mirror of https://github.com/odrling/Aegisub
Fixed a major bug related to config. Also, 1800 get.
Originally committed to SVN as r1800.
This commit is contained in:
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ bool AegisubApp::OnInit() {
StartupLog(_T("Store options back"));
Options.SetInt(_T("Last Version"),GetSVNRevision());
Options.LoadDefaults(); // Override options based on version number
Options.LoadDefaults(false,true); // Override options based on version number
AssTime::UseMSPrecision = Options.AsBool(_T("Use nonstandard Milisecond Times"));
@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
// Constructor
OptionsManager::OptionsManager() {
modified = false;
overriding = false;
lastVersion = -1;
@ -75,10 +76,11 @@ void OptionsManager::Clear() {
// Load default values
void OptionsManager::LoadDefaults(bool onlyDefaults) {
void OptionsManager::LoadDefaults(bool onlyDefaults,bool doOverride) {
///// PUBLIC //////
// Here go the options that can be edited by the options menu
if (doOverride) overriding = true;
if (onlyDefaults) lastVersion = -1;
// General
@ -284,108 +286,106 @@ void OptionsManager::LoadDefaults(bool onlyDefaults) {
// Only defaults?
if (onlyDefaults) {
lastVersion = -1;
if (!onlyDefaults) {
///// INTERNAL //////
// Options that are set by the program itself
SetInt(_T("Video Dummy Last Width"), 640);
SetInt(_T("Video Dummy Last Height"), 480);
SetColour(_T("Video Dummy Last Colour"), wxColour(47, 163, 254));
SetFloat(_T("Video Dummy Last FPS"), 23.976);
SetInt(_T("Video Dummy Last Length"), 40000);
SetBool(_T("Video Dummy Pattern"), false);
SetInt(_T("Locale Code"),-1,1700);
SetBool(_T("Sync video with subs"),true);
SetText(_T("Spell checker language"),_T("en_US"));
SetText(_T("Thesaurus language"),_T("en_US"));
SetInt(_T("Options Page"),0);
SetBool(_T("Audio Link"),true);
SetBool(_T("Audio Autocommit"),false);
SetBool(_T("Audio Autoscroll"),true);
SetBool(_T("Audio Medusa Timing Hotkeys"),false);
SetBool(_T("Audio Next Line on Commit"),true);
SetBool(_T("Shift Times ByTime"),true);
SetInt(_T("Shift Times Type"),0);
SetInt(_T("Shift Times Length"),0);
SetInt(_T("Shift Times Affect"),0);
SetBool(_T("Shift Times Direction"),true);
SetInt(_T("Tips current"),0);
SetBool(_T("Show associations"),true,1700);
SetBool(_T("Find Match Case"),false);
SetBool(_T("Find RegExp"),false);
SetBool(_T("Find Update Video"),false);
SetInt(_T("Find Affect"),0);
SetInt(_T("Find Field"),0);
SetInt(_T("Grid hide overrides"),1);
for (int i=0;i<10;i++) SetBool(_T("Grid show column ") + IntegerToString(i),true);
for (int i=0;i<9;i++) SetBool(wxString::Format(_T("Paste Over #%i"),i),false);
SetBool(_T("Paste Over #9"),true);
SetText(_T("Fonts Collector Destination"),_T("?script"));
SetInt(_T("Fonts Collector Action"),0);
SetInt(_T("Audio Display Height"),100);
SetBool(_T("Audio Spectrum"),false);
SetInt(_T("Audio Sample Rate"),0);
SetBool(_T("Video Visual Realtime"),true);
SetBool(_T("Detached video"),false);
SetInt(_T("Detached video last x"),-1);
SetInt(_T("Detached video last y"),-1);
SetBool(_T("Detached video maximized"),false);
SetInt(_T("Timing processor key start before thres"),5);
SetInt(_T("Timing processor key start after thres"),4);
SetInt(_T("Timing processor key end before thres"),5);
SetInt(_T("Timing processor key end after thres"),6);
SetInt(_T("Timing processor adjascent thres"),300);
SetBool(_T("Timing processor Enable lead-in"),true);
SetBool(_T("Timing processor Enable lead-out"),true);
SetBool(_T("Timing processor Enable keyframe"),true);
SetBool(_T("Timing processor Enable adjascent"),true);
SetBool(_T("Timing processor Only Selection"),false);
SetFloat(_T("Timing processor adjascent bias"),1.0);
SetText(_T("Select Text"),_T(""));
SetInt(_T("Select Condition"),0);
SetInt(_T("Select Field"),0);
SetInt(_T("Select Action"),0);
SetInt(_T("Select Mode"),1);
SetBool(_T("Select Match case"),false);
SetBool(_T("Select Match dialogues"),true);
SetBool(_T("Select Match comments"),false);
SetText(_T("Color Picker Recent"), _T("&H000000& &H0000FF& &H00FFFF& &H00FF00& &HFFFF00& &HFF0000& &HFF00FF& &HFFFFFF&"));
SetInt(_T("Color Picker Mode"), 4, 1700);
SetText(_T("Last open subtitles path"),_T(""));
SetText(_T("Last open video path"),_T(""));
SetText(_T("Last open audio path"),_T(""));
SetText(_T("Last open timecodes path"),_T(""));
SetText(_T("Last open keyframes path"),_T(""));
SetText(_T("Last open automation path"),_T(""));
SetBool(_T("kanji timer interpolation"),true);
wxString previewText = _T("Aegisub\\N0123 ");
previewText += 0x6708; // kanji "moon"
previewText += 0x8a9e; // kanji "speak"
SetText(_T("Style editor preview text"),previewText);
SetColour(_T("Style editor preview background"),wxColour(125,153,176));
///// INTERNAL //////
// Options that are set by the program itself
SetInt(_T("Video Dummy Last Width"), 640);
SetInt(_T("Video Dummy Last Height"), 480);
SetColour(_T("Video Dummy Last Colour"), wxColour(47, 163, 254));
SetFloat(_T("Video Dummy Last FPS"), 23.976);
SetInt(_T("Video Dummy Last Length"), 40000);
SetBool(_T("Video Dummy Pattern"), false);
SetInt(_T("Locale Code"),-1,1700);
SetBool(_T("Sync video with subs"),true);
SetText(_T("Spell checker language"),_T("en_US"));
SetText(_T("Thesaurus language"),_T("en_US"));
SetInt(_T("Options Page"),0);
SetBool(_T("Audio Link"),true);
SetBool(_T("Audio Autocommit"),false);
SetBool(_T("Audio Autoscroll"),true);
SetBool(_T("Audio Medusa Timing Hotkeys"),false);
SetBool(_T("Audio Next Line on Commit"),true);
SetBool(_T("Shift Times ByTime"),true);
SetInt(_T("Shift Times Type"),0);
SetInt(_T("Shift Times Length"),0);
SetInt(_T("Shift Times Affect"),0);
SetBool(_T("Shift Times Direction"),true);
SetInt(_T("Tips current"),0);
SetBool(_T("Show associations"),true,1700);
SetBool(_T("Find Match Case"),false);
SetBool(_T("Find RegExp"),false);
SetBool(_T("Find Update Video"),false);
SetInt(_T("Find Affect"),0);
SetInt(_T("Find Field"),0);
SetInt(_T("Grid hide overrides"),1);
for (int i=0;i<10;i++) SetBool(_T("Grid show column ") + IntegerToString(i),true);
for (int i=0;i<9;i++) SetBool(wxString::Format(_T("Paste Over #%i"),i),false);
SetBool(_T("Paste Over #9"),true);
SetText(_T("Fonts Collector Destination"),_T("?script"));
SetInt(_T("Fonts Collector Action"),0);
SetInt(_T("Audio Display Height"),100);
SetBool(_T("Audio Spectrum"),false);
SetInt(_T("Audio Sample Rate"),0);
SetBool(_T("Video Visual Realtime"),true);
SetBool(_T("Detached video"),false);
SetInt(_T("Detached video last x"),-1);
SetInt(_T("Detached video last y"),-1);
SetBool(_T("Detached video maximized"),false);
SetInt(_T("Timing processor key start before thres"),5);
SetInt(_T("Timing processor key start after thres"),4);
SetInt(_T("Timing processor key end before thres"),5);
SetInt(_T("Timing processor key end after thres"),6);
SetInt(_T("Timing processor adjascent thres"),300);
SetBool(_T("Timing processor Enable lead-in"),true);
SetBool(_T("Timing processor Enable lead-out"),true);
SetBool(_T("Timing processor Enable keyframe"),true);
SetBool(_T("Timing processor Enable adjascent"),true);
SetBool(_T("Timing processor Only Selection"),false);
SetFloat(_T("Timing processor adjascent bias"),1.0);
SetText(_T("Select Text"),_T(""));
SetInt(_T("Select Condition"),0);
SetInt(_T("Select Field"),0);
SetInt(_T("Select Action"),0);
SetInt(_T("Select Mode"),1);
SetBool(_T("Select Match case"),false);
SetBool(_T("Select Match dialogues"),true);
SetBool(_T("Select Match comments"),false);
SetText(_T("Color Picker Recent"), _T("&H000000& &H0000FF& &H00FFFF& &H00FF00& &HFFFF00& &HFF0000& &HFF00FF& &HFFFFFF&"));
SetInt(_T("Color Picker Mode"), 4, 1700);
SetText(_T("Last open subtitles path"),_T(""));
SetText(_T("Last open video path"),_T(""));
SetText(_T("Last open audio path"),_T(""));
SetText(_T("Last open timecodes path"),_T(""));
SetText(_T("Last open keyframes path"),_T(""));
SetText(_T("Last open automation path"),_T(""));
SetBool(_T("kanji timer interpolation"),true);
wxString previewText = _T("Aegisub\\N0123 ");
previewText += 0x6708; // kanji "moon"
previewText += 0x8a9e; // kanji "speak"
SetText(_T("Style editor preview text"),previewText);
SetColour(_T("Style editor preview background"),wxColour(125,153,176));
lastVersion = -1;
overriding = false;
@ -469,6 +469,10 @@ void OptionsManager::Load() {
// Write int
void OptionsManager::SetInt(wxString key,int param,int ifLastVersion) {
if (ifLastVersion == -1) {
if (overriding) ifLastVersion = 0;
else ifLastVersion = 0x7FFFFFFF;
if (lastVersion >= ifLastVersion) return;
if (curModType != MOD_OFF) optType[key.Lower()] = curModType;
@ -479,6 +483,10 @@ void OptionsManager::SetInt(wxString key,int param,int ifLastVersion) {
// Write float
void OptionsManager::SetFloat(wxString key,double param,int ifLastVersion) {
if (ifLastVersion == -1) {
if (overriding) ifLastVersion = 0;
else ifLastVersion = 0x7FFFFFFF;
if (lastVersion >= ifLastVersion) return;
if (curModType != MOD_OFF) optType[key.Lower()] = curModType;
@ -489,6 +497,10 @@ void OptionsManager::SetFloat(wxString key,double param,int ifLastVersion) {
// Write string
void OptionsManager::SetText(wxString key,wxString param,int ifLastVersion) {
if (ifLastVersion == -1) {
if (overriding) ifLastVersion = 0;
else ifLastVersion = 0x7FFFFFFF;
if (lastVersion >= ifLastVersion) return;
if (curModType != MOD_OFF) optType[key.Lower()] = curModType;
@ -499,6 +511,10 @@ void OptionsManager::SetText(wxString key,wxString param,int ifLastVersion) {
// Write boolean
void OptionsManager::SetBool(wxString key,bool param,int ifLastVersion) {
if (ifLastVersion == -1) {
if (overriding) ifLastVersion = 0;
else ifLastVersion = 0x7FFFFFFF;
if (lastVersion >= ifLastVersion) return;
if (curModType != MOD_OFF) optType[key.Lower()] = curModType;
@ -509,6 +525,10 @@ void OptionsManager::SetBool(wxString key,bool param,int ifLastVersion) {
// Write colour
void OptionsManager::SetColour(wxString key,wxColour param,int ifLastVersion) {
if (ifLastVersion == -1) {
if (overriding) ifLastVersion = 0;
else ifLastVersion = 0x7FFFFFFF;
if (lastVersion >= ifLastVersion) return;
if (curModType != MOD_OFF) optType[key.Lower()] = curModType;
@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ class OptionsManager {
ModType curModType;
bool modified;
bool overriding;
wxString filename;
std::map<wxString,VariableData> opt;
std::map<wxString,ModType> optType;
@ -80,15 +81,15 @@ public:
void SetFile(wxString file);
void Save();
void Load();
void LoadDefaults(bool onlyDefaults=false);
void LoadDefaults(bool onlyDefaults=false,bool versionOverride=false);
void AddToRecentList (wxString entry,wxString list);
wxArrayString GetRecentList (wxString list);
void SetInt(wxString key,int param,int ifLastVersion=0);
void SetFloat(wxString key,double param,int ifLastVersion=0);
void SetBool(wxString key,bool param,int ifLastVersion=0);
void SetText(wxString key,wxString param,int ifLastVersion=0);
void SetColour(wxString key,wxColour param,int ifLastVersion=0);
void SetInt(wxString key,int param,int ifLastVersion=-1);
void SetFloat(wxString key,double param,int ifLastVersion=-1);
void SetBool(wxString key,bool param,int ifLastVersion=-1);
void SetText(wxString key,wxString param,int ifLastVersion=-1);
void SetColour(wxString key,wxColour param,int ifLastVersion=-1);
void ResetWith(wxString key,wxString param);
bool IsDefined(wxString key);
Reference in New Issue