Remove legacy mozilla specific code from ace inner
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,19 +33,6 @@ function object(o)
f.prototype = o;
return new f();
var userAgent = (((function () {return this;})().navigator || {}).userAgent || 'node-js').toLowerCase();
// Figure out what browser is being used (stolen from jquery 1.2.1)
var browser = {
version: (userAgent.match(/.+(?:rv|it|ra|ie)[\/: ]([\d.]+)/) || [])[1],
safari: /webkit/.test(userAgent),
opera: /opera/.test(userAgent),
msie: /msie/.test(userAgent) && !/opera/.test(userAgent),
mozilla: /mozilla/.test(userAgent) && !/(compatible|webkit)/.test(userAgent),
windows: /windows/.test(userAgent),
mobile: /mobile/.test(userAgent) || /android/.test(userAgent)
function getAssoc(obj, name)
@ -97,7 +84,6 @@ var noop = function(){};
exports.isNodeText = isNodeText;
exports.object = object;
exports.browser = browser;
exports.getAssoc = getAssoc;
exports.setAssoc = setAssoc;
exports.binarySearch = binarySearch;
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ $ = jQuery = require('./rjquery').$;
_ = require("./underscore");
var isNodeText = Ace2Common.isNodeText,
browser = Ace2Common.browser,
browser = $.browser,
getAssoc = Ace2Common.getAssoc,
setAssoc = Ace2Common.setAssoc,
isTextNode = Ace2Common.isTextNode,
@ -2817,7 +2817,6 @@ function Ace2Inner(){
rep.selStart = selectStart;
rep.selEnd = selectEnd;
rep.selFocusAtStart = newSelFocusAtStart;
if (mozillaFakeArrows) mozillaFakeArrows.notifySelectionChanged();
currentCallStack.repChanged = true;
return true;
@ -3690,12 +3689,6 @@ function Ace2Inner(){
specialHandled = true;
if (mozillaFakeArrows && mozillaFakeArrows.handleKeyEvent(evt))
specialHandled = true;
if (type == "keydown")
@ -5037,331 +5030,6 @@ function Ace2Inner(){
editorInfo.ace_doInsertUnorderedList = doInsertUnorderedList;
editorInfo.ace_doInsertOrderedList = doInsertOrderedList;
var mozillaFakeArrows = (browser.mozilla && (function()
// In Firefox 2, arrow keys are unstable while DOM-manipulating
// operations are going on. Specifically, if an operation
// (computation that ties up the event queue) is going on (in the
// call-stack of some event, like a timeout) that at some point
// mutates nodes involved in the selection, then the arrow
// keypress may (randomly) move the caret to the beginning or end
// of the document. If the operation also mutates the selection
// range, the old selection or the new selection may be used, or
// neither.
// As long as the arrow is pressed during the busy operation, it
// doesn't seem to matter that the keydown and keypress events
// aren't generated until afterwards, or that the arrow movement
// can still be stopped (meaning it hasn't been performed yet);
// Firefox must be preserving some old information about the
// selection or the DOM from when the key was initially pressed.
// However, it also doesn't seem to matter when the key was
// actually pressed relative to the time of the mutation within
// the prolonged operation. Also, even in very controlled tests
// (like a mutation followed by a long period of busyWaiting), the
// problem shows up often but not every time, with no discernable
// pattern. Who knows, it could have something to do with the
// caret-blinking timer, or DOM changes not being applied
// immediately.
// This problem, mercifully, does not show up at all in IE or
// Safari. My solution is to have my own, full-featured arrow-key
// implementation for Firefox.
// Note that the problem addressed here is potentially very subtle,
// especially if the operation is quick and is timed to usually happen
// when the user is idle.
// features:
// - 'up' and 'down' arrows preserve column when passing through shorter lines
// - shift-arrows extend the "focus" point, which may be start or end of range
// - the focus point is kept horizontally and vertically scrolled into view
// - arrows without shift cause caret to move to beginning or end of selection (left,right)
// or move focus point up or down a line (up,down)
// - command-(left,right,up,down) on Mac acts like (line-start, line-end, doc-start, doc-end)
// - takes wrapping into account when doesWrap is true, i.e. up-arrow and down-arrow move
// between the virtual lines within a wrapped line; this was difficult, and unfortunately
// requires mutating the DOM to get the necessary information
var savedFocusColumn = 0; // a value of 0 has no effect
var updatingSelectionNow = false;
function getVirtualLineView(lineNum)
var lineNode = rep.lines.atIndex(lineNum).lineNode;
while (lineNode.firstChild && isBlockElement(lineNode.firstChild))
lineNode = lineNode.firstChild;
return makeVirtualLineView(lineNode);
function markerlessLineAndChar(line, chr)
return [line, chr - rep.lines.atIndex(line).lineMarker];
function markerfulLineAndChar(line, chr)
return [line, chr + rep.lines.atIndex(line).lineMarker];
return {
notifySelectionChanged: function()
if (!updatingSelectionNow)
savedFocusColumn = 0;
handleKeyEvent: function(evt)
// returns "true" if handled
if (evt.type != "keypress") return false;
var keyCode = evt.keyCode;
if (keyCode < 37 || keyCode > 40) return false;
if (!(rep.selStart && rep.selEnd)) return true;
// {byWord,toEnd,normal}
var moveMode = (evt.altKey ? "byWord" : (evt.ctrlKey ? "byWord" : (evt.metaKey ? "toEnd" : "normal")));
var anchorCaret = markerlessLineAndChar(rep.selStart[0], rep.selStart[1]);
var focusCaret = markerlessLineAndChar(rep.selEnd[0], rep.selEnd[1]);
var wasCaret = isCaret();
if (rep.selFocusAtStart)
var tmp = anchorCaret;
anchorCaret = focusCaret;
focusCaret = tmp;
var K_UP = 38,
K_DOWN = 40,
K_LEFT = 37,
K_RIGHT = 39;
var dontMove = false;
if (wasCaret && !evt.shiftKey)
// collapse, will mutate both together
anchorCaret = focusCaret;
else if ((!wasCaret) && (!evt.shiftKey))
if (keyCode == K_LEFT)
// place caret at beginning
if (rep.selFocusAtStart) anchorCaret = focusCaret;
else focusCaret = anchorCaret;
if (moveMode == "normal") dontMove = true;
else if (keyCode == K_RIGHT)
// place caret at end
if (rep.selFocusAtStart) focusCaret = anchorCaret;
else anchorCaret = focusCaret;
if (moveMode == "normal") dontMove = true;
// collapse, will mutate both together
anchorCaret = focusCaret;
if (!dontMove)
function lineLength(i)
var entry = rep.lines.atIndex(i);
return entry.text.length - entry.lineMarker;
function lineText(i)
var entry = rep.lines.atIndex(i);
return entry.text.substring(entry.lineMarker);
if (keyCode == K_UP || keyCode == K_DOWN)
var up = (keyCode == K_UP);
var canChangeLines = ((up && focusCaret[0]) || ((!up) && focusCaret[0] < rep.lines.length() - 1));
var virtualLineView, virtualLineSpot, canChangeVirtualLines = false;
if (doesWrap)
virtualLineView = getVirtualLineView(focusCaret[0]);
virtualLineSpot = virtualLineView.getVLineAndOffsetForChar(focusCaret[1]);
canChangeVirtualLines = ((up && virtualLineSpot.vline > 0) || ((!up) && virtualLineSpot.vline < (
virtualLineView.getNumVirtualLines() - 1)));
var newColByVirtualLineChange;
if (moveMode == "toEnd")
if (up)
focusCaret[0] = 0;
focusCaret[1] = 0;
focusCaret[0] = rep.lines.length() - 1;
focusCaret[1] = lineLength(focusCaret[0]);
else if (moveMode == "byWord")
// move by "paragraph", a feature that Firefox lacks but IE and Safari both have
if (up)
if (focusCaret[1] === 0 && canChangeLines)
focusCaret[1] = 0;
else focusCaret[1] = 0;
var lineLen = lineLength(focusCaret[0]);
if (
if (canChangeLines)
focusCaret[1] = 0;
focusCaret[1] = lineLen;
if (focusCaret[1] == lineLen && canChangeLines)
focusCaret[1] = lineLength(focusCaret[0]);
focusCaret[1] = lineLen;
savedFocusColumn = 0;
else if (canChangeVirtualLines)
var vline = virtualLineSpot.vline;
var offset = virtualLineSpot.offset;
if (up) vline--;
else vline++;
if (savedFocusColumn > offset) offset = savedFocusColumn;
savedFocusColumn = offset;
var newSpot = virtualLineView.getCharForVLineAndOffset(vline, offset);
focusCaret[1] = newSpot.lineChar;
else if (canChangeLines)
if (up) focusCaret[0]--;
else focusCaret[0]++;
var offset = focusCaret[1];
if (doesWrap)
offset = virtualLineSpot.offset;
if (savedFocusColumn > offset) offset = savedFocusColumn;
savedFocusColumn = offset;
if (doesWrap)
var newLineView = getVirtualLineView(focusCaret[0]);
var vline = (up ? newLineView.getNumVirtualLines() - 1 : 0);
var newSpot = newLineView.getCharForVLineAndOffset(vline, offset);
focusCaret[1] = newSpot.lineChar;
var lineLen = lineLength(focusCaret[0]);
if (offset > lineLen) offset = lineLen;
focusCaret[1] = offset;
if (up) focusCaret[1] = 0;
else focusCaret[1] = lineLength(focusCaret[0]);
savedFocusColumn = 0;
else if (keyCode == K_LEFT || keyCode == K_RIGHT)
var left = (keyCode == K_LEFT);
if (left)
if (moveMode == "toEnd") focusCaret[1] = 0;
else if (focusCaret[1] > 0)
if (moveMode == "byWord")
focusCaret[1] = moveByWordInLine(lineText(focusCaret[0]), focusCaret[1], false);
else if (focusCaret[0] > 0)
focusCaret[1] = lineLength(focusCaret[0]);
if (moveMode == "byWord")
focusCaret[1] = moveByWordInLine(lineText(focusCaret[0]), focusCaret[1], false);
var lineLen = lineLength(focusCaret[0]);
if (moveMode == "toEnd") focusCaret[1] = lineLen;
else if (focusCaret[1] < lineLen)
if (moveMode == "byWord")
focusCaret[1] = moveByWordInLine(lineText(focusCaret[0]), focusCaret[1], true);
else if (focusCaret[0] < rep.lines.length() - 1)
focusCaret[1] = 0;
if (moveMode == "byWord")
focusCaret[1] = moveByWordInLine(lineText(focusCaret[0]), focusCaret[1], true);
savedFocusColumn = 0;
var newSelFocusAtStart = ((focusCaret[0] < anchorCaret[0]) || (focusCaret[0] == anchorCaret[0] && focusCaret[1] < anchorCaret[1]));
var newSelStart = (newSelFocusAtStart ? focusCaret : anchorCaret);
var newSelEnd = (newSelFocusAtStart ? anchorCaret : focusCaret);
updatingSelectionNow = true;
performSelectionChange(markerfulLineAndChar(newSelStart[0], newSelStart[1]), markerfulLineAndChar(newSelEnd[0], newSelEnd[1]), newSelFocusAtStart);
updatingSelectionNow = false;
currentCallStack.userChangedSelection = true;
return true;
var lineNumbersShown;
var sideDivInner;
@ -30,8 +30,7 @@ var Security = require('./security');
var hooks = require('./pluginfw/hooks');
var _ = require('./underscore');
var lineAttributeMarker = require('./linestylefilter').lineAttributeMarker;
var Ace2Common = require('./ace2_common');
var noop = Ace2Common.noop;
var noop = function(){};
var domline = {};
Reference in New Issue