mirror of https://github.com/odrling/Aegisub
Generate Win portable.zip (#124)
* [git] ignore IDE setting, Meson subprojects * [win_installer] rename *.mo -> *.gmo * [win_installer] only add aeg translations * [win_installer] split aeg/wx translations * [win_installer] gen & pack translations * [git] ignore hunspell source dir * [git] ignore uchardet source dir * [win_installer\portable] add new target `meson win-portable` + meson install copy `include/unicode-monkeypatch.lua` * [win_installer\portable] make aegisub-portable-64.zip + remove WinRAR deps * [win_installer\portable] using powershell * [git] upload portable.zip * [win_installer\portable] rm freetype * [repo] remove Optional dependencies: WinRAR * [repo] Update README.md, add cmd to gen zip file * [repo] use recommended build command * [git] remove IDE dir * [ci] add Windows portable installer build step
This commit is contained in:
@ -103,9 +103,20 @@ jobs:
if: matrix.config.os == 'windows-latest'
if: matrix.config.os == 'windows-latest'
run: meson compile win-installer -C build
run: meson compile win-installer -C build
- name: Upload artifacts
- name: Generate Windows portable installer
if: matrix.config.os == 'windows-latest'
run: cd build && ninja win-portable
- name: Upload artifacts - win_installer
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
if: matrix.config.os == 'windows-latest'
if: matrix.config.os == 'windows-latest'
name: ${{ matrix.config.name }}
name: ${{ matrix.config.name }} - installer
path: build/Aegisub-*.exe
path: build/Aegisub-*.exe
- name: Upload artifacts - portable.zip
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
if: matrix.config.os == 'windows-latest'
name: ${{ matrix.config.name }} - portable
path: build/aegisub-portable-64.zip
@ -22,10 +22,9 @@ Prerequisites:
There are a few optional dependencies that must be installed and on your PATH:
There are a few optional dependencies that must be installed and on your PATH:
1. msgfmt, to build the translations
1. msgfmt, to build the translations
2. WinRAR, to build the portable installer
2. InnoSetup, to build the regular installer
3. InnoSetup, to build the regular installer
3. 7zip, to build the regular installer
4. 7zip, to build the regular installer
4. Moonscript, to build the regular installer
5. Moonscript, to build the regular installer
All other dependencies are either stored in the repository or are included as submodules.
All other dependencies are either stored in the repository or are included as submodules.
@ -41,6 +40,8 @@ Installer:
You can generate the installer with `ninja win-installer` after a successful build. This assumes a working internet connection and installation of the optional dependencies.
You can generate the installer with `ninja win-installer` after a successful build. This assumes a working internet connection and installation of the optional dependencies.
You can generate the portable zip with `ninja win-portable` after a successful build.
### OS X
### OS X
A vaguely recent version of Xcode and the corresponding command-line tools are required.
A vaguely recent version of Xcode and the corresponding command-line tools are required.
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ install_data(
install_dir: automation_dir / 'include')
install_dir: automation_dir / 'include')
@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
conf_pkg = configuration_data()
conf_pkg = configuration_data()
if host_machine.system() == 'windows'
if host_machine.system() == 'windows'
installer_setup = find_program(meson.project_source_root() / 'tools/win-installer-setup.ps1', )
installer_setup = find_program(meson.project_source_root() / 'tools/win-installer-setup.ps1')
command: [installer_setup, meson.project_build_root(), meson.project_source_root()])
command: [installer_setup, meson.project_build_root(), meson.project_source_root()])
portable_setup = find_program(meson.project_source_root() / 'packages/win_installer/portable/create-portable.ps1')
run_target('win-portable', command: [portable_setup, meson.project_build_root(), meson.project_source_root()])
elif host_machine.system() == 'darwin'
elif host_machine.system() == 'darwin'
fontconfig_conf = run_command('pkg-config', '--variable=confdir', 'fontconfig').stdout().strip()
fontconfig_conf = run_command('pkg-config', '--variable=confdir', 'fontconfig').stdout().strip()
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"App" : {
"App" : {
"Local Config" : true,
"Local Config" : true
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
@echo off
echo Gathering files
xcopy ..\..\..\automation\autoload\*.lua aegisub-portable\automation\autoload\ > NUL
xcopy ..\..\..\automation\demos\*.lua aegisub-portable\automation\demos\ > NUL
xcopy ..\..\..\automation\include\*.lua aegisub-portable\automation\include\ > NUL
xcopy ..\..\..\bin\aegisub64.exe aegisub-portable\ > NUL
xcopy ..\..\..\bin\ffms2_64.dll aegisub-portable\ > NUL
xcopy ..\src\ASSDraw3.chm aegisub-portable\ > NUL
xcopy ..\src\ASSDraw3.exe aegisub-portable\ > NUL
xcopy ..\src\dictionaries\en_US.aff aegisub-portable\dictionaries\ > NUL
xcopy ..\src\dictionaries\en_US.dic aegisub-portable\dictionaries\ > NUL
xcopy ..\src\vsfilter-aegisub64.dll aegisub-portable\csri\ > NUL
xcopy ..\src\x64\Microsoft.VC90.CRT\* aegisub-portable\Microsoft.VC90.CRT\ > NUL
xcopy config.json aegisub-portable\ > NUL
echo Creating SFX
del ..\output\aegisub-3.1.0-portable-64.exe
WinRAR a -sfx -s -m5 -ep1 -r -zportable-comment.txt -iimgside-logo.bmp -iiconicon.ico ..\output\aegisub-3.1.0-portable-64.exe aegisub-portable\
echo Removing temp dir
rmdir /S /Q aegisub-portable > NUL
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
#!/usr/bin/env powershell
param (
[Parameter(Position = 0)]
[Parameter(Position = 1)]
function Copy-New-Item {
$SourceFilePath = $args[0]
$DestinationFilePath = $args[1]
If (-not (Test-Path $DestinationFilePath)) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $DestinationFilePath -Force
Copy-Item -Path $SourceFilePath -Destination $DestinationFilePath
function Copy-New-Items {
$SourceFilePath = $args[0]
$DestinationFilePath = $args[1]
If (-not (Test-Path $DestinationFilePath)) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $DestinationFilePath -Force
Copy-Item -Path $SourceFilePath -Destination $DestinationFilePath -Recurse
Write-Output BUILD_ROOT=$BuildRoot
Write-Output SOURCE_ROOT=$SourceRoot
$InstallerDir = Join-Path $BuildRoot "install"
$InstallerDepsDir = Join-Path $BuildRoot "installer-deps"
$PortableOutputDir = Join-Path $BuildRoot "aegisub-portable"
Write-Output Goto building dir
Set-Location $BuildRoot
Write-Output 'Removing old temp dir'
Remove-Item -LiteralPath "$PortableOutputDir" -Force -Recurse
Remove-Item -LiteralPath "install" -Force -Recurse
Write-Output 'Make install'
meson install --no-rebuild --destdir $InstallerDir
Write-Output 'Gathering files'
Copy-New-Item $InstallerDir\bin\aegisub.exe $PortableOutputDir
Write-Output 'Copying - translations'
Copy-New-Items "$InstallerDir\share\locale\*" "$PortableOutputDir\locale" -Recurse
Write-Output 'Copying - codecs'
Write-Output 'Copying - codecs\Avisynth'
Copy-New-Item $InstallerDepsDir\AvisynthPlus64\x86-64\DevIL.dll $PortableOutputDir
Copy-New-Item $InstallerDepsDir\AvisynthPlus64\x86-64\AviSynth.dll $PortableOutputDir
Copy-New-Item $InstallerDepsDir\AvisynthPlus64\x86-64\plugins\DirectShowSource.dll $PortableOutputDir
Write-Output 'Copying - codecs\VSFilter'
Copy-New-Item $InstallerDepsDir\VSFilter\x64\VSFilter.dll $PortableOutputDir\csri
Write-Output 'Copying - runtimes\MS-CRT'
Copy-New-Item $InstallerDepsDir\VC_redist\VC_redist.x64.exe $PortableOutputDir\Microsoft.CRT
Write-Output 'Copying - automation'
Copy-New-Items "$InstallerDir\share\aegisub\automation\*" "$PortableOutputDir\automation\" -Recurse
Write-Output 'Copying - automation\DEPCTRL'
Copy-New-Items "$InstallerDepsDir\DependencyControl\modules\*" "$PortableOutputDir\automation\include\l0\" -Recurse
Copy-New-Items "$InstallerDepsDir\DependencyControl\macros\*" "$PortableOutputDir\automation\autoload\" -Recurse
Copy-New-Item $InstallerDepsDir\Yutils\src\Yutils.lua $PortableOutputDir\automation\include
Copy-New-Items "$InstallerDepsDir\luajson\lua\*" "$PortableOutputDir\automation\include\" -Recurse
Copy-New-Item $InstallerDepsDir\ffi-experiments\build\requireffi\requireffi.lua $PortableOutputDir\automation\include\requireffi
Copy-New-Item $InstallerDepsDir\ffi-experiments\build\bad-mutex\BadMutex.dll $PortableOutputDir\automation\include\BM\BadMutex
Copy-New-Item $InstallerDepsDir\ffi-experiments\build\bad-mutex\BadMutex.lua $PortableOutputDir\automation\include\BM
Copy-New-Item $InstallerDepsDir\ffi-experiments\build\precise-timer\PreciseTimer.dll $PortableOutputDir\automation\include\PT\PreciseTimer
Copy-New-Item $InstallerDepsDir\ffi-experiments\build\precise-timer\PreciseTimer.lua $PortableOutputDir\automation\include\PT
Copy-New-Item $InstallerDepsDir\ffi-experiments\build\download-manager\DownloadManager.dll $PortableOutputDir\automation\include\DM\DownloadManager
Copy-New-Item $InstallerDepsDir\ffi-experiments\build\download-manager\DownloadManager.lua $PortableOutputDir\automation\include\DM
Write-Output 'Copying - portable-config'
Copy-New-Item $SourceRoot\packages\win_installer\portable\config.json $PortableOutputDir
Write-Output 'Creating portable zip'
Remove-Item aegisub-portable-64.zip
7z a aegisub-portable-64.zip aegisub-portable\
Reference in New Issue