/* This is a debug tool. It helps to extract all datas of a pad and move it from an productive enviroment and to a develop enviroment to reproduce bugs there. It outputs a dirtydb file */ if(process.argv.length != 3) { console.error("Use: node extractPadData.js $PADID"); process.exit(1); } //get the padID var padId = process.argv[2]; //initalize the database var log4js = require("log4js"); log4js.setGlobalLogLevel("INFO"); var async = require("async"); var db = require('../node/db/DB'); var dirty = require("dirty")(padId + ".db"); var padManager; var pad; var neededDBValues = ["pad:"+padId]; async.series([ //intallize the database function (callback) { db.init(callback); }, //get the pad function (callback) { padManager = require('../node/db/PadManager'); padManager.getPad(padId, function(err, _pad) { pad = _pad; callback(err); }); }, function (callback) { //add all authors var authors = pad.getAllAuthors(); for(var i=0;i