@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
# 1.5.2
* NEW: Support for node version 0.12.x
* NEW: API endpoint saveRevision, getSavedRevisionCount and listSavedRevisions
* NEW: setting to allow load testing
* Fix: Rare scroll issue
* Fix: Handling of custom pad path
* Fix: Better error handling of imports and exports of type "etherpad"
* Fix: Walking caret in chrome
* Fix: Better handling for changeset problems
* SECURITY Fix: Information leak for etherpad exports (CVE-2015-2298)
# 1.5.1
* NEW: High resolution Icon
* NEW: Use HTTPS for plugins.json download
@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ Update to the latest version with `git pull origin`, then run `bin\installOnWind
## GNU/Linux and other UNIX-like systems
You'll need gzip, git, curl, libssl develop libraries, python and gcc.
- *For Debian/Ubuntu*: `apt-get install gzip git-core curl python libssl-dev pkg-config build-essential`
- *For Fedora/CentOS*: `yum install gzip git-core curl python openssl-devel && yum groupinstall "Development Tools"`
- *For Debian/Ubuntu*: `apt-get install gzip git curl python libssl-dev pkg-config build-essential`
- *For Fedora/CentOS*: `yum install gzip git curl python openssl-devel && yum groupinstall "Development Tools"`
- *For FreeBSD*: `portinstall node, npm, git (optional)`
Additionally, you'll need [node.js]( installed, Ideally the latest stable version, we recommend installing/compiling nodejs from source (avoiding apt).
@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ NODE_V_MINOR=$(echo $NODE_VERSION | cut -d "." -f 1-2)
if hash iojs 2>/dev/null; then
IOJS_VERSION=$(iojs --version)
if [ ! $NODE_V_MINOR = "v0.8" ] && [ ! $NODE_V_MINOR = "v0.10" ] && [ ! $NODE_V_MINOR = "v0.11" ]; then
if [ ! $NODE_V_MINOR = "v0.8" ] && [ ! $NODE_V_MINOR = "v0.10" ] && [ ! $NODE_V_MINOR = "v0.11" ] && [ ! $NODE_V_MINOR = "v0.12" ]; then
if [ ! $IOJS_VERSION ]; then
echo "You're running a wrong version of node, or io.js is not installed. You're using $NODE_VERSION, we need v0.8.x, v0.10.x or v0.11.x" >&2
echo "You're running a wrong version of node, or io.js is not installed. You're using $NODE_VERSION, we need v0.8.x, v0.10.x, v0.11.x or v0.12.x" >&2
exit 1
@ -203,6 +203,29 @@ Things in context:
This hook is called before the content of a node is collected by the usual methods. The cc object can be used to do a bunch of things that modify the content of the pad. See, for example, the heading1 plugin for etherpad original.
## collectContentImage
Called from: src/static/js/contentcollector.js
Things in context:
1. cc - the contentcollector object
2. state - the current state of the change being made
3. tname - the tag name of this node currently being processed
4. style - the style applied to the node (probably CSS)
5. cls - the HTML class string of the node
6. node - the node being modified
This hook is called before the content of an image node is collected by the usual methods. The cc object can be used to do a bunch of things that modify the content of the pad.
exports.collectContentImage = function(name, context){
context.state.lineAttributes.img = context.node.outerHTML;
## collectContentPost
Called from: src/static/js/contentcollector.js
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Portal submits content into new blog post
## Usage
### API version
The latest version is `1.2.9`
The latest version is `1.2.11`
The current version can be queried via /api.
@ -402,6 +402,33 @@ returns the number of revisions of this pad
* `{code: 0, message:"ok", data: {revisions: 56}}`
* `{code: 1, message:"padID does not exist", data: null}`
#### getSavedRevisionsCount(padID)
* API >= 1.2.11
returns the number of saved revisions of this pad
*Example returns:*
* `{code: 0, message:"ok", data: {savedRevisions: 42}}`
* `{code: 1, message:"padID does not exist", data: null}`
#### listSavedRevisions(padID)
* API >= 1.2.11
returns the list of saved revisions of this pad
*Example returns:*
* `{code: 0, message:"ok", data: {savedRevisions: [2, 42, 1337]}}`
* `{code: 1, message:"padID does not exist", data: null}`
#### saveRevision(padID [, rev])
* API >= 1.2.11
saves a revision
*Example returns:*
* `{code: 0, message:"ok", data: null}`
* `{code: 1, message:"padID does not exist", data: null}`
#### padUsersCount(padID)
* API >= 1
@ -108,6 +108,9 @@
// restrict transport methods
"socketTransportProtocols" : ["xhr-polling", "jsonp-polling", "htmlfile"],
// Allow Load Testing tools to hit the Etherpad Instance. Warning this will disable security on the instance.
"loadTest": false,
/* The toolbar buttons configuration.
"toolbar": {
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
"Test Create account"
"index.newPad": "باد جديد",
@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
"": "تسجيل",
"pad.colorpicker.cancel": "إلغاء",
"pad.loading": "جاري التحميل...",
"pad.noCookie": "الكوكيز غير متاحة. الرجاء السماح بتحميل الكوكيز على متصفحك!",
"pad.passwordRequired": "تحتاج إلى كلمة مرور للوصول إلى هذا الباد",
"pad.permissionDenied": "ليس لديك إذن لدخول هذا الباد",
"pad.wrongPassword": "كانت كلمة المرور خاطئة",
@ -118,6 +120,7 @@
"pad.impexp.importing": "الاستيراد...",
"pad.impexp.confirmimport": "استيراد ملف سيؤدي للكتابة فوق النص الحالي بالباد. هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد المتابعة؟",
"pad.impexp.convertFailed": "لم نتمكن من استيراد هذا الملف. يرجى استخدام تنسيق مستند مختلف، أو النسخ واللصق يدوياً",
"pad.impexp.padHasData": "لا يمكننا استيراد هذا الملف لأن هذه اللوحة تم بالفعل تغييره, الرجاء استيراد لوحة جديد",
"pad.impexp.uploadFailed": "فشل التحميل، الرجاء المحاولة مرة أخرى",
"pad.impexp.importfailed": "فشل الاستيراد",
"pad.impexp.copypaste": "الرجاء نسخ/لصق",
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"index.newPad": "नयाँ प्याड",
"pad.toolbar.bold.title": "मोट (Ctrl-B)",
"pad.toolbar.italic.title": "तिरछा (Ctrl+I)",
"pad.toolbar.underline.title": "निम्न रेखाङ्कन (Ctrl-U)",
"pad.toolbar.indent.title": "इन्डेन्ट (TAB)",
"pad.toolbar.unindent.title": "आउटडेन्ट (Shift+TAB)",
"pad.toolbar.undo.title": "रद्द (Ctrl-Z)",
"pad.toolbar.redo.title": "पुन:लागु (Ctrl-Y)",
"pad.toolbar.timeslider.title": "टाइमस्लाइडर",
"pad.toolbar.savedRevision.title": "पुनरावलोकन संग्रह किहा जाय",
"pad.toolbar.settings.title": "सेटिङ्ग",
"": "सहेजा जाय",
"pad.colorpicker.cancel": "रद्द करा जाय",
"pad.loading": "लोड होत है...",
"pad.wrongPassword": "आप कय पासवर्ड गलत रहा",
"pad.settings.padSettings": "प्याड सेटिङ्ग",
"pad.settings.myView": "हमार दृष्य",
"pad.settings.colorcheck": "लेखकीय रङ्ग",
"pad.settings.linenocheck": "हरफ संख्या",
"pad.settings.fontType": "फन्ट प्रकार:",
"pad.settings.fontType.normal": "साधारण",
"pad.settings.fontType.monospaced": "मोनोस्पेस",
"pad.settings.globalView": "विश्वव्यापी दृष्य",
"pad.settings.language": "भाषा",
"pad.importExport.import_export": "आयात/निर्यात",
"pad.importExport.importSuccessful": "सफल!",
"pad.importExport.exporthtml": "HTML",
"pad.importExport.exportplain": "सामान्य पाठ",
"pad.importExport.exportword": "माइक्रोसफ्ट वर्ड",
"pad.importExport.exportpdf": "पिडिएफ",
"pad.importExport.exportopen": "ओडिएफ(खुल्ला कागजात ढाँचा)",
"pad.modals.unauth": "अनाधिकृत",
"pad.modals.initsocketfail": "सर्भरमा पहुँच से बहरे है ।",
"pad.share.readonly": "पढय वाला खाली",
"": "लिङ्क",
"pad.share.emebdcode": "URL जोडा जाय",
"": "बातचीत",
"timeslider.pageTitle": "{{appTitle}} समय रेखा",
"timeslider.toolbar.authors": "लेखक:",
"timeslider.toolbar.exportlink.title": "निर्यात",
"timeslider.version": "संस्करण {{version}}",
"timeslider.dateformat": "{{month}}/{{day}}/{{year}} {{hours}}:{{minutes}}:{{seconds}}",
"timeslider.month.january": "जनवरी",
"timeslider.month.february": "फेब्रुअरी",
"timeslider.month.march": "मार्च",
"timeslider.month.april": "अप्रैल",
"timeslider.month.may": "मई",
"timeslider.month.june": "जून",
"timeslider.month.july": "जुलाई",
"timeslider.month.august": "अगस्त",
"timeslider.month.september": "सेप्टेम्बर",
"timeslider.month.october": "अक्टूबर",
"timeslider.month.november": "नोभेम्बर",
"timeslider.month.december": "डिसेम्बर",
"timeslider.unnamedauthors": "{{num}} unnamed {[plural(num) one: author, other: authors ]}",
"pad.userlist.unnamed": "बेनामी",
"pad.userlist.guest": "पहुना",
"pad.userlist.deny": "अस्वीकार",
"pad.userlist.approve": "स्वीकृत",
"pad.impexp.importing": "आयात होत है...",
"pad.impexp.importfailed": "आयात असफल रहा",
"pad.impexp.copypaste": "कृपया कपी पेस्ट कीन जाय"
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
"pad.modals.forcereconnect": "Məcbur təkrarən bağlan",
"pad.modals.userdup": "Başqa pəncərədə artıq açıqdır",
"pad.modals.userdup.explanation": "Bu lövhə, ola bilsin ki, bu kompüterdəki brauzerin bir neçə pəncərəsində açılmışdır.",
"pad.modals.userdup.advice": "Bu pəncərədən istifadəylə yenidən qoşulun.",
"pad.modals.userdup.advice": "Bu pəncərəni istifadə etmək üçün yenidən qoşul.",
"pad.modals.unauth": "İcazəli deyil",
"pad.modals.unauth.explanation": "Bu səhifəyə baxdığınız vaxt sizin icazəniz dəyişilib. Bərpa etmək üşün yenidən cəhd edin.",
"pad.modals.looping.explanation": "Sinxronlaşdırma serveri ilə kommunikasiya xətası var.",
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
"pad.settings.padSettings": "Налады дакумэнта",
"pad.settings.myView": "Мой выгляд",
"pad.settings.stickychat": "Заўсёды паказваць чат",
"pad.settings.chatandusers": "Паказаць чат і ўдзельнікаў",
"pad.settings.colorcheck": "Колеры аўтарства",
"pad.settings.linenocheck": "Нумары радкоў",
"pad.settings.rtlcheck": "Тэкст справа-налева",
@ -108,6 +109,7 @@
"timeslider.month.december": "сьнежань",
"timeslider.unnamedauthors": "{{num}} {[plural(num) one: безыменны аўтар, few: безыменныя аўтары, many: безыменных аўтараў, other: безыменных аўтараў ]}",
"pad.savedrevs.marked": "Гэтая вэрсія цяпер пазначаная як захаваная",
"pad.savedrevs.timeslider": "Вы можаце пабачыць захаваныя вэрсіі з дапамогай шкалы часу",
"pad.userlist.entername": "Увядзіце вашае імя",
"pad.userlist.unnamed": "безыменны",
"pad.userlist.guest": "Госьць",
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
"": "Enrollañ",
"pad.colorpicker.cancel": "Nullañ",
"pad.loading": "O kargañ...",
"pad.noCookie": "N'eus ket gallet kavout an toupin. Aotreit an toupinoù en ho merdeer, mar plij !",
"pad.passwordRequired": "Ezhomm ho peus ur ger-tremen evit mont d'ar Pad-se",
"pad.permissionDenied": "\nN'oc'h ket aotreet da vont d'ar pad-mañ",
"pad.wrongPassword": "Fazius e oa ho ker-tremen",
@ -47,6 +48,7 @@
"pad.importExport.import": "Enkargañ un destenn pe ur restr",
"pad.importExport.importSuccessful": "Deuet eo ganeoc'h !",
"pad.importExport.export": "Ezporzhiañ ar pad bremañ evel :",
"pad.importExport.exportetherpad": "Etherpad",
"pad.importExport.exporthtml": "HTML",
"pad.importExport.exportplain": "Testenn blaen",
"pad.importExport.exportword": "Microsoft Word",
@ -117,6 +119,7 @@
"pad.impexp.importing": "Oc'h enporzhiañ...",
"pad.impexp.confirmimport": "Ma vez enporzhiet ur restr e vo diverket ar pezh zo en teul a-vremañ. Ha sur oc'h e fell deoc'h mont betek penn ?",
"pad.impexp.convertFailed": "N'eus ket bet gallet enporzhiañ ar restr. Ober gant ur furmad teul all pe eilañ/pegañ gant an dorn.",
"pad.impexp.padHasData": "N'hon eus ket gallet enporzhiañ ar restr-mañdre ma'z eus bet degaset kemmoù er bloc'h-se ; enporzhiit anezhi war-zu ur bloc'h nevez, mar plij.",
"pad.impexp.uploadFailed": "C'hwitet eo bet an enporzhiañ. Klaskit en-dro.",
"pad.impexp.importfailed": "C'hwitet eo an enporzhiadenn",
"pad.impexp.copypaste": "Eilit/pegit, mar plij",
@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
"pad.toolbar.bold.title": "Tučný text (Ctrl-B)",
"pad.toolbar.italic.title": "Kurzíva (Ctrl-I)",
"pad.toolbar.underline.title": "Podtržené písmo (Ctrl-U)",
"pad.toolbar.strikethrough.title": "Přeskrtnuté písmo",
"pad.toolbar.strikethrough.title": "Přeškrtnuto (Ctrl+5)",
"pad.toolbar.ol.title": "Číslovaný seznam",
"pad.toolbar.ul.title": "Nečíslovaný seznam",
"pad.toolbar.indent.title": "Odsazení",
"pad.toolbar.unindent.title": "Předsazení",
"pad.toolbar.indent.title": "Odsazení (TAB)",
"pad.toolbar.unindent.title": "Předsazení (Shift+TAB)",
"pad.toolbar.undo.title": "Zpět (Ctrl-Z)",
"pad.toolbar.redo.title": "Opakovat (Ctrl-Y)",
"pad.toolbar.clearAuthorship.title": "Vymazat barvy autorů",
@ -30,12 +30,14 @@
"": "Uložit",
"pad.colorpicker.cancel": "Zrušit",
"pad.loading": "Načítání...",
"pad.noCookie": "Nelze nalézt cookie. Povolte prosím cookie ve Vašem prohlížeči.",
"pad.passwordRequired": "Pro přístup k tomuto Padu je třeba znát heslo",
"pad.permissionDenied": "Nemáte oprávnění pro přístup k tomuto Padu",
"pad.wrongPassword": "Nesprávné heslo",
"pad.settings.padSettings": "Nastavení Padu",
"pad.settings.myView": "Vlastní pohled",
"pad.settings.stickychat": "Chat vždy na obrazovce",
"pad.settings.chatandusers": "Ukázat Chat a Uživatele",
"pad.settings.colorcheck": "Barvy autorů",
"pad.settings.linenocheck": "Čísla řádků",
"pad.settings.rtlcheck": "Číst obsah zprava doleva?",
@ -109,6 +111,7 @@
"timeslider.month.december": "prosinec",
"timeslider.unnamedauthors": "{{num}} {[ plural(num) one: nejmenovaný Autor, few: nejmenovaní Autoři, other: nejmenovaných Autorů ]}",
"pad.savedrevs.marked": "Tato revize je nyní označena jako uložená",
"pad.savedrevs.timeslider": "Návštěvou časové osy zobrazíte uložené revize",
"pad.userlist.entername": "Zadejte své jméno",
"pad.userlist.unnamed": "nejmenovaný",
"pad.userlist.guest": "Host",
@ -119,6 +122,7 @@
"pad.impexp.importing": "Importování…",
"pad.impexp.confirmimport": "Import souboru přepíše aktuální text v padu. Opravdu chcete tuto akci provést?",
"pad.impexp.convertFailed": "Tento soubor nelze importovat. Použijte prosím jiný formát dokumentu nebo nakopírujte text ručně",
"pad.impexp.padHasData": "Tento soubor jsme nebyly schopni importovat, protože tento Pad již obsahoval změny. Importujte ho prosím do nového padu",
"pad.impexp.uploadFailed": "Nahrávání selhalo, zkuste to znovu",
"pad.impexp.importfailed": "Import selhal",
"pad.impexp.copypaste": "Vložte prosím kopii",
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
"pad.settings.padSettings": "Pad Einstellungen",
"pad.settings.myView": "Eigene Ansicht",
"pad.settings.stickychat": "Chat immer anzeigen",
"pad.settings.chatandusers": "Chat und Benutzer anzeigen",
"pad.settings.colorcheck": "Autorenfarben anzeigen",
"pad.settings.linenocheck": "Zeilennummern",
"pad.settings.rtlcheck": "Inhalt von rechts nach links lesen?",
@ -109,6 +110,7 @@
"timeslider.month.december": "Dezember",
"timeslider.unnamedauthors": "{{num}} {[plural(num) one: unbenannter Autor, other: unbenannte Autoren ]}",
"pad.savedrevs.marked": "Diese Version wurde jetzt als gespeicherte Version gekennzeichnet",
"pad.savedrevs.timeslider": "Du kannst gespeicherte Versionen durch das Besuchen der Pad-Versionsgeschichte ansehen",
"pad.userlist.entername": "Geben Sie Ihren Namen ein",
"pad.userlist.unnamed": "unbenannt",
"pad.userlist.guest": "Gast",
@ -119,7 +121,7 @@
"pad.impexp.importing": "Importiere …",
"pad.impexp.confirmimport": "Das Importieren einer Datei überschreibt den aktuellen Text des Pads. Wollen Sie wirklich fortfahren?",
"pad.impexp.convertFailed": "Wir können diese Datei nicht importieren. Bitte verwenden Sie ein anderes Dokumentformat oder übertragen Sie den Text manuell.",
"pad.impexp.padHasData": "Wir konnten diese Datei nicht importieren, da dieses Pad bereits Änderungen hat. Bitte importiere zu einem neuen Pad.",
"pad.impexp.padHasData": "Wir konnten diese Datei nicht importieren, da dieses Pad bereits Änderungen enthält. Bitte importiere sie in ein neues Pad.",
"pad.impexp.uploadFailed": "Der Upload ist fehlgeschlagen. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.",
"pad.impexp.importfailed": "Import fehlgeschlagen",
"pad.impexp.copypaste": "Bitte kopieren und einfügen",
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
"pad.settings.padSettings": "Ρυθμίσεις Pad",
"pad.settings.myView": "Η προβολή μου",
"pad.settings.stickychat": "Να είναι πάντα ορατή η συνομιλία",
"pad.settings.chatandusers": "Εμφάνιση Συνομιλίας και Χρηστών",
"pad.settings.colorcheck": "Χρώματα συντάκτη",
"pad.settings.linenocheck": "Αριθμοί γραμμών",
"pad.settings.rtlcheck": "Διαβάζεται το περιεχόμενο από δεξιά προς τα αριστερά;",
@ -110,6 +111,7 @@
"timeslider.month.december": "Δεκεμβρίου",
"timeslider.unnamedauthors": "{{num}} {[plural(num) one: ανώνυμος συντάκτης, other: ανώνυμοι συντάκτες]}",
"pad.savedrevs.marked": "Αυτή η έκδοση επισημάνθηκε ως αποθηκευμένη έκδοση",
"pad.savedrevs.timeslider": "Μπορείτε να δείτε αποθηκευμένες αναθεωρήσεις στο χρονοδιάγραμμα",
"pad.userlist.entername": "Εισάγετε το όνομά σας",
"pad.userlist.unnamed": "ανώνυμος",
"pad.userlist.guest": "Επισκέπτης",
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Chase me ladies, I'm the Cavalry",
"index.newPad": "New Pad",
"index.createOpenPad": "or create/open a Pad with the name:",
"pad.toolbar.bold.title": "Bold (Ctrl+B)",
"pad.toolbar.italic.title": "Italic (Ctrl+I)",
"pad.toolbar.underline.title": "Underline (Ctrl+U)",
"pad.toolbar.strikethrough.title": "Strikethrough (Ctrl+5)",
"pad.toolbar.ol.title": "Ordered list (Ctrl+Shift+N)",
"pad.toolbar.ul.title": "Unordered List (Ctrl+Shift+L)",
"pad.toolbar.indent.title": "Indent (Tab)",
"pad.toolbar.unindent.title": "Outdent (Shift+Tab)",
"pad.toolbar.undo.title": "Undo (Ctrl+Z)",
"pad.toolbar.redo.title": "Redo (Ctrl+Y)",
"pad.toolbar.clearAuthorship.title": "Clear Authorship Colours (Ctrl+Shift+C)",
"pad.toolbar.import_export.title": "Import/Export from/to different file formats",
"pad.toolbar.timeslider.title": "Timeslider",
"pad.toolbar.savedRevision.title": "Save Revision",
"pad.toolbar.settings.title": "Settings",
"pad.toolbar.embed.title": "Share and Embed this pad",
"pad.toolbar.showusers.title": "Show the users on this pad",
"": "Save",
"pad.colorpicker.cancel": "Cancel",
"pad.loading": "Loading...",
"pad.noCookie": "Cookie could not be found. Please allow cookies in your browser!",
"pad.passwordRequired": "You need a password to access this pad",
"pad.permissionDenied": "You do not have permission to access this pad",
"pad.wrongPassword": "Your password was wrong",
"pad.settings.padSettings": "Pad Settings",
"pad.settings.myView": "My View",
"pad.settings.stickychat": "Chat always on screen",
"pad.settings.chatandusers": "Show Chat and Users",
"pad.settings.colorcheck": "Authorship colours",
"pad.settings.linenocheck": "Line numbers",
"pad.settings.rtlcheck": "Read content from right to left?",
"pad.settings.fontType": "Font type:",
"pad.settings.fontType.normal": "Normal",
"pad.settings.fontType.monospaced": "Monospace",
"pad.settings.globalView": "Global View",
"pad.settings.language": "Language:",
"pad.importExport.import_export": "Import/Export",
"pad.importExport.import": "Upload any text file or document",
"pad.importExport.importSuccessful": "Successful!",
"pad.importExport.export": "Export current pad as:",
"pad.importExport.exportetherpad": "Etherpad",
"pad.importExport.exporthtml": "HTML",
"pad.importExport.exportplain": "Plain text",
"pad.importExport.exportword": "Microsoft Word",
"pad.importExport.exportpdf": "PDF",
"pad.importExport.exportopen": "ODF (Open Document Format)",
"pad.importExport.abiword.innerHTML": "You only can import from plain text or HTML formats. For more advanced import features please <a href=\"\">install abiword</a>.",
"pad.modals.connected": "Connected.",
"pad.modals.reconnecting": "Reconnecting to your pad..",
"pad.modals.forcereconnect": "Force reconnect",
"pad.modals.userdup": "Opened in another window",
"pad.modals.userdup.explanation": "This pad seems to be opened in more than one browser window on this computer.",
"pad.modals.userdup.advice": "Reconnect to use this window instead.",
"pad.modals.unauth": "Not authorised",
"pad.modals.unauth.explanation": "Your permissions have changed while viewing this page. Try to reconnect.",
"pad.modals.looping.explanation": "There are communication problems with the synchronisation server.",
"pad.modals.looping.cause": "Perhaps you connected through an incompatible firewall or proxy.",
"pad.modals.initsocketfail": "Server is unreachable.",
"pad.modals.initsocketfail.explanation": "Couldn't connect to the synchronisation server.",
"pad.modals.initsocketfail.cause": "This is probably due to a problem with your browser or your internet connection.",
"pad.modals.slowcommit.explanation": "The server is not responding.",
"pad.modals.slowcommit.cause": "This could be due to problems with network connectivity.",
"pad.modals.badChangeset.explanation": "An edit you have made was classified illegal by the synchronisation server.",
"pad.modals.badChangeset.cause": "This could be due to a wrong server configuration or some other unexpected behaviour. Please contact the service administrator, if you feel this is an error. Try to reconnect in order to continue editing.",
"pad.modals.corruptPad.explanation": "The pad you are trying to access is corrupt.",
"pad.modals.corruptPad.cause": "This may be due to a wrong server configuration or some other unexpected behaviour. Please contact the service administrator.",
"pad.modals.deleted": "Deleted.",
"pad.modals.deleted.explanation": "This pad has been removed.",
"pad.modals.disconnected": "You have been disconnected.",
"pad.modals.disconnected.explanation": "The connection to the server was lost",
"pad.modals.disconnected.cause": "The server may be unavailable. Please notify the service administrator if this continues to happen.",
"pad.share": "Share this pad",
"pad.share.readonly": "Read only",
"": "Link",
"pad.share.emebdcode": "Embed URL",
"": "Chat",
"": "Open the chat for this pad.",
"": "Load more messages",
"timeslider.pageTitle": "{{appTitle}} Timeslider",
"timeslider.toolbar.returnbutton": "Return to pad",
"timeslider.toolbar.authors": "Authors:",
"timeslider.toolbar.authorsList": "No Authors",
"timeslider.toolbar.exportlink.title": "Export",
"timeslider.exportCurrent": "Export current version as:",
"timeslider.version": "Version {{version}}",
"timeslider.saved": "Saved {{month}} {{day}}, {{year}}",
"timeslider.dateformat": "{{day}}/{{month}}/{{year}} {{hours}}:{{minutes}}:{{seconds}}",
"timeslider.month.january": "January",
"timeslider.month.february": "February",
"timeslider.month.march": "March",
"timeslider.month.april": "April",
"timeslider.month.may": "May",
"timeslider.month.june": "June",
"timeslider.month.july": "July",
"timeslider.month.august": "August",
"timeslider.month.september": "September",
"timeslider.month.october": "October",
"timeslider.month.november": "November",
"timeslider.month.december": "December",
"timeslider.unnamedauthors": "{{num}} unnamed {[plural(num) one: author, other: authors ]}",
"pad.savedrevs.marked": "This revision is now marked as a saved revision",
"pad.savedrevs.timeslider": "You can see saved revisions by visiting the timeslider",
"pad.userlist.entername": "Enter your name",
"pad.userlist.unnamed": "unnamed",
"pad.userlist.guest": "Guest",
"pad.userlist.deny": "Deny",
"pad.userlist.approve": "Approve",
"pad.editbar.clearcolors": "Clear authorship colours on entire document?",
"pad.impexp.importbutton": "Import Now",
"pad.impexp.importing": "Importing...",
"pad.impexp.confirmimport": "Importing a file will overwrite the current text of the pad. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"pad.impexp.convertFailed": "We were not able to import this file. Please use a different document format or copy & paste manually",
"pad.impexp.padHasData": "We were not able to import this file because this Pad has already had changes, please import to a new pad",
"pad.impexp.uploadFailed": "The upload failed, please try again",
"pad.impexp.importfailed": "Import failed",
"pad.impexp.copypaste": "Please copy & paste",
"pad.impexp.exportdisabled": "Exporting as {{type}} format is disabled. Please contact your system administrator for details."
@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
"index.newPad": "Nuevo pad",
@ -42,6 +43,7 @@
"pad.settings.padSettings": "Configuración del pad",
"pad.settings.myView": "Preferencias personales",
"pad.settings.stickychat": "Chat siempre en pantalla",
"pad.settings.chatandusers": "Mostrar el chat y los usuarios",
"pad.settings.colorcheck": "Colores de autoría",
"pad.settings.linenocheck": "Números de línea",
"pad.settings.rtlcheck": "¿Leer contenido de derecha a izquierda?",
@ -56,11 +58,11 @@
"pad.importExport.export": "Exporta el pad actual como:",
"pad.importExport.exportetherpad": "Etherpad",
"pad.importExport.exporthtml": "HTML",
"pad.importExport.exportplain": "Texto plano",
"pad.importExport.exportplain": "Texto sin formato",
"pad.importExport.exportword": "Microsoft Word",
"pad.importExport.exportpdf": "PDF",
"pad.importExport.exportopen": "ODF (Open Document Format)",
"pad.importExport.abiword.innerHTML": "Sólo puedes importar formatos de texto plano o html. Para funciones más avanzadas instala <a href=\"\">abiword</a>.",
"pad.importExport.abiword.innerHTML": "Solo es posible importar texto sin formato o en HTML. Para obtener funciones de importación más avanzadas es necesario <a href=\"\">instalar AbiWord</a>.",
"pad.modals.connected": "Conectado.",
"pad.modals.reconnecting": "Reconectando a tu pad..",
"pad.modals.forcereconnect": "Forzar reconexión",
@ -115,6 +117,7 @@
"timeslider.month.december": "diciembre",
"timeslider.unnamedauthors": "{{num}} {[ plural(num) one: autor desconocido, other: autores desconocidos]}",
"pad.savedrevs.marked": "Revisión guardada",
"pad.savedrevs.timeslider": "Puedes ver revisiones guardadas visitando la línea de tiempo",
"pad.userlist.entername": "Escribe tu nombre",
"pad.userlist.unnamed": "anónimo",
"pad.userlist.guest": "Invitado",
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"index.newPad": "Pad berria",
@ -44,6 +45,7 @@
"pad.importExport.import": "Igo edozein testu fitxategi edo dokumentu",
"pad.importExport.importSuccessful": "Arrakastatsua!",
"pad.importExport.export": "Oraingo pad hau honela esportatu:",
"pad.importExport.exportetherpad": "Etherpad",
"pad.importExport.exporthtml": "HTML",
"pad.importExport.exportplain": "Testu laua",
"pad.importExport.exportword": "Microsoft Word",
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
"pad.settings.padSettings": "Paramètres du pad",
"pad.settings.myView": "Ma vue",
"pad.settings.stickychat": "Toujours afficher le chat",
"pad.settings.chatandusers": "Afficher la discussion et les utilisateurs",
"pad.settings.colorcheck": "Couleurs d’identification",
"pad.settings.linenocheck": "Numéros de lignes",
"pad.settings.rtlcheck": "Le contenu doit-il être lu de droite à gauche ?",
@ -123,6 +124,7 @@
"timeslider.month.december": "décembre",
"timeslider.unnamedauthors": "{{num}} {[plural(num) one: auteur anonyme, other: auteurs anonymes ]}",
"pad.savedrevs.marked": "Cette révision est maintenant marquée comme révision enregistrée",
"pad.savedrevs.timeslider": "Vous pouvez voir les révisions enregistrées en visitant l’ascenseur temporel",
"pad.userlist.entername": "Entrez votre nom",
"pad.userlist.unnamed": "anonyme",
"pad.userlist.guest": "Invité",
@ -27,13 +27,14 @@
"": "Gardar",
"pad.colorpicker.cancel": "Cancelar",
"pad.loading": "Cargando...",
"pad.noCookie": "A cookie non se puido atopar. Por favor, habilite as cookies no seu navegador!",
"pad.noCookie": "Non se puido atopar a cookie. Por favor, habilite as cookies no seu navegador!",
"pad.passwordRequired": "Cómpre un contrasinal para acceder a este documento",
"pad.permissionDenied": "Non ten permiso para acceder a este documento",
"pad.wrongPassword": "O contrasinal era incorrecto",
"pad.settings.padSettings": "Configuracións do documento",
"pad.settings.myView": "A miña vista",
"pad.settings.stickychat": "Chat sempre visible",
"pad.settings.chatandusers": "Mostrar o chat e os usuarios",
"pad.settings.colorcheck": "Cores de identificación",
"pad.settings.linenocheck": "Números de liña",
"pad.settings.rtlcheck": "Quere ler o contido da dereita á esquerda?",
@ -107,6 +108,7 @@
"timeslider.month.december": "decembro",
"timeslider.unnamedauthors": "{{num}} {[plural(num) one: autor anónimo, other: autores anónimos ]}",
"pad.savedrevs.marked": "Esta revisión está agora marcada como revisión gardada",
"pad.savedrevs.timeslider": "Pode consultar as revisións gardadas visitando a liña do tempo",
"pad.userlist.entername": "Insira o seu nome",
"pad.userlist.unnamed": "anónimo",
"pad.userlist.guest": "Convidado",
@ -117,7 +119,7 @@
"pad.impexp.importing": "Importando...",
"pad.impexp.confirmimport": "A importación dun ficheiro ha sobrescribir o texto actual do documento. Está seguro de querer continuar?",
"pad.impexp.convertFailed": "Non somos capaces de importar o ficheiro. Utilice un formato de documento diferente ou copie e pegue manualmente",
"pad.impexp.padHasData": "Non puidemos importar este ficheiro porque este Pad xa tivo cambios, por favor, importe a un novo pad.",
"pad.impexp.padHasData": "Non puidemos importar este ficheiro porque este documento xa sufriu cambios; importe a un novo documento.",
"pad.impexp.uploadFailed": "Houbo un erro ao cargar o ficheiro; inténteo de novo",
"pad.impexp.importfailed": "Fallou a importación",
"pad.impexp.copypaste": "Copie e pegue",
@ -29,12 +29,14 @@
"": "שמירה",
"pad.colorpicker.cancel": "ביטול",
"pad.loading": "טעינה...",
"pad.noCookie": "העוגייה לא נמצאה. נא לאפשר עוגיות בדפדפן שלך!",
"pad.passwordRequired": "דרושה ססמה כדי לגשת לפנקס הזה",
"pad.permissionDenied": "אין לך הרשאה לגשת לפנקס הזה",
"pad.wrongPassword": "ססמתך הייתה שגויה",
"pad.settings.padSettings": "הגדרות פנקס",
"pad.settings.myView": "התצוגה שלי",
"pad.settings.stickychat": "השיחה תמיד על המסך",
"pad.settings.chatandusers": "הצגת צ'אט ומשתמשים",
"pad.settings.colorcheck": "צביעה לפי מחבר",
"pad.settings.linenocheck": "מספרי שורות",
"pad.settings.rtlcheck": "לקרוא את התוכן מימין לשמאל?",
@ -47,6 +49,7 @@
"pad.importExport.import": "העלאת כל קובץ טקסט או מסמך",
"pad.importExport.importSuccessful": "זה עבד!",
"pad.importExport.export": "ייצוא הפנקס הנוכחי בתור:",
"pad.importExport.exportetherpad": "את'רפד",
"pad.importExport.exporthtml": "HTML",
"pad.importExport.exportplain": "טקסט רגיל",
"pad.importExport.exportword": "מיקרוסופט וורד",
@ -107,6 +110,7 @@
"timeslider.month.december": "דצמבר",
"timeslider.unnamedauthors": "{[plural(num) one: יוצר אחד, other: {{num}} יוצרים ]} ללא שם",
"pad.savedrevs.marked": "גרסה זו מסומנת כגרסה שמורה",
"pad.savedrevs.timeslider": "אפשר להציג גרסאות שמורות באמצעות ביקור בגולל הזמן",
"pad.userlist.entername": "נא להזין את שמך",
"pad.userlist.unnamed": "ללא שם",
"pad.userlist.guest": "אורח",
@ -117,6 +121,7 @@
"pad.impexp.importing": "ייבוא...",
"pad.impexp.confirmimport": "ייבוא של קובץ יבטל את הטקסט הנוכחי בפנקס. האם ברצונך להמשיך?",
"pad.impexp.convertFailed": "לא הצלחנו לייבא את הקובץ הזה. נא להשתמש בתסדיר מסמך שונה או להעתיק ולהדביק ידנית",
"pad.impexp.padHasData": "לא הצלחנו לייבא את הקובץ הזה, כי בפנקס הזה כבר יש שינויים. נא לייבא לפנקס חדש.",
"pad.impexp.uploadFailed": "ההעלאה נכשלה, נא לנסות שוב",
"pad.impexp.importfailed": "הייבוא נכשל",
"pad.impexp.copypaste": "נא להעתיק ולהדביק",
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
"": "Mentés",
"pad.colorpicker.cancel": "Mégsem",
"pad.loading": "Betöltés…",
"pad.noCookie": "Nem található a süti. Engedélyezd a böngésződben a sütik használatát!",
"pad.passwordRequired": "Jelszóra van szükséged ezen notesz eléréséhez",
"pad.permissionDenied": "Nincs engedélyed ezen notesz eléréséhez",
"pad.wrongPassword": "A jelszó rossz volt",
@ -48,6 +49,7 @@
"pad.importExport.import": "Tetszőleges szövegfájl vagy dokumentum feltöltése",
"pad.importExport.importSuccessful": "Siker!",
"pad.importExport.export": "Jelenlegi notesz exportálása így:",
"pad.importExport.exportetherpad": "Etherpad",
"pad.importExport.exporthtml": "HTML",
"pad.importExport.exportplain": "Sima szöveg",
"pad.importExport.exportword": "Microsoft Word",
@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
"index.newPad": "Nuovo Pad",
@ -36,6 +37,7 @@
"pad.settings.padSettings": "Impostazioni del Pad",
"pad.settings.myView": "Mia visualizzazione",
"pad.settings.stickychat": "Chat sempre sullo schermo",
"pad.settings.chatandusers": "Mostra chat e utenti",
"pad.settings.colorcheck": "Colori che indicano gli autori",
"pad.settings.linenocheck": "Numeri di riga",
"pad.settings.rtlcheck": "Leggere il contenuto da destra a sinistra?",
@ -48,6 +50,7 @@
"pad.importExport.import": "Carica un file di testo o un documento",
"pad.importExport.importSuccessful": "Riuscito!",
"pad.importExport.export": "Esportare il Pad corrente come:",
"pad.importExport.exportetherpad": "Etherpad",
"pad.importExport.exporthtml": "HTML",
"pad.importExport.exportplain": "Solo testo",
"pad.importExport.exportword": "Microsoft Word",
@ -26,12 +26,14 @@
"": "Faßhallde",
"pad.colorpicker.cancel": "Ophüüre",
"pad.loading": "Ben aam Laade …",
"pad.noCookie": "Dat Pläzje wood nit jevonge. Don dat en Dingem Brauser zohlohße!",
"pad.passwordRequired": "Do bruchs e Paßwoot för heh dat Pädd.",
"pad.permissionDenied": "Do häs nit dat Rääsch, op heh dat Pädd zohzejriife.",
"pad.wrongPassword": "Ding Paßwoot wohr verkeht.",
"pad.settings.padSettings": "Däm Pädd sing Enschtällonge",
"pad.settings.myView": "Aanseesch",
"pad.settings.stickychat": "Donn der Klaaf emmer aanzeije",
"pad.settings.chatandusers": "Dunn de Metmaacher un der Klaaf aanzeije",
"pad.settings.colorcheck": "Färve för de Schriiver",
"pad.settings.linenocheck": "Nommere för de Reije",
"pad.settings.rtlcheck": "Schreff vun Rääschß noh Lenks?",
@ -44,6 +46,7 @@
"pad.importExport.import": "Donn jeede Täx udder jeede Zoot Dokemänt huhlaade",
"pad.importExport.importSuccessful": "Jeschaff!",
"pad.importExport.export": "Don dat Pädd äxpoteere alß:",
"pad.importExport.exportetherpad": "Etherpad",
"pad.importExport.exporthtml": "HTML",
"pad.importExport.exportplain": "Eijfach Täx",
"pad.importExport.exportword": "Microsoft Word",
@ -104,6 +107,7 @@
"timeslider.month.december": "Dezämber",
"timeslider.unnamedauthors": "{[plural(num) zero: keine, one: eine, other: {{num}} ]} nahmeloose Schriiver",
"pad.savedrevs.marked": "Heh di Väsjohn es jäz faßjehallde.",
"pad.savedrevs.timeslider": "Mer kann de faßjehallde Väsjohne belohre beim Verjangeheid afschpelle",
"pad.userlist.entername": "Jif Dinge Nahme en",
"pad.userlist.unnamed": "nahmeloßß",
"pad.userlist.guest": "Jaßß",
@ -114,6 +118,7 @@
"pad.impexp.importing": "Ben aam Empotteere …",
"pad.impexp.confirmimport": "En Dattei ze empotteere määt der janze Täx em Pädd fott. Wells De dat verfaftesch hann?",
"pad.impexp.convertFailed": "Mer kunnte di Dattei nit empoteere. Nemm en ander Dattei-Fommaat udder donn dä Täx vun Hand kopeere un ennföhje.",
"pad.impexp.padHasData": "Mer kunnte di Dattei nit empottehre weil et Pädd alt Veränderonge metjemaht hät. Donn se en e neu Pädd empottehre.",
"pad.impexp.uploadFailed": "Dat Huhlaade es donävve jejange. Bes esu johd un probeer et norr_ens.",
"pad.impexp.importfailed": "Et Empoteere es donävve jejange.",
"pad.impexp.copypaste": "Bes esu johd un donn et koppeere un enfööje",
@ -9,14 +9,14 @@
"pad.toolbar.bold.title": "Treknrakstā (CTRL + B)",
"pad.toolbar.italic.title": "Slīpraksta (Ctrl-es)",
"pad.toolbar.underline.title": "Pasvītrojuma (CTRL + U)",
"pad.toolbar.strikethrough.title": "Pārsvītrojums",
"pad.toolbar.ol.title": "Sakārtots saraksts",
"pad.toolbar.ul.title": "Nesakārtots saraksts",
"pad.toolbar.indent.title": "Atkāpe",
"pad.toolbar.unindent.title": "Izkāpe",
"pad.toolbar.strikethrough.title": "Pārsvītrojums (Ctrl+5)",
"pad.toolbar.ol.title": "Sakārtots saraksts (Ctrl+Shift+N)",
"pad.toolbar.ul.title": "Nesakārtots saraksts (Ctrl+Shift+L)",
"pad.toolbar.indent.title": "Atkāpe (TAB)",
"pad.toolbar.unindent.title": "Izkāpe (Shift+TAB)",
"pad.toolbar.undo.title": "Atsaukt (CTRL + Z)",
"pad.toolbar.redo.title": "Atcelt atsaukšanu (CTRL + Y)",
"pad.toolbar.clearAuthorship.title": "Notīrit autoru krāsas",
"pad.toolbar.clearAuthorship.title": "Notīrit autoru krāsas (Ctrl+Shift+C)",
"pad.toolbar.import_export.title": "Importēšanas/eksportēšanas no un uz citu failu formātiem",
"pad.toolbar.savedRevision.title": "Saglabāt pārskatīšanu",
"pad.toolbar.settings.title": "Iestatījumi",
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
"pad.importExport.exportword": "Programma Microsoft Word",
"pad.importExport.exportpdf": "PDF",
"pad.importExport.exportopen": "ODF (Open dokumenta formāts)",
"pad.modals.connected": "Pievienojies.",
"pad.modals.userdup": "Atvērts citā logā",
"pad.modals.unauth": "Nav atļauts",
"pad.modals.looping.explanation": "Pastāv sakaru problēmas ar sinhronizācijas servera.",
@ -55,7 +56,7 @@
"pad.modals.deleted": "Dzēsts",
"pad.modals.disconnected": "Jūs esat atvienots.",
"pad.modals.disconnected.explanation": "Tika zaudēts savienojums ar serveri",
"pad.modals.disconnected.cause": "Iespējams, ka serveris nav pieejams. Lūgums paziņot mums, ja tas turpina notikt.",
"pad.modals.disconnected.cause": "Iespējams, ka serveris nav pieejams. Lūgums paziņot pakalpojuma administratoram, ja tas turpina notikt.",
"pad.share": "Koplietot šo pad",
"pad.share.readonly": "Tikai lasāms",
"": "Saite",
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
"pad.settings.padSettings": "Поставки на тетратката",
"pad.settings.myView": "Мој поглед",
"pad.settings.stickychat": "Разговорите секогаш на екранот",
"pad.settings.chatandusers": "Прикажи разговор и корисници",
"pad.settings.colorcheck": "Авторски бои",
"pad.settings.linenocheck": "Броеви на редовите",
"pad.settings.rtlcheck": "Содржините да се читаат од десно на лево?",
@ -107,6 +108,7 @@
"timeslider.month.december": "декември",
"timeslider.unnamedauthors": "{{num}} {[plural(num) one: неименуван автор, other: неименувани автори ]}",
"pad.savedrevs.marked": "Оваа преработка сега е означена како зачувана",
"pad.savedrevs.timeslider": "Можете да ги погледате зачуваните преработки посетувајќи го времеследниот лизгач",
"pad.userlist.entername": "Внесете го вашето име",
"pad.userlist.unnamed": "без име",
"pad.userlist.guest": "Гостин",
@ -28,12 +28,14 @@
"": "Opslaan",
"pad.colorpicker.cancel": "Annuleren",
"pad.loading": "Bezig met laden…",
"pad.noCookie": "Er kon geen cookie gevonden worden. Zorg ervoor dat uw browser cookies accepteert.",
"pad.passwordRequired": "U hebt een wachtwoord nodig om toegang te krijgen tot deze pad",
"pad.permissionDenied": "U hebt geen rechten om deze pad te bekijken",
"pad.wrongPassword": "U hebt een onjuist wachtwoord ingevoerd",
"pad.settings.padSettings": "Padinstellingen",
"pad.settings.myView": "Mijn overzicht",
"pad.settings.stickychat": "Chat altijd zichtbaar",
"pad.settings.chatandusers": "Chat en gebruikers weergeven",
"pad.settings.colorcheck": "Kleuren auteurs",
"pad.settings.linenocheck": "Regelnummers",
"pad.settings.rtlcheck": "Inhoud van rechts naar links lezen?",
@ -46,6 +48,7 @@
"pad.importExport.import": "Upload een tekstbestand of document",
"pad.importExport.importSuccessful": "Afgerond",
"pad.importExport.export": "Huidige pad exporteren als",
"pad.importExport.exportetherpad": "Etherpad",
"pad.importExport.exporthtml": "HTML",
"pad.importExport.exportplain": "Tekst zonder opmaak",
"pad.importExport.exportword": "Microsoft Word",
@ -106,6 +109,7 @@
"timeslider.month.december": "december",
"timeslider.unnamedauthors": "{{num}} onbekende {[plural(num) one: auteur, other: auteurs ]}",
"pad.savedrevs.marked": "Deze versie is nu gemarkeerd als opgeslagen versie",
"pad.savedrevs.timeslider": "U kunt opgeslagen versies bekijken via de tijdschuiver.",
"pad.userlist.entername": "Geef uw naam op",
"pad.userlist.unnamed": "zonder naam",
"pad.userlist.guest": "Gast",
@ -116,6 +120,7 @@
"pad.impexp.importing": "Bezig met importeren…",
"pad.impexp.confirmimport": "Door een bestand te importeren overschrijft u de huidige tekst van de pad. Wilt u echt doorgaan?",
"pad.impexp.convertFailed": "Het was niet mogelijk dit bestand te importeren. Gebruik een andere documentopmaak of kopieer en plak de inhoud handmatig",
"pad.impexp.padHasData": "Het was niet mogelijk dit bestand te importeren omdat er al wijzigingen aan de etherpad zijn gemaakt. Importeer naar een nieuwe etherpad.",
"pad.impexp.uploadFailed": "Het uploaden is mislukt. Probeer het opnieuw",
"pad.impexp.importfailed": "Importeren is mislukt",
"pad.impexp.copypaste": "Gebruik kopiëren en plakken",
@ -9,14 +9,14 @@
"pad.toolbar.bold.title": "Gras (Ctrl-B)",
"pad.toolbar.italic.title": "Italica (Ctrl-I)",
"pad.toolbar.underline.title": "Soslinhat (Ctrl-U)",
"pad.toolbar.strikethrough.title": "Raiat",
"pad.toolbar.ol.title": "Lista ordenada",
"pad.toolbar.ul.title": "Lista amb de piuses",
"pad.toolbar.strikethrough.title": "Raiat (Ctrl+5)",
"pad.toolbar.ol.title": "Lista ordenada (Ctrl+Shift+N)",
"pad.toolbar.ul.title": "Lista pas ordenada (Ctrl+Shift+L)",
"pad.toolbar.indent.title": "Indentar (TAB)",
"pad.toolbar.unindent.title": "Desindentar (Maj+TAB)",
"pad.toolbar.undo.title": "Anullar (Ctrl-Z)",
"pad.toolbar.redo.title": "Restablir (Ctrl-Y)",
"pad.toolbar.clearAuthorship.title": "Escafar las colors qu'identifican los autors",
"pad.toolbar.clearAuthorship.title": "Escafar las colors qu'identifican los autors (Ctrl+Shift+C)",
"pad.toolbar.import_export.title": "Importar/Exportar de/cap a un format de fichièr diferent",
"pad.toolbar.timeslider.title": "Istoric dinamic",
"pad.toolbar.savedRevision.title": "Enregistrar la revision",
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
"": "Enregistrar",
"pad.colorpicker.cancel": "Anullar",
"pad.loading": "Cargament...",
"pad.noCookie": "Lo cookie a pas pogut èsser trobat. Autorizatz los cookies dins vòstre navigador !",
"pad.passwordRequired": "Avètz besonh d'un senhal per accedir a aqueste Pad",
"pad.permissionDenied": "Vos es pas permés d’accedir a aqueste Pad.",
"pad.wrongPassword": "Senhal incorrècte",
@ -44,6 +45,7 @@
"pad.importExport.import": "Cargar un tèxte o un document",
"pad.importExport.importSuccessful": "Capitat !",
"pad.importExport.export": "Exportar lo Pad actual coma :",
"pad.importExport.exportetherpad": "Etherpad",
"pad.importExport.exporthtml": "HTML",
"pad.importExport.exportplain": "Tèxte brut",
"pad.importExport.exportword": "Microsoft Word",
@ -114,6 +116,7 @@
"pad.impexp.importing": "Impòrt en cors...",
"pad.impexp.confirmimport": "Importar un fichièr espotirà lo tèxte actual del blòt. Sètz segur que lo volètz far ?",
"pad.impexp.convertFailed": "Podèm pas importar aqueste fichièr. Utilizatz un autre format de document o fasètz un copiar/pegar manual",
"pad.impexp.padHasData": "Avèm pas pogut importar aqueste fichièr perque aqueste blòt a ja agut de modificacions ; importatz cap a un blòt novèl",
"pad.impexp.uploadFailed": "Lo telecargament a fracassat, reensajatz",
"pad.impexp.importfailed": "Fracàs de l'importacion",
"pad.impexp.copypaste": "Copiatz/pegatz",
@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
"Rodrigo codignoli",
"index.newPad": "Nova Nota",
@ -43,6 +44,7 @@
"pad.settings.padSettings": "Configurações da Nota",
"pad.settings.myView": "Minha Visão",
"pad.settings.stickychat": "Conversa sempre visível",
"pad.settings.chatandusers": "Mostrar o chat e os usuários",
"pad.settings.colorcheck": "Cores de autoria",
"pad.settings.linenocheck": "Números de linha",
"pad.settings.rtlcheck": "Ler conteúdo da direita para esquerda?",
@ -116,6 +118,7 @@
"timeslider.month.december": "Dezembro",
"timeslider.unnamedauthors": "{{num}} {[plural(num) one: autor anônimo, other: autores anônimos ]}",
"pad.savedrevs.marked": "Esta revisão foi marcada como salva",
"pad.savedrevs.timeslider": "Pode consultar as revisões salvas visitando a linha do tempo",
"pad.userlist.entername": "Insira o seu nome",
"pad.userlist.unnamed": "Sem título",
"pad.userlist.guest": "Convidado",
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
"pad.importExport.import": "Загрузить любой текстовый файл или документ",
"pad.importExport.importSuccessful": "Успешно!",
"pad.importExport.export": "Экспортировать текущий документ как:",
"pad.importExport.exportetherpad": "Etherpad",
"pad.importExport.exporthtml": "HTML",
"pad.importExport.exportplain": "Обычный текст",
"pad.importExport.exportword": "Microsoft Word",
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Милан Јелисавчић"
"index.newPad": "Нови Пад",
"pad.toolbar.bold.title": "Подебљано (Ctrl-B)",
"pad.toolbar.italic.title": "Искошено (Ctrl-I)",
"pad.toolbar.underline.title": "Подвучено (Ctrl-U)",
"pad.toolbar.strikethrough.title": "Прецртано",
"pad.toolbar.ol.title": "Уређен списак",
"pad.toolbar.ul.title": "Неуређен списак",
"pad.toolbar.indent.title": "Увлачење (TAB)",
"pad.toolbar.undo.title": "Опозови (Ctrl+Z)",
"pad.toolbar.settings.title": "Подешавања",
"": "Сачувај",
"pad.colorpicker.cancel": "Откажи",
"pad.loading": "Учитавање...",
"pad.wrongPassword": "Ваша лозинка није исправна",
"pad.settings.myView": "Мој приказ",
"pad.settings.fontType": "Врста фонта:",
"pad.settings.fontType.normal": "Нормално",
"pad.settings.fontType.monospaced": "Monospace",
"pad.settings.globalView": "Глобални приказ",
"pad.settings.language": "Језик:",
"pad.importExport.import_export": "Увоз/извоз",
"pad.importExport.import": "Отпремите било коју текстуалну датотеку или документ",
"pad.importExport.importSuccessful": "Успело!",
"pad.importExport.exporthtml": "HTML",
"pad.importExport.exportplain": "чист текст",
"pad.importExport.exportpdf": "PDF",
"pad.modals.connected": "Повезано.",
"pad.modals.slowcommit.explanation": "Сервер не одговара.",
"pad.modals.deleted": "Обрисано.",
"pad.share": "Дели овај пад",
"pad.share.readonly": "Само за читање",
"": "Веза",
"": "Ћаскање",
"": "Отворите ћаскање за овај пад.",
"": "Учитајте више порука.",
"timeslider.month.january": "јануар",
"timeslider.month.february": "фебруар",
"timeslider.month.march": "март",
"timeslider.month.april": "април",
"timeslider.month.may": "мај",
"timeslider.month.june": "јун",
"timeslider.month.july": "јул",
"timeslider.month.august": "август",
"timeslider.month.september": "септембар",
"timeslider.month.october": "октобар",
"timeslider.month.november": "новембар",
"timeslider.month.december": "децембар",
"pad.userlist.approve": "одобрено",
"pad.impexp.importbutton": "Увези одмах",
"pad.impexp.importing": "Увожење..."
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
"pad.settings.padSettings": "Blockinställningar",
"pad.settings.myView": "Min vy",
"pad.settings.stickychat": "Chatten alltid på skärmen",
"pad.settings.chatandusers": "Visa chatt och användare",
"pad.settings.colorcheck": "Författarskapsfärger",
"pad.settings.linenocheck": "Radnummer",
"pad.settings.rtlcheck": "Vill du läsa innehållet från höger till vänster?",
@ -108,6 +109,7 @@
"timeslider.month.december": "december",
"timeslider.unnamedauthors": "{{num}} {[plural(num) one: namnlös författare, other: namnlösa författare]}",
"pad.savedrevs.marked": "Denna version är nu markerad som en sparad version",
"pad.savedrevs.timeslider": "Du kan se sparade versioner med tidsreglaget",
"pad.userlist.entername": "Ange ditt namn",
"pad.userlist.unnamed": "namnlös",
"pad.userlist.guest": "Gäst",
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
"": "Kaydet",
"pad.colorpicker.cancel": "İptal",
"pad.loading": "Yükleniyor...",
"pad.noCookie": "Çerez bulunamadı. Lütfen tarayıcınızda çerezlere izin veriniz!",
"pad.passwordRequired": "Bu bloknota erişebilmeniz için parolaya ihtiyacınız var",
"pad.permissionDenied": "Bu bloknota erişmeye izniniz yok",
"pad.wrongPassword": "Parolanız yanlış",
@ -48,6 +49,7 @@
"pad.importExport.import": "Herhangi bir metin dosyası ya da belgesi yükle",
"pad.importExport.importSuccessful": "Başarılı!",
"pad.importExport.export": "Mevcut bloknotu şu olarak dışa aktar:",
"pad.importExport.exportetherpad": "Etherpad",
"pad.importExport.exporthtml": "HTML",
"pad.importExport.exportplain": "Düz metin",
"pad.importExport.exportword": "Microsoft Word",
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
"pad.settings.padSettings": "记事本设置",
"pad.settings.myView": "我的视窗",
"pad.settings.stickychat": "总是显示聊天屏幕",
"pad.settings.chatandusers": "显示聊天和用户",
"pad.settings.colorcheck": "作者颜色",
"pad.settings.linenocheck": "行号",
"pad.settings.rtlcheck": "从右到左阅读内容吗?",
@ -100,9 +101,9 @@
"timeslider.exportCurrent": "当前版本导出为:",
"timeslider.version": "版本 {{version}}",
"timeslider.saved": "在{{year}}年{{month}}{{day}}日保存",
"timeslider.dateformat": "{{year}}年{{month}}{{day}}日 {{hours}}时:{{minutes}}分:{{seconds}}秒",
"timeslider.month.january": "一月",
"timeslider.month.february": "二月",
"timeslider.dateformat": "{{year}}年{{month}}月{{day}}日 {{hours}}时:{{minutes}}分:{{seconds}}秒",
"timeslider.month.january": "1月",
"timeslider.month.february": "2月",
"timeslider.month.march": "三月",
"timeslider.month.april": "四月",
"timeslider.month.may": "五月",
@ -115,6 +116,7 @@
"timeslider.month.december": "十二月",
"timeslider.unnamedauthors": "{{num}}个匿名作者",
"pad.savedrevs.marked": "这一修订现在被标记为已保存的修订版本",
"pad.savedrevs.timeslider": "您可以使用时间滑块查阅已保存的版本",
"pad.userlist.entername": "输入您的姓名",
"pad.userlist.unnamed": "匿名",
"pad.userlist.guest": "访客",
@ -517,6 +517,117 @@ exports.getRevisionsCount = function(padID, callback)
getSavedRevisionsCount(padID) returns the number of saved revisions of this pad
Example returns:
{code: 0, message:"ok", data: {savedRevisions: 42}}
{code: 1, message:"padID does not exist", data: null}
exports.getSavedRevisionsCount = function(padID, callback)
//get the pad
getPadSafe(padID, true, function(err, pad)
if(ERR(err, callback)) return;
callback(null, {savedRevisions: pad.getSavedRevisionsNumber()});
listSavedRevisions(padID) returns the list of saved revisions of this pad
Example returns:
{code: 0, message:"ok", data: {savedRevisions: [2, 42, 1337]}}
{code: 1, message:"padID does not exist", data: null}
exports.listSavedRevisions = function(padID, callback)
//get the pad
getPadSafe(padID, true, function(err, pad)
if(ERR(err, callback)) return;
callback(null, {savedRevisions: pad.getSavedRevisionsList()});
saveRevision(padID) returns the list of saved revisions of this pad
Example returns:
{code: 0, message:"ok", data: null}
{code: 1, message:"padID does not exist", data: null}
exports.saveRevision = function(padID, rev, callback)
//check if rev is set
if(typeof rev == "function")
callback = rev;
rev = undefined;
//check if rev is a number
if(rev !== undefined && typeof rev != "number")
//try to parse the number
rev = parseInt(rev);
callback(new customError("rev is not a number", "apierror"));
//ensure this is not a negativ number
if(rev !== undefined && rev < 0)
callback(new customError("rev is a negativ number","apierror"));
//ensure this is not a float value
if(rev !== undefined && !is_int(rev))
callback(new customError("rev is a float value","apierror"));
//get the pad
getPadSafe(padID, true, function(err, pad)
if(ERR(err, callback)) return;
//the client asked for a special revision
if(rev !== undefined)
//check if this is a valid revision
if(rev > pad.getHeadRevisionNumber())
callback(new customError("rev is higher than the head revision of the pad","apierror"));
} else {
rev = pad.getHeadRevisionNumber();
authorManager.createAuthor('API', function(err, author) {
if(ERR(err, callback)) return;
pad.addSavedRevision(rev, author.authorID, 'Saved through API call');
getLastEdited(padID) returns the timestamp of the last revision of the pad
@ -54,6 +54,21 @@ Pad.prototype.getHeadRevisionNumber = function getHeadRevisionNumber() {
return this.head;
Pad.prototype.getSavedRevisionsNumber = function getSavedRevisionsNumber() {
return this.savedRevisions.length;
Pad.prototype.getSavedRevisionsList = function getSavedRevisionsList() {
var savedRev = new Array();
for(var rev in this.savedRevisions){
savedRev.sort(function(a, b) {
return a - b;
return savedRev;
Pad.prototype.getPublicStatus = function getPublicStatus() {
return this.publicStatus;
@ -368,6 +368,9 @@ var version =
, "setHTML" : ["padID", "html"]
, "getAttributePool" : ["padID"]
, "getRevisionsCount" : ["padID"]
, "getSavedRevisionsCount" : ["padID"]
, "listSavedRevisions" : ["padID"]
, "saveRevision" : ["padID", "rev"]
, "getRevisionChangeset" : ["padID", "rev"]
, "getLastEdited" : ["padID"]
, "deletePad" : ["padID"]
@ -10,24 +10,9 @@ var server;
var serverName;
exports.createServer = function () {
//try to get the git version
var version = "";
var rootPath = path.resolve(npm.dir, '..');
var ref = fs.readFileSync(rootPath + "/.git/HEAD", "utf-8");
var refPath = rootPath + "/.git/" + ref.substring(5, ref.indexOf("\n"));
version = fs.readFileSync(refPath, "utf-8");
version = version.substring(0, 7);
console.log("Your Etherpad git version is " + version);
console.warn("Can't get git version for server header\n" + e.message)
console.log("Report bugs at")
serverName = "Etherpad " + version + " (";
serverName = "Etherpad " + settings.getGitCommit() + " (";
@ -38,7 +23,6 @@ exports.createServer = function () {
console.warn("Admin username and password not set in settings.json. To access admin please uncomment and edit 'users' in settings.json");
exports.restartServer = function () {
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
var eejs = require('ep_etherpad-lite/node/eejs');
var settings = require('ep_etherpad-lite/node/utils/Settings');
var installer = require('ep_etherpad-lite/static/js/pluginfw/installer');
var plugins = require('ep_etherpad-lite/static/js/pluginfw/plugins');
var _ = require('underscore');
@ -15,7 +16,8 @@ exports.expressCreateServer = function (hook_name, args, cb) {
res.send( eejs.require("ep_etherpad-lite/templates/admin/plugins.html", render_args) );
||||'/admin/plugins/info', function(req, res) {
res.send( eejs.require("ep_etherpad-lite/templates/admin/plugins-info.html", {}) );
var gitCommit = settings.getGitCommit();
res.send( eejs.require("ep_etherpad-lite/templates/admin/plugins-info.html", {gitCommit:gitCommit}) );
@ -23,8 +23,12 @@ exports.expressCreateServer = function (hook_name, args, cb) {
io.use(function(socket, accept) {
var data = socket.request;
if (!data.headers.cookie) return accept('No session cookie transmitted.', false);
// Use a setting if we want to allow load Testing
if(!data.headers.cookie && settings.loadTest){
accept(null, true);
if (!data.headers.cookie) return accept('No session cookie transmitted.', false);
// Use connect's cookie parser, because it knows how to parse signed cookies
connect.cookieParser(webaccess.secret)(data, {}, function(err){
if(err) {
@ -23,9 +23,19 @@ exports.getPadRaw = function(padId, callback){
// Get the Pad available content keys
db.findKeys("pad:"+padId+"*", null, function(err,records){
// Get the Pad
db.findKeys("pad:"+padId, null, function(err,padcontent){
cb(err, padcontent);
// Get the Pad available content keys
db.findKeys("pad:"+padId+":*", null, function(err,records){
for (var key in padcontent) { records.push(padcontent[key]);}
cb(err, records);
@ -48,7 +58,7 @@ exports.getPadRaw = function(padId, callback){
// Get the author info
db.get("globalAuthor:"+authorId, function(e, authorEntry){
authorEntry.padIDs = padId;
if(authorEntry && authorEntry.padIDs) authorEntry.padIDs = padId;
if(!e) data["globalAuthor:"+authorId] = authorEntry;
@ -21,9 +21,22 @@ var db = require("../db/DB").db;
exports.setPadRaw = function(padId, records, callback){
records = JSON.parse(records);
// !! HACK !!
// If you have a really large pad it will cause a Maximum Range Stack crash
// This is a temporary patch for that so things are kept stable.
var recordCount = Object.keys(records).length;
if(recordCount >= 50000){
console.warn("Etherpad file is too large to import.. We need to fix this. See");
return callback("tooLarge", false);
async.eachSeries(Object.keys(records), function(key, cb){
var value = records[key]
cb(); // null values are bad.
// Author data
// rewrite author pad ids
@ -34,7 +47,9 @@ exports.setPadRaw = function(padId, records, callback){
db.get(key, function(err, author){
// Yes, add the padID to the author..
if( === '[object Array]'){
value = author;
// No, create a new array with the author info in
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ var ERR = require("async-stacktrace");
var settings = require('./Settings');
var async = require('async');
var fs = require('fs');
var cleanCSS = require('clean-css');
var CleanCSS = require('clean-css');
var jsp = require("uglify-js").parser;
var pro = require("uglify-js").uglify;
var path = require('path');
@ -410,7 +410,8 @@ function compressJS(values)
function compressCSS(values)
var complete = values.join("\n");
return cleanCSS.process(complete);
var minimized = new CleanCSS().minify(complete).styles;
return minimized;
exports.minify = minify;
@ -144,6 +144,11 @@ exports.loglevel = "INFO";
exports.disableIPlogging = false;
* Disable Load Testing
exports.loadTest = false;
* log4js appender configuration
@ -179,6 +184,25 @@ exports.abiwordAvailable = function()
// Provide git version if available
exports.getGitCommit = function() {
var version = "";
var rootPath = path.resolve(npm.dir, '..');
var ref = fs.readFileSync(rootPath + "/.git/HEAD", "utf-8");
var refPath = rootPath + "/.git/" + ref.substring(5, ref.indexOf("\n"));
version = fs.readFileSync(refPath, "utf-8");
version = version.substring(0, 7);
console.log("Your Etherpad git version is " + version);
console.warn("Can't get git version for server header\n" + e.message)
return version;
exports.reloadSettings = function reloadSettings() {
// Discover where the settings file lives
var settingsFilename = argv.settings || "settings.json";
@ -261,3 +285,5 @@ exports.reloadSettings = function reloadSettings() {
// initially load settings
@ -101,8 +101,12 @@ PadDiff.prototype._createClearStartAtext = function(rev, callback){
return callback(err);
try {
//apply the clearAuthorship changeset
var newAText = Changeset.applyToAText(changeset, atext, self._pad.pool);
} catch(err) {
return callback(err)
callback(null, newAText);
@ -209,10 +213,14 @@ PadDiff.prototype._createDiffAtext = function(callback) {
var deletionChangeset = self._createDeletionChangeset(superChangeset,atext,self._pad.pool);
//apply the superChangeset, which includes all addings
atext = Changeset.applyToAText(superChangeset,atext,self._pad.pool);
//apply the deletionChangeset, which adds a deletions
atext = Changeset.applyToAText(deletionChangeset,atext,self._pad.pool);
try {
//apply the superChangeset, which includes all addings
atext = Changeset.applyToAText(superChangeset,atext,self._pad.pool);
//apply the deletionChangeset, which adds a deletions
atext = Changeset.applyToAText(deletionChangeset,atext,self._pad.pool);
} catch(err) {
return callback(err)
callback(err, atext);
@ -13,22 +13,21 @@
"dependencies" : {
"etherpad-yajsml" : "0.0.2",
"request" : "2.51.0",
"etherpad-require-kernel" : "1.0.7",
"resolve" : "1.0.0",
"" : "1.3.2",
"ueberDB" : "0.2.11",
"request" : "2.53.0",
"etherpad-require-kernel" : "1.0.8",
"resolve" : "1.1.0",
"" : "1.3.3",
"ueberDB" : "0.2.13",
"express" : "3.8.1",
"async" : "0.9.0",
"connect" : "2.7.11",
"clean-css" : "0.3.2",
"clean-css" : "3.0.8",
"uglify-js" : "2.4.16",
"formidable" : "1.0.16",
"log4js" : "0.6.22",
"nodemailer" : "0.3.44",
"cheerio" : "0.18.0",
"async-stacktrace" : "0.0.2",
"npm" : "2.2.0",
"npm" : "2.4.1",
"ejs" : "1.0.0",
"graceful-fs" : "3.0.5",
"slide" : "1.1.6",
@ -41,13 +40,13 @@
"swagger-node-express" : "2.1.3",
"channels" : "0.0.4",
"jsonminify" : "0.2.3",
"measured" : "0.1.6",
"measured" : "1.0.0",
"mocha" : "2.1.0",
"supertest" : "0.15.0"
"bin": { "etherpad-lite": "./node/server.js" },
"devDependencies": {
"wd" : "0.0.31"
"wd" : "0.3.11"
"engines" : { "node" : ">=0.6.3",
"npm" : ">=1.0"
@ -55,5 +54,5 @@
"repository" : { "type" : "git",
"url" : ""
"version" : "1.5.1"
"version" : "1.5.2"
@ -11,7 +11,10 @@ span { cursor: auto; }
background: #acf;
a { cursor: pointer !important; }
a {
cursor: pointer !important;
ul, ol, li {
padding: 0;
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ li[data-key=showusers] > a #online_count {
border-radius: 5px;
#myusernameform {
margin-left: 35px
margin-left: 30px
#myusernameedit {
font-size: 1.3em;
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ li[data-key=showusers] > a #online_count {
height: 18px;
margin: 0;
border: 0;
width: 117px;
width: 122px;
background: transparent;
#myusernameform input.editable {
@ -897,7 +897,7 @@ input[type=checkbox] {
#users {
position: absolute;
top: 36px;
top: 38px;
right: 20px;
display: none;
z-index: 500;
@ -919,7 +919,8 @@ input[type=checkbox] {
right:0px !important;
border-radius:0px !important;
width:182px !important;
margin:2px 0 0 0 !important;
/* Below makes UI look weird when X makes editbar flow onto two lines */
/* margin:2px 0 0 0 !important;*/
border: none !important;
border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc !important;
height:155px !important;
@ -935,9 +936,8 @@ input[type=checkbox] {
bottom:0px !important;
padding:0 !important;
margin:0 !important;
margin: 165px 0px 0px 0px;
right:0 !important;
top: 200px !important;
width:182px !important;
border: none !important;
padding:5px !important;
@ -1014,12 +1014,16 @@ input[type=checkbox] {
top: 72px !important;
/* Mobile devices */
@media only screen and (min-device-width: 320px) and (max-device-width: 720px) {
#users {
top: auto;
right:0px !important;
bottom: 33px;
border-radius: 0px !important;
height: 55px !important;
overflow: auto;
#mycolorpicker {
left: -73px;
@ -1099,7 +1103,8 @@ input[type=checkbox] {
bottom:33px !important;
margin: 65px 0 0 0;
bottom:43px !important;
@ -507,6 +507,7 @@ exports.opAssembler = function () {
exports.stringIterator = function (str) {
var curIndex = 0;
// newLines is the number of \n between curIndex and str.length
var newLines = str.split("\n").length - 1
function getnewLines(){
return newLines
@ -909,42 +910,43 @@ exports.pack = function (oldLen, newLen, opsStr, bank) {
* @params str {string} String to which a Changeset should be applied
exports.applyToText = function (cs, str) {
var totalNrOfLines = str.split("\n").length;
var removedLines = 0;
var unpacked = exports.unpack(cs);
exports.assert(str.length == unpacked.oldLen, "mismatched apply: ", str.length, " / ", unpacked.oldLen);
var csIter = exports.opIterator(unpacked.ops);
var bankIter = exports.stringIterator(unpacked.charBank);
var strIter = exports.stringIterator(str);
var newlines = 0
var newlinefail = false
var assem = exports.stringAssembler();
while (csIter.hasNext()) {
var op =;
switch (op.opcode) {
case '+':
//op is + and op.lines 0: no newlines must be in op.chars
//op is + and op.lines >0: op.chars must include op.lines newlines
if(op.lines != bankIter.peek(op.chars).split("\n").length - 1){
throw new Error("newline count is wrong in op +; cs:"+cs+" and text:"+str);
case '-':
removedLines += op.lines;
newlines = strIter.newlines()
if(!(newlines - strIter.newlines() == 0) && (newlines - strIter.newlines() != op.lines)){
newlinefail = true
//op is - and op.lines 0: no newlines must be in the deleted string
//op is - and op.lines >0: op.lines newlines must be in the deleted string
if(op.lines != strIter.peek(op.chars).split("\n").length - 1){
throw new Error("newline count is wrong in op -; cs:"+cs+" and text:"+str);
case '=':
newlines = strIter.newlines()
if(!(newlines - strIter.newlines() == op.lines)){
newlinefail = true
//op is = and op.lines 0: no newlines must be in the copied string
//op is = and op.lines >0: op.lines newlines must be in the copied string
if(op.lines != strIter.peek(op.chars).split("\n").length - 1){
throw new Error("newline count is wrong in op =; cs:"+cs+" and text:"+str);
exports.assert(totalNrOfLines >= removedLines,"cannot remove ", removedLines, " lines from text with ", totalNrOfLines, " lines");
return [assem.toString(),newlinefail];
return assem.toString();
@ -1236,7 +1238,7 @@ exports.mutateAttributionLines = function (cs, lines, pool) {
exports.assert(!lineAssem, "line assembler not finished");
exports.assert(!lineAssem, "line assembler not finished:"+cs);
//dmesg("-> "+lines.toSource());
@ -1615,12 +1617,8 @@ exports.makeAText = function (text, attribs) {
* @param pool {AttribPool} Attribute Pool to add to
exports.applyToAText = function (cs, atext, pool) {
var text = exports.applyToText(cs, atext.text)
throw new Error()
return {
text: text[0],
text: exports.applyToText(cs, atext.text),
attribs: exports.applyToAttribution(cs, atext.attribs, pool)
@ -3313,6 +3313,15 @@ function Ace2Inner(){
return [rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(lineRange[0]), rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(lineRange[1])];
function handleCut(evt)
inCallStackIfNecessary("handleCut", function()
return true;
function handleClick(evt)
inCallStackIfNecessary("handleClick", function()
@ -4854,6 +4863,7 @@ function Ace2Inner(){
$(document).on("keypress", handleKeyEvent);
$(document).on("keyup", handleKeyEvent);
$(document).on("click", handleClick);
$(document).on("cut", handleCut);
$(root).on("blur", handleBlur);
if (browser.msie)
@ -57,14 +57,18 @@ var chat = (function()
chatAndUsers: function(fromInitialCall)
if(!userAndChat || fromInitialCall){
var toEnable = $('#options-chatandusers').is(":checked");
if(toEnable || !userAndChat || fromInitialCall){
padcookie.setPref("chatAndUsers", true);
$('#options-stickychat').prop('checked', true)
$('#options-chatandusers').prop('checked', true)
$('#options-stickychat').prop("disabled", "disabled");
// redraw
userAndChat = true;
padcookie.setPref("chatAndUsers", false);
$('#options-stickychat').prop("disabled", false);
@ -91,7 +95,9 @@ var chat = (function()
if($('#chatbox').css("display") != "none"){
if(!self.lastMessage || !self.lastMessage.position() || self.lastMessage.position().top < $('#chattext').height()) {
$('#chattext').animate({scrollTop: $('#chattext')[0].scrollHeight}, "slow");
// if we use a slow animate here we can have a race condition when a users focus can not be moved away
// from the last message recieved.
$('#chattext').animate({scrollTop: $('#chattext')[0].scrollHeight}, { duration: 400, queue: false });
self.lastMessage = $('#chattext > p').eq(-1);
@ -87,6 +87,10 @@ function makeContentCollector(collectStyles, abrowser, apool, domInterface, clas
"li": 1
_.each(hooks.callAll('ccRegisterBlockElements'), function(element){
_blockElems[element] = 1;
function isBlockElement(n)
return !!_blockElems[(dom.nodeTagName(n) || "").toLowerCase()];
@ -320,7 +324,6 @@ function makeContentCollector(collectStyles, abrowser, apool, domInterface, clas
return [key, value];
lines.appendText('*', Changeset.makeAttribsString('+', attributes , apool));
cc.startNewLine = function(state)
@ -458,8 +461,23 @@ function makeContentCollector(collectStyles, abrowser, apool, domInterface, clas
var tname = (dom.nodeTagName(node) || "").toLowerCase();
if (tname == "img"){
var collectContentImage = hooks.callAll('collectContentImage', {
cc: cc,
state: state,
tname: tname,
styl: styl,
cls: cls,
node: node
// THIS SEEMS VERY HACKY! -- Please submit a better fix!
delete state.lineAttributes.img
if (tname == "br")
this.breakLine = true;
var tvalue = dom.nodeAttr(node, 'value');
var induceLineBreak = hooks.callAll('collectContentLineBreak', {
@ -483,7 +501,6 @@ function makeContentCollector(collectStyles, abrowser, apool, domInterface, clas
var styl = dom.nodeAttr(node, "style");
var cls = dom.nodeProp(node, "className");
var isPre = (tname == "pre");
if ((!isPre) && abrowser.safari)
@ -186,9 +186,26 @@ var padeditbar = (function()
$('#editbar').css("height", editbarHeight);
$('#editorcontainer').css("top", containerTop);
// make sure pop ups are in the right place
$('.popup').css("top", $('#editorcontainer').offset().top + "px");
// If sticky chat is enabled..
$('#chatbox').css("top", $('#editorcontainer').offset().top + "px");
$('#chatbox').css("top", $('#editorcontainer').offset().top + "px");
// If chat and Users is enabled..
$('#users').css("top", $('#editorcontainer').offset().top + "px");
registerDropdownCommand: function (cmd, dropdown) {
dropdown = dropdown || cmd;
@ -188,7 +188,8 @@ var padimpexp = (function()
pad = _pad;
//get /p/padname
var pad_root_path = new RegExp(/.*\/p\/[^\/]+/).exec(document.location.pathname);
// if /p/ isn't available due to a rewrite we use the clientVars padId
var pad_root_path = new RegExp(/.*\/p\/[^\/]+/).exec(document.location.pathname) || clientVars.padId;
//get without Params
var pad_root_url = document.location.protocol + '//' + + document.location.pathname;
@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
<div class="innerwrapper">
<h2>Etherpad Git Commit</h2>
<p><a href='<%= gitCommit %>'><%= gitCommit %></a></p>
<h2>Installed plugins</h2>
<pre><%- plugins.formatPlugins().replace(", ","\n") %></pre>
@ -48,33 +48,38 @@ describe('Permission', function(){
-> deletePad -- This gives us a guaranteed clear environment
-> createPad
-> getRevisions -- Should be 0
-> getHTML -- Should be the default pad text in HTML format
-> deletePad -- Should just delete a pad
-> getHTML -- Should return an error
-> createPad(withText)
-> getText -- Should have the text specified above as the pad text
-> setText
-> getText -- Should be the text set before
-> getRevisions -- Should be 0 still?
-> padUsersCount -- Should be 0
-> getReadOnlyId -- Should be a value
-> listAuthorsOfPad(padID) -- should be empty array?
-> getLastEdited(padID) -- Should be when pad was made
-> setText(padId)
-> getLastEdited(padID) -- Should be when setText was performed
-> padUsers(padID) -- Should be when setText was performed
-> setText(padId, "hello world")
-> getSavedRevisionsCount(padID) -- Should be 0
-> listSavedRevisions(padID) -- Should be an empty array
-> getHTML -- Should be the default pad text in HTML format
-> deletePad -- Should just delete a pad
-> getHTML -- Should return an error
-> createPad(withText)
-> getText -- Should have the text specified above as the pad text
-> setText
-> getText -- Should be the text set before
-> getRevisions -- Should be 0 still?
-> saveRevision
-> getSavedRevisionsCount(padID) -- Should be 0 still?
-> listSavedRevisions(padID) -- Should be an empty array still ?
-> padUsersCount -- Should be 0
-> getReadOnlyId -- Should be a value
-> listAuthorsOfPad(padID) -- should be empty array?
-> getLastEdited(padID) -- Should be when pad was made
-> getText(padId) -- Should be "hello world"
-> movePad(padID, newPadId) -- Should provide consistant pad data
-> getText(newPadId) -- Should be "hello world"
-> movePad(newPadID, originalPadId) -- Should provide consistant pad data
-> getText(originalPadId) -- Should be "hello world"
-> getLastEdited(padID) -- Should not be 0
-> setHTML(padID) -- Should fail on invalid HTML
-> setHTML(padID) *3 -- Should fail on invalid HTML
-> getHTML(padID) -- Should return HTML close to posted HTML
-> setText(padId)
-> getLastEdited(padID) -- Should be when setText was performed
-> padUsers(padID) -- Should be when setText was performed
-> setText(padId, "hello world")
-> getLastEdited(padID) -- Should be when pad was made
-> getText(padId) -- Should be "hello world"
-> movePad(padID, newPadId) -- Should provide consistant pad data
-> getText(newPadId) -- Should be "hello world"
-> movePad(newPadID, originalPadId) -- Should provide consistant pad data
-> getText(originalPadId) -- Should be "hello world"
-> getLastEdited(padID) -- Should not be 0
-> setHTML(padID) -- Should fail on invalid HTML
-> setHTML(padID) *3 -- Should fail on invalid HTML
-> getHTML(padID) -- Should return HTML close to posted HTML
@ -109,11 +114,35 @@ describe('getRevisionsCount', function(){
describe('getSavedRevisionsCount', function(){
it('gets saved revisions count of Pad', function(done) {
if(res.body.code !== 0) throw new Error("Unable to get Saved Revisions Count");
if( !== 0) throw new Error("Incorrect Saved Revisions Count");
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect(200, done)
describe('listSavedRevisions', function(){
it('gets saved revision list of Pad', function(done) {
if(res.body.code !== 0) throw new Error("Unable to get Saved Revisions List");
if(![])) throw new Error("Incorrect Saved Revisions List");
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect(200, done)
describe('getHTML', function(){
it('get the HTML of Pad', function(done) {
if( <= 1) throw new Error("Unable to get Revision Count");
if( <= 1) throw new Error("Unable to get the HTML");
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect(200, done)
@ -187,16 +216,50 @@ describe('getText', function(){
describe('getRevisionsCount', function(){
it('gets Revision Coutn of a Pad', function(done) {
it('gets Revision Count of a Pad', function(done) {
if( !== 1) throw new Error("Unable to set text revision count")
if( !== 1) throw new Error("Unable to get text revision count")
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect(200, done)
describe('saveRevision', function(){
it('saves Revision', function(done) {
if(res.body.code !== 0) throw new Error("Unable to save Revision");
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect(200, done)
describe('getSavedRevisionsCount', function(){
it('gets saved revisions count of Pad', function(done) {
if(res.body.code !== 0) throw new Error("Unable to get Saved Revisions Count");
if( !== 1) throw new Error("Incorrect Saved Revisions Count");
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect(200, done)
describe('listSavedRevisions', function(){
it('gets saved revision list of Pad', function(done) {
if(res.body.code !== 0) throw new Error("Unable to get Saved Revisions List");
if(![1])) throw new Error("Incorrect Saved Revisions List");
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect(200, done)
describe('padUsersCount', function(){
it('gets User Count of a Pad', function(done) {
@ -461,3 +524,25 @@ function generateLongText(){
return text;
// Need this to compare arrays (listSavedRevisions test)
Array.prototype.equals = function (array) {
// if the other array is a falsy value, return
if (!array)
return false;
// compare lengths - can save a lot of time
if (this.length != array.length)
return false;
for (var i = 0, l=this.length; i < l; i++) {
// Check if we have nested arrays
if (this[i] instanceof Array && array[i] instanceof Array) {
// recurse into the nested arrays
if (!this[i].equals(array[i]))
return false;
} else if (this[i] != array[i]) {
// Warning - two different object instances will never be equal: {x:20} != {x:20}
return false;
return true;
Reference in New Issue