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// Copyright (c) 2013, Thomas Goyne <>
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
// Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
// purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
// copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
// Aegisub Project
/// @file audio_karaoke.cpp
/// @brief Karaoke table UI in audio box (not in audio display)
/// @ingroup audio_ui
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
#include "audio_karaoke.h"
#include "include/aegisub/context.h"
#include "ass_dialogue.h"
#include "ass_file.h"
#include "ass_karaoke.h"
#include "audio_box.h"
#include "audio_controller.h"
#include "audio_timing.h"
2012-12-30 00:53:56 +01:00
#include "compat.h"
#include "libresrc/libresrc.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "project.h"
#include "selection_controller.h"
#include "utils.h"
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
#include <libaegisub/make_unique.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/locale/boundary.hpp>
2012-12-30 00:53:56 +01:00
#include <wx/bmpbuttn.h>
#include <wx/button.h>
#include <wx/dcclient.h>
#include <wx/dcmemory.h>
#include <wx/menu.h>
#include <wx/panel.h>
#include <wx/settings.h>
#include <wx/sizer.h>
template<class Container, class Value>
static inline size_t last_lt_or_eq(Container const& c, Value const& v) {
2013-11-21 18:13:36 +01:00
auto it = lower_bound(c.begin(), c.end(), v);
// lower_bound gives first >=
if (it == c.end() || *it > v)
return distance(c.begin(), it);
AudioKaraoke::AudioKaraoke(wxWindow *parent, agi::Context *c)
: wxWindow(parent, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTAB_TRAVERSAL | wxBORDER_SUNKEN)
, c(c)
, file_changed(c->ass->AddCommitListener(&AudioKaraoke::OnFileChanged, this))
, audio_opened(c->project->AddAudioProviderListener(&AudioKaraoke::OnAudioOpened, this))
, active_line_changed(c->selectionController->AddActiveLineListener(&AudioKaraoke::OnActiveLineChanged, this))
Audio/Timing: implement tap-to-time Tap-to-time provides the user the ability to tap to the lyrics/syllables of the song in order to time lines or karaoke. It consists of these extra UI interactions: - **Indicator**: tap marker: a designated marker that can be moved to the current audio position; indicated in: - the audio display by a green arrow underneath a marker - the karaoke display by a green-colored syllable - **Control**: tap marker: the tap marker can be changed by selecting syllables on audio display in karaoke mode, or clicking the markers on audio display in dialogue mode - **Control**: ctrl-right-click audio display: starts playing the audio from that exact position until the end of the file - **Option**: Timing/Tap To Time: enables the tap marker indicator and commands - **Button**: time_opt_tap_to_time: toggles the Timing/Tap To Time option - **Button**: time_tap_connect (hotkey I): a command that: - moves the tap marker's position to the current playing audio position - sets the next marker to be the tap marker - if the tap marker is already the last marker AND BOTH autocommit AND next-line-on-commit is ON, will move onto the next line - if moved on to the next line, also sets the start marker to the current audio position, so the two lines are connected, and moves to the next tap marker (essentially reinvoking time_tap_connect once) - **Button**: time_tap_no_connect (hotkey O): similar to time_tap_connect, except it will not set the next line's start position even if moved to the next line Expected workflow: 1) User loads song lyrics 2) User splits each line into syllables 3) User turns on tap-to-time, autocommit, and next-line-on-commit 4) User plays audio from beginning, tapping time_tap_connect to each syllable, occasionally tapping time_tap_no_connect when a break between lines is desired 5) If user messes up a line, they can set the tap marker to where they want to restart from, and ctrl-right-click to start the audio a few seconds before it 6) Syllables can be split/merged at will, and adjustments to timing can be done using normal karaoke timing controls
2018-10-21 09:42:33 +02:00
, tap_to_time_toggled(OPT_SUB("Timing/Tap To Time", &AudioKaraoke::OnTapMarkerChanged, this))
, kara(agi::make_unique<AssKaraoke>())
2012-09-25 01:35:27 +02:00
using std::bind;
cancel_button = new wxBitmapButton(this, -1, GETIMAGE(kara_split_cancel_16));
cancel_button->SetToolTip(_("Discard all uncommitted splits"));
2013-12-12 03:25:13 +01:00
cancel_button->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, bind(&AudioKaraoke::CancelSplit, this));
accept_button = new wxBitmapButton(this, -1, GETIMAGE(kara_split_accept_16));
accept_button->SetToolTip(_("Commit splits"));
2013-12-12 03:25:13 +01:00
accept_button->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, bind(&AudioKaraoke::AcceptSplit, this));
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
split_area = new wxPanel(this);
wxSizer *main_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
main_sizer->Add(split_area, wxSizerFlags(1).Expand());
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
/// @todo subscribe
2013-12-10 18:08:30 +01:00
split_font.SetPointSize(OPT_GET("Audio/Karaoke/Font Size")->GetInt());
split_area->Bind(wxEVT_SIZE, &AudioKaraoke::OnSize, this);
split_area->Bind(wxEVT_PAINT, &AudioKaraoke::OnPaint, this);
split_area->Bind(wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, &AudioKaraoke::OnMouse, this);
split_area->Bind(wxEVT_LEFT_UP, &AudioKaraoke::OnMouse, this);
split_area->Bind(wxEVT_MOTION, &AudioKaraoke::OnMouse, this);
split_area->Bind(wxEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, &AudioKaraoke::OnMouse, this);
split_area->Bind(wxEVT_CONTEXT_MENU, &AudioKaraoke::OnContextMenu, this);
scroll_timer.Bind(wxEVT_TIMER, &AudioKaraoke::OnScrollTimer, this);
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
enabled = false;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
AudioKaraoke::~AudioKaraoke() {
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
void AudioKaraoke::OnActiveLineChanged(AssDialogue *new_line) {
active_line = new_line;
if (enabled) {
void AudioKaraoke::OnFileChanged(int type, const AssDialogue *changed) {
if (enabled && (type & AssFile::COMMIT_DIAG_FULL) && (!changed || changed == active_line)) {
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
void AudioKaraoke::OnAudioOpened(agi::AudioProvider *provider) {
if (provider)
void AudioKaraoke::SetEnabled(bool en) {
enabled = en;
if (enabled) {
c->audioController->SetTimingController(CreateKaraokeTimingController(c, kara.get(), file_changed));
Audio/Timing: implement tap-to-time Tap-to-time provides the user the ability to tap to the lyrics/syllables of the song in order to time lines or karaoke. It consists of these extra UI interactions: - **Indicator**: tap marker: a designated marker that can be moved to the current audio position; indicated in: - the audio display by a green arrow underneath a marker - the karaoke display by a green-colored syllable - **Control**: tap marker: the tap marker can be changed by selecting syllables on audio display in karaoke mode, or clicking the markers on audio display in dialogue mode - **Control**: ctrl-right-click audio display: starts playing the audio from that exact position until the end of the file - **Option**: Timing/Tap To Time: enables the tap marker indicator and commands - **Button**: time_opt_tap_to_time: toggles the Timing/Tap To Time option - **Button**: time_tap_connect (hotkey I): a command that: - moves the tap marker's position to the current playing audio position - sets the next marker to be the tap marker - if the tap marker is already the last marker AND BOTH autocommit AND next-line-on-commit is ON, will move onto the next line - if moved on to the next line, also sets the start marker to the current audio position, so the two lines are connected, and moves to the next tap marker (essentially reinvoking time_tap_connect once) - **Button**: time_tap_no_connect (hotkey O): similar to time_tap_connect, except it will not set the next line's start position even if moved to the next line Expected workflow: 1) User loads song lyrics 2) User splits each line into syllables 3) User turns on tap-to-time, autocommit, and next-line-on-commit 4) User plays audio from beginning, tapping time_tap_connect to each syllable, occasionally tapping time_tap_no_connect when a break between lines is desired 5) If user messes up a line, they can set the tap marker to where they want to restart from, and ctrl-right-click to start the audio a few seconds before it 6) Syllables can be split/merged at will, and adjustments to timing can be done using normal karaoke timing controls
2018-10-21 09:42:33 +02:00
c->audioController->GetTimingController()->AddUpdatedTapMarkerListener(&AudioKaraoke::OnTapMarkerChanged, this);
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
else {
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
void AudioKaraoke::OnSize(wxSizeEvent &evt) {
void AudioKaraoke::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent &) {
int w, h;
split_area->GetClientSize(&w, &h);
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
wxPaintDC dc(split_area);
wxMemoryDC bmp_dc(rendered_line);
// Draw the text and split lines
dc.Blit(-scroll_x, 0, rendered_line.GetWidth(), h, &bmp_dc, 0, 0);
// Draw the split line under the mouse
if (click_will_remove_split)
dc.DrawLine(mouse_pos, 0, mouse_pos, h);
int width_past_bmp = w + scroll_x - rendered_line.GetWidth();
if (width_past_bmp > 0)
dc.DrawRectangle(w - width_past_bmp, 0, width_past_bmp, h);
// Draw scroll arrows if needed
if (scroll_x > 0) {
dc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, 20, h);
wxPoint triangle[] = {
wxPoint(10, h / 2 - 6),
wxPoint(4, h / 2),
wxPoint(10, h / 2 + 6)
dc.DrawPolygon(3, triangle);
if (rendered_line.GetWidth() - scroll_x > w) {
dc.DrawRectangle(w - 20, 0, 20, h);
wxPoint triangle[] = {
wxPoint(w - 10, h / 2 - 6),
wxPoint(w - 4, h / 2),
wxPoint(w - 10, h / 2 + 6)
dc.DrawPolygon(3, triangle);
void AudioKaraoke::RenderText() {
wxSize bmp_size = split_area->GetClientSize();
int line_width = spaced_text.size() * char_width + 5;
if (line_width > bmp_size.GetWidth())
if (!rendered_line.IsOk() || bmp_size != rendered_line.GetSize())
rendered_line = wxBitmap(bmp_size);
wxMemoryDC dc(rendered_line);
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
// Draw background
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
dc.DrawRectangle(wxPoint(), bmp_size);
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
// Draw each character in the line
int y = (bmp_size.GetHeight() - char_height) / 2;
Audio/Timing: implement tap-to-time Tap-to-time provides the user the ability to tap to the lyrics/syllables of the song in order to time lines or karaoke. It consists of these extra UI interactions: - **Indicator**: tap marker: a designated marker that can be moved to the current audio position; indicated in: - the audio display by a green arrow underneath a marker - the karaoke display by a green-colored syllable - **Control**: tap marker: the tap marker can be changed by selecting syllables on audio display in karaoke mode, or clicking the markers on audio display in dialogue mode - **Control**: ctrl-right-click audio display: starts playing the audio from that exact position until the end of the file - **Option**: Timing/Tap To Time: enables the tap marker indicator and commands - **Button**: time_opt_tap_to_time: toggles the Timing/Tap To Time option - **Button**: time_tap_connect (hotkey I): a command that: - moves the tap marker's position to the current playing audio position - sets the next marker to be the tap marker - if the tap marker is already the last marker AND BOTH autocommit AND next-line-on-commit is ON, will move onto the next line - if moved on to the next line, also sets the start marker to the current audio position, so the two lines are connected, and moves to the next tap marker (essentially reinvoking time_tap_connect once) - **Button**: time_tap_no_connect (hotkey O): similar to time_tap_connect, except it will not set the next line's start position even if moved to the next line Expected workflow: 1) User loads song lyrics 2) User splits each line into syllables 3) User turns on tap-to-time, autocommit, and next-line-on-commit 4) User plays audio from beginning, tapping time_tap_connect to each syllable, occasionally tapping time_tap_no_connect when a break between lines is desired 5) If user messes up a line, they can set the tap marker to where they want to restart from, and ctrl-right-click to start the audio a few seconds before it 6) Syllables can be split/merged at will, and adjustments to timing can be done using normal karaoke timing controls
2018-10-21 09:42:33 +02:00
for (size_t i = 0; i < spaced_text.size(); ++i) {
if (!(tap_syl_start <= i && i < tap_syl_end)) {
// Only draw with normal color if _not_ the tap syllable
Audio/Timing: implement tap-to-time Tap-to-time provides the user the ability to tap to the lyrics/syllables of the song in order to time lines or karaoke. It consists of these extra UI interactions: - **Indicator**: tap marker: a designated marker that can be moved to the current audio position; indicated in: - the audio display by a green arrow underneath a marker - the karaoke display by a green-colored syllable - **Control**: tap marker: the tap marker can be changed by selecting syllables on audio display in karaoke mode, or clicking the markers on audio display in dialogue mode - **Control**: ctrl-right-click audio display: starts playing the audio from that exact position until the end of the file - **Option**: Timing/Tap To Time: enables the tap marker indicator and commands - **Button**: time_opt_tap_to_time: toggles the Timing/Tap To Time option - **Button**: time_tap_connect (hotkey I): a command that: - moves the tap marker's position to the current playing audio position - sets the next marker to be the tap marker - if the tap marker is already the last marker AND BOTH autocommit AND next-line-on-commit is ON, will move onto the next line - if moved on to the next line, also sets the start marker to the current audio position, so the two lines are connected, and moves to the next tap marker (essentially reinvoking time_tap_connect once) - **Button**: time_tap_no_connect (hotkey O): similar to time_tap_connect, except it will not set the next line's start position even if moved to the next line Expected workflow: 1) User loads song lyrics 2) User splits each line into syllables 3) User turns on tap-to-time, autocommit, and next-line-on-commit 4) User plays audio from beginning, tapping time_tap_connect to each syllable, occasionally tapping time_tap_no_connect when a break between lines is desired 5) If user messes up a line, they can set the tap marker to where they want to restart from, and ctrl-right-click to start the audio a few seconds before it 6) Syllables can be split/merged at will, and adjustments to timing can be done using normal karaoke timing controls
2018-10-21 09:42:33 +02:00
dc.DrawText(spaced_text[i], char_x[i], y);
// Draw marked syllable
for (size_t i = tap_syl_start; i < tap_syl_end; ++i)
dc.DrawText(spaced_text[i], char_x[i], y);
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
// Draw the lines between each syllable
2013-11-21 18:13:36 +01:00
for (auto syl_line : syl_lines)
dc.DrawLine(syl_line, 0, syl_line, bmp_size.GetHeight());
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
2012-12-30 00:53:56 +01:00
void AudioKaraoke::AddMenuItem(wxMenu &menu, std::string const& tag, wxString const& help, std::string const& selected) {
wxMenuItem *item = menu.AppendCheckItem(-1, to_wx(tag), help);
2013-12-12 03:25:13 +01:00
menu.Bind(wxEVT_MENU, std::bind(&AudioKaraoke::SetTagType, this, tag), item->GetId());
item->Check(tag == selected);
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
void AudioKaraoke::OnContextMenu(wxContextMenuEvent&) {
if (!enabled) return;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
wxMenu context_menu(_("Karaoke tag"));
2012-12-30 00:53:56 +01:00
std::string type = kara->GetTagType();
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
AddMenuItem(context_menu, "\\k", _("Change karaoke tag to \\k"), type);
AddMenuItem(context_menu, "\\kf", _("Change karaoke tag to \\kf"), type);
AddMenuItem(context_menu, "\\ko", _("Change karaoke tag to \\ko"), type);
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
void AudioKaraoke::OnMouse(wxMouseEvent &event) {
if (!enabled) return;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
mouse_pos = event.GetX();
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
if (event.Leaving()) {
mouse_pos = -1;
if (scroll_timer.IsRunning() || split_area->HasCapture()) {
if (event.LeftUp()) {
// Check if the mouse is over a scroll arrow
int client_width = split_area->GetClientSize().GetWidth();
if (scroll_x > 0 && mouse_pos < 20)
scroll_dir = -1;
else if (scroll_x + client_width < rendered_line.GetWidth() && mouse_pos > client_width - 20)
scroll_dir = 1;
scroll_dir = 0;
if (scroll_dir) {
mouse_pos = -1;
if (event.LeftDown()) {
wxTimerEvent evt;
int shifted_pos = mouse_pos + scroll_x;
// Character to insert the new split point before
int split_pos = std::min<int>((shifted_pos + char_width / 2) / char_width, spaced_text.size());
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
// Syllable this character is in
int syl = last_lt_or_eq(syl_start_points, split_pos);
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
// If the click is sufficiently close to a line of a syllable split,
// remove that split rather than adding a new one
bool click_right = (syl > 0 && shifted_pos <= syl_lines[syl - 1] + 3);
bool click_left = (syl < (int)syl_lines.size() && shifted_pos >= syl_lines[syl] - 3);
click_will_remove_split = click_left || click_right;
if (!event.LeftDown()) {
// Erase the old line and draw the new one
if (click_will_remove_split)
kara->RemoveSplit(syl + (click_left && !click_right));
kara->AddSplit(syl, char_to_byte[split_pos] - 1);
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
void AudioKaraoke::OnScrollTimer(wxTimerEvent &) {
scroll_x += scroll_dir * char_width * 3;
int max_scroll = rendered_line.GetWidth() + 20 - split_area->GetClientSize().GetWidth();
if (scroll_x < 0 || scroll_x > max_scroll) {
scroll_x = mid(0, scroll_x, max_scroll);
Audio/Timing: implement tap-to-time Tap-to-time provides the user the ability to tap to the lyrics/syllables of the song in order to time lines or karaoke. It consists of these extra UI interactions: - **Indicator**: tap marker: a designated marker that can be moved to the current audio position; indicated in: - the audio display by a green arrow underneath a marker - the karaoke display by a green-colored syllable - **Control**: tap marker: the tap marker can be changed by selecting syllables on audio display in karaoke mode, or clicking the markers on audio display in dialogue mode - **Control**: ctrl-right-click audio display: starts playing the audio from that exact position until the end of the file - **Option**: Timing/Tap To Time: enables the tap marker indicator and commands - **Button**: time_opt_tap_to_time: toggles the Timing/Tap To Time option - **Button**: time_tap_connect (hotkey I): a command that: - moves the tap marker's position to the current playing audio position - sets the next marker to be the tap marker - if the tap marker is already the last marker AND BOTH autocommit AND next-line-on-commit is ON, will move onto the next line - if moved on to the next line, also sets the start marker to the current audio position, so the two lines are connected, and moves to the next tap marker (essentially reinvoking time_tap_connect once) - **Button**: time_tap_no_connect (hotkey O): similar to time_tap_connect, except it will not set the next line's start position even if moved to the next line Expected workflow: 1) User loads song lyrics 2) User splits each line into syllables 3) User turns on tap-to-time, autocommit, and next-line-on-commit 4) User plays audio from beginning, tapping time_tap_connect to each syllable, occasionally tapping time_tap_no_connect when a break between lines is desired 5) If user messes up a line, they can set the tap marker to where they want to restart from, and ctrl-right-click to start the audio a few seconds before it 6) Syllables can be split/merged at will, and adjustments to timing can be done using normal karaoke timing controls
2018-10-21 09:42:33 +02:00
void AudioKaraoke::OnTapMarkerChanged() {
tap_syl_start = 0;
tap_syl_end = 0;
Audio/Timing: implement tap-to-time Tap-to-time provides the user the ability to tap to the lyrics/syllables of the song in order to time lines or karaoke. It consists of these extra UI interactions: - **Indicator**: tap marker: a designated marker that can be moved to the current audio position; indicated in: - the audio display by a green arrow underneath a marker - the karaoke display by a green-colored syllable - **Control**: tap marker: the tap marker can be changed by selecting syllables on audio display in karaoke mode, or clicking the markers on audio display in dialogue mode - **Control**: ctrl-right-click audio display: starts playing the audio from that exact position until the end of the file - **Option**: Timing/Tap To Time: enables the tap marker indicator and commands - **Button**: time_opt_tap_to_time: toggles the Timing/Tap To Time option - **Button**: time_tap_connect (hotkey I): a command that: - moves the tap marker's position to the current playing audio position - sets the next marker to be the tap marker - if the tap marker is already the last marker AND BOTH autocommit AND next-line-on-commit is ON, will move onto the next line - if moved on to the next line, also sets the start marker to the current audio position, so the two lines are connected, and moves to the next tap marker (essentially reinvoking time_tap_connect once) - **Button**: time_tap_no_connect (hotkey O): similar to time_tap_connect, except it will not set the next line's start position even if moved to the next line Expected workflow: 1) User loads song lyrics 2) User splits each line into syllables 3) User turns on tap-to-time, autocommit, and next-line-on-commit 4) User plays audio from beginning, tapping time_tap_connect to each syllable, occasionally tapping time_tap_no_connect when a break between lines is desired 5) If user messes up a line, they can set the tap marker to where they want to restart from, and ctrl-right-click to start the audio a few seconds before it 6) Syllables can be split/merged at will, and adjustments to timing can be done using normal karaoke timing controls
2018-10-21 09:42:33 +02:00
if (OPT_GET("Timing/Tap To Time")->GetBool() && kara->size() > 0) {
const AudioTimingController *tc = c->audioController->GetTimingController();
const size_t marker_idx = tc->GetTapMarkerIndex();
if (marker_idx > 0) {
tap_syl_start = syl_start_points[marker_idx - 1];
tap_syl_end =
Audio/Timing: implement tap-to-time Tap-to-time provides the user the ability to tap to the lyrics/syllables of the song in order to time lines or karaoke. It consists of these extra UI interactions: - **Indicator**: tap marker: a designated marker that can be moved to the current audio position; indicated in: - the audio display by a green arrow underneath a marker - the karaoke display by a green-colored syllable - **Control**: tap marker: the tap marker can be changed by selecting syllables on audio display in karaoke mode, or clicking the markers on audio display in dialogue mode - **Control**: ctrl-right-click audio display: starts playing the audio from that exact position until the end of the file - **Option**: Timing/Tap To Time: enables the tap marker indicator and commands - **Button**: time_opt_tap_to_time: toggles the Timing/Tap To Time option - **Button**: time_tap_connect (hotkey I): a command that: - moves the tap marker's position to the current playing audio position - sets the next marker to be the tap marker - if the tap marker is already the last marker AND BOTH autocommit AND next-line-on-commit is ON, will move onto the next line - if moved on to the next line, also sets the start marker to the current audio position, so the two lines are connected, and moves to the next tap marker (essentially reinvoking time_tap_connect once) - **Button**: time_tap_no_connect (hotkey O): similar to time_tap_connect, except it will not set the next line's start position even if moved to the next line Expected workflow: 1) User loads song lyrics 2) User splits each line into syllables 3) User turns on tap-to-time, autocommit, and next-line-on-commit 4) User plays audio from beginning, tapping time_tap_connect to each syllable, occasionally tapping time_tap_no_connect when a break between lines is desired 5) If user messes up a line, they can set the tap marker to where they want to restart from, and ctrl-right-click to start the audio a few seconds before it 6) Syllables can be split/merged at will, and adjustments to timing can be done using normal karaoke timing controls
2018-10-21 09:42:33 +02:00
(marker_idx < syl_start_points.size() ?
syl_start_points[marker_idx] :
void AudioKaraoke::LoadFromLine() {
scroll_x = 0;
kara->SetLine(active_line, true);
accept_button->Enable(kara->GetText() != active_line->Text);
void AudioKaraoke::SetDisplayText() {
using namespace boost::locale::boundary;
wxMemoryDC dc;
auto get_char_width = [&](std::string const& character) -> int {
const auto it = char_widths.find(character);
if (it != end(char_widths))
return it->second;
const auto size = dc.GetTextExtent(to_wx(character));
char_height = std::max(char_height, size.GetHeight());
char_widths[character] = size.GetWidth();
return size.GetWidth();
char_width = get_char_width(" ");
// Width in pixels of each character in this string
std::vector<int> str_char_widths;
for (auto const& syl : *kara) {
// The last (and only the last) syllable needs the width of the final
// character in the syllable, so we unconditionally add it at the end
// of this loop, then remove the extra ones here
if (!char_to_byte.empty())
// Add a space between each syllable to avoid crowding
spaced_text.emplace_back(wxS(" "));
size_t syl_idx = 1;
const ssegment_index characters(character, begin(syl.text), end(syl.text));
for (auto chr : characters) {
// Calculate the width in pixels of this character
const std::string character = chr.str();
const int width = get_char_width(character);
char_width = std::max(char_width, width);
syl_idx += character.size();
// Center each character within the space available to it
for (size_t i = 0; i < str_char_widths.size(); ++i)
char_x[i] = i * char_width + (char_width - str_char_widths[i]) / 2;
// Calculate the positions of the syllable divider lines
syl_lines.resize(syl_start_points.size() - 1);
for (size_t i = 1; i < syl_start_points.size(); ++i)
syl_lines[i - 1] = syl_start_points[i] * char_width + char_width / 2;
void AudioKaraoke::CancelSplit() {
void AudioKaraoke::AcceptSplit() {
active_line->Text = kara->GetText();
c->ass->Commit(_("karaoke split"), AssFile::COMMIT_DIAG_TEXT);
2012-12-30 00:53:56 +01:00
void AudioKaraoke::SetTagType(std::string const& new_tag) {