removed parenModule as it is entirely unused since getCharType() always returns an emtpy string

This commit is contained in:
Matthias Bartelmeß 2012-02-19 12:15:42 +01:00
parent 8031c31bc3
commit 99fb567a3d
1 changed files with 6 additions and 188 deletions

View File

@ -460,11 +460,11 @@ function OUTER(gscope)
if (cs.domClean && cs.type != "setup")
if (cs.isUserChange)
if (cs.repChanged) parenModule.notifyChange();
else parenModule.notifyTick();
// if (cs.isUserChange)
// {
// if (cs.repChanged) parenModule.notifyChange();
// else parenModule.notifyTick();
// }
if (cs.selectionAffected)
@ -570,182 +570,6 @@ function OUTER(gscope)
return module;
var parenModule = (function()
var module = {};
module.notifyTick = function()
module.notifyChange = function()
module.shouldNormalizeOnChar = function(c)
if (
// avoid highlight style from carrying on to typed text
return true;
c = String.fromCharCode(c);
return !!(bracketMap[c]);
var parenFlashRep = {
active: false,
whichChars: null,
whichLineKeys: null,
expireTime: null
var bracketMap = {
'(': 1,
')': -1,
'[': 2,
']': -2,
'{': 3,
'}': -3
var bracketRegex = /[{}\[\]()]/g;
function handleFlashing(docChanged)
function getSearchRange(aroundLoc)
var rng = getVisibleCharRange();
var d = 100; // minimum radius
var e = 3000; // maximum radius;
if (rng[0] > aroundLoc - d) rng[0] = aroundLoc - d;
if (rng[0] < aroundLoc - e) rng[0] = aroundLoc - e;
if (rng[0] < 0) rng[0] = 0;
if (rng[1] < aroundLoc + d) rng[1] = aroundLoc + d;
if (rng[1] > aroundLoc + e) rng[1] = aroundLoc + e;
if (rng[1] > rep.lines.totalWidth()) rng[1] = rep.lines.totalWidth();
return rng;
function findMatchingVisibleBracket(startLoc, forwards)
var rng = getSearchRange(startLoc);
var str = rep.alltext.substring(rng[0], rng[1]);
var bstr = str.replace(bracketRegex, '('); // handy for searching
var loc = startLoc - rng[0];
var bracketState = [];
var foundParen = false;
var goodParen = false;
function nextLoc()
if (loc < 0) return;
if (forwards) loc++;
else loc--;
if (loc < 0 || loc >= str.length) loc = -1;
if (loc >= 0)
if (forwards) loc = bstr.indexOf('(', loc);
else loc = bstr.lastIndexOf('(', loc);
while ((!foundParen) && (loc >= 0))
if (getCharType(loc + rng[0]) == "p")
var b = bracketMap[str.charAt(loc)]; // -1, 1, -2, 2, -3, 3
var into = forwards;
var typ = b;
if (typ < 0)
into = !into;
typ = -typ;
if (into) bracketState.push(typ);
var recent = bracketState.pop();
if (recent != typ)
foundParen = true;
goodParen = false;
else if (bracketState.length == 0)
foundParen = true;
goodParen = true;
if ((!foundParen) && (loc >= 0)) nextLoc();
if (!foundParen) return null;
return {
chr: (loc + rng[0]),
good: goodParen
var r = parenFlashRep;
var charsToHighlight = null;
var linesToUnhighlight = null;
if ( && (docChanged || (now() > r.expireTime)))
linesToUnhighlight = r.whichLineKeys; = false;
if ((! && docChanged && isCaret() && caretColumn() > 0)
var caret = caretDocChar();
if (caret > 0 && getCharType(caret - 1) == "p")
var charBefore = rep.alltext.charAt(caret - 1);
if (bracketMap[charBefore])
var lookForwards = (bracketMap[charBefore] > 0);
var findResult = findMatchingVisibleBracket(caret - 1, lookForwards);
if (findResult)
var mateLoc = findResult.chr;
var mateGood = findResult.good; = true;
charsToHighlight = {};
charsToHighlight[caret - 1] = 'flash';
charsToHighlight[mateLoc] = (mateGood ? 'flash' : 'flashbad');
r.whichLineKeys = [];
r.whichLineKeys.push(getLineKeyForOffset(caret - 1));
r.expireTime = now() + 4000;
newlyActive = true;
if (linesToUnhighlight)
if ( && charsToHighlight)
function f(txt, cls, next, ofst)
var flashClass = charsToHighlight[ofst];
if (cls)
next(txt, cls + " " + flashClass);
else next(txt, cls);
for (var c in charsToHighlight)
recolorLinesInRange((+c), (+c) + 1, null, f);
return module;
function dispose()
disposed = true;
@ -1548,12 +1372,6 @@ function OUTER(gscope)
function getCharType(charIndex)
return '';
var observedChanges;
function clearObservedChanges()
@ -3968,7 +3786,7 @@ function OUTER(gscope)
else if (type == "keypress")
if ((!specialHandled) && parenModule.shouldNormalizeOnChar(charCode))
if ((!specialHandled) && false /*parenModule.shouldNormalizeOnChar(charCode)*/)