Merge remote branch 'ether/develop' into jstranslate
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
# Developer Guidelines
(Please talk to people on the mailing list before you change this page, see our section on [how to get in touch](
## Important note for pull requests
**Pull requests should issued against the develop branch**. We never pull directly into master.
**Our goal is to iterate in small steps. Release often, release early. Evolution instead of a revolution**
## General goals of Etherpad Lite
@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
# Making collaborative editing the standard on the web
# About
Etherpad lite is a really-real time collaborative editor spawned from the Hell fire of Etherpad.
We're reusing the well tested Etherpad easysync library to make it really realtime. Etherpad Lite
is based on node.js ergo is much lighter and more stable than the original Etherpad. Our hope
is that this will encourage more users to use and install a realtime collaborative editor. A smaller, manageable and well
documented codebase makes it easier for developers to improve the code and contribute towards the project.
**Etherpad vs Etherpad lite**
<td> </td><td><b>Etherpad</b></td><td><b>Etherpad Lite</b></td>
<td align="right">Size of the folder (without git history)</td><td>30 MB</td><td>1.5 MB</td>
<td align="right">Languages used server side</td><td>Javascript (Rhino), Java, Scala</td><td>Javascript (node.js)</td>
<td align="right">Lines of server side Javascript code</td><td>~101k</td><td>~9k</td>
<td align="right">RAM Usage immediately after start</td><td>257 MB (grows to ~1GB)</td><td>16 MB (grows to ~30MB)</td>
Etherpad Lite is designed to be easily embeddable and provides a [HTTP API](
that allows your web application to manage pads, users and groups. It is recommended to use the client implementations available for this API, listed on [this wiki page](
There is also a [jQuery plugin]( that helps you to embed Pads into your website
**Visit []( to test it live**
Also, check out the **[FAQ](**, really!
# Installation
## Windows
### Prebuilt windows package
This package works out of the box on any windows machine, but it's not very useful for developing purposes...
1. Download the windows package <>
2. Extract the folder
Now, run `start.bat` and open <http://localhost:9001> in your browser. You like it? [Next steps](#next-steps).
### Fancy install
You'll need [node.js]( and (optionally, though recommended) git.
1. Grab the source, either
- download <>
- or `git clone` (for this you need git, obviously)
2. start `bin\installOnWindows.bat`
Now, run `start.bat` and open <http://localhost:9001> in your browser.
Update to the latest version with `git pull origin`, then run `bin\installOnWindows.bat`, again.
[Next steps](#next-steps).
## Linux
You'll need gzip, git, curl, libssl develop libraries, python and gcc.
*For Debian/Ubuntu*: `apt-get install gzip git-core curl python libssl-dev pkg-config build-essential`
*For Fedora/CentOS*: `yum install gzip git-core curl python openssl-devel && yum groupinstall "Development Tools"`
Additionally, you'll need [node.js]( installed, Ideally the latest stable version, be careful of installing nodejs from apt.
**As any user (we recommend creating a separate user called etherpad-lite):**
1. Move to a folder where you want to install Etherpad Lite. Clone the git repository `git clone git://`
2. Change into the new directory containing the cloned source code `cd etherpad-lite`
Now, run `bin/` and open <> in your browser.
Update to the latest version with `git pull origin`. The next start with bin/ will update the dependencies.
You like it? [Next steps](#next-steps).
# Next Steps
## Tweak the settings
You can modify the settings in `settings.json`. (If you need to handle multiple settings files, you can pass the path to a settings file to `bin/` using the `-s|--settings` option. This allows you to run multiple Etherpad Lite instances from the same installation.)
You should use a dedicated database such as "mysql", if you are planning on using etherpad-lite in a production environment, since the "dirtyDB" database driver is only for testing and/or development purposes.
## Helpful resources
The [wiki]( is your one-stop resource for Tutorials and How-to's, really check it out! Also, feel free to improve these wiki pages.
Documentation can be found in `docs/`.
# Development
## Things you should know
Read this [git guide]( and watch this [video on getting started with Etherpad Lite Development](
If you're new to node.js, start with Ryan Dahl's [Introduction to Node.js](
You can debug Etherpad lite using `bin/`.
If you want to find out how Etherpad's `Easysync` works (the library that makes it really realtime), start with this [PDF]( (complex, but worth reading).
## Getting started
You know all this and just want to know how you can help?
Look at the [TODO list]( and our [Issue tracker]( (Please consider using [jshint](, if you plan to contribute code.)
Also, and most importantly, read our [**Developer Guidelines**](, really!
# Get in touch
Join the [mailinglist]( and make some noise on our freenode irc channel [#etherpad-lite-dev](!
# Modules created for this project
* [ueberDB]( "transforms every database into a object key value store" - manages all database access
* [channels]( "Event channels in node.js" - ensures that ueberDB operations are atomic and in series for each key
* [async-stacktrace]( "Improves node.js stacktraces and makes it easier to handle errors"
# Donate!
* [Flattr] (
* Paypal - Press the donate button on [](
# License
[Apache License v2](
@ -54,3 +54,16 @@ = دردشة
timeslider.toolbar.authors = المؤلفون:
timeslider.toolbar.authorsList = بدون مؤلفين
timeslider.exportCurrent = تصدير النسخة الحالية ك:
timeslider.version = إصدار {{version}}
timeslider.month.january = يناير
timeslider.month.february = فبراير
timeslider.month.march = مارس
timeslider.month.april = أبريل
timeslider.month.may = مايو
timeslider.month.june = يونيو
timeslider.month.july = يوليو
timeslider.month.august = أغسطس
timeslider.month.september = سبتمبر
timeslider.month.october = أكتوبر
timeslider.month.november = نوفمبر
timeslider.month.december = ديسمبر
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ pad.importExport.exportword = Microsoft Word
pad.importExport.exportpdf = PDF
pad.importExport.exportopen = ODF (Open Document Format)
pad.importExport.exportdokuwiki = DokuWiki
pad.importExport.abiword.innerHTML = Sólo se pue importar dende los formatos de testu planu o html. Pa carauterístiques d'importación más avanzaes <a href=>instala abiword</a>.
pad.modals.connected = Coneutáu.
pad.modals.reconnecting = Reconeutando col to bloc...
pad.modals.forcereconnect = Forzar la reconexón
@ -76,3 +77,18 @@ timeslider.toolbar.returnbutton = Tornar al bloc
timeslider.toolbar.authors = Autores:
timeslider.toolbar.authorsList = Nun hai autores
timeslider.exportCurrent = Esportar la versión actual como:
timeslider.version = Versión {{version}}
timeslider.saved = Guardáu el {{day}} de {{month}} de {{year}}
timeslider.dateformat = {{day}}/{{month}}/{{year}} {{hours}}:{{minutes}}:{{seconds}}
timeslider.month.january = de xineru
timeslider.month.february = de febreru
timeslider.month.march = de marzu
timeslider.month.april = d'abril
timeslider.month.may = de mayu
timeslider.month.june = de xunu
timeslider.month.july = de xunetu
timeslider.month.august = d'agostu
timeslider.month.september = de setiembre
timeslider.month.october = d'ochobre
timeslider.month.november = de payares
timeslider.month.december = d'avientu
@ -33,3 +33,15 @@ timeslider.toolbar.returnbutton = প্যাডে ফিরে যাও
timeslider.toolbar.authors = লেখকগণ:
timeslider.toolbar.authorsList = কোনো লেখক নেই
timeslider.exportCurrent = বর্তমান সংস্করণটি এক্সপোর্ট করুন:
timeslider.month.january = জানুয়ারি
timeslider.month.february = ফেব্রুয়ারি
timeslider.month.march = মার্চ
timeslider.month.april = এপ্রিল
timeslider.month.may = মে
timeslider.month.june = জুন
timeslider.month.july = জুলাই
timeslider.month.august = আগস্ট
timeslider.month.september = সেপ্টেম্বর
timeslider.month.october = অক্টোবর
timeslider.month.november = নভেম্বর
timeslider.month.december = ডিসেম্বর
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
; Exported from
; Author: Quinn
index.newPad = Nový Pad
index.createOpenPad = nebo vytvořit/otevřít Pad jménem:
pad.toolbar.bold.title = Tučné (Ctrl-B)
pad.toolbar.italic.title = Kurzíva (Ctrl-I)
pad.toolbar.underline.title = Podtržení (Ctrl-U)
pad.toolbar.strikethrough.title = Přeskrtnuté
pad.toolbar.ol.title = Číslovaný seznam
pad.toolbar.ul.title = Nečíslovaný seznam
pad.toolbar.indent.title = Odsazení
pad.toolbar.unindent.title = Předsazení
pad.toolbar.undo.title = Zpět (Ctrl-Z)
pad.toolbar.redo.title = Opakovat (Ctrl-Y)
pad.toolbar.clearAuthorship.title = Vymazat barvy autorství
pad.toolbar.import_export.title = Importovat/Exportovat z/do jiných formátů
pad.toolbar.timeslider.title = Osa času
pad.toolbar.savedRevision.title = Uložené revize
pad.toolbar.settings.title = Nastavení
pad.toolbar.embed.title = Umístit tento Pad
pad.toolbar.showusers.title = Zobrazit uživatele u tohoto Padu
|||| = Uložit
pad.colorpicker.cancel = Zrušit
pad.loading = Načítání...
pad.settings.padSettings = Nastavení Padu
pad.settings.myView = Vlastní pohled
pad.settings.stickychat = Chat vždy na obrazovce
pad.settings.colorcheck = Barvy autorství
pad.settings.linenocheck = Čísla řádků
pad.settings.fontType = Typ písma:
pad.settings.fontType.normal = Normální
pad.settings.fontType.monospaced = Monospace
pad.settings.globalView = Globální pohled
pad.settings.language = Jazyk:
pad.importExport.import_export = Import/Export
pad.importExport.import = Nahrát libovolný textový soubor nebo dokument
pad.importExport.successful = Úspěch!
pad.importExport.export = Exportovat stávající Pad jako:
pad.importExport.exporthtml = HTML
pad.importExport.exportplain = Prostý text
pad.importExport.exportword = Microsoft Word
pad.importExport.exportpdf = PDF
pad.importExport.exportopen = ODF (Open Document Format)
pad.importExport.exportdokuwiki = DokuWiki
pad.modals.connected = Připojeno.
pad.modals.reconnecting = Znovupřipojování k tvému Padu…
pad.modals.forcereconnect = Vynutit znovupřipojení
pad.modals.uderdup = Otevřeno v jiném okně
pad.modals.userdup.explanation = Zdá se, že tento Pad je na tomto počítači otevřen ve více než jednom okně.
pad.modals.userdup.advice = Pro použití tohoto okna se musíš znovu připojit.
pad.modals.unauth = Nemáte autorizaci
pad.modals.unauth.explanation = Vaše oprávnění se změnila, zatímco jste si prohlížel/a toto okno. Zkuste se znovu připojit.
pad.modals.looping = Odpojeno.
pad.modals.looping.explanation = Nastaly problémy při komunikaci se synchronizačním serverem.
pad.modals.looping.cause = Možná jste připojeni přes nekompaktní firewall nebo proxy.
pad.modals.initsocketfail = Server je nedostupný.
pad.modals.initsocketfail.explanation = Nepodařilo se připojit k synchronizačnímu serveru.
pad.modals.initsocketfail.cause = Toto je pravděpodobně způsobeno vaším prohlížečem nebo připojením k internetu.
pad.modals.slowcommit = Odpojeno.
pad.modals.slowcommit.explanation = Server neodpovídá.
|||| = Odkaz
timeslider.month.january = leden
timeslider.month.february = únor
timeslider.month.march = březen
timeslider.month.april = duben
timeslider.month.may = květen
timeslider.month.june = červen
timeslider.month.july = červenec
timeslider.month.august = srpen
timeslider.month.september = září
timeslider.month.october = říjen
timeslider.month.november = listopad
timeslider.month.december = prosinec
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ pad.importExport.exportword = Microsoft Word
pad.importExport.exportpdf = PDF
pad.importExport.exportopen = ODF (Open Document Format)
pad.importExport.exportdokuwiki = DokuWiki
pad.importExport.abiword.innerHTML = Du kan kun importere fra almindelig tekst eller HTML-formater. For mere avancerede importfunktioner, <a href="">installer venligst abiword</a>.
pad.modals.connected = Forbundet.
pad.modals.reconnecting = Genopretter forbindelsen til din pad...
pad.modals.forcereconnect = Gennemtving genoprettelse af forbindelsen
@ -75,5 +76,20 @@ = Åben chat for denne pad.
timeslider.pageTitle = {{appTitle}} Timeslider
timeslider.toolbar.returnbutton = Tilbage til pad
timeslider.toolbar.authors = Forfattere:
timeslider.toolbar.authorsList = Ingen Forfattere
timeslider.toolbar.authorsList = Ingen forfattere
timeslider.exportCurrent = Eksporter aktuelle version som:
timeslider.version = Version {{version}}
timeslider.saved = Gemt den {{day}}.{{month}} {{year}}
timeslider.dateformat = {{day}}/{{month}}/{{year}} {{hours}}:{{minutes}}:{{seconds}}
timeslider.month.january = januar
timeslider.month.february = februar
timeslider.month.march = marts
timeslider.month.april = april
timeslider.month.may = maj
timeslider.month.june = juni
timeslider.month.july = juli
timeslider.month.august = august
timeslider.month.september = september
timeslider.month.october = oktober
timeslider.month.november = november
timeslider.month.december = december
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ pad.importExport.exportword = Microsoft Word
pad.importExport.exportpdf = PDF
pad.importExport.exportopen = ODF (Open Document Format)
pad.importExport.exportdokuwiki = DokuWiki
pad.importExport.abiword.innerHTML = Du kannst nur aus Klartext oder HTML-Formaten importieren. Für mehr erweiterte Importfunktionen <a href=>installiere bitte abiword</a>.
pad.modals.connected = Verbunden.
pad.modals.reconnecting = Wiederherstellen der Verbindung...
pad.modals.forcereconnect = Erneut Verbinden
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ pad.loading = Bar beno...
pad.settings.padSettings = Sazkerdışê Pedi
pad.settings.myView = Asayışê mı
pad.settings.colorcheck = Rengê nuştekariye
pad.settings.linenocheck = Nımreyê xeter
pad.settings.fontType = Babeta nuşti:
pad.settings.fontType.normal = Normal
pad.settings.fontType.monospaced = Yewca
@ -36,18 +37,36 @@ pad.importExport.exportword = Microsoft Word
pad.importExport.exportpdf = PDF
pad.importExport.exportopen = ODF (Open Document Format)
pad.importExport.exportdokuwiki = DokuWiki
pad.modals.connected = Gredeya
pad.modals.unauth = Selahiyetdar niyo
pad.modals.looping = Bêgıreyın.
pad.modals.initsocketfail = Nêresneyêno ciyageyroği.
pad.modals.slowcommit = Bêgıreyın.
pad.modals.deleted = Esteriya.
pad.modals.deleted.explanation = Ena ped wedariye
pad.share = Na ped vıla ke
pad.share.readonly = Tenya bıwane
|||| = Gıre
pad.share.emebdcode = Degusnaye URL
|||| = Mıhebet
|||| = Qandê ena ped mıhebet ake.
timeslider.pageTitle = Ğızagê zemani {{appTitle}}
timeslider.toolbar.returnbutton = Peyser şo ped
timeslider.toolbar.authors = Nuştoği:
timeslider.toolbar.authorsList = Nuştoği çıniyê
timeslider.exportCurrent = Versiyonê enewki teber de:
timeslider.version = Versiyonê {{version}}
timeslider.saved = {{day}} {{month}}, {{year}} de biyo qeyd
timeslider.dateformat = {{month}}/{{day}}/{{year}} {{hours}}:{{minutes}}:{{seconds}}
timeslider.month.january = Çele
timeslider.month.february = Şıbate
timeslider.month.march = Adar
timeslider.month.april = Nisane
timeslider.month.may = Gulane
timeslider.month.june = Heziran
timeslider.month.july = Temuze
timeslider.month.august = Tebaxe
timeslider.month.september = Keşkelun
timeslider.month.october = Tışrino Verên
timeslider.month.november = Tışrino Peyên
timeslider.month.december = Kanun
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ pad.settings.linenocheck = Αριθμοί γραμμής
pad.settings.fontType = Τύπος γραμματοσειράς:
pad.settings.fontType.normal = Κανονική
pad.settings.fontType.monospaced = Καθορισμένου πλάτους
pad.settings.globalView = Γενική Προβολή
pad.settings.globalView = Καθολική Προβολή
pad.settings.language = Γλώσσα:
pad.importExport.import_export = Εισαγωγή/Εξαγωγή
pad.importExport.import = Αποστολή οποιουδήποτε αρχείου κειμένου ή εγγράφου
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ pad.importExport.exportword = Microsoft Word
pad.importExport.exportpdf = PDF
pad.importExport.exportopen = ODF (Open Document Format)
pad.importExport.exportdokuwiki = DokuWiki
pad.importExport.abiword.innerHTML = Μπορείτε να κάνετε εισαγωγή απλού κειμένου ή μορφής html. Για πιο προηγμένες δυνατότητες εισαγωγής παρακαλώ <a href="">εγκαταστήστε το abiword</a>.
pad.modals.connected = Συνδεμένοι.
pad.modals.reconnecting = Επανασύνδεση στο pad σας...
pad.modals.forcereconnect = Επιβολή επανασύνδεσης
@ -78,3 +79,18 @@ timeslider.toolbar.returnbutton = Επιστροφή στο pad
timeslider.toolbar.authors = Συντάκτες:
timeslider.toolbar.authorsList = Κανένας Συντάκτης
timeslider.exportCurrent = Εξαγωγή τρέχουσας έκδοσης ως:
timeslider.version = Έκδοση {{έκδοση}}
timeslider.saved = Αποθηκευμένος {{μήνας}} {{ημέρα}}, {{έτος}}
timeslider.dateformat = {{μήνας}}/{{ημέρα}}/{{έτος}} {{ώρες}}:{{λεπτά}}:{{δευτερόλεπτα}}
timeslider.month.january = Ιανουάριος
timeslider.month.february = Φεβρουάριος
timeslider.month.march = Μάρτιος
timeslider.month.april = Απρίλιος
timeslider.month.may = Μάιος
timeslider.month.june = Ιούνιος
timeslider.month.july = Ιούλιος
timeslider.month.august = Αύγουστος
timeslider.month.september = Σεπτέμβριος
timeslider.month.october = Οκτώβριος
timeslider.month.november = Νοέμβριος
timeslider.month.december = Δεκέμβριος
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ pad.importExport.exportword = Microsoft Word
pad.importExport.exportpdf = PDF
pad.importExport.exportopen = ODF (Open Document Format)
pad.importExport.exportdokuwiki = DokuWiki
pad.importExport.abiword.innerHTML = Sólo puede importar formatos de texto plano o html. Para funciones más avanzadas instale <a href="">abiword</a>.
pad.importExport.abiword.innerHTML = Sólo puede importar formatos de texto plano o html. Para funciones más avanzadas instale <a href=>abiword</a>.
pad.modals.connected = Conectado.
pad.modals.reconnecting = Reconectando a tu pad..
pad.modals.forcereconnect = Reconexión forzosa
@ -77,3 +77,15 @@ timeslider.toolbar.returnbutton = بازگشت به دفترچه یادداشت
timeslider.toolbar.authors = نویسندگان:
timeslider.toolbar.authorsList = بدون نویسنده
timeslider.exportCurrent = برونریزی نسخهٔ کنونی به عنوان:
timeslider.month.january = ژانویه
timeslider.month.february = فوریه
timeslider.month.march = مارس
timeslider.month.april = آوریل
timeslider.month.may = مه
timeslider.month.june = ژوئن
timeslider.month.july = ژوئیه
timeslider.month.august = اوت
timeslider.month.september = سپتامبر
timeslider.month.october = اکتبر
timeslider.month.november = نوامبر
timeslider.month.december = دسامبر
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ pad.importExport.exportword = Microsoft Word
pad.importExport.exportpdf = PDF
pad.importExport.exportopen = ODF (Open Document Format)
pad.importExport.exportdokuwiki = DokuWiki
pad.importExport.abiword.innerHTML = Vous ne pouvez importer que des formats texte brut ou html. Pour des fonctionnalités d'importation plus évoluées, veuillez <a href=>installer abiword</a>.
pad.modals.connected = Connecté.
pad.modals.reconnecting = Reconnexion vers votre Pad...
pad.modals.forcereconnect = Forcer la reconnexion.
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ pad.importExport.exportword = Microsoft Word
pad.importExport.exportpdf = PDF
pad.importExport.exportopen = ODF (Open Document Format)
pad.importExport.exportdokuwiki = DokuWiki
pad.importExport.abiword.innerHTML = Só pode importar texto simple ou formatos HTML. Para obter máis información sobre as características de importación avanzadas <a href=>instale abiword</a>.
pad.modals.connected = Conectado.
pad.modals.reconnecting = Reconectando co seu documento...
pad.modals.forcereconnect = Forzar a reconexión
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ pad.importExport.exportword = מיקרוסופט וורד
pad.importExport.exportpdf = PDF
pad.importExport.exportopen = ODF (Open Document Format)
pad.importExport.exportdokuwiki = DokuWiki
pad.importExport.abiword.innerHTML = באפשרותך לייבא מטקסט פשוט או מ־HTML. לאפשרויות ייבוא מתקדמות יותר יש <a href=>להתקין את abiword</a>.
pad.modals.connected = מחובכר.
pad.modals.reconnecting = מתבצע חיבור מחדש...
pad.modals.forcereconnect = חיבור כפוי מחדש
@ -76,3 +77,18 @@ timeslider.toolbar.returnbutton = חזרה אל הפנקס
timeslider.toolbar.authors = כותבים:
timeslider.toolbar.authorsList = אין כותבים
timeslider.exportCurrent = ייצוא הכרסה הנוכחית בתור:
timeslider.version = גרסה {{version}}
timeslider.saved = נשמרה ב־{{day}} ב{{month}} {{year}}
timeslider.dateformat = {{year}}-{{month}}-{{day}} {{hours}}:{{minutes}}:{{seconds}}
timeslider.month.january = ינואר
timeslider.month.february = פברואר
timeslider.month.march = מרץ
timeslider.month.april = אפריל
timeslider.month.may = מאי
timeslider.month.june = יוני
timeslider.month.july = יולי
timeslider.month.august = אוגוסט
timeslider.month.september = ספטמבר
timeslider.month.october = אוקטובר
timeslider.month.november = נובמבר
timeslider.month.december = דצמבר
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
; Exported from
; Author: Misibacsi
; Author: R-Joe
; Author: Tgr
@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ pad.modals.initsocketfail.explanation = Nem sikerült kapcsolódni a szinkroniz
pad.modals.initsocketfail.cause = Valószínűleg a böngésződdel vagy az internetkapcsolatoddal van probléma.
pad.modals.slowcommit = Megszakadt a kapcsolat.
pad.modals.slowcommit.explanation = A szerver nem válaszol.
pad.modals.slowcommit.cause = Valószínűleg az internetkapcsolatoddal van probléma.
pad.modals.slowcommit.cause = Valószínűleg az internetkapcsolattal van probléma.
pad.modals.deleted = Törölve.
pad.modals.deleted.explanation = Ez a notesz el lett távolítva.
pad.modals.disconnected = Kapcsolat bontva.
@ -77,3 +78,15 @@ timeslider.toolbar.returnbutton = Vissza a noteszhez
timeslider.toolbar.authors = Szerzők:
timeslider.toolbar.authorsList = Nincsenek szerzők
timeslider.exportCurrent = Jelenlegi változat exportálása így:
timeslider.month.january = január
timeslider.month.february = február
timeslider.month.march = március
timeslider.month.april = április
timeslider.month.may = május
timeslider.month.june = június
timeslider.month.july = július
timeslider.month.august = augusztus
timeslider.month.september = szeptember
timeslider.month.october = október
timeslider.month.november = november
timeslider.month.december = december
@ -76,3 +76,15 @@ timeslider.toolbar.returnbutton = Retornar al pad
timeslider.toolbar.authors = Autores:
timeslider.toolbar.authorsList = Nulle autor
timeslider.exportCurrent = Exportar le version actual como:
timeslider.month.january = januario
timeslider.month.february = februario
timeslider.month.march = martio
timeslider.month.april = april
timeslider.month.may = maio
timeslider.month.june = junio
timeslider.month.july = julio
timeslider.month.august = augusto
timeslider.month.september = septembre
timeslider.month.october = octobre
timeslider.month.november = novembre
timeslider.month.december = decembre
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
; Exported from
; Author: Beta16
; Author: Gianfranco
; Author: Viscontino
index.newPad = Nuovo Pad
index.createOpenPad = o creare o aprire un Pad con il nome:
@ -43,6 +45,7 @@ pad.importExport.exportword = Microsoft Word
pad.importExport.exportpdf = PDF
pad.importExport.exportopen = ODF (Open Document Format)
pad.importExport.exportdokuwiki = DokuWiki
pad.importExport.abiword.innerHTML = È possibile importare solo i formati di testo semplice o HTML. Per metodi più avanzati di importazione <a href= and exporting-different file formats-in-Ubuntu-or-OpenSuse-or-SLES-with-AbiWord>installa Abiword</a>.
pad.modals.connected = Connesso.
pad.modals.reconnecting = Riconnessione al tuo pad in corso...
pad.modals.forcereconnect = Forza la riconnessione
@ -76,3 +79,18 @@ timeslider.toolbar.returnbutton = Ritorna al pad
timeslider.toolbar.authors = Autori:
timeslider.toolbar.authorsList = Nessun autore
timeslider.exportCurrent = Esporta la versione corrente come:
timeslider.version = Versione {{version}}
timeslider.saved = Salvato {{day}} {{month}} {{year}}
timeslider.dateformat = {{day}}/{{month}}/{{year}} {{hours}}:{{minutes}}:{{seconds}}
timeslider.month.january = gennaio
timeslider.month.february = febbraio
timeslider.month.march = marzo
timeslider.month.april = aprile
timeslider.month.may = maggio
timeslider.month.june = giugno
timeslider.month.july = luglio
timeslider.month.august = agosto
timeslider.month.september = settembre
timeslider.month.october = ottobre
timeslider.month.november = novembre
timeslider.month.december = dicembre
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ pad.importExport.exportword = Microsoft Word
pad.importExport.exportpdf = PDF
pad.importExport.exportopen = ODF (Open Document Format)
pad.importExport.exportdokuwiki = DokuWiki
pad.importExport.abiword.innerHTML = プレーンテキストまたは HTML ファイルからのみインポートできます。より高度なインポート機能を使用するには、<a href=>abiword をインストール</a>してください。
pad.modals.connected = 接続されました。
pad.modals.reconnecting = パッドに再接続中...
pad.modals.forcereconnect = 強制的に再接続
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ pad.importExport.exportword = Microsoft Word
pad.importExport.exportpdf = PDF
pad.importExport.exportopen = ODF (Open Document Format)
pad.importExport.exportdokuwiki = DokuWiki
pad.importExport.abiword.innerHTML = 일반 텍스트나 html 형식으로만 가져올 수 있습니다. 고급 가져오기 기능에 대해서는 <a href=>abiword를 설치</a>하세요.
pad.modals.connected = 연결했습니다.
pad.modals.reconnecting = 패드에 다시 연결 중..
pad.modals.forcereconnect = 강제로 다시 연결
@ -76,3 +77,18 @@ timeslider.toolbar.returnbutton = 패드로 돌아가기
timeslider.toolbar.authors = 저자:
timeslider.toolbar.authorsList = 저자 없음
timeslider.exportCurrent = 현재 버전으로 내보내기:
timeslider.version = 버전 {{version}}
timeslider.saved = {{year}}년 {{month}} {{day}}일에 저장함
timeslider.dateformat = {{year}}년/{{month}}/{{day}}일 {{hours}}:{{minutes}}:{{seconds}}
timeslider.month.january = 1월
timeslider.month.february = 2월
timeslider.month.march = 3월
timeslider.month.april = 4월
timeslider.month.may = 5월
timeslider.month.june = 6월
timeslider.month.july = 7월
timeslider.month.august = 8월
timeslider.month.september = 9월
timeslider.month.october = 10월
timeslider.month.november = 11월
timeslider.month.december = 12월
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ pad.modals.unauth = Nit berääschtesch
pad.modals.unauth.explanation = Ding Berääschtejong hät sesch jeändert, derwiehl De di Sigg aam beloore wohrß. Versöhk en neu Verbendong ze maache.
pad.modals.looping = De Verbendong es fott.
pad.modals.looping.explanation = Et jitt Probleeme met dä Verbendong mem ẞööver för de Schriiver ier Aandeile zesamme_ze_bränge.
pad.modals.looping.cause = Künnt sin, Ding Verbendong jeiht dorj_ene onzopaß <i lang="en">proxy</i>-ẞööver udder <i lang="en">firewall</i>.
pad.modals.looping.cause = Künnt sin, Ding Verbendong jeiht dorj_ene onzopaß proxy-ẞööver udder firewall.
pad.modals.initsocketfail = Dä ẞööver es nit ze äreische.
pad.modals.initsocketfail.explanation = Kein Verbendong met däm ẞööver ze krijje.
pad.modals.initsocketfail.cause = Dat künnt aam Brauser udder aan däm singer Verbendong övver et Internet lijje.
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ pad.importExport.exportword = Microsoft Word
pad.importExport.exportpdf = PDF
pad.importExport.exportopen = ODF (Open Document Format)
pad.importExport.exportdokuwiki = DokuWiki
pad.importExport.abiword.innerHTML = Можете да увезувате само од прост текст и html-формат. Понапредни можности за увоз ќе добиете ако <a href=>инсталирате AbiWord</a>.
pad.modals.connected = Поврзано.
pad.modals.reconnecting = Ве преповрзувам со тетратката...
pad.modals.forcereconnect = Наметни преповрзување
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ pad.importExport.exportword = Microsoft Word
pad.importExport.exportpdf = PDF
pad.importExport.exportopen = ODF (Open Document Format)
pad.importExport.exportdokuwiki = DokuWiki
pad.importExport.abiword.innerHTML = U kunt alleen importeren vanuit platte tekst of een HTML-opmaak. <a href=>Installeer abiword</a> om meer geavanceerde importmogelijkheden te krijgen.
pad.modals.connected = Verbonden.
pad.modals.reconnecting = Opnieuw verbinding maken met uw pad...
pad.modals.forcereconnect = Opnieuw verbinden
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
; Exported from
; Author: WTM
; Author: Woytecr
index.newPad = Nowy Dokument
@ -76,3 +77,18 @@ timeslider.toolbar.returnbutton = Powróć do dokumentu
timeslider.toolbar.authors = Autorzy:
timeslider.toolbar.authorsList = Brak autorów
timeslider.exportCurrent = Eksportuj bieżącą wersję jako:
timeslider.version = Wersja {{version}}
timeslider.saved = Zapisano {{day}} {{month}} {{year}}
timeslider.dateformat = {{year}}-{{month}}-{{day}} {{hours}}:{{minutes}}:{{seconds}}
timeslider.month.january = Styczeń
timeslider.month.february = Luty
timeslider.month.march = Marzec
timeslider.month.april = Kwiecień
timeslider.month.may = Maj
timeslider.month.june = Czerwiec
timeslider.month.july = Lipiec
timeslider.month.august = Sierpień
timeslider.month.september = Wrzesień
timeslider.month.october = Październik
timeslider.month.november = Listopad
timeslider.month.december = Grudzień
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
; Exported from
; Author: Ahmed-Najib-Biabani-Ibrahimkhel
pad.toolbar.bold.title = زغرد (Ctrl-B)
pad.toolbar.italic.title = رېوند (Ctrl-I)
pad.toolbar.undo.title = ناکړل (Ctrl-Z)
pad.toolbar.redo.title = بياکړل (Ctrl-Y)
pad.toolbar.settings.title = امستنې
|||| = خوندي کول
pad.colorpicker.cancel = ناګارل
pad.loading = برسېرېدنې کې دی...
pad.settings.myView = زما کتنه
pad.settings.fontType = ليکبڼې ډول:
pad.settings.fontType.normal = نورمال
pad.settings.fontType.monospaced = مونوسپېس
pad.settings.language = ژبه:
pad.importExport.exporthtml = اچ ټي ام اېل
pad.importExport.exportplain = ساده متن
pad.importExport.exportword = مايکروسافټ ورډ
pad.importExport.exportpdf = پي ډي اېف
pad.importExport.exportopen = ODF (اوپن ډاکومنټ فارمټ)
pad.modals.deleted = ړنګ شو.
pad.share.readonly = يوازې لوستنه
|||| = تړنه
pad.share.emebdcode = يو آر اېل ټومبل
|||| = بانډار
timeslider.toolbar.authors = ليکوال:
timeslider.month.january = جنوري
timeslider.month.february = فبروري
timeslider.month.march = مارچ
timeslider.month.april = اپرېل
timeslider.month.may = مۍ
timeslider.month.june = جون
timeslider.month.july = جولای
timeslider.month.august = اګسټ
timeslider.month.september = سېپتمبر
timeslider.month.october = اکتوبر
timeslider.month.november = نومبر
timeslider.month.december = ډيسمبر
@ -43,3 +43,15 @@ pad.modals.connected = Ligado.
pad.modals.reconnecting = Reconectando-se ao seu bloco…
pad.modals.forcereconnect = Forçar reconexão
pad.modals.uderdup = Aberto noutra janela
timeslider.month.january = Janeiro
timeslider.month.february = Fevereiro
timeslider.month.march = Março
timeslider.month.april = Abril<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>
timeslider.month.may = Maio
timeslider.month.june = Junho
timeslider.month.july = Julho
timeslider.month.august = Agosto
timeslider.month.september = Setembro
timeslider.month.october = Outubro
timeslider.month.november = Novembro
timeslider.month.december = Dezembro
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ pad.importExport.exportword = Microsoft Word
pad.importExport.exportpdf = PDF
pad.importExport.exportopen = ODF (Open Document Format)
pad.importExport.exportdokuwiki = DokuWiki
pad.importExport.abiword.innerHTML = Du kan endast importera från oformaterad text eller html-format. För mer avancerade importeringsfunktioner, var god <a href=>installera abiword</a>.
pad.modals.connected = Ansluten.
pad.modals.reconnecting = Återansluter till ditt block...
pad.modals.forcereconnect = Tvinga återanslutning
@ -65,3 +65,15 @@ timeslider.toolbar.returnbutton = పలకకి తిరిగి వెళ
timeslider.toolbar.authors = రచయితలు:
timeslider.toolbar.authorsList = రచయితలు లేరు
timeslider.exportCurrent = ప్రస్తుత అవతారాన్ని ఈ విధంగా ఎగుమతి చేయుము:
timeslider.month.january = జనవరి
timeslider.month.february = ఫిబ్రవరి
timeslider.month.march = మార్చి
timeslider.month.april = ఏప్రిల్
timeslider.month.may = మే
timeslider.month.june = జూన్
timeslider.month.july = జూలై
timeslider.month.august = ఆగష్టు
timeslider.month.september = సెప్టెంబరు
timeslider.month.october = అక్టోబరు
timeslider.month.november = నవంబరు
timeslider.month.december = డిసెంబరు
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ pad.importExport.exportword = Microsoft Word
pad.importExport.exportpdf = PDF
pad.importExport.exportopen = ODF (документ OpenOffice)
pad.importExport.exportdokuwiki = DokuWiki
pad.importExport.abiword.innerHTML = Ви можете імпортувати лище формати простого тексту або html. Для більш просунутих способів імпорту <a href=>встановіть abiword</a>.
pad.modals.connected = З'єднано.
pad.modals.reconnecting = Перепідлючення до Вашого документу..
pad.modals.forcereconnect = Примусове перепідключення
@ -76,3 +77,18 @@ timeslider.toolbar.returnbutton = Повернутись до документу
timeslider.toolbar.authors = Автори:
timeslider.toolbar.authorsList = Немає авторів
timeslider.exportCurrent = Експортувати поточну версію як:
timeslider.version = Версія {{version}}
timeslider.saved = Збережено {{month}} {{day}}, {{year}}
timeslider.dateformat = {{month}}/{{day}}/{{year}} {{hours}}:{{minutes}}:{{seconds}}
timeslider.month.january = Січень
timeslider.month.february = Лютий
timeslider.month.march = Березень
timeslider.month.april = Квітень
timeslider.month.may = Травень
timeslider.month.june = Червень
timeslider.month.july = Липень
timeslider.month.august = Серпень
timeslider.month.september = Вересень
timeslider.month.october = Жовтень
timeslider.month.november = Листопад
timeslider.month.december = Грудень
@ -76,3 +76,15 @@ timeslider.toolbar.returnbutton = 返回到pad
timeslider.toolbar.authors = 作者:
timeslider.toolbar.authorsList = 無作者
timeslider.exportCurrent = 匯出當前版本為:
timeslider.month.january = 1月
timeslider.month.february = 2月
timeslider.month.march = 3月
timeslider.month.april = 4月
timeslider.month.may = 5月
timeslider.month.june = 6月
timeslider.month.july = 7月
timeslider.month.august = 8月
timeslider.month.september = 9月
timeslider.month.october = 10月
timeslider.month.november = 11月
timeslider.month.december = 12月
@ -166,10 +166,12 @@ function Ace2Inner(){
var dynamicCSS = null;
var parentDynamicCSS = null;
function initDynamicCSS()
dynamicCSS = makeCSSManager("dynamicsyntax");
parentDynamicCSS = makeCSSManager("dynamicsyntax", true);
var changesetTracker = makeChangesetTracker(scheduler, rep.apool, {
@ -217,6 +219,7 @@ function Ace2Inner(){
if (dynamicCSS)
@ -234,18 +237,23 @@ function Ace2Inner(){
var authorStyle = dynamicCSS.selectorStyle(getAuthorColorClassSelector(
var parentAuthorStyle = parentDynamicCSS.selectorStyle(getAuthorColorClassSelector(
var anchorStyle = dynamicCSS.selectorStyle(getAuthorColorClassSelector(
getAuthorClassName(author))+' > a')
// author color
authorStyle.backgroundColor = bgcolor;
parentAuthorStyle.backgroundColor = bgcolor;
// text contrast
if(colorutils.luminosity(colorutils.css2triple(bgcolor)) < 0.5)
authorStyle.color = '#ffffff';
parentAuthorStyle.color = '#ffffff';
authorStyle.color = null;
parentAuthorStyle.color = null;
// anchor text contrast
@ -20,12 +20,13 @@
* limitations under the License.
function makeCSSManager(emptyStylesheetTitle)
function makeCSSManager(emptyStylesheetTitle, parentCss)
function getSheetByTitle(title)
var allSheets = document.styleSheets;
if (parentCss) var allSheets = window.parent.parent.document.styleSheets;
else var allSheets = document.styleSheets;
for (var i = 0; i < allSheets.length; i++)
@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ function makeCSSManager(emptyStylesheetTitle)
return null;
var browserSheet = getSheetByTitle(emptyStylesheetTitle);
var browserSheet = getSheetByTitle(emptyStylesheetTitle, parentCss);
function browserRules()
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
describe("timeslider", function(){
//create a new pad before each test run
it("loads adds a hundred revisions", function(done) {
var inner$ = helper.padInner$;
var chrome$ = helper.padChrome$;
// make some changes to produce 100 revisions
var timePerRev = 900
, revs = 100;
for(var i=0; i < revs; i++) {
setTimeout(function() {
// enter 'a' in the first text element
}, timePerRev*i);
setTimeout(function() {
// go to timeslider
$('#iframe-container iframe').attr('src', $('#iframe-container iframe').attr('src')+'/timeslider');
setTimeout(function() {
var timeslider$ = $('#iframe-container iframe')[0].contentWindow.$;
var $sliderBar = timeslider$('#ui-slider-bar');
var latestContents = timeslider$('#padcontent').text();
// Click somewhere on the timeslider
var e = new jQuery.Event('mousedown');
e.clientX = e.pageX = 150;
e.clientY = e.pageY = 45;
e = new jQuery.Event('mousedown');
e.clientX = e.pageX = 150;
e.clientY = e.pageY = 40;
e = new jQuery.Event('mousedown');
e.clientX = e.pageX = 150;
e.clientY = e.pageY = 50;
setTimeout(function() {
//make sure the text has changed
expect( timeslider$('#padcontent').text() ) latestContents );
}, 1000);
}, 6000);
}, revs*timePerRev);
Reference in New Issue