Use EnumFontFamiliesEx to try to find the correct match when fontconfig gives several options

Fixes collection of ITC Cheltenham, ITC Tiffany, Zurich, Delicious,
Jacoby, Segoe WP, Agilita LT, and a bunch of dumb improperly modified
fonts I have lying around.

Closes #1806.
This commit is contained in:
Thomas Goyne 2014-08-24 16:26:56 -07:00
parent 580386b229
commit 54a7d43cf1
1 changed files with 33 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include "font_file_lister.h"
#include <libaegisub/charset_conv_win.h>
#include <libaegisub/log.h>
#ifdef __APPLE__
@ -113,6 +114,38 @@ CollectionResult FontConfigFontFileLister::GetFontPaths(std::string const& facen
auto match = matches->fonts[0];
#ifdef _WIN32
wxMemoryDC dc;
// Use EnumFontFamiliesEx to verify the match, as fontconfig sometimes gives
// us some incorrect matches along with the correct one
for (FcPattern *pat : boost::make_iterator_range(&matches->fonts[0], &matches->fonts[matches->nfont])) {
FcChar8 *fullname;
if (FcPatternGetString(pat, FC_FULLNAME, 0, &fullname) != FcResultMatch)
LOGFONT lf = {0};
wcsncpy(lf.lfFaceName, agi::charset::ConvertW((const char *)fullname).c_str(), 31);
auto cb = [&](const LOGFONT *lf) {
auto face = agi::charset::ConvertW(lf->lfFaceName);
return face == family;
using type = decltype(cb);
bool found = !EnumFontFamiliesEx(dc.GetHDC(), &lf,
[](const LOGFONT *lf, const TEXTMETRIC *, DWORD, LPARAM lParam) -> int {
return !(*reinterpret_cast<type*>(lParam))(lf);
}, (LPARAM)&cb, 0);
if (found) {
match = pat;
FcChar8 *file;
if(FcPatternGetString(match, FC_FILE, 0, &file) != FcResultMatch)
return ret;