
40 lines
1.3 KiB

@echo off
:: change directory to etherpad-lite root
cd /D "%~dp0\.."
:: Is node installed?
cmd /C node -e "" || ( echo "Please install node.js ( )" && exit /B 1 )
echo _
echo Checking node version...
set check_version="if(['10','11','12'].indexOf(process.version.split('.')[1]) === -1 && process.version.split('.')[0] !== '1') { console.log('You are running a wrong version of Node. Etherpad requires v0.10+'); process.exit(1) }"
cmd /C node -e %check_version% || exit /B 1
echo _
echo Ensure that all dependencies are up to date... If this is the first time you have run Etherpad please be patient.
cmd /C npm install src/ --loglevel warn || exit /B 1
echo _
echo Copying custom templates...
set custom_dir=node_modules\ep_etherpad-lite\static\custom
FOR %%f IN (index pad timeslider) DO (
if NOT EXIST "%custom_dir%\%%f.js" copy "%custom_dir%\js.template" "%custom_dir%\%%f.js"
if NOT EXIST "%custom_dir%\%%f.css" copy "%custom_dir%\css.template" "%custom_dir%\%%f.css"
echo _
echo Clearing cache...
del /S var\minified*
echo _
echo Setting up settings.json...
IF NOT EXIST settings.json (
echo Can't find settings.json.
echo Copying settings.json.template...
cmd /C copy settings.json.template settings.json || exit /B 1
echo _
echo Installed Etherpad! To run Etherpad type start.bat