Merge pull request #2724 from xavidotron/develop

Add a aceSelectionChanged hook to allow plugins to react when the cursor moves
This commit is contained in:
John McLear 2015-10-22 16:19:07 +01:00
commit c337a0585c
2 changed files with 16 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -339,3 +339,14 @@ Things in context:
This hook is provided to allow author highlight style to be modified.
Registered hooks should return 1 if the plugin handles highlighting. If no plugin returns 1, the core will use the default background-based highlighting.
## aceSelectionChanged
Called from: src/static/js/ace2_inner.js
Things in context:
1. rep - information about where the user's cursor is
2. documentAttributeManager - information about attributes in the document
This hook allows a plugin to react to a cursor or selection change,
perhaps to update a UI element based on the style at the cursor location.

View File

@ -2901,6 +2901,11 @@ function Ace2Inner(){
rep.selFocusAtStart = newSelFocusAtStart;
currentCallStack.repChanged = true;
hooks.callAll('aceSelectionChanged', {
rep: rep,
documentAttributeManager: documentAttributeManager,
return true;
//console.log("selStart: %o, selEnd: %o, focusAtStart: %s", rep.selStart, rep.selEnd,