describe("urls become clickable", function(){ //create a new pad before each test run beforeEach(function(cb){ testHelper.newPad(cb); }); it("adds a url and makes sure it's clickable", function() { //get the inner iframe var $inner = testHelper.$getPadInner(); //get the first text element out of the inner iframe var firstTextElement = $inner.find("div").first(); // simulate key presses to delete content firstTextElement.sendkeys('{selectall}'); // select all firstTextElement.sendkeys('{del}'); // clear the first line firstTextElement.sendkeys(''); // add a url to the pad //ace creates a new dom element when you press a keystroke, so just get the first text element again var newFirstTextElement = $inner.find("div").first(); // is there a url class now? var isURL = newFirstTextElement.find("href").length === 1; //expect it to be bold expect(isURL); }); });