Added option to restore revisions #1791

This commit is contained in:
Cristo 2014-11-08 01:12:40 +01:00
parent e1fe1f0f9c
commit d246a191c6
1 changed files with 98 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -576,6 +576,104 @@ exports.deletePad = function(padID, callback)
exports.restoreRevision = function(padID, rev, callback)
var Changeset = require("ep_etherpad-lite/static/js/Changeset");
//check if rev is a number
if(rev !== undefined && typeof rev != "number")
//try to parse the number
rev = parseInt(rev);
callback(new customError("rev is not a number", "apierror"));
//ensure this is not a negativ number
if(rev !== undefined && rev < 0)
callback(new customError("rev is a negativ number","apierror"));
//ensure this is not a float value
if(rev !== undefined && !is_int(rev))
callback(new customError("rev is a float value","apierror"));
//get the pad
getPadSafe(padID, true, function(err, pad)
if(ERR(err, callback)) return;
//check if this is a valid revision
if(rev > pad.getHeadRevisionNumber())
callback(new customError("rev is higher than the head revision of the pad","apierror"));
pad.getInternalRevisionAText(rev, function(err, atext)
if(ERR(err, callback)) return;
var oldText = pad.text();
atext.text += "\n";
function eachAttribRun(attribs, func)
var attribsIter = Changeset.opIterator(attribs);
var textIndex = 0;
var newTextStart = 0;
var newTextEnd = atext.text.length;
while (attribsIter.hasNext())
var op =;
var nextIndex = textIndex + op.chars;
if (!(nextIndex <= newTextStart || textIndex >= newTextEnd))
func(Math.max(newTextStart, textIndex), Math.min(newTextEnd, nextIndex), op.attribs);
textIndex = nextIndex;
// create a new changeset with a helper builder object
var builder = Changeset.builder(oldText.length);
// assemble each line into the builder
eachAttribRun(atext.attribs, function(start, end, attribs)
builder.insert(atext.text.substring(start, end), attribs);
var lastNewlinePos = oldText.lastIndexOf('\n');
if (lastNewlinePos < 0) {
} else {
builder.remove(lastNewlinePos, oldText.match(/\n/g).length-1);
builder.remove(oldText.length - lastNewlinePos-1,0);
var changeset = builder.toString();
//append the changeset
callback(null, changeset);
copyPad(sourceID, destinationID[, force=false]) copies a pad. If force is true,
the destination will be overwritten if it exists.