Add XAudio2 redistributable DLL for older Windows versions

The CI builds link against XAudio2_9, which isn't available on Windows 8
and lower. As a quick and dirty workaround, this commit ships the
XAudio2 redistributable on those older Windows versions. Simply renaming
the redistributable to XAudio2_9.dll isn't strictly allowed by the
documentation, but it works and is probably an acceptable hack to
support an outdated operating system...

Fixes arch1t3cht/Aegisub#16 .
This commit is contained in:
arch1t3cht 2023-07-12 02:49:09 +02:00
parent b3b4b96238
commit 42c71c4775
3 changed files with 12 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
DestDir: {tmp}; Source: "{#DEPS_DIR}\VC_redist\VC_redist.x{#ARCH}.exe"; Flags: nocompression deleteafterinstall
DestDir: {app}; Source: "{#DEPS_DIR}\XAudio2_redist\build\native\release\bin\x{#ARCH}\xaudio2_9redist.dll"; DestName: "XAudio2_9.dll"; OnlyBelowVersion: 10.0
Filename: {tmp}\VC_redist.x{#ARCH}.exe; StatusMsg: {cm:InstallRuntime}; Parameters: "/install /quiet /norestart"

View File

@ -60,6 +60,9 @@ Write-Output 'Copying - codecs\VSFilter'
Copy-New-Item $InstallerDepsDir\VSFilter\x64\VSFilter.dll $PortableOutputDir\csri
Write-Output 'Copying - runtimes\MS-CRT'
Copy-New-Item $InstallerDepsDir\VC_redist\VC_redist.x64.exe $PortableOutputDir\Microsoft.CRT
Write-Output 'Copying - redist\XAudio2_9'
Copy-New-Item $InstallerDepsDir\XAudio2_redist\build\native\release\bin\x64\xaudio2_9redist.dll $PortableOutputDir\Redist
Rename-Item $PortableOutputDir\Redist\xaudio2_9redist.dll $PortableOutputDir\Redist\XAudio2_9.dll
Write-Output 'Copying - automation'
Copy-New-Items "$InstallerDir\share\aegisub\automation\*" "$PortableOutputDir\automation\" -Recurse

View File

@ -74,6 +74,14 @@ if (!(Test-Path VC_redist)) {
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile "$redistDir\VC_redist.x64.exe" -UseBasicParsing
# XAudio2 redistributable
if (!(Test-Path XAudio2_redist)) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory XAudio2_redist
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile
Expand-Archive -LiteralPath -DestinationPath XAudio2_redist
# TODO dictionaries
# localization