/** * 2011 Peter 'Pita' Martischka * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* The Pad Module trys to simulate the pad object from EtherPad. You can find the original code in /etherpad/src/etherpad/pad/model.js see https://github.com/ether/pad/blob/master/etherpad/src/etherpad/pad/model.js */ var Changeset = require("./Changeset"); var AttributePoolFactory = require("./AttributePoolFactory"); /** * The initial Text of a Pad */ exports.startText = "Welcome to Etherpad Lite. This pad text is synchronized as you type, so that everyone viewing this page sees the same text."; /** * A Array with all known Pads */ globalPads = []; /** * Return a Function Wrapper to work with the Pad * @param id A String with the id of the pad * @param createIfNotExist A Boolean which says the function if it should create the Pad if it not exist */ exports.getPad = function(id, createIfNotExist) { if(!globalPads[id] && createIfNotExist == true) { createPad(id); } if(!globalPads[id]) return null; globalPads[id].timestamp = new Date().getTime(); var functionWrapper = {}; functionWrapper.id = id; functionWrapper.appendRevision = function (theChangeset, author) {return appendRevision(id, theChangeset, author)}; functionWrapper.text = function () {return text(id)}; functionWrapper.atext = function () {return atext(id)}; functionWrapper.pool = function () {return pool(id)}; functionWrapper.getHeadRevisionNumber = function () {return getHeadRevisionNumber(id)}; functionWrapper.getRevisionChangeset = function (revNum) {return getRevisionChangeset(id, revNum)}; functionWrapper.getRevisionAuthor = function (revNum) {return getRevisionAuthor(id, revNum)}; functionWrapper.getAllAuthors = function () {return getAllAuthors(id)}; return functionWrapper; } /** * Ensures that the Pad exists * @param id The Pad id */ exports.ensurePadExists = function(id) { if(!globalPads[id]) { createPad(id); } } /** * Creates an empty pad * @param id The Pad id */ function createPad(id) { var pad = {}; globalPads[id] = pad; pad.id = id; pad.rev = []; pad.head = -1; pad.atext = Changeset.makeAText("\n"); pad.apool = AttributePoolFactory.createAttributePool(); pad.authors = []; var firstChangeset = Changeset.makeSplice("\n", 0, 0, exports.cleanText(exports.startText)); appendRevision(id, firstChangeset, ''); } /** * Append a changeset to a pad * @param id The Pad id * @param theChangeset the changeset which should apply to the text * @param The author of the revision, can be null */ function appendRevision(id, theChangeset, author) { throwExceptionIfPadDontExist(id); if(!author) author = ''; var atext = globalPads[id].atext; var apool = globalPads[id].apool; var newAText = Changeset.applyToAText(theChangeset, atext, apool); Changeset.copyAText(newAText, atext); var newRev = ++globalPads[id].head; globalPads[id].rev[newRev] = {}; globalPads[id].rev[newRev].changeset = theChangeset; globalPads[id].rev[newRev].meta = {}; globalPads[id].rev[newRev].meta.author = author; globalPads[id].rev[newRev].meta.timestamp = new Date().getTime(); //ex. getNumForAuthor apool.putAttrib(['author',author||'']); if(newRev%100==0) { globalPads[id].rev[newRev].meta.atext=atext; } } /** * Returns all Authors of a Pad * @param id The Pad id */ function getAllAuthors(id) { var authors = []; for(key in globalPads[id].apool.numToAttrib) { if(globalPads[id].apool.numToAttrib[key][0] == "author" && globalPads[id].apool.numToAttrib[key][1] != "") { authors.push(globalPads[id].apool.numToAttrib[key][1]); } } return authors; } /** * Returns the plain text of a pad * @param id The Pad id */ function text(id) { throwExceptionIfPadDontExist(id); return globalPads[id].atext.text; } /** * Returns the Attributed Text of a pad * @param id The Pad id */ function atext(id) { throwExceptionIfPadDontExist(id); return globalPads[id].atext; } /** * Returns the Attribute Pool whichs the Pad is using * @param id The Pad id */ function pool(id) { throwExceptionIfPadDontExist(id); return globalPads[id].apool; } /** * Returns the latest Revision Number of the Pad * @param id The Pad id */ function getHeadRevisionNumber(id) { throwExceptionIfPadDontExist(id); return globalPads[id].head; } /** * Returns the changeset of a specific revision * @param id The Pad id * @param revNum The Revision Number */ function getRevisionChangeset(id, revNum) { throwExceptionIfPadDontExist(id); throwExceptionIfRevDontExist(id, revNum); return globalPads[id].rev[revNum].changeset; } /** * Returns the author of a specific revision * @param id The Pad id * @param revNum The Revision Number */ function getRevisionAuthor(id, revNum) { throwExceptionIfPadDontExist(id); throwExceptionIfRevDontExist(id, revNum); return globalPads[id].rev[revNum].meta.author; } /** * Check if the ID is a valid Pad ID and trows an Exeption if not * @param id The Pad id */ function throwExceptionIfPadDontExist(id) { if(id == null) { throw "Padname is null!"; } if(!globalPads[id]) { throw "Pad don't exist!'"; } } /** * Check if the Revision of a Pad is valid and throws an Exeption if not * @param id The Pad id */ function throwExceptionIfRevDontExist(id, revNum) { if(revNum == null) throw "revNum is null"; if((typeof revNum) != "number") throw revNum + " is no Number"; if(revNum < 0 || revNum > globalPads[id].head) throw "The Revision " + revNum + " don't exist'"; } /** * Copied from the Etherpad source code, don't know what its good for * @param txt */ exports.cleanText = function (txt) { return txt.replace(/\r\n/g,'\n').replace(/\r/g,'\n').replace(/\t/g, ' ').replace(/\xa0/g, ' '); }