..9338a54a9 100644
--- a/src/dialog_dummy_video.cpp
+++ b/src/dialog_dummy_video.cpp
@@ -37,7 +37,9 @@
 #include <wx/valgen.h>
 namespace {
-struct DialogDummyVideo final : wxDialog {
+struct DialogDummyVideo {
+	wxDialog d;
 	double fps       = OPT_GET("Video/Dummy/FPS")->GetDouble();
 	int width        = OPT_GET("Video/Dummy/Last/Width")->GetInt();
 	int height       = OPT_GET("Video/Dummy/Last/Height")->GetInt();
@@ -98,45 +100,45 @@ wxComboBox *resolution_shortcuts(wxWindow *parent, int width, int height) {
 DialogDummyVideo::DialogDummyVideo(wxWindow *parent)
-: wxDialog(parent, -1, _("Dummy video options"))
+: d(parent, -1, _("Dummy video options"))
-	SetIcon(GETICON(use_dummy_video_menu_16));
+	d.SetIcon(GETICON(use_dummy_video_menu_16));
 	auto res_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
-	res_sizer->Add(spin_ctrl(this, 1, 10000, &width), wxSizerFlags(1).Expand());
-	res_sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, " x "), wxSizerFlags().Center());
-	res_sizer->Add(spin_ctrl(this, 1, 10000, &height), wxSizerFlags(1).Expand());
+	res_sizer->Add(spin_ctrl(&d, 1, 10000, &width), wxSizerFlags(1).Expand());
+	res_sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(&d, -1, " x "), wxSizerFlags().Center());
+	res_sizer->Add(spin_ctrl(&d, 1, 10000, &height), wxSizerFlags(1).Expand());
 	auto color_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
-	auto color_btn = new ColourButton(this, wxSize(30, 17), false, color);
+	auto color_btn = new ColourButton(&d, wxSize(30, 17), false, color);
 	color_sizer->Add(color_btn, wxSizerFlags().DoubleBorder(wxRIGHT));
-	color_sizer->Add(new wxCheckBox(this, -1, _("Checkerboard &pattern"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, wxGenericValidator(&pattern)), wxSizerFlags(1).Center());
+	color_sizer->Add(new wxCheckBox(&d, -1, _("Checkerboard &pattern"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, wxGenericValidator(&pattern)), wxSizerFlags(1).Center());
 	sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(2, 5, 5);
-	AddCtrl(_("Video resolution:"), resolution_shortcuts(this, width, height));
+	AddCtrl(_("Video resolution:"), resolution_shortcuts(&d, width, height));
 	AddCtrl("", res_sizer);
 	AddCtrl(_("Color:"), color_sizer);
-	AddCtrl(_("Frame rate (fps):"), spin_ctrl(this, .1, 1000.0, &fps));
-	AddCtrl(_("Duration (frames):"), spin_ctrl(this, 2, 36000000, &length)); // Ten hours of 1k FPS
-	AddCtrl("", length_display = new wxStaticText(this, -1, ""));
+	AddCtrl(_("Frame rate (fps):"), spin_ctrl(&d, .1, 1000.0, &fps));
+	AddCtrl(_("Duration (frames):"), spin_ctrl(&d, 2, 36000000, &length)); // Ten hours of 1k FPS
+	AddCtrl("", length_display = new wxStaticText(&d, -1, ""));
-	wxStdDialogButtonSizer *btn_sizer = CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL | wxHELP);
+	auto btn_sizer = d.CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL | wxHELP);
 	btn_sizer->GetHelpButton()->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, std::bind(&HelpButton::OpenPage, "Dummy Video"));
 	auto main_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
 	main_sizer->Add(sizer, wxSizerFlags(1).Border().Expand());
-	main_sizer->Add(new wxStaticLine(this, wxHORIZONTAL), wxSizerFlags().HorzBorder().Expand());
+	main_sizer->Add(new wxStaticLine(&d, wxHORIZONTAL), wxSizerFlags().HorzBorder().Expand());
 	main_sizer->Add(btn_sizer, wxSizerFlags().Expand().Border());
-	SetSizerAndFit(main_sizer);
-	CenterOnParent();
+	d.SetSizerAndFit(main_sizer);
+	d.CenterOnParent();
-	Bind(wxEVT_COMBOBOX, &DialogDummyVideo::OnResolutionShortcut, this);
+	d.Bind(wxEVT_COMBOBOX, &DialogDummyVideo::OnResolutionShortcut, this);
 	color_btn->Bind(EVT_COLOR, [=](wxThreadEvent& e) { color = color_btn->GetColor(); });
-	Bind(wxEVT_SPINCTRL, [=](wxCommandEvent&) {
-		TransferDataFromWindow();
+	d.Bind(wxEVT_SPINCTRL, [&](wxCommandEvent&) {
+		d.TransferDataFromWindow();
@@ -146,16 +148,16 @@ void DialogDummyVideo::AddCtrl(wxString const& label, T *ctrl) {
 	if (!label)
-		sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, label), wxSizerFlags().Center().Left());
+		sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(&d, -1, label), wxSizerFlags().Center().Left());
 	sizer->Add(ctrl, wxSizerFlags().Expand().Center().Left());
 void DialogDummyVideo::OnResolutionShortcut(wxCommandEvent &e) {
-	TransferDataFromWindow();
+	d.TransferDataFromWindow();
 	int rs = e.GetSelection();
 	width = resolutions[rs].width;
 	height = resolutions[rs].height;
-	TransferDataToWindow();
+	d.TransferDataToWindow();
 void DialogDummyVideo::UpdateLengthDisplay() {
@@ -165,7 +167,7 @@ void DialogDummyVideo::UpdateLengthDisplay() {
 std::string CreateDummyVideo(wxWindow *parent) {
 	DialogDummyVideo dlg(parent);
-	if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK)
+	if (dlg.d.ShowModal() != wxID_OK)
 		return "";
diff --git a/src/dialog_export.cpp b/src/dialog_export.cpp
index a6e5d455f..f038bf1b7 100644
--- a/src/dialog_export.cpp
+++ b/src/dialog_export.cpp
@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@
 #include <wx/textctrl.h>
 namespace {
-class DialogExport final : public wxDialog {
+class DialogExport {
+	wxDialog d;
 	agi::Context *c;
 	/// The export transform engine
@@ -79,6 +80,7 @@ class DialogExport final : public wxDialog {
 	DialogExport(agi::Context *c);
+	void ShowModal() { d.ShowModal(); }
 // Swap the items at idx and idx + 1
@@ -97,15 +99,15 @@ void swap(wxCheckListBox *list, int idx, int sel_dir) {
 DialogExport::DialogExport(agi::Context *c)
-: wxDialog(c->parent, -1, _("Export"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200, 100), wxCAPTION | wxCLOSE_BOX)
+: d(c->parent, -1, _("Export"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200, 100), wxCAPTION | wxCLOSE_BOX)
 , c(c)
 , exporter(c)
-	SetIcon(GETICON(export_menu_16));
+	d.SetIcon(GETICON(export_menu_16));
 	std::vector<std::string> filters = exporter.GetAllFilterNames();
-	filter_list = new wxCheckListBox(this, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200, 100), to_wx(filters));
+	filter_list = new wxCheckListBox(&d, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200, 100), to_wx(filters));
 	filter_list->Bind(wxEVT_CHECKLISTBOX, [=](wxCommandEvent&) { RefreshOptions(); });
 	filter_list->Bind(wxEVT_LISTBOX, &DialogExport::OnChange, this);
@@ -118,10 +120,10 @@ DialogExport::DialogExport(agi::Context *c)
 			filter_list->Check(distance(begin(filters), it));
-	wxButton *btn_up = new wxButton(this, -1, _("Move &Up"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(90, -1));
-	wxButton *btn_down = new wxButton(this, -1, _("Move &Down"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(90, -1));
-	wxButton *btn_all = new wxButton(this, -1, _("Select &All"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(80, -1));
-	wxButton *btn_none = new wxButton(this, -1, _("Select &None"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(80, -1));
+	wxButton *btn_up = new wxButton(&d, -1, _("Move &Up"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(90, -1));
+	wxButton *btn_down = new wxButton(&d, -1, _("Move &Down"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(90, -1));
+	wxButton *btn_all = new wxButton(&d, -1, _("Select &All"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(80, -1));
+	wxButton *btn_none = new wxButton(&d, -1, _("Select &None"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(80, -1));
 	btn_up->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [=](wxCommandEvent&) { swap(filter_list, filter_list->GetSelection() - 1, 0); });
 	btn_down->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [=](wxCommandEvent&) { swap(filter_list, filter_list->GetSelection() - 1, 0); });
@@ -134,40 +136,40 @@ DialogExport::DialogExport(agi::Context *c)
 	top_buttons->Add(btn_all, wxSizerFlags(1).Expand());
 	top_buttons->Add(btn_none, wxSizerFlags(1).Expand());
-	filter_description = new wxTextCtrl(this, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200, 60), wxTE_MULTILINE | wxTE_READONLY);
+	filter_description = new wxTextCtrl(&d, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200, 60), wxTE_MULTILINE | wxTE_READONLY);
 	// Charset dropdown list
-	wxStaticText *charset_list_label = new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("Text encoding:"));
-	charset_list = new wxChoice(this, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, agi::charset::GetEncodingsList<wxArrayString>());
+	wxStaticText *charset_list_label = new wxStaticText(&d, -1, _("Text encoding:"));
+	charset_list = new wxChoice(&d, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, agi::charset::GetEncodingsList<wxArrayString>());
 	wxSizer *charset_list_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
 	charset_list_sizer->Add(charset_list_label, wxSizerFlags().Center().Border(wxRIGHT));
 	charset_list_sizer->Add(charset_list, wxSizerFlags(1).Expand());
 	if (!charset_list->SetStringSelection(to_wx(c->ass->Properties.export_encoding)))
 		charset_list->SetStringSelection("Unicode (UTF-8)");
-	wxSizer *top_sizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, this, _("Filters"));
+	wxSizer *top_sizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, &d, _("Filters"));
 	top_sizer->Add(filter_list, wxSizerFlags(1).Expand());
 	top_sizer->Add(top_buttons, wxSizerFlags(0).Expand());
 	top_sizer->Add(filter_description, wxSizerFlags(0).Expand().Border(wxTOP));
 	top_sizer->Add(charset_list_sizer, wxSizerFlags(0).Expand().Border(wxTOP));
-	wxStdDialogButtonSizer *btn_sizer = CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL | wxHELP);
+	auto btn_sizer = d.CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL | wxHELP);
-	Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, &DialogExport::OnProcess, this, wxID_OK);
-	Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, std::bind(&HelpButton::OpenPage, "Export"), wxID_HELP);
+	d.Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, &DialogExport::OnProcess, this, wxID_OK);
+	d.Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, std::bind(&HelpButton::OpenPage, "Export"), wxID_HELP);
 	wxSizer *horz_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
 	opt_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
-	exporter.DrawSettings(this, opt_sizer);
+	exporter.DrawSettings(&d, opt_sizer);
 	horz_sizer->Add(top_sizer, wxSizerFlags().Expand().Border(wxALL & ~wxRIGHT));
 	horz_sizer->Add(opt_sizer, wxSizerFlags(1).Expand().Border(wxALL & ~wxLEFT));
 	wxSizer *main_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
 	main_sizer->Add(horz_sizer, wxSizerFlags(1).Expand());
 	main_sizer->Add(btn_sizer, wxSizerFlags().Expand().Border(wxALL & ~wxTOP));
-	SetSizerAndFit(main_sizer);
+	d.SetSizerAndFit(main_sizer);
-	CenterOnParent();
+	d.CenterOnParent();
 DialogExport::~DialogExport() {
@@ -182,9 +184,9 @@ DialogExport::~DialogExport() {
 void DialogExport::OnProcess(wxCommandEvent &) {
-	if (!TransferDataFromWindow()) return;
+	if (!d.TransferDataFromWindow()) return;
-	auto filename = SaveFileSelector(_("Export subtitles file"), "", "", "", to_wx(SubtitleFormat::GetWildcards(1)), this);
+	auto filename = SaveFileSelector(_("Export subtitles file"), "", "", "", to_wx(SubtitleFormat::GetWildcards(1)), &d);
 	if (filename.empty()) return;
 	for (size_t i = 0; i < filter_list->GetCount(); ++i) {
@@ -195,27 +197,27 @@ void DialogExport::OnProcess(wxCommandEvent &) {
 	try {
 		wxBusyCursor busy;
 		c->ass->Properties.export_encoding = from_wx(charset_list->GetStringSelection());
-		exporter.Export(filename, from_wx(charset_list->GetStringSelection()), this);
+		exporter.Export(filename, from_wx(charset_list->GetStringSelection()), &d);
 	catch (agi::UserCancelException const&) {
 	catch (const char *error) {
-		wxMessageBox(error, "Error exporting subtitles", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR | wxCENTER, this);
+		wxMessageBox(error, "Error exporting subtitles", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR | wxCENTER, &d);
 	catch (wxString const& error) {
-		wxMessageBox(error, "Error exporting subtitles", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR | wxCENTER, this);
+		wxMessageBox(error, "Error exporting subtitles", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR | wxCENTER, &d);
 	catch (agi::Exception const& err) {
-		wxMessageBox(to_wx(err.GetMessage()), "Error exporting subtitles", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR | wxCENTER, this);
+		wxMessageBox(to_wx(err.GetMessage()), "Error exporting subtitles", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR | wxCENTER, &d);
 	catch (std::exception const& err) {
-		wxMessageBox(to_wx(err.what()), "Error exporting subtitles", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR | wxCENTER, this);
+		wxMessageBox(to_wx(err.what()), "Error exporting subtitles", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR | wxCENTER, &d);
 	catch (...) {
-		wxMessageBox("Unknown error", "Error exporting subtitles", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR | wxCENTER, this);
+		wxMessageBox("Unknown error", "Error exporting subtitles", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR | wxCENTER, &d);
-	EndModal(0);
+	d.EndModal(0);
 void DialogExport::OnChange(wxCommandEvent &) {
@@ -238,8 +240,8 @@ void DialogExport::RefreshOptions() {
 		if (wxSizer *sizer = exporter.GetSettingsSizer(from_wx(filter_list->GetString(i))))
 			opt_sizer->Show(sizer, filter_list->IsChecked(i), true);
-	Layout();
-	GetSizer()->Fit(this);
+	d.Layout();
+	d.GetSizer()->Fit(&d);
diff --git a/src/dialog_export_ebu3264.cpp b/src/dialog_export_ebu3264.cpp
index 9216416bd..77fb10fd3 100644
--- a/src/dialog_export_ebu3264.cpp
+++ b/src/dialog_export_ebu3264.cpp
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 #include <wx/checkbox.h>
 #include <wx/combobox.h>
+#include <wx/dialog.h>
 #include <wx/msgdlg.h>
 #include <wx/radiobox.h>
 #include <wx/sizer.h>
@@ -92,11 +93,12 @@ namespace {
 		TimecodeValidator(EbuTimecode *target) : value(target) { assert(target); }
 		TimecodeValidator(TimecodeValidator const& other) : wxValidator(other), value(other.value) { }
 } // namespace {
-EbuExportConfigurationDialog::EbuExportConfigurationDialog(wxWindow *owner, EbuExportSettings &s)
-: wxDialog(owner, -1, _("Export to EBU STL format"))
+int ShowEbuExportConfigurationDialog(wxWindow *owner, EbuExportSettings &s) {
+	wxDialog d(owner, -1, _("Export to EBU STL format"));
 	wxString tv_standards[] = {
 		_("23.976 fps (non-standard, STL24.01)"),
 		_("24 fps (non-standard, STL24.01)"),
@@ -105,10 +107,10 @@ EbuExportConfigurationDialog::EbuExportConfigurationDialog(wxWindow *owner, EbuE
 		_("29.97 fps (dropframe, STL30.01)"),
 		_("30 fps (STL30.01)")
-	wxRadioBox *tv_standard_box = new wxRadioBox(this, -1, _("TV standard"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 6, tv_standards, 0, wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS);
+	wxRadioBox *tv_standard_box = new wxRadioBox(&d, -1, _("TV standard"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 6, tv_standards, 0, wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS);
-	wxTextCtrl *timecode_offset_entry = new wxTextCtrl(this, -1, "00:00:00:00");
-	wxCheckBox *inclusive_end_times_check = new wxCheckBox(this, -1, _("Out-times are inclusive"));
+	wxTextCtrl *timecode_offset_entry = new wxTextCtrl(&d, -1, "00:00:00:00");
+	wxCheckBox *inclusive_end_times_check = new wxCheckBox(&d, -1, _("Out-times are inclusive"));
 	wxString text_encodings[] = {
 		_("ISO 6937-2 (Latin/Western Europe)"),
@@ -118,7 +120,7 @@ EbuExportConfigurationDialog::EbuExportConfigurationDialog(wxWindow *owner, EbuE
 		_("ISO 8859-8 (Hebrew)"),
 		_("UTF-8 Unicode (non-standard)")
-	wxRadioBox *text_encoding_box = new wxRadioBox(this, -1, _("Text encoding"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 6, text_encodings, 0, wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS);
+	wxRadioBox *text_encoding_box = new wxRadioBox(&d, -1, _("Text encoding"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 6, text_encodings, 0, wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS);
 	wxString wrap_modes[] = {
 		_("Automatically wrap long lines (ASS)"),
@@ -127,9 +129,9 @@ EbuExportConfigurationDialog::EbuExportConfigurationDialog(wxWindow *owner, EbuE
 		_("Skip lines that are too long")
-	wxSpinCtrl *max_line_length_ctrl = new wxSpinCtrl(this, -1, wxString(), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(65, -1));
-	wxComboBox *wrap_mode_ctrl = new wxComboBox(this, -1, wrap_modes[0], wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 4, wrap_modes, wxCB_DROPDOWN | wxCB_READONLY);
-	wxCheckBox *translate_alignments_check = new wxCheckBox(this, -1, _("Translate alignments"));
+	wxSpinCtrl *max_line_length_ctrl = new wxSpinCtrl(&d, -1, wxString(), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(65, -1));
+	wxComboBox *wrap_mode_ctrl = new wxComboBox(&d, -1, wrap_modes[0], wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 4, wrap_modes, wxCB_DROPDOWN | wxCB_READONLY);
+	wxCheckBox *translate_alignments_check = new wxCheckBox(&d, -1, _("Translate alignments"));
 	max_line_length_ctrl->SetRange(10, 99);
@@ -139,26 +141,26 @@ EbuExportConfigurationDialog::EbuExportConfigurationDialog(wxWindow *owner, EbuE
 		_("Level-2 teletext")
-	wxComboBox *display_standard_ctrl = new wxComboBox(this, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 2, display_standards, wxCB_DROPDOWN | wxCB_READONLY);
+	wxComboBox *display_standard_ctrl = new wxComboBox(&d, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 2, display_standards, wxCB_DROPDOWN | wxCB_READONLY);
 	wxSizer *max_line_length_labelled = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
-	max_line_length_labelled->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("Max. line length:")), 1, wxALIGN_CENTRE|wxRIGHT, 12);
+	max_line_length_labelled->Add(new wxStaticText(&d, -1, _("Max. line length:")), 1, wxALIGN_CENTRE|wxRIGHT, 12);
 	max_line_length_labelled->Add(max_line_length_ctrl, 0, 0, 0);
 	wxSizer *timecode_offset_labelled = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
-	timecode_offset_labelled->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("Time code offset:")), 1, wxALIGN_CENTRE|wxRIGHT, 12);
+	timecode_offset_labelled->Add(new wxStaticText(&d, -1, _("Time code offset:")), 1, wxALIGN_CENTRE|wxRIGHT, 12);
 	timecode_offset_labelled->Add(timecode_offset_entry, 0, 0, 0);
-	wxSizer *text_formatting_sizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, this, _("Text formatting"));
+	wxSizer *text_formatting_sizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, &d, _("Text formatting"));
 	text_formatting_sizer->Add(max_line_length_labelled, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL & ~wxTOP), 6);
 	text_formatting_sizer->Add(wrap_mode_ctrl, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL & ~wxTOP), 6);
 	text_formatting_sizer->Add(translate_alignments_check, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL & ~wxTOP), 6);
-	wxSizer *timecode_control_sizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, this, _("Time codes"));
+	wxSizer *timecode_control_sizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, &d, _("Time codes"));
 	timecode_control_sizer->Add(timecode_offset_labelled, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL & ~wxTOP), 6);
 	timecode_control_sizer->Add(inclusive_end_times_check, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL & ~wxTOP), 6);
-	wxSizer *display_standard_sizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, this, _("Display standard"));
+	wxSizer *display_standard_sizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, &d, _("Display standard"));
 	display_standard_sizer->Add(display_standard_ctrl, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL & ~wxTOP), 6);
 	wxSizer *left_column = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
@@ -175,18 +177,18 @@ EbuExportConfigurationDialog::EbuExportConfigurationDialog(wxWindow *owner, EbuE
 	vertical_split_sizer->Add(right_column, 0, 0, 0);
 	wxSizer *buttons_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
-	// Developers are requested to leave this message in! Intentionally not translatable.
-	wxStaticText *sponsor_label = new wxStaticText(this, -1, "EBU STL format writing sponsored by Bandai");
+	// Developers are requested to leave &d message in! Intentionally not translatable.
+	wxStaticText *sponsor_label = new wxStaticText(&d, -1, "EBU STL format writing sponsored by Bandai");
 	buttons_sizer->Add(sponsor_label, 1, wxALIGN_BOTTOM, 0);
-	buttons_sizer->Add(CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL), 0, wxLEFT, 6);
+	buttons_sizer->Add(d.CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL), 0, wxLEFT, 6);
 	wxSizer *main_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
 	main_sizer->Add(vertical_split_sizer, 0, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 12);
 	main_sizer->Add(buttons_sizer, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL & ~wxTOP), 12);
-	SetSizerAndFit(main_sizer);
-	CenterOnParent();
+	d.SetSizerAndFit(main_sizer);
+	d.CenterOnParent();
 	// set up validators to move data in and out
@@ -197,6 +199,8 @@ EbuExportConfigurationDialog::EbuExportConfigurationDialog(wxWindow *owner, EbuE
+	return d.ShowModal();
 agi::vfr::Framerate EbuExportSettings::GetFramerate() const {
diff --git a/src/dialog_export_ebu3264.h b/src/dialog_export_ebu3264.h
index 1ab54f000..4722fe0e7 100644
--- a/src/dialog_export_ebu3264.h
+++ b/src/dialog_export_ebu3264.h
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
 #include <libaegisub/vfr.h>
 #include <memory>
-#include <wx/dialog.h>
 namespace agi { namespace charset { class IconvWrapper; } }
@@ -111,11 +110,7 @@ public:
 	void Save() const;
-/// Dialog box for getting an export configuration for EBU Tech 3264-1991
-class EbuExportConfigurationDialog final : public wxDialog {
-	/// Constructor
-	/// @param owner Parent window of the dialog
-	/// @param s Struct with initial values and to fill with the chosen settings
-	EbuExportConfigurationDialog(wxWindow *owner, EbuExportSettings &s);
+/// Show a dialog box for getting an export configuration for EBU Tech 3264-1991
+/// @param owner Parent window of the dialog
+/// @param s Struct with initial values and to fill with the chosen settings
+int ShowEbuExportConfigurationDialog(wxWindow *owner, EbuExportSettings &s);
diff --git a/src/dialog_jumpto.cpp b/src/dialog_jumpto.cpp
index ec7919aaf..4f8e7bcf1 100644
--- a/src/dialog_jumpto.cpp
+++ b/src/dialog_jumpto.cpp
@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@
 #include <wx/textctrl.h>
 namespace {
-class DialogJumpTo final : public wxDialog {
+struct DialogJumpTo {
+	wxDialog d;
 	agi::Context *c;       ///< Project context
 	long jumpframe;        ///< Target frame to jump to
 	TimeEdit *JumpTime;    ///< Target time edit control
@@ -58,23 +59,22 @@ class DialogJumpTo final : public wxDialog {
 	/// Dialog initializer to set default focus and selection
 	void OnInitDialog(wxInitDialogEvent&);
 	DialogJumpTo(agi::Context *c);
 DialogJumpTo::DialogJumpTo(agi::Context *c)
-: wxDialog(c->parent, -1, _("Jump to"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxWANTS_CHARS)
+: d(c->parent, -1, _("Jump to"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxWANTS_CHARS)
 , c(c)
 , jumpframe(c->videoController->GetFrameN())
-	SetIcon(GETICON(jumpto_button_16));
+	d.SetIcon(GETICON(jumpto_button_16));
-	auto LabelFrame = new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("Frame: "));
-	auto LabelTime = new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("Time: "));
+	auto LabelFrame = new wxStaticText(&d, -1, _("Frame: "));
+	auto LabelTime = new wxStaticText(&d, -1, _("Time: "));
-	JumpFrame = new wxTextCtrl(this,-1,"",wxDefaultPosition,wxSize(-1,-1),wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER, IntValidator((int)jumpframe));
+	JumpFrame = new wxTextCtrl(&d,-1,"",wxDefaultPosition,wxSize(-1,-1),wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER, IntValidator((int)jumpframe));
 	JumpFrame->SetMaxLength(std::to_string(c->project->VideoProvider()->GetFrameCount() - 1).size());
-	JumpTime = new TimeEdit(this, -1, c, AssTime(c->videoController->TimeAtFrame(jumpframe)).GetAssFormated(), wxSize(-1,-1));
+	JumpTime = new TimeEdit(&d, -1, c, AssTime(c->videoController->TimeAtFrame(jumpframe)).GetAssFormated(), wxSize(-1,-1));
 	auto TimesSizer = new wxGridSizer(2, 5, 5);
@@ -84,25 +84,25 @@ DialogJumpTo::DialogJumpTo(agi::Context *c)
 	TimesSizer->Add(LabelTime, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
 	TimesSizer->Add(JumpTime, wxEXPAND);
-	auto ButtonSizer = CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL);
+	auto ButtonSizer = d.CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL);
 	// General layout
 	auto MainSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
 	MainSizer->Add(TimesSizer, 0, wxALL | wxALIGN_CENTER, 5);
 	MainSizer->Add(ButtonSizer, 0, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT | wxBOTTOM | wxRIGHT, 5);
-	SetSizerAndFit(MainSizer);
-	CenterOnParent();
+	d.SetSizerAndFit(MainSizer);
+	d.CenterOnParent();
-	Bind(wxEVT_INIT_DIALOG, &DialogJumpTo::OnInitDialog, this);
-	Bind(wxEVT_TEXT_ENTER, &DialogJumpTo::OnOK, this);
-	Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, &DialogJumpTo::OnOK, this, wxID_OK);
+	d.Bind(wxEVT_INIT_DIALOG, &DialogJumpTo::OnInitDialog, this);
+	d.Bind(wxEVT_TEXT_ENTER, &DialogJumpTo::OnOK, this);
+	d.Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, &DialogJumpTo::OnOK, this, wxID_OK);
 	JumpTime->Bind(wxEVT_TEXT, &DialogJumpTo::OnEditTime, this);
 	JumpFrame->Bind(wxEVT_TEXT, &DialogJumpTo::OnEditFrame, this);
 void DialogJumpTo::OnInitDialog(wxInitDialogEvent&) {
-	TransferDataToWindow();
-	UpdateWindowUI(wxUPDATE_UI_RECURSE);
+	d.TransferDataToWindow();
+	d.UpdateWindowUI(wxUPDATE_UI_RECURSE);
 	// This can't simply be done in the constructor as the value hasn't been set yet
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ void DialogJumpTo::OnInitDialog(wxInitDialogEvent&) {
 void DialogJumpTo::OnOK(wxCommandEvent &) {
-	EndModal(0);
+	d.EndModal(0);
@@ -129,5 +129,5 @@ void DialogJumpTo::OnEditFrame (wxCommandEvent &event) {
 void ShowJumpToDialog(agi::Context *c) {
-	DialogJumpTo(c).ShowModal();
+	DialogJumpTo(c).d.ShowModal();
diff --git a/src/dialog_paste_over.cpp b/src/dialog_paste_over.cpp
index 8a8c33b29..1bc0df8a5 100644
--- a/src/dialog_paste_over.cpp
+++ b/src/dialog_paste_over.cpp
@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@
 #include <wx/stattext.h>
 namespace {
-class DialogPasteOver final : public wxDialog {
+struct DialogPasteOver {
+	wxDialog d;
 	wxCheckListBox *ListBox;
 	void CheckAll(bool check);
@@ -47,16 +48,15 @@ class DialogPasteOver final : public wxDialog {
 	void OnTimes(wxCommandEvent &);
 	void OnText(wxCommandEvent &);
 	DialogPasteOver(wxWindow *parent);
 DialogPasteOver::DialogPasteOver(wxWindow *parent)
-: wxDialog(parent, -1, _("Select Fields to Paste Over"))
+: d(parent, -1, _("Select Fields to Paste Over"))
 	// Label and list sizer
-	wxSizer *ListSizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, this, _("Fields"));
-	ListSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("Please select the fields that you want to paste over:")), wxSizerFlags());
+	wxSizer *ListSizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, &d, _("Fields"));
+	ListSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(&d, -1, _("Please select the fields that you want to paste over:")), wxSizerFlags());
 	// List box
 	wxArrayString choices;
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ DialogPasteOver::DialogPasteOver(wxWindow *parent)
 	choices.Add(_("Margin Vertical"));
-	ListBox = new wxCheckListBox(this, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, choices);
+	ListBox = new wxCheckListBox(&d, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, choices);
 	ListSizer->Add(ListBox, wxSizerFlags(0).Expand().Border(wxTOP));
 	std::vector<bool> options = OPT_GET("Tool/Paste Lines Over/Fields")->GetListBool();
@@ -85,27 +85,27 @@ DialogPasteOver::DialogPasteOver(wxWindow *parent)
 	wxButton *btn;
 	wxSizer *TopButtonSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
-	TopButtonSizer->Add(btn = new wxButton(this, -1, _("&All")), wxSizerFlags(1));
+	TopButtonSizer->Add(btn = new wxButton(&d, -1, _("&All")), wxSizerFlags(1));
 	btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, std::bind(&DialogPasteOver::CheckAll, this, true));
-	TopButtonSizer->Add(btn = new wxButton(this, -1, _("&None")), wxSizerFlags(1));
+	TopButtonSizer->Add(btn = new wxButton(&d, -1, _("&None")), wxSizerFlags(1));
 	btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, std::bind(&DialogPasteOver::CheckAll, this, false));
-	TopButtonSizer->Add(btn = new wxButton(this, -1, _("&Times")), wxSizerFlags(1));
+	TopButtonSizer->Add(btn = new wxButton(&d, -1, _("&Times")), wxSizerFlags(1));
 	btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, &DialogPasteOver::OnTimes, this);
-	TopButtonSizer->Add(btn = new wxButton(this, -1, _("T&ext")), wxSizerFlags(1));
+	TopButtonSizer->Add(btn = new wxButton(&d, -1, _("T&ext")), wxSizerFlags(1));
 	btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, &DialogPasteOver::OnText, this);
 	// Buttons
-	wxStdDialogButtonSizer *ButtonSizer = CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL | wxHELP);
-	Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, &DialogPasteOver::OnOK, this, wxID_OK);
-	Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, std::bind(&HelpButton::OpenPage, "Paste Over"), wxID_HELP);
+	auto ButtonSizer = d.CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL | wxHELP);
+	d.Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, &DialogPasteOver::OnOK, this, wxID_OK);
+	d.Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, std::bind(&HelpButton::OpenPage, "Paste Over"), wxID_HELP);
 	// Main sizer
 	wxSizer *MainSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
 	MainSizer->Add(ListSizer,0,wxEXPAND | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT,5);
 	MainSizer->Add(TopButtonSizer,0,wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxEXPAND,5);
 	MainSizer->Add(ButtonSizer,0,wxALL | wxEXPAND,5);
-	SetSizerAndFit(MainSizer);
-	CenterOnParent();
+	d.SetSizerAndFit(MainSizer);
+	d.CenterOnParent();
 void DialogPasteOver::OnOK(wxCommandEvent &) {
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ void DialogPasteOver::OnOK(wxCommandEvent &) {
 	OPT_SET("Tool/Paste Lines Over/Fields")->SetListBool(std::move(options));
-	EndModal(wxID_OK);
+	d.EndModal(wxID_OK);
 void DialogPasteOver::OnText(wxCommandEvent &) {
@@ -135,5 +135,5 @@ void DialogPasteOver::CheckAll(bool check) {
 bool ShowPasteOverDialog(wxWindow *parent) {
-	return DialogPasteOver(parent).ShowModal() == wxID_OK;
+	return DialogPasteOver(parent).d.ShowModal() == wxID_OK;
diff --git a/src/dialog_properties.cpp b/src/dialog_properties.cpp
index 5b0f21996..7c0399402 100644
--- a/src/dialog_properties.cpp
+++ b/src/dialog_properties.cpp
@@ -48,7 +48,8 @@
 #include <wx/textctrl.h>
 namespace {
-class DialogProperties final : public wxDialog {
+class DialogProperties {
+	wxDialog d;
 	agi::Context *c; ///< Project this dialog is adjusting the properties of
 	/// Pairs of a script property and a text control for that property
@@ -81,16 +82,17 @@ public:
 	/// Constructor
 	/// @param c Project context
 	DialogProperties(agi::Context *c);
+	void ShowModal() { d.ShowModal(); }
 DialogProperties::DialogProperties(agi::Context *c)
-: wxDialog(c->parent, -1, _("Script Properties"))
+: d(c->parent, -1, _("Script Properties"))
 , c(c)
-	SetIcon(GETICON(properties_toolbutton_16));
+	d.SetIcon(GETICON(properties_toolbutton_16));
 	// Script details crap
-	wxSizer *TopSizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL,this,_("Script"));
+	wxSizer *TopSizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL,&d,_("Script"));
 	auto TopSizerGrid = new wxFlexGridSizer(0,2,5,5);
 	AddProperty(TopSizerGrid, _("Title:"), "Title");
@@ -106,10 +108,10 @@ DialogProperties::DialogProperties(agi::Context *c)
 	TopSizer->Add(TopSizerGrid,1,wxALL | wxEXPAND,0);
 	// Resolution box
-	ResX = new wxTextCtrl(this,-1,"",wxDefaultPosition,wxSize(50,20),0,IntValidator(c->ass->GetScriptInfoAsInt("PlayResX")));
-	ResY = new wxTextCtrl(this,-1,"",wxDefaultPosition,wxSize(50,20),0,IntValidator(c->ass->GetScriptInfoAsInt("PlayResY")));
+	ResX = new wxTextCtrl(&d,-1,"",wxDefaultPosition,wxSize(50,20),0,IntValidator(c->ass->GetScriptInfoAsInt("PlayResX")));
+	ResY = new wxTextCtrl(&d,-1,"",wxDefaultPosition,wxSize(50,20),0,IntValidator(c->ass->GetScriptInfoAsInt("PlayResY")));
-	wxButton *FromVideo = new wxButton(this,-1,_("From &video"));
+	wxButton *FromVideo = new wxButton(&d,-1,_("From &video"));
 	if (!c->project->VideoProvider())
@@ -117,23 +119,23 @@ DialogProperties::DialogProperties(agi::Context *c)
 	auto res_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
 	res_sizer->Add(ResX, 1, wxRIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5);
-	res_sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, "x"), 0, wxALIGN_CENTER | wxRIGHT, 5);
+	res_sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(&d, -1, "x"), 0, wxALIGN_CENTER | wxRIGHT, 5);
 	res_sizer->Add(ResY, 1, wxRIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5);
 	res_sizer->Add(FromVideo, 1, 0, 0);
-	YCbCrMatrix = new wxComboBox(this, -1, c->ass->GetScriptInfo("YCbCr Matrix"),
+	YCbCrMatrix = new wxComboBox(&d, -1, c->ass->GetScriptInfo("YCbCr Matrix"),
 		 wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, to_wx(MatrixNames()), wxCB_READONLY);
 	auto matrix_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
-	matrix_sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, "YCbCr Matrix:"), wxSizerFlags().Center());
+	matrix_sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(&d, -1, "YCbCr Matrix:"), wxSizerFlags().Center());
 	matrix_sizer->Add(YCbCrMatrix, wxSizerFlags(1).Expand().Border(wxLEFT));
-	auto res_box = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, this, _("Resolution"));
+	auto res_box = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, &d, _("Resolution"));
 	res_box->Add(res_sizer, wxSizerFlags().Expand());
 	res_box->Add(matrix_sizer, wxSizerFlags().Border(wxTOP).Expand());
 	// Options
-	wxSizer *optionsBox = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL,this,_("Options"));
+	wxSizer *optionsBox = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL,&d,_("Options"));
 	auto optionsGrid = new wxFlexGridSizer(3,2,5,5);
 	wxString wrap_opts[] = {
 		_("0: Smart wrapping, top line is wider"),
@@ -141,12 +143,12 @@ DialogProperties::DialogProperties(agi::Context *c)
 		_("2: No word wrapping, both \\n and \\N break"),
 		_("3: Smart wrapping, bottom line is wider")
-	WrapStyle = new wxComboBox(this, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 4, wrap_opts, wxCB_READONLY);
+	WrapStyle = new wxComboBox(&d, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 4, wrap_opts, wxCB_READONLY);
-	optionsGrid->Add(new wxStaticText(this,-1,_("Wrap Style: ")),0,wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL,0);
+	optionsGrid->Add(new wxStaticText(&d,-1,_("Wrap Style: ")),0,wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL,0);
-	ScaleBorder = new wxCheckBox(this,-1,_("Scale Border and Shadow"));
+	ScaleBorder = new wxCheckBox(&d,-1,_("Scale Border and Shadow"));
 	ScaleBorder->SetToolTip(_("Scale border and shadow together with script/render resolution. If this is unchecked, relative border and shadow size will depend on renderer."));
 	ScaleBorder->SetValue(boost::iequals(c->ass->GetScriptInfo("ScaledBorderAndShadow"), "yes"));
@@ -155,9 +157,9 @@ DialogProperties::DialogProperties(agi::Context *c)
 	// Button sizer
-	wxStdDialogButtonSizer *ButtonSizer = CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL | wxHELP);
-	Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, &DialogProperties::OnOK, this, wxID_OK);
-	Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, std::bind(&HelpButton::OpenPage, "Properties"), wxID_HELP);
+	auto ButtonSizer = d.CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL | wxHELP);
+	d.Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, &DialogProperties::OnOK, this, wxID_OK);
+	d.Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, std::bind(&HelpButton::OpenPage, "Properties"), wxID_HELP);
 	// MainSizer
 	wxSizer *MainSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
@@ -166,13 +168,13 @@ DialogProperties::DialogProperties(agi::Context *c)
 	MainSizer->Add(optionsBox,0,wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxBOTTOM | wxEXPAND,5);
 	MainSizer->Add(ButtonSizer,0,wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxBOTTOM | wxEXPAND,5);
-	SetSizerAndFit(MainSizer);
-	CenterOnParent();
+	d.SetSizerAndFit(MainSizer);
+	d.CenterOnParent();
 void DialogProperties::AddProperty(wxSizer *sizer, wxString const& label, std::string const& property) {
-	wxTextCtrl *ctrl = new wxTextCtrl(this, -1, to_wx(c->ass->GetScriptInfo(property)), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200, 20));
-	sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, label), wxSizerFlags().Center().Left());
+	wxTextCtrl *ctrl = new wxTextCtrl(&d, -1, to_wx(c->ass->GetScriptInfo(property)), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200, 20));
+	sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(&d, -1, label), wxSizerFlags().Center().Left());
 	sizer->Add(ctrl, wxSizerFlags(1).Expand());
 	properties.push_back({property, ctrl});
@@ -190,7 +192,7 @@ void DialogProperties::OnOK(wxCommandEvent &) {
 	if (count) c->ass->Commit(_("property changes"), AssFile::COMMIT_SCRIPTINFO);
-	EndModal(!!count);
+	d.EndModal(!!count);
 int DialogProperties::SetInfoIfDifferent(std::string const& key, std::string const&value) {
diff --git a/src/dialog_resample.cpp b/src/dialog_resample.cpp
index e0271d6b3..7575aaa31 100644
--- a/src/dialog_resample.cpp
+++ b/src/dialog_resample.cpp
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ namespace {
 /// @brief Configuration dialog for resolution resampling
 /// Populate a ResampleSettings structure with data from the user
-class DialogResample final : public wxDialog {
+struct DialogResample {
+	wxDialog d;
 	agi::Context *c; ///< Project context
 	int script_w;
@@ -86,10 +87,10 @@ enum {
 DialogResample::DialogResample(agi::Context *c, ResampleSettings &settings)
-: wxDialog(c->parent, -1, _("Resample Resolution"))
+: d(c->parent, -1, _("Resample Resolution"))
 , c(c)
-	SetIcon(GETICON(resample_toolbutton_16));
+	d.SetIcon(GETICON(resample_toolbutton_16));
 	memset(&settings, 0, sizeof(settings));
 	c->ass->GetResolution(script_w, script_h);
@@ -111,23 +112,23 @@ DialogResample::DialogResample(agi::Context *c, ResampleSettings &settings)
 	// Create all controls and set validators
 	for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
-		margin_ctrl[i] = new wxSpinCtrl(this, -1, "0", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(50, -1), wxSP_ARROW_KEYS, -9999, 9999, 0);
+		margin_ctrl[i] = new wxSpinCtrl(&d, -1, "0", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(50, -1), wxSP_ARROW_KEYS, -9999, 9999, 0);
-	symmetrical = new wxCheckBox(this, -1, _("&Symmetrical"));
+	symmetrical = new wxCheckBox(&d, -1, _("&Symmetrical"));
-	source_x = new wxSpinCtrl(this, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(50, -1), wxSP_ARROW_KEYS, 1, INT_MAX);
-	source_y = new wxSpinCtrl(this, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(50, -1), wxSP_ARROW_KEYS, 1, INT_MAX);
-	source_matrix = new wxComboBox(this, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition,
+	source_x = new wxSpinCtrl(&d, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(50, -1), wxSP_ARROW_KEYS, 1, INT_MAX);
+	source_y = new wxSpinCtrl(&d, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(50, -1), wxSP_ARROW_KEYS, 1, INT_MAX);
+	source_matrix = new wxComboBox(&d, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition,
 		wxDefaultSize, to_wx(MatrixNames()), wxCB_READONLY);
-	dest_x = new wxSpinCtrl(this, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(50, -1), wxSP_ARROW_KEYS, 1, INT_MAX);
-	dest_y = new wxSpinCtrl(this, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(50, -1), wxSP_ARROW_KEYS, 1, INT_MAX);
-	dest_matrix = new wxComboBox(this, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
+	dest_x = new wxSpinCtrl(&d, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(50, -1), wxSP_ARROW_KEYS, 1, INT_MAX);
+	dest_y = new wxSpinCtrl(&d, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(50, -1), wxSP_ARROW_KEYS, 1, INT_MAX);
+	dest_matrix = new wxComboBox(&d, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
 		to_wx(MatrixNames()), wxCB_READONLY);
@@ -137,13 +138,13 @@ DialogResample::DialogResample(agi::Context *c, ResampleSettings &settings)
-	from_video = new wxButton(this, -1, _("From &video"));
+	from_video = new wxButton(&d, -1, _("From &video"));
-	from_script = new wxButton(this, -1, _("From s&cript"));
+	from_script = new wxButton(&d, -1, _("From s&cript"));
 	wxString ar_modes[] = {_("Stretch"), _("Add borders"), _("Remove borders"), _("Manual")};
-	ar_mode = new wxRadioBox(this, -1, _("Aspect Ratio Handling"), wxDefaultPosition,
+	ar_mode = new wxRadioBox(&d, -1, _("Aspect Ratio Handling"), wxDefaultPosition,
 		wxDefaultSize, boost::size(ar_modes), ar_modes, 1, 4, MakeEnumBinder(&settings.ar_mode));
 	// Position the controls
@@ -158,34 +159,34 @@ DialogResample::DialogResample(agi::Context *c, ResampleSettings &settings)
 	margin_sizer->Add(margin_ctrl[BOTTOM], wxSizerFlags(1).Expand());
-	auto margin_box = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, this, _("Margin offset"));
+	auto margin_box = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, &d, _("Margin offset"));
 	margin_box->Add(margin_sizer, wxSizerFlags(1).Expand().Border(wxBOTTOM));
 	auto source_res_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
 	source_res_sizer->Add(source_x, wxSizerFlags(1).Border(wxRIGHT).Align(wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL));
-	source_res_sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("x")), wxSizerFlags().Center().Border(wxRIGHT));
+	source_res_sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(&d, -1, _("x")), wxSizerFlags().Center().Border(wxRIGHT));
 	source_res_sizer->Add(source_y, wxSizerFlags(1).Border(wxRIGHT).Align(wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL));
 	source_res_sizer->Add(from_script, wxSizerFlags(1));
 	auto source_matrix_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
-	source_matrix_sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("YCbCr Matrix:")), wxSizerFlags().Border(wxRIGHT).Center());
+	source_matrix_sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(&d, -1, _("YCbCr Matrix:")), wxSizerFlags().Border(wxRIGHT).Center());
 	source_matrix_sizer->Add(source_matrix, wxSizerFlags(1).Center().Right());
-	auto source_res_box = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, this, _("Source Resolution"));
+	auto source_res_box = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, &d, _("Source Resolution"));
 	source_res_box->Add(source_res_sizer, wxSizerFlags(1).Expand().Border(wxBOTTOM));
 	source_res_box->Add(source_matrix_sizer, wxSizerFlags(1).Expand());
 	auto dest_res_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
 	dest_res_sizer->Add(dest_x, wxSizerFlags(1).Border(wxRIGHT).Align(wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL));
-	dest_res_sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("x")), wxSizerFlags().Center().Border(wxRIGHT));
+	dest_res_sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(&d, -1, _("x")), wxSizerFlags().Center().Border(wxRIGHT));
 	dest_res_sizer->Add(dest_y, wxSizerFlags(1).Border(wxRIGHT).Align(wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL));
 	dest_res_sizer->Add(from_video, wxSizerFlags(1));
 	auto dest_matrix_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
-	dest_matrix_sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("YCbCr Matrix:")), wxSizerFlags().Border(wxRIGHT).Center());
+	dest_matrix_sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(&d, -1, _("YCbCr Matrix:")), wxSizerFlags().Border(wxRIGHT).Center());
 	dest_matrix_sizer->Add(dest_matrix, wxSizerFlags(1).Center().Right());
-	auto dest_res_box = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, this, _("Destination Resolution"));
+	auto dest_res_box = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, &d, _("Destination Resolution"));
 	dest_res_box->Add(dest_res_sizer, wxSizerFlags(1).Expand().Border(wxBOTTOM));
 	dest_res_box->Add(dest_matrix_sizer, wxSizerFlags(1).Expand());
@@ -194,18 +195,18 @@ DialogResample::DialogResample(agi::Context *c, ResampleSettings &settings)
 	main_sizer->Add(dest_res_box, wxSizerFlags().Expand().Border());
 	main_sizer->Add(ar_mode, wxSizerFlags().Expand().Border());
 	main_sizer->Add(margin_box, wxSizerFlags(1).Expand().Border());
-	main_sizer->Add(CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL | wxHELP), wxSizerFlags().Expand().Border(wxALL & ~wxTOP));
-	SetSizerAndFit(main_sizer);
-	CenterOnParent();
+	main_sizer->Add(d.CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL | wxHELP), wxSizerFlags().Expand().Border(wxALL & ~wxTOP));
+	d.SetSizerAndFit(main_sizer);
+	d.CenterOnParent();
-	TransferDataToWindow();
+	d.TransferDataToWindow();
 	// Bind events
 	using std::bind;
-	Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, bind(&HelpButton::OpenPage, "Resample resolution"), wxID_HELP);
-	Bind(wxEVT_SPINCTRL, [=](wxCommandEvent&) { UpdateButtons(); });
-	Bind(wxEVT_RADIOBOX, [=](wxCommandEvent&) { UpdateButtons(); });
+	d.Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, bind(&HelpButton::OpenPage, "Resample resolution"), wxID_HELP);
+	d.Bind(wxEVT_SPINCTRL, [=](wxCommandEvent&) { UpdateButtons(); });
+	d.Bind(wxEVT_RADIOBOX, [=](wxCommandEvent&) { UpdateButtons(); });
 	from_video->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, &DialogResample::SetDestFromVideo, this);
 	from_script->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, &DialogResample::SetSourceFromScript, this);
 	symmetrical->Bind(wxEVT_CHECKBOX, &DialogResample::OnSymmetrical, this);
@@ -263,5 +264,5 @@ void DialogResample::OnMarginChange(wxSpinCtrl *src, wxSpinCtrl *dst) {
 bool PromptForResampleSettings(agi::Context *c, ResampleSettings &settings) {
-	return DialogResample(c, settings).ShowModal() == wxID_OK;
+	return DialogResample(c, settings).d.ShowModal() == wxID_OK;
diff --git a/src/dialog_selected_choices.cpp b/src/dialog_selected_choices.cpp
index 27b3b3a97..e0fd0488c 100644
--- a/src/dialog_selected_choices.cpp
+++ b/src/dialog_selected_choices.cpp
@@ -20,42 +20,27 @@
 #include <wx/listbox.h>
 #include <wx/sizer.h>
-namespace {
-/// @class SelectedChoicesDialog
-/// @brief wxMultiChoiceDialog with Select All and Select None
-class SelectedChoicesDialog final : public wxMultiChoiceDialog {
-	void SelectAll(wxCommandEvent&);
+int GetSelectedChoices(wxWindow *parent, wxArrayInt& selections, wxString const& message, wxString const& caption, wxArrayString const& choices) {
+	wxMultiChoiceDialog dialog(parent, message, caption, choices);
-	SelectedChoicesDialog(wxWindow *parent, wxString const& message, wxString const& caption, wxArrayString const& choices);
+	auto selAll = new wxButton(&dialog, -1, _("Select &All"));
+	selAll->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [&](wxCommandEvent&) {
+		wxArrayInt sel(selections.size());
+		std::iota(sel.begin(), sel.end(), 0);
+		dialog.SetSelections(sel);
+	});
-SelectedChoicesDialog::SelectedChoicesDialog(wxWindow *parent, wxString const& message, wxString const& caption, wxArrayString const& choices) {
-	Create(parent, message, caption, choices);
-	wxButton *selAll = new wxButton(this, -1, _("Select &All"));
-	wxButton *selNone = new wxButton(this, -1, _("Select &None"));
-	selAll->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, &SelectedChoicesDialog::SelectAll, this);
-	selNone->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [=](wxCommandEvent&) { SetSelections(wxArrayInt()); });
+	auto selNone = new wxButton(&dialog, -1, _("Select &None"));
+	selNone->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [&](wxCommandEvent&) { dialog.SetSelections(wxArrayInt()); });
 	auto buttonSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
 	buttonSizer->Add(selAll, wxSizerFlags(0).Left());
 	buttonSizer->Add(selNone, wxSizerFlags(0).Right());
-	wxSizer *sizer = GetSizer();
+	auto sizer = dialog.GetSizer();
 	sizer->Insert(2, buttonSizer, wxSizerFlags(0).Center());
-	sizer->Fit(this);
+	sizer->Fit(&dialog);
-void SelectedChoicesDialog::SelectAll(wxCommandEvent&) {
-	wxArrayInt sel(m_listbox->GetCount());
-	std::iota(sel.begin(), sel.end(), 0);
-	SetSelections(sel);
-int GetSelectedChoices(wxWindow *parent, wxArrayInt& selections, wxString const& message, wxString const& caption, wxArrayString const& choices) {
-	SelectedChoicesDialog dialog(parent, message, caption, choices);
 	if (dialog.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return -1;
diff --git a/src/dialog_text_import.cpp b/src/dialog_text_import.cpp
index 27145d8b0..0da35b741 100644
--- a/src/dialog_text_import.cpp
+++ b/src/dialog_text_import.cpp
@@ -37,55 +37,41 @@
 #include <wx/textctrl.h>
 #include <wx/valgen.h>
-namespace {
-/// @class DialogTextImport
-/// @brief Plain text import separator character selection dialog
 /// A simple dialog to let the user select the format of a plain text file
 /// being imported into Aegisub
-class DialogTextImport final : public wxDialog {
-	std::string seperator;
-	std::string comment;
-	bool include_blank;
+bool ShowPlainTextImportDialog() {
+	auto seperator = OPT_GET("Tool/Import/Text/Actor Separator")->GetString();
+	auto comment = OPT_GET("Tool/Import/Text/Comment Starter")->GetString();
+	auto include_blank = OPT_GET("Tool/Import/Text/Include Blank")->GetBool();
-	DialogTextImport();
+	wxDialog d(nullptr, -1, _("Text import options"));
-: wxDialog(nullptr , -1, _("Text import options"))
-, seperator(OPT_GET("Tool/Import/Text/Actor Separator")->GetString())
-, comment(OPT_GET("Tool/Import/Text/Comment Starter")->GetString())
-, include_blank(OPT_GET("Tool/Import/Text/Include Blank")->GetBool())
-	auto make_text_ctrl = [=](std::string *var) {
-		return new wxTextCtrl(this, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, StringBinder(var));
+	auto make_text_ctrl = [&](std::string *var) {
+		return new wxTextCtrl(&d, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, StringBinder(var));
 	auto fg = new wxFlexGridSizer(2, 5, 5);
-	fg->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("Actor separator:")), 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL);
+	fg->Add(new wxStaticText(&d, -1, _("Actor separator:")), 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL);
 	fg->Add(make_text_ctrl(&seperator), 0, wxEXPAND);
-	fg->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("Comment starter:")), 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL);
+	fg->Add(new wxStaticText(&d, -1, _("Comment starter:")), 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL);
 	fg->Add(make_text_ctrl(&comment), 0, wxEXPAND);
 	auto main_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
 	main_sizer->Add(fg, 1, wxALL|wxEXPAND, 5);
-	main_sizer->Add(new wxCheckBox(this, -1, _("Include blank lines"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, wxGenericValidator(&include_blank)), 0, wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxALIGN_RIGHT, 5);
-	main_sizer->Add(CreateSeparatedButtonSizer(wxOK|wxCANCEL), 0, wxALL|wxEXPAND, 5);
-	SetSizerAndFit(main_sizer);
+	main_sizer->Add(new wxCheckBox(&d, -1, _("Include blank lines"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, wxGenericValidator(&include_blank)), 0, wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxALIGN_RIGHT, 5);
+	main_sizer->Add(d.CreateSeparatedButtonSizer(wxOK|wxCANCEL), 0, wxALL|wxEXPAND, 5);
+	d.SetSizerAndFit(main_sizer);
-	Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [=](wxCommandEvent&) {
-		TransferDataFromWindow();
+	d.Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [&](wxCommandEvent&) {
+		d.TransferDataFromWindow();
 		OPT_SET("Tool/Import/Text/Actor Separator")->SetString(seperator);
 		OPT_SET("Tool/Import/Text/Comment Starter")->SetString(comment);
 		OPT_SET("Tool/Import/Text/Include Blank")->SetBool(include_blank);
-		EndModal(wxID_OK);
+		d.EndModal(wxID_OK);
 	}, wxID_OK);
-bool ShowPlainTextImportDialog() {
-	return DialogTextImport().ShowModal() == wxID_OK;
+	return d.ShowModal() == wxID_OK;
diff --git a/src/dialog_timing_processor.cpp b/src/dialog_timing_processor.cpp
index cce9ab98e..e03c4b34a 100644
--- a/src/dialog_timing_processor.cpp
+++ b/src/dialog_timing_processor.cpp
@@ -66,7 +66,8 @@ using namespace boost::adaptors;
 namespace {
 /// @class DialogTimingProcessor
 /// @brief Automatic postprocessor for correcting common timing issues
-class DialogTimingProcessor final : public wxDialog {
+struct DialogTimingProcessor {
+	wxDialog d;
 	agi::Context *c; ///< Project context
 	int leadIn;      ///< Lead-in to add in milliseconds
@@ -101,7 +102,6 @@ class DialogTimingProcessor final : public wxDialog {
 	/// Get a list of dialogue lines in the file sorted by start time
 	std::vector<AssDialogue*> SortDialogues();
 	DialogTimingProcessor(agi::Context *c);
@@ -136,12 +136,12 @@ wxCheckBox *make_check(wxStaticBoxSizer *sizer, wxString const& desc, const char
 DialogTimingProcessor::DialogTimingProcessor(agi::Context *c)
-: wxDialog(c->parent, -1, _("Timing Post-Processor"))
+: d(c->parent, -1, _("Timing Post-Processor"))
 , c(c)
 	using std::bind;
-	SetIcon(GETICON(timing_processor_toolbutton_16));
+	d.SetIcon(GETICON(timing_processor_toolbutton_16));
 	// Read options
 	leadIn = OPT_GET("Audio/Lead/IN")->GetInt();
@@ -154,24 +154,24 @@ DialogTimingProcessor::DialogTimingProcessor(agi::Context *c)
 	adjOverlap = OPT_GET("Tool/Timing Post Processor/Threshold/Adjacent Overlap")->GetInt();
 	// Styles box
-	auto LeftSizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL,this,_("Apply to styles"));
-	StyleList = new wxCheckListBox(this, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(150,150), to_wx(c->ass->GetStyles()));
+	auto LeftSizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL,&d,_("Apply to styles"));
+	StyleList = new wxCheckListBox(&d, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(150,150), to_wx(c->ass->GetStyles()));
 	StyleList->SetToolTip(_("Select styles to process. Unchecked ones will be ignored."));
-	auto all = new wxButton(this,-1,_("&All"));
+	auto all = new wxButton(&d,-1,_("&All"));
 	all->SetToolTip(_("Select all styles"));
-	auto none = new wxButton(this,-1,_("&None"));
+	auto none = new wxButton(&d,-1,_("&None"));
 	none->SetToolTip(_("Deselect all styles"));
 	// Options box
-	auto optionsSizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL,this,_("Options"));
-	onlySelection = new wxCheckBox(this,-1,_("Affect &selection only"));
+	auto optionsSizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL,&d,_("Options"));
+	onlySelection = new wxCheckBox(&d,-1,_("Affect &selection only"));
 	onlySelection->SetValue(OPT_GET("Tool/Timing Post Processor/Only Selection")->GetBool());
 	// Lead-in/out box
-	auto LeadSizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL, this, _("Lead-in/Lead-out"));
+	auto LeadSizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL, &d, _("Lead-in/Lead-out"));
 	hasLeadIn = make_check(LeadSizer, _("Add lead &in:"),
 		"Tool/Timing Post Processor/Enable/Lead/IN",
@@ -186,24 +186,24 @@ DialogTimingProcessor::DialogTimingProcessor(agi::Context *c)
 	// Adjacent subs sizer
-	auto AdjacentSizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL, this, _("Make adjacent subtitles continuous"));
+	auto AdjacentSizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL, &d, _("Make adjacent subtitles continuous"));
 	adjsEnable = make_check(AdjacentSizer, _("&Enable"),
 		"Tool/Timing Post Processor/Enable/Adjacent",
 		_("Enable snapping of subtitles together if they are within a certain distance of each other"));
 	auto adjBoxes = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
-	make_ctrl(this, adjBoxes, _("Max gap:"), &adjGap, adjsEnable,
+	make_ctrl(&d, adjBoxes, _("Max gap:"), &adjGap, adjsEnable,
 		_("Maximum difference between start and end time for two subtitles to be made continuous, in milliseconds"));
-	make_ctrl(this, adjBoxes, _("Max overlap:"), &adjOverlap, adjsEnable,
+	make_ctrl(&d, adjBoxes, _("Max overlap:"), &adjOverlap, adjsEnable,
 		_("Maximum overlap between the end and start time for two subtitles to be made continuous, in milliseconds"));
-	adjacentBias = new wxSlider(this, -1, mid<int>(0, OPT_GET("Tool/Timing Post Processor/Adjacent Bias")->GetDouble() * 100, 100), 0, 100, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(-1,20));
+	adjacentBias = new wxSlider(&d, -1, mid<int>(0, OPT_GET("Tool/Timing Post Processor/Adjacent Bias")->GetDouble() * 100, 100), 0, 100, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(-1,20));
 	adjacentBias->SetToolTip(_("Sets how to set the adjoining of lines. If set totally to left, it will extend or shrink start time of the second line; if totally to right, it will extend or shrink the end time of the first line."));
 	auto adjSliderSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
-	adjSliderSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("Bias: Start <- ")), wxSizerFlags().Center());
+	adjSliderSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(&d, -1, _("Bias: Start <- ")), wxSizerFlags().Center());
 	adjSliderSizer->Add(adjacentBias, wxSizerFlags(1).Center());
-	adjSliderSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, _(" -> End")), wxSizerFlags().Center());
+	adjSliderSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(&d, -1, _(" -> End")), wxSizerFlags().Center());
 	auto adjRightSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
 	adjRightSizer->Add(adjBoxes, wxSizerFlags().Expand());
@@ -211,10 +211,10 @@ DialogTimingProcessor::DialogTimingProcessor(agi::Context *c)
 	// Keyframes sizer
-	auto KeyframesSizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL, this, _("Keyframe snapping"));
+	auto KeyframesSizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL, &d, _("Keyframe snapping"));
 	auto KeyframesFlexSizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(2,5,5,0);
-	keysEnable = new wxCheckBox(this, -1, _("E&nable"));
+	keysEnable = new wxCheckBox(&d, -1, _("E&nable"));
 	keysEnable->SetToolTip(_("Enable snapping of subtitles to nearest keyframe, if distance is within threshold"));
 	keysEnable->SetValue(OPT_GET("Tool/Timing Post Processor/Enable/Keyframe")->GetBool());
@@ -226,25 +226,25 @@ DialogTimingProcessor::DialogTimingProcessor(agi::Context *c)
-	make_ctrl(this, KeyframesFlexSizer, _("Starts before thres.:"), &beforeStart, keysEnable,
+	make_ctrl(&d, KeyframesFlexSizer, _("Starts before thres.:"), &beforeStart, keysEnable,
 		_("Threshold for 'before start' distance, that is, how many milliseconds a subtitle must start before a keyframe to snap to it"));
-	make_ctrl(this, KeyframesFlexSizer, _("Starts after thres.:"), &afterStart, keysEnable,
+	make_ctrl(&d, KeyframesFlexSizer, _("Starts after thres.:"), &afterStart, keysEnable,
 		_("Threshold for 'after start' distance, that is, how many milliseconds a subtitle must start after a keyframe to snap to it"));
-	make_ctrl(this, KeyframesFlexSizer, _("Ends before thres.:"), &beforeEnd, keysEnable,
+	make_ctrl(&d, KeyframesFlexSizer, _("Ends before thres.:"), &beforeEnd, keysEnable,
 		_("Threshold for 'before end' distance, that is, how many milliseconds a subtitle must end before a keyframe to snap to it"));
-	make_ctrl(this, KeyframesFlexSizer, _("Ends after thres.:"), &afterEnd, keysEnable,
+	make_ctrl(&d, KeyframesFlexSizer, _("Ends after thres.:"), &afterEnd, keysEnable,
 		_("Threshold for 'after end' distance, that is, how many milliseconds a subtitle must end after a keyframe to snap to it"));
 	// Button sizer
-	auto ButtonSizer = CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL | wxHELP);
+	auto ButtonSizer = d.CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL | wxHELP);
 	ApplyButton = ButtonSizer->GetAffirmativeButton();
 	ButtonSizer->GetHelpButton()->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, bind(&HelpButton::OpenPage, "Timing Processor"));
@@ -274,12 +274,12 @@ DialogTimingProcessor::DialogTimingProcessor(agi::Context *c)
 	// Main Sizer
 	auto MainSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
-	SetSizerAndFit(MainSizer);
-	CenterOnParent();
+	d.SetSizerAndFit(MainSizer);
+	d.CenterOnParent();
-	Bind(wxEVT_CHECKBOX, bind(&DialogTimingProcessor::UpdateControls, this));
-	Bind(wxEVT_CHECKLISTBOX, bind(&DialogTimingProcessor::UpdateControls, this));
-	Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, &DialogTimingProcessor::OnApply, this, wxID_OK);
+	d.Bind(wxEVT_CHECKBOX, bind(&DialogTimingProcessor::UpdateControls, this));
+	d.Bind(wxEVT_CHECKLISTBOX, bind(&DialogTimingProcessor::UpdateControls, this));
+	d.Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, &DialogTimingProcessor::OnApply, this, wxID_OK);
 	all->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, bind(&DialogTimingProcessor::CheckAll, this, true));
 	none->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, bind(&DialogTimingProcessor::CheckAll, this, false));
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ void DialogTimingProcessor::UpdateControls() {
 void DialogTimingProcessor::OnApply(wxCommandEvent &) {
-	TransferDataFromWindow();
+	d.TransferDataFromWindow();
 	// Save settings
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ void DialogTimingProcessor::OnApply(wxCommandEvent &) {
 	OPT_SET("Tool/Timing Post Processor/Only Selection")->SetBool(onlySelection->IsChecked());
-	EndModal(0);
+	d.EndModal(0);
 std::vector<AssDialogue*> DialogTimingProcessor::SortDialogues() {
@@ -447,5 +447,5 @@ void DialogTimingProcessor::Process() {
 void ShowTimingProcessorDialog(agi::Context *c) {
-	DialogTimingProcessor(c).ShowModal();
+	DialogTimingProcessor(c).d.ShowModal();
diff --git a/src/dialog_video_details.cpp b/src/dialog_video_details.cpp
index 7ed9c5141..277928dd8 100644
--- a/src/dialog_video_details.cpp
+++ b/src/dialog_video_details.cpp
@@ -40,16 +40,9 @@
 #include <wx/stattext.h>
 #include <wx/textctrl.h>
-namespace {
-/// @class DialogVideoDetails
-/// @brief Display information about the video in a dialog
-struct DialogVideoDetails final : wxDialog {
-	DialogVideoDetails(agi::Context *c);
+void ShowVideoDetailsDialog(agi::Context *c) {
+	wxDialog d(c->parent, -1, _("Video Details"));
-DialogVideoDetails::DialogVideoDetails(agi::Context *c)
-: wxDialog(c->parent , -1, _("Video Details"))
 	auto provider = c->project->VideoProvider();
 	auto width = provider->GetWidth();
 	auto height = provider->GetHeight();
@@ -59,8 +52,8 @@ DialogVideoDetails::DialogVideoDetails(agi::Context *c)
 	auto fg = new wxFlexGridSizer(2, 5, 10);
 	auto make_field = [&](wxString const& name, wxString const& value) {
-		fg->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, name), 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL);
-		fg->Add(new wxTextCtrl(this, -1, value, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(300,-1), wxTE_READONLY), 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL | wxEXPAND);
+		fg->Add(new wxStaticText(&d, -1, name), 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL);
+		fg->Add(new wxTextCtrl(&d, -1, value, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(300,-1), wxTE_READONLY), 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL | wxEXPAND);
 	make_field(_("File name:"), c->project->VideoName().wstring());
 	make_field(_("FPS:"), fmt_wx("%.3f", fps.FPS()));
@@ -69,18 +62,14 @@ DialogVideoDetails::DialogVideoDetails(agi::Context *c)
 		framecount, AssTime(fps.TimeAtFrame(framecount - 1)).GetAssFormated(true)));
 	make_field(_("Decoder:"), to_wx(provider->GetDecoderName()));
-	wxStaticBoxSizer *video_sizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, this, _("Video"));
+	auto video_sizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, &d, _("Video"));
 	auto main_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
 	main_sizer->Add(video_sizer, 1, wxALL|wxEXPAND, 5);
-	main_sizer->Add(CreateSeparatedButtonSizer(wxOK), 0, wxALL|wxEXPAND, 5);
-	SetSizerAndFit(main_sizer);
+	main_sizer->Add(d.CreateSeparatedButtonSizer(wxOK), 0, wxALL|wxEXPAND, 5);
+	d.SetSizerAndFit(main_sizer);
-	CenterOnParent();
-void ShowVideoDetailsDialog(agi::Context *c) {
-	DialogVideoDetails(c).ShowModal();
+	d.CenterOnParent();
+	d.ShowModal();
diff --git a/src/dialog_video_properties.cpp b/src/dialog_video_properties.cpp
index 3d2dad45b..272fcb107 100644
--- a/src/dialog_video_properties.cpp
+++ b/src/dialog_video_properties.cpp
@@ -39,46 +39,46 @@ enum {
-class Prompt : public wxDialog {
-	Prompt(wxWindow *parent, bool ar_changed, int sx, int sy, int vx, int vy)
-	: wxDialog(parent, -1, _("Resolution mismatch"))
-	{
-		auto label_text = fmt_tl("The resolution of the loaded video and the resolution specified for the subtitles don't match.\n\nVideo resolution:\t%d x %d\nScript resolution:\t%d x %d\n\nChange subtitles resolution to match video?", vx, vy, sx, sy);
+int prompt(wxWindow *parent, bool ar_changed, int sx, int sy, int vx, int vy) {
+	wxDialog d(parent, -1, _("Resolution mismatch"));
-		auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
-		sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, label_text), wxSizerFlags().Border());
+	auto label_text = fmt_tl("The resolution of the loaded video and the resolution specified for the subtitles don't match.\n\nVideo resolution:\t%d x %d\nScript resolution:\t%d x %d\n\nChange subtitles resolution to match video?", vx, vy, sx, sy);
-		wxRadioBox *rb;
-		if (ar_changed) {
-			wxString choices[] = {
-				_("Set to video resolution"),
-				_("Resample script (stretch to new aspect ratio)"),
-				_("Resample script (add borders)"),
-				_("Resample script (remove borders)")
-			};
-			rb = new wxRadioBox(this, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 4, choices, 1);
-		}
-		else {
-			wxString choices[] = {
-				_("Set to video resolution"),
-				_("Resample script"),
-			};
-			rb = new wxRadioBox(this, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 2, choices, 1);
-		}
-		sizer->Add(rb, wxSizerFlags().Border(wxALL & ~wxTOP).Expand());
-		sizer->Add(CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL | wxHELP), wxSizerFlags().Border().Expand());
+	auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
+	sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(&d, -1, label_text), wxSizerFlags().Border());
-		unsigned int sel = OPT_GET("Video/Last Script Resolution Mismatch Choice")->GetInt();
-		rb->SetSelection(std::min(sel - 1, rb->GetCount()));
-		SetSizerAndFit(sizer);
-		CenterOnParent();
-		Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [=](wxCommandEvent&) { EndModal(rb->GetSelection() + 1); }, wxID_OK);
-		Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [=](wxCommandEvent&) { EndModal(0); }, wxID_CANCEL);
+	wxRadioBox *rb;
+	if (ar_changed) {
+		wxString choices[] = {
+			_("Set to video resolution"),
+			_("Resample script (stretch to new aspect ratio)"),
+			_("Resample script (add borders)"),
+			_("Resample script (remove borders)")
+		};
+		rb = new wxRadioBox(&d, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 4, choices, 1);
+	else {
+		wxString choices[] = {
+			_("Set to video resolution"),
+			_("Resample script"),
+		};
+		rb = new wxRadioBox(&d, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 2, choices, 1);
+	}
+	sizer->Add(rb, wxSizerFlags().Border(wxALL & ~wxTOP).Expand());
+	sizer->Add(d.CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL | wxHELP), wxSizerFlags().Border().Expand());
+	unsigned int sel = OPT_GET("Video/Last Script Resolution Mismatch Choice")->GetInt();
+	rb->SetSelection(std::min(sel - 1, rb->GetCount()));
+	d.SetSizerAndFit(sizer);
+	d.CenterOnParent();
+	d.Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [&](wxCommandEvent&) { d.EndModal(rb->GetSelection() + 1); }, wxID_OK);
+	d.Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [&](wxCommandEvent&) { d.EndModal(0); }, wxID_CANCEL);
+	return d.ShowModal();
 bool update_video_properties(AssFile *file, const AsyncVideoProvider *new_provider, wxWindow *parent) {
 	bool commit_subs = false;
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ bool update_video_properties(AssFile *file, const AsyncVideoProvider *new_provid
-		int res = Prompt(parent, ar_changed, sx, sy, vx, vy).ShowModal();
+		int res = prompt(parent, ar_changed, sx, sy, vx, vy);
 		if (res == FIX_IGNORE) return commit_subs;
 		OPT_SET("Video/Last Script Resolution Mismatch Choice")->SetInt(res);
diff --git a/src/subtitle_format_ebu3264.cpp b/src/subtitle_format_ebu3264.cpp
index 2e3d98172..d8ab6ee16 100644
--- a/src/subtitle_format_ebu3264.cpp
+++ b/src/subtitle_format_ebu3264.cpp
@@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ namespace
 		// Disable the busy cursor set by the exporter while the dialog is visible
-		int res = EbuExportConfigurationDialog(parent, s).ShowModal();
+		int res = ShowEbuExportConfigurationDialog(parent, s);
 		if (res != wxID_OK)