@echo off set NODE_VERSION=0.6.5 set JQUERY_VERSION=1.7 :: change directory to etherpad-lite root cd bin cd .. echo _ echo Updating node... curl -lo bin\node.exe http://nodejs.org/dist/v%NODE_VERSION%/node.exe echo _ echo Installing etherpad-lite and dependencies... cmd /C npm install src/ echo _ echo Updating jquery... curl -lo "node_modules\ep_etherpad-lite\static\js\jquery.min.js" "http://code.jquery.com/jquery-%JQUERY_VERSION%.min.js" echo _ echo Copying custom templates... set custom_dir=node_modules\ep_etherpad-lite\static\custom FOR %%f IN (index pad timeslider) DO ( if NOT EXIST %custom_dir%\%%f.js copy %custom_dir%\js.template %custom_dir%\%%f.js if NOT EXIST %custom_dir%\%%f.css copy %custom_dir%\css.template %custom_dir%\%%f.css ) echo _ echo Clearing cache. del /S var\minified* echo _ echo Setting up settings.json... IF NOT EXIST settings.json copy settings.json.template settings.json echo _ echo Installed Etherpad-lite!