Merge branch 'develop' into admin-index-plugable

This commit is contained in:
Swen 2013-01-30 20:16:51 +01:00
commit 1f348d911f
22 changed files with 1595 additions and 105 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,23 @@
# 1.2.7
* NEW: notifications are now modularized and can be stacked
* NEW: Visit a specific revision in the timeslider by suffixing #%revNumber% IE http://localhost/p/test/timeslider#12
* NEW: Link to plugin on Admin page allows admins to easily see plugin details in a new window by clicking on the plugin name
* NEW: Automatically see plugins that require update and be able to one click update
* NEW: API endpoints for Chat .. getChatHistory, getChatHead
* NEW: API endpoint to see a pad diff in HTML format from revision x to revision y .. createPadDiffHTML
* NEW: Real time plugin search & unified menu UI for admin pages
* Fix: MAJOR issue where server could be crashed by malformed client message
* Fix: AuthorID is now included in padUsers API response
* Fix: make docs
* Fix: Timeslider UI bug with slider not being in position
* Fix: IE8 language issue where it wouldn't load pads due to IE8 suckling on the bussum of hatrid
* Fix: Import timeout issue
* Fix: Import now works if Params are set in pad URL
* Fix: Convert script
* Other: Various new language strings and update/bugfixes of others
* Other: Clean up the getParams functionality
* Other: Various new EEJS blocks: index, timeslider, html etc.
# 1.2.6
* Fix: Package file UeberDB reference
* New #users EEJS block for plugins

View File

@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ returns the number of user that are currently editing this pad
returns the list of users that are currently editing this pad
*Example returns:*
* `{code: 0, message:"ok", data: {padUsers: [{colorId:"#c1a9d9","name":"username1","timestamp":1345228793126},{"colorId":"#d9a9cd","name":"Hmmm","timestamp":1345228796042}]}}`
* `{code: 0, message:"ok", data: {padUsers: [{colorId:"#c1a9d9","name":"username1","timestamp":1345228793126,"id":"a.n4gEeMLsvg12452n"},{"colorId":"#d9a9cd","name":"Hmmm","timestamp":1345228796042,"id":"a.n4gEeMLsvg12452n"}]}}`
* `{code: 0, message:"ok", data: {padUsers: []}}`
#### deletePad(padID)

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"pad.toolbar.clearAuthorship.title": "Clear Authorship Colors",
"pad.toolbar.import_export.title": "Import/Export from/to different file formats",
"pad.toolbar.timeslider.title": "Timeslider",
"pad.toolbar.savedRevision.title": "Saved Revisions",
"pad.toolbar.savedRevision.title": "Save Revision",
"pad.toolbar.settings.title": "Settings",
"pad.toolbar.embed.title": "Embed this pad",
"pad.toolbar.showusers.title": "Show the users on this pad",

View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ var async = require("async");
var exportHtml = require("../utils/ExportHtml");
var importHtml = require("../utils/ImportHtml");
var cleanText = require("./Pad").cleanText;
var PadDiff = require("../utils/padDiff");
@ -656,6 +657,86 @@ exports.getChatHead = function(padID, callback)
createDiffHTML(padID, startRev, endRev) returns an object of diffs from 2 points in a pad
Example returns:
{"code":0,"message":"ok","data":{"html":"<style>\n.authora_HKIv23mEbachFYfH {background-color: #a979d9}\n.authora_n4gEeMLsv1GivNeh {background-color: #a9b5d9}\n.removed {text-decoration: line-through; -ms-filter:'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=80)'; filter: alpha(opacity=80); opacity: 0.8; }\n</style>Welcome to Etherpad Lite!<br><br>This pad text is synchronized as you type, so that everyone viewing this page sees the same text. This allows you to collaborate seamlessly on documents!<br><br>Get involved with Etherpad at <a href=\"http&#x3a;&#x2F;&#x2F;etherpad&#x2e;org\">http:&#x2F;&#x2F;</a><br><span class=\"authora_HKIv23mEbachFYfH\">aw</span><br><br>","authors":["a.HKIv23mEbachFYfH",""]}}
{"code":4,"message":"no or wrong API Key","data":null}
exports.createDiffHTML = function(padID, startRev, endRev, callback){
//check if rev is a number
if(startRev !== undefined && typeof startRev != "number")
//try to parse the number
startRev = parseInt(startRev, 10);
callback({stop: "startRev is not a number"});
//check if rev is a number
if(endRev !== undefined && typeof endRev != "number")
//try to parse the number
endRev = parseInt(endRev, 10);
callback({stop: "endRev is not a number"});
//get the pad
getPadSafe(padID, true, function(err, pad)
return callback(err);
try {
var padDiff = new PadDiff(pad, startRev, endRev);
} catch(e) {
return callback({stop:e.message});
var html, authors;
padDiff.getHtml(function(err, _html){
return callback(err);
html = _html;
padDiff.getAuthors(function(err, _authors){
return callback(err);
authors = _authors;
], function(err){
callback(err, {html: html, authors: authors})

View File

@ -24,6 +24,10 @@ var db = require("./DB").db;
var async = require("async");
var randomString = require('ep_etherpad-lite/static/js/pad_utils').randomString;
exports.getColorPalette = function(){
return ["#ffc7c7", "#fff1c7", "#e3ffc7", "#c7ffd5", "#c7ffff", "#c7d5ff", "#e3c7ff", "#ffc7f1", "#ff8f8f", "#ffe38f", "#c7ff8f", "#8fffab", "#8fffff", "#8fabff", "#c78fff", "#ff8fe3", "#d97979", "#d9c179", "#a9d979", "#79d991", "#79d9d9", "#7991d9", "#a979d9", "#d979c1", "#d9a9a9", "#d9cda9", "#c1d9a9", "#a9d9b5", "#a9d9d9", "#a9b5d9", "#c1a9d9", "#d9a9cd", "#4c9c82", "#12d1ad", "#2d8e80", "#7485c3", "#a091c7", "#3185ab", "#6818b4", "#e6e76d", "#a42c64", "#f386e5", "#4ecc0c", "#c0c236", "#693224", "#b5de6a", "#9b88fd", "#358f9b", "#496d2f", "#e267fe", "#d23056", "#1a1a64", "#5aa335", "#d722bb", "#86dc6c", "#b5a714", "#955b6a", "#9f2985", "#4b81c8", "#3d6a5b", "#434e16", "#d16084", "#af6a0e", "#8c8bd8"];
* Checks if the author exists

View File

@ -213,6 +213,48 @@ Pad.prototype.getInternalRevisionAText = function getInternalRevisionAText(targe
Pad.prototype.getRevision = function getRevisionChangeset(revNum, callback) {
db.get("pad:"":revs:"+revNum, callback);
Pad.prototype.getAllAuthorColors = function getAllAuthorColors(callback){
var authors = this.getAllAuthors();
var returnTable = {};
var colorPalette = authorManager.getColorPalette();
async.forEach(authors, function(author, callback){
authorManager.getAuthorColorId(author, function(err, colorId){
return callback(err);
//colorId might be a hex color or an number out of the palette
returnTable[author]=colorPalette[colorId] || colorId;
}, function(err){
callback(err, returnTable);
Pad.prototype.getValidRevisionRange = function getValidRevisionRange(startRev, endRev) {
startRev = parseInt(startRev, 10);
var head = this.getHeadRevisionNumber();
endRev = endRev ? parseInt(endRev, 10) : head;
if(isNaN(startRev) || startRev < 0 || startRev > head) {
startRev = null;
if(isNaN(endRev) || endRev < startRev) {
endRev = null;
} else if(endRev > head) {
endRev = head;
if(startRev !== null && endRev !== null) {
return { startRev: startRev , endRev: endRev }
return null;
Pad.prototype.getKeyRevisionNumber = function getKeyRevisionNumber(revNum) {
return Math.floor(revNum / 100) * 100;

View File

@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ var padList = {
return this;
* Returns all pads in alphabetical order as array.

View File

@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ var version =
, "deleteGroup" : ["groupID"]
, "listPads" : ["groupID"]
, "listAllPads" : []
, "createDiffHTML" : ["padID", "startRev", "endRev"]
, "createPad" : ["padID", "text"]
, "createGroupPad" : ["groupID", "padName", "text"]
, "createAuthor" : ["name"]

View File

@ -210,6 +210,7 @@ exports.handleMessage = function(client, message)
} else if ( == "SAVE_REVISION") {
handleSaveRevisionMessage(client, message);
} else if ( == "CLIENT_MESSAGE" && != null && == "suggestUserName") {
handleSuggestUserName(client, message);
} else {
@ -473,6 +474,11 @@ function handleSuggestUserName(client, message)
function handleUserInfoUpdate(client, message)
//check if all ok
if( == null)
messageLogger.warn("Dropped message, USERINFO_UPDATE Message has no userInfo!");
if( == null)
messageLogger.warn("Dropped message, USERINFO_UPDATE Message has no colorId!");
@ -1028,7 +1034,7 @@ function handleClientReady(client, message)
"globalPadId": message.padId,
"time": currentTime,
"colorPalette": ["#ffc7c7", "#fff1c7", "#e3ffc7", "#c7ffd5", "#c7ffff", "#c7d5ff", "#e3c7ff", "#ffc7f1", "#ff8f8f", "#ffe38f", "#c7ff8f", "#8fffab", "#8fffff", "#8fabff", "#c78fff", "#ff8fe3", "#d97979", "#d9c179", "#a9d979", "#79d991", "#79d9d9", "#7991d9", "#a979d9", "#d979c1", "#d9a9a9", "#d9cda9", "#c1d9a9", "#a9d9b5", "#a9d9d9", "#a9b5d9", "#c1a9d9", "#d9a9cd", "#4c9c82", "#12d1ad", "#2d8e80", "#7485c3", "#a091c7", "#3185ab", "#6818b4", "#e6e76d", "#a42c64", "#f386e5", "#4ecc0c", "#c0c236", "#693224", "#b5de6a", "#9b88fd", "#358f9b", "#496d2f", "#e267fe", "#d23056", "#1a1a64", "#5aa335", "#d722bb", "#86dc6c", "#b5a714", "#955b6a", "#9f2985", "#4b81c8", "#3d6a5b", "#434e16", "#d16084", "#af6a0e", "#8c8bd8"],
"colorPalette": authorManager.getColorPalette(),
"clientIp": "",
"userIsGuest": true,
"userColor": authorColorId,
@ -1536,6 +1542,7 @@ exports.padUsers = function (padID, callback) {
var aid = sessioninfos[ix].author;
authorManager.getAuthor( aid, function ( err, author ) { = aid;
authors.push( author );
if ( authors.length === pad2sessions[padID].length ) {
callback(null, {padUsers: authors});

View File

@ -91,8 +91,9 @@ function getPadHTML(pad, revNum, callback)
exports.getPadHTML = getPadHTML;
exports.getHTMLFromAtext = getHTMLFromAtext;
function getHTMLFromAtext(pad, atext)
function getHTMLFromAtext(pad, atext, authorColors)
var apool = pad.apool();
var textLines = atext.text.slice(0, -1).split('\n');
@ -101,6 +102,42 @@ function getHTMLFromAtext(pad, atext)
var tags = ['h1', 'h2', 'strong', 'em', 'u', 's'];
var props = ['heading1', 'heading2', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikethrough'];
var anumMap = {};
var css = "";
var stripDotFromAuthorID = function(id){
return id.replace(/\./g,'_');
for (var a in apool.numToAttrib) {
var attr = apool.numToAttrib[a];
//skip non author attributes
if(attr[0] === "author" && attr[1] !== ""){
//add to props array
var propName = "author" + stripDotFromAuthorID(attr[1]);
var newLength = props.push(propName);
anumMap[a] = newLength -1;
css+="." + propName + " {background-color: " + authorColors[attr[1]]+ "}\n";
} else if(attr[0] === "removed") {
var propName = "removed";
var newLength = props.push(propName);
anumMap[a] = newLength -1;
css+=".removed {text-decoration: line-through; " +
"-ms-filter:'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=80)'; "+
"filter: alpha(opacity=80); "+
"opacity: 0.8; "+
props.forEach(function (propName, i)
@ -125,23 +162,54 @@ function getHTMLFromAtext(pad, atext)
// <b>Just bold <i>Bold and italics</i></b> <i>Just italics</i>
var taker = Changeset.stringIterator(text);
var assem = Changeset.stringAssembler();
var openTags = [];
function getSpanClassFor(i){
//return if author colors are disabled
if (!authorColors) return false;
var property = props[i];
if(property.substr(0,6) === "author"){
return stripDotFromAuthorID(property);
if(property === "removed"){
return "removed";
return false;
function emitOpenTag(i)
var spanClass = getSpanClassFor(i);
assem.append('<span class="');
} else {
function emitCloseTag(i)
var spanClass = getSpanClassFor(i);
} else {
function orderdCloseTags(tags2close)
@ -303,7 +371,7 @@ function getHTMLFromAtext(pad, atext)
return _processSpaces(assem.toString());
} // end getLineHTML
var pieces = [];
var pieces = [css];
// Need to deal with constraints imposed on HTML lists; can
// only gain one level of nesting at once, can't change type

src/node/utils/padDiff.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
var Changeset = require("../../static/js/Changeset");
var async = require("async");
var exportHtml = require('./ExportHtml');
function PadDiff (pad, fromRev, toRev){
//check parameters
if(!pad || ! || !pad.atext || !pad.pool)
throw new Error('Invalid pad');
var range = pad.getValidRevisionRange(fromRev, toRev);
if(!range) { throw new Error('Invalid revision range.' +
' startRev: ' + fromRev +
' endRev: ' + toRev); }
this._pad = pad;
this._fromRev = range.startRev;
this._toRev = range.endRev;
this._html = null;
this._authors = [];
PadDiff.prototype._isClearAuthorship = function(changeset){
var unpacked = Changeset.unpack(changeset);
//check if there is nothing in the charBank
if(unpacked.charBank !== "")
return false;
//check if oldLength == newLength
if(unpacked.oldLen !== unpacked.newLen)
return false;
//lets iterator over the operators
var iterator = Changeset.opIterator(unpacked.ops);
//get the first operator, this should be a clear operator
var clearOperator =;
//check if there is only one operator
if(iterator.hasNext() === true)
return false;
//check if this operator doesn't change text
if(clearOperator.opcode !== "=")
return false;
//check that this operator applys to the complete text
//if the text ends with a new line, its exactly one character less, else it has the same length
if(clearOperator.chars !== unpacked.oldLen-1 && clearOperator.chars !== unpacked.oldLen)
return false;
var attributes = [];
Changeset.eachAttribNumber(changeset, function(attrNum){
//check that this changeset uses only one attribute
if(attributes.length !== 1)
return false;
var appliedAttribute = this._pad.pool.getAttrib(attributes[0]);
//check if the applied attribute is an anonymous author attribute
if(appliedAttribute[0] !== "author" || appliedAttribute[1] !== "")
return false;
return true;
PadDiff.prototype._createClearAuthorship = function(rev, callback){
var self = this;
this._pad.getInternalRevisionAText(rev, function(err, atext){
return callback(err);
//build clearAuthorship changeset
var builder = Changeset.builder(atext.text.length);
builder.keepText(atext.text, [['author','']], self._pad.pool);
var changeset = builder.toString();
callback(null, changeset);
PadDiff.prototype._createClearStartAtext = function(rev, callback){
var self = this;
//get the atext of this revision
this._pad.getInternalRevisionAText(rev, function(err, atext){
return callback(err);
//create the clearAuthorship changeset
self._createClearAuthorship(rev, function(err, changeset){
return callback(err);
//apply the clearAuthorship changeset
var newAText = Changeset.applyToAText(changeset, atext, self._pad.pool);
callback(null, newAText);
PadDiff.prototype._getChangesetsInBulk = function(startRev, count, callback) {
var self = this;
//find out which revisions we need
var revisions = [];
for(var i=startRev;i<(startRev+count) && i<=this._pad.head;i++){
var changesets = [], authors = [];
//get all needed revisions
async.forEach(revisions, function(rev, callback){
self._pad.getRevision(rev, function(err, revision){
return callback(err)
var arrayNum = rev-startRev;
changesets[arrayNum] = revision.changeset;
authors[arrayNum] =;
}, function(err){
callback(err, changesets, authors);
PadDiff.prototype._addAuthors = function(authors) {
var self = this;
//add to array if not in the array
if(self._authors.indexOf(author) == -1){
PadDiff.prototype._createDiffAtext = function(callback) {
var self = this;
var bulkSize = 100;
//get the cleaned startAText
self._createClearStartAtext(self._fromRev, function(err, atext){
if(err) { return callback(err); }
var superChangeset = null;
var rev = self._fromRev + 1;
//async while loop
//loop condition
function () { return rev <= self._toRev; },
//loop body
function (callback) {
//get the bulk
self._getChangesetsInBulk(rev,bulkSize,function(err, changesets, authors){
var addedAuthors = [];
//run trough all changesets
for(var i=0;i<changesets.length && (rev+i)<=self._toRev;i++){
var changeset = changesets[i];
//skip clearAuthorship Changesets
changeset = self._extendChangesetWithAuthor(changeset, authors[i], self._pad.pool);
//add this author to the authorarray
//compose it with the superChangset
if(superChangeset === null){
superChangeset = changeset;
} else {
superChangeset = Changeset.composeWithDeletions(superChangeset, changeset, self._pad.pool);
//add the authors to the PadDiff authorArray
//lets continue with the next bulk
rev += bulkSize;
//after the loop has ended
function (err) {
//if there are only clearAuthorship changesets, we don't get a superChangeset, so we can skip this step
var deletionChangeset = self._createDeletionChangeset(superChangeset,atext,self._pad.pool);
//apply the superChangeset, which includes all addings
atext = Changeset.applyToAText(superChangeset,atext,self._pad.pool);
//apply the deletionChangeset, which adds a deletions
atext = Changeset.applyToAText(deletionChangeset,atext,self._pad.pool);
callback(err, atext);
PadDiff.prototype.getHtml = function(callback){
//cache the html
if(this._html != null){
return callback(null, this._html);
var self = this;
var atext, html, authorColors;
//get the diff atext
self._createDiffAtext(function(err, _atext){
return callback(err);
atext = _atext;
//get the authorColor table
self._pad.getAllAuthorColors(function(err, _authorColors){
return callback(err);
authorColors = _authorColors;
//convert the atext to html
html = exportHtml.getHTMLFromAtext(self._pad, atext, authorColors);
self._html = html;
], function(err){
callback(err, html);
PadDiff.prototype.getAuthors = function(callback){
var self = this;
//check if html was already produced, if not produce it, this generates the author array at the same time
if(self._html == null){
return callback(err);
callback(null, self._authors);
} else {
callback(null, self._authors);
PadDiff.prototype._extendChangesetWithAuthor = function(changeset, author, apool) {
var unpacked = Changeset.unpack(changeset);
var iterator = Changeset.opIterator(unpacked.ops);
var assem = Changeset.opAssembler();
//create deleted attribs
var authorAttrib = apool.putAttrib(["author", author || ""]);
var deletedAttrib = apool.putAttrib(["removed", true]);
var attribs = "*" + Changeset.numToString(authorAttrib) + "*" + Changeset.numToString(deletedAttrib);
//iteratore over the operators of the changeset
var operator =;
//this is a delete operator, extend it with the author
if(operator.opcode === "-"){
operator.attribs = attribs;
//this is operator changes only attributes, let's mark which author did that
else if(operator.opcode === "=" && operator.attribs){
//append the new operator to our assembler
//return the modified changeset
return Changeset.pack(unpacked.oldLen, unpacked.newLen, assem.toString(), unpacked.charBank);
//this method is 80% like Changeset.inverse. I just changed so instead of reverting, it adds deletions and attribute changes to to the atext.
PadDiff.prototype._createDeletionChangeset = function(cs, startAText, apool) {
var lines = Changeset.splitTextLines(startAText.text);
var alines = Changeset.splitAttributionLines(startAText.attribs, startAText.text);
// lines and alines are what the exports is meant to apply to.
// They may be arrays or objects with .get(i) and .length methods.
// They include final newlines on lines.
function lines_get(idx) {
if (lines.get) {
return lines.get(idx);
} else {
return lines[idx];
function lines_length() {
if ((typeof lines.length) == "number") {
return lines.length;
} else {
return lines.length();
function alines_get(idx) {
if (alines.get) {
return alines.get(idx);
} else {
return alines[idx];
function alines_length() {
if ((typeof alines.length) == "number") {
return alines.length;
} else {
return alines.length();
var curLine = 0;
var curChar = 0;
var curLineOpIter = null;
var curLineOpIterLine;
var curLineNextOp = Changeset.newOp('+');
var unpacked = Changeset.unpack(cs);
var csIter = Changeset.opIterator(unpacked.ops);
var builder = Changeset.builder(unpacked.newLen);
function consumeAttribRuns(numChars, func /*(len, attribs, endsLine)*/ ) {
if ((!curLineOpIter) || (curLineOpIterLine != curLine)) {
// create curLineOpIter and advance it to curChar
curLineOpIter = Changeset.opIterator(alines_get(curLine));
curLineOpIterLine = curLine;
var indexIntoLine = 0;
var done = false;
while (!done) {;
if (indexIntoLine + curLineNextOp.chars >= curChar) {
curLineNextOp.chars -= (curChar - indexIntoLine);
done = true;
} else {
indexIntoLine += curLineNextOp.chars;
while (numChars > 0) {
if ((!curLineNextOp.chars) && (!curLineOpIter.hasNext())) {
curChar = 0;
curLineOpIterLine = curLine;
curLineNextOp.chars = 0;
curLineOpIter = Changeset.opIterator(alines_get(curLine));
if (!curLineNextOp.chars) {;
var charsToUse = Math.min(numChars, curLineNextOp.chars);
func(charsToUse, curLineNextOp.attribs, charsToUse == curLineNextOp.chars && curLineNextOp.lines > 0);
numChars -= charsToUse;
curLineNextOp.chars -= charsToUse;
curChar += charsToUse;
if ((!curLineNextOp.chars) && (!curLineOpIter.hasNext())) {
curChar = 0;
function skip(N, L) {
if (L) {
curLine += L;
curChar = 0;
} else {
if (curLineOpIter && curLineOpIterLine == curLine) {
consumeAttribRuns(N, function () {});
} else {
curChar += N;
function nextText(numChars) {
var len = 0;
var assem = Changeset.stringAssembler();
var firstString = lines_get(curLine).substring(curChar);
len += firstString.length;
var lineNum = curLine + 1;
while (len < numChars) {
var nextString = lines_get(lineNum);
len += nextString.length;
return assem.toString().substring(0, numChars);
function cachedStrFunc(func) {
var cache = {};
return function (s) {
if (!cache[s]) {
cache[s] = func(s);
return cache[s];
var attribKeys = [];
var attribValues = [];
//iterate over all operators of this changeset
while (csIter.hasNext()) {
var csOp =;
if (csOp.opcode == '=') {
var textBank = nextText(csOp.chars);
// decide if this equal operator is an attribution change or not. We can see this by checkinf if attribs is set.
// If the text this operator applies to is only a star, than this is a false positive and should be ignored
if (csOp.attribs && textBank != "*") {
var deletedAttrib = apool.putAttrib(["removed", true]);
var authorAttrib = apool.putAttrib(["author", ""]);;
attribKeys.length = 0;
attribValues.length = 0;
Changeset.eachAttribNumber(csOp.attribs, function (n) {
if(apool.getAttribKey(n) === "author"){
authorAttrib = n;
var undoBackToAttribs = cachedStrFunc(function (attribs) {
var backAttribs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < attribKeys.length; i++) {
var appliedKey = attribKeys[i];
var appliedValue = attribValues[i];
var oldValue = Changeset.attribsAttributeValue(attribs, appliedKey, apool);
if (appliedValue != oldValue) {
backAttribs.push([appliedKey, oldValue]);
return Changeset.makeAttribsString('=', backAttribs, apool);
var oldAttribsAddition = "*" + Changeset.numToString(deletedAttrib) + "*" + Changeset.numToString(authorAttrib);
var textLeftToProcess = textBank;
while(textLeftToProcess.length > 0){
//process till the next line break or process only one line break
var lengthToProcess = textLeftToProcess.indexOf("\n");
var lineBreak = false;
case -1:
case 0:
lineBreak = true;
//get the text we want to procceed in this step
var processText = textLeftToProcess.substr(0, lengthToProcess);
textLeftToProcess = textLeftToProcess.substr(lengthToProcess);
builder.keep(1, 1); //just skip linebreaks, don't do a insert + keep for a linebreak
//consume the attributes of this linebreak
consumeAttribRuns(1, function(){});
} else {
//add the old text via an insert, but add a deletion attribute + the author attribute of the author who deleted it
var textBankIndex = 0;
consumeAttribRuns(lengthToProcess, function (len, attribs, endsLine) {
//get the old attributes back
var attribs = (undoBackToAttribs(attribs) || "") + oldAttribsAddition;
builder.insert(processText.substr(textBankIndex, len), attribs);
textBankIndex += len;
builder.keep(lengthToProcess, 0);
} else {
skip(csOp.chars, csOp.lines);
builder.keep(csOp.chars, csOp.lines);
} else if (csOp.opcode == '+') {
builder.keep(csOp.chars, csOp.lines);
} else if (csOp.opcode == '-') {
var textBank = nextText(csOp.chars);
var textBankIndex = 0;
consumeAttribRuns(csOp.chars, function (len, attribs, endsLine) {
builder.insert(textBank.substr(textBankIndex, len), attribs + csOp.attribs);
textBankIndex += len;
return Changeset.checkRep(builder.toString());
//export the constructor
module.exports = PadDiff;

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
, "pad_savedrevs.js"
, "pad_connectionstatus.js"
, "chat.js"
, "gritter.js"
, "$tinycon/tinycon.js"
, "excanvas.js"
, "farbtastic.js"

View File

@ -46,5 +46,5 @@
"engines" : { "node" : ">=0.6.0",
"npm" : ">=1.0"
"version" : "1.2.6"
"version" : "1.2.7"

View File

@ -925,3 +925,95 @@ input[type=checkbox] {
/* gritter stuff */
#gritter-notice-wrapper {
#gritter-notice-wrapper.bottom-right {
top: auto;
left: auto;
bottom: 20px;
right: 20px;
.gritter-item-wrapper {
margin:0 0 10px 0;
.gritter-top {
background:url(../../static/img/gritter.png) no-repeat left -30px;
.hover .gritter-top {
background-position:right -30px;
.gritter-bottom {
background:url(../../static/img/gritter.png) no-repeat left bottom;
.hover .gritter-bottom {
background-position: bottom right;
.gritter-item {
background:url(../../static/img/gritter.png) no-repeat left -40px;
padding:2px 11px 8px 11px;
font-size: 11px;
.hover .gritter-item {
background-position:right -40px;
.gritter-item p {
.gritter-close {
background:url('../../static/img/gritter.png') no-repeat left top;
.gritter-title {
padding:0 0 7px 0;
text-shadow:1px 1px 0 #000; /* Not supported by IE :( */
.gritter-image {
.gritter-without-image {
padding:0 0 5px 0;
.gritter-with-image {
/* for the light (white) version of the gritter notice */
.gritter-light .gritter-item,
.gritter-light .gritter-bottom,
.gritter-light .gritter-top,
.gritter-close {
color: #222;
.gritter-light .gritter-title {
text-shadow: none;
/* End of gritter stuff */

src/static/img/gritter.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 4.8 KiB

View File

@ -2182,3 +2182,121 @@ exports.followAttributes = function (att1, att2, pool) {
return buf.toString();
exports.composeWithDeletions = function (cs1, cs2, pool) {
var unpacked1 = exports.unpack(cs1);
var unpacked2 = exports.unpack(cs2);
var len1 = unpacked1.oldLen;
var len2 = unpacked1.newLen;
exports.assert(len2 == unpacked2.oldLen, "mismatched composition");
var len3 = unpacked2.newLen;
var bankIter1 = exports.stringIterator(unpacked1.charBank);
var bankIter2 = exports.stringIterator(unpacked2.charBank);
var bankAssem = exports.stringAssembler();
var newOps = exports.applyZip(unpacked1.ops, 0, unpacked2.ops, 0, function (op1, op2, opOut) {
var op1code = op1.opcode;
var op2code = op2.opcode;
if (op1code == '+' && op2code == '-') {
bankIter1.skip(Math.min(op1.chars, op2.chars));
exports._slicerZipperFuncWithDeletions(op1, op2, opOut, pool);
if (opOut.opcode == '+') {
if (op2code == '+') {
} else {
return exports.pack(len1, len3, newOps, bankAssem.toString());
// This function is 95% like _slicerZipperFunc, we just changed two lines to ensure it merges the attribs of deletions properly.
// This is necassary for correct paddiff. But to ensure these changes doesn't affect anything else, we've created a seperate function only used for paddiffs
exports._slicerZipperFuncWithDeletions= function (attOp, csOp, opOut, pool) {
// attOp is the op from the sequence that is being operated on, either an
// attribution string or the earlier of two exportss being composed.
// pool can be null if definitely not needed.
//print(csOp.toSource()+" "+attOp.toSource()+" "+opOut.toSource());
if (attOp.opcode == '-') {
exports.copyOp(attOp, opOut);
attOp.opcode = '';
} else if (!attOp.opcode) {
exports.copyOp(csOp, opOut);
csOp.opcode = '';
} else {
switch (csOp.opcode) {
case '-':
if (csOp.chars <= attOp.chars) {
// delete or delete part
if (attOp.opcode == '=') {
opOut.opcode = '-';
opOut.chars = csOp.chars;
opOut.lines = csOp.lines;
opOut.attribs = csOp.attribs; //changed by yammer
attOp.chars -= csOp.chars;
attOp.lines -= csOp.lines;
csOp.opcode = '';
if (!attOp.chars) {
attOp.opcode = '';
} else {
// delete and keep going
if (attOp.opcode == '=') {
opOut.opcode = '-';
opOut.chars = attOp.chars;
opOut.lines = attOp.lines;
opOut.attribs = csOp.attribs; //changed by yammer
csOp.chars -= attOp.chars;
csOp.lines -= attOp.lines;
attOp.opcode = '';
case '+':
// insert
exports.copyOp(csOp, opOut);
csOp.opcode = '';
case '=':
if (csOp.chars <= attOp.chars) {
// keep or keep part
opOut.opcode = attOp.opcode;
opOut.chars = csOp.chars;
opOut.lines = csOp.lines;
opOut.attribs = exports.composeAttributes(attOp.attribs, csOp.attribs, attOp.opcode == '=', pool);
csOp.opcode = '';
attOp.chars -= csOp.chars;
attOp.lines -= csOp.lines;
if (!attOp.chars) {
attOp.opcode = '';
} else {
// keep and keep going
opOut.opcode = attOp.opcode;
opOut.chars = attOp.chars;
opOut.lines = attOp.lines;
opOut.attribs = exports.composeAttributes(attOp.attribs, csOp.attribs, attOp.opcode == '=', pool);
attOp.opcode = '';
csOp.chars -= attOp.chars;
csOp.lines -= attOp.lines;
case '':
exports.copyOp(attOp, opOut);
attOp.opcode = '';

View File

@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ function loadBroadcastSliderJS(fireWhenAllScriptsAreLoaded)
newpos = Number(newpos);
if (newpos < 0 || newpos > sliderLength) return;
window.location.hash = "#" + newpos;
$("#ui-slider-handle").css('left', newpos * ($("#ui-slider-bar").width() - 2) / (sliderLength * 1.0));
@ -481,6 +482,18 @@ function loadBroadcastSliderJS(fireWhenAllScriptsAreLoaded)
var startPos = clientVars.collab_client_vars.rev;
if(window.location.hash.length > 1)
var hashRev = Number(window.location.hash.substr(1));
// this is necessary because of the which loads the changesets
setTimeout(function() { setSliderPosition(hashRev); }, 1);

View File

@ -1,9 +1,3 @@
* This code is mostly from the old Etherpad. Please help us to comment this code.
* This helps other people to understand this code better and helps them to improve it.
* Copyright 2009 Google Inc., 2011 Peter 'Pita' Martischka (Primary Technology Ltd)
@ -22,7 +16,6 @@
var padutils = require('./pad_utils').padutils;
var padcookie = require('./pad_cookie').padcookie;
var Tinycon = require('tinycon/tinycon');
var chat = (function()
@ -36,6 +29,7 @@ var chat = (function()
chatMentions = 0;
@ -62,6 +56,8 @@ var chat = (function()
scrollDown: function()
@ -122,7 +118,7 @@ var chat = (function()
//should we increment the counter??
if(increment && !isHistoryAdd)
var count = Number($("#chatcounter").text());
@ -130,17 +126,44 @@ var chat = (function()
// is the users focus already in the chatbox?
var alreadyFocused = $("#chatinput").is(":focus");
// does the user already have the chatbox open?
var chatOpen = $("#chatbox").is(":visible");
// chat throb stuff -- Just make it throw for twice as long
if(wasMentioned && !alreadyFocused && !isHistoryAdd)
if(wasMentioned && !alreadyFocused && !isHistoryAdd && !chatOpen)
{ // If the user was mentioned show for twice as long and flash the browser window
$('#chatthrob').html("<b>"+authorName+"</b>" + ": " + text).show().delay(4000).hide(400);
// (string | mandatory) the heading of the notification
title: authorName,
// (string | mandatory) the text inside the notification
text: text,
// (bool | optional) if you want it to fade out on its own or just sit there
sticky: true,
// (int | optional) the time you want it to be alive for before fading out
time: '2000'
$('#chatthrob').html("<b>"+authorName+"</b>" + ": " + text).show().delay(2000).hide(400);
// (string | mandatory) the heading of the notification
title: authorName,
// (string | mandatory) the text inside the notification
text: text,
// (bool | optional) if you want it to fade out on its own or just sit there
sticky: false,
// (int | optional) the time you want it to be alive for before fading out
time: '4000'
// Clear the chat mentions when the user clicks on the chat input box

src/static/js/gritter.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
* Gritter for jQuery
* Copyright (c) 2012 Jordan Boesch
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
* Date: February 24, 2012
* Version: 1.7.4
* Set it up as an object under the jQuery namespace
$.gritter = {};
* Set up global options that the user can over-ride
$.gritter.options = {
position: '',
class_name: '', // could be set to 'gritter-light' to use white notifications
fade_in_speed: 'medium', // how fast notifications fade in
fade_out_speed: 1000, // how fast the notices fade out
time: 6000 // hang on the screen for...
* Add a gritter notification to the screen
* @see Gritter#add();
$.gritter.add = function(params){
try {
return Gritter.add(params || {});
} catch(e) {
var err = 'Gritter Error: ' + e;
(typeof(console) != 'undefined' && console.error) ?
console.error(err, params) :
* Remove a gritter notification from the screen
* @see Gritter#removeSpecific();
$.gritter.remove = function(id, params){
Gritter.removeSpecific(id, params || {});
* Remove all notifications
* @see Gritter#stop();
$.gritter.removeAll = function(params){
Gritter.stop(params || {});
* Big fat Gritter object
* @constructor (not really since its object literal)
var Gritter = {
// Public - options to over-ride with $.gritter.options in "add"
position: '',
fade_in_speed: '',
fade_out_speed: '',
time: '',
// Private - no touchy the private parts
_custom_timer: 0,
_item_count: 0,
_is_setup: 0,
_tpl_close: '<div class="gritter-close"></div>',
_tpl_title: '<span class="gritter-title">[[title]]</span>',
_tpl_item: '<div id="gritter-item-[[number]]" class="gritter-item-wrapper [[item_class]]" style="display:none"><div class="gritter-top"></div><div class="gritter-item">[[close]][[image]]<div class="[[class_name]]">[[title]]<p>[[text]]</p></div><div style="clear:both"></div></div><div class="gritter-bottom"></div></div>',
_tpl_wrap: '<div id="gritter-notice-wrapper"></div>',
* Add a gritter notification to the screen
* @param {Object} params The object that contains all the options for drawing the notification
* @return {Integer} The specific numeric id to that gritter notification
add: function(params){
// Handle straight text
if(typeof(params) == 'string'){
params = {text:params};
// We might have some issues if we don't have a title or text!
throw 'You must supply "text" parameter.';
// Check the options and set them once
// Basics
var title = params.title,
text = params.text,
image = params.image || '',
sticky = params.sticky || false,
item_class = params.class_name || $.gritter.options.class_name,
position = $.gritter.options.position,
time_alive = params.time || '';
var number = this._item_count,
tmp = this._tpl_item;
// Assign callbacks
$(['before_open', 'after_open', 'before_close', 'after_close']).each(function(i, val){
Gritter['_' + val + '_' + number] = ($.isFunction(params[val])) ? params[val] : function(){}
// Reset
this._custom_timer = 0;
// A custom fade time set
this._custom_timer = time_alive;
var image_str = (image != '') ? '<img src="' + image + '" class="gritter-image" />' : '',
class_name = (image != '') ? 'gritter-with-image' : 'gritter-without-image';
// String replacements on the template
title = this._str_replace('[[title]]',title,this._tpl_title);
title = '';
tmp = this._str_replace(
['[[title]]', '[[text]]', '[[close]]', '[[image]]', '[[number]]', '[[class_name]]', '[[item_class]]'],
[title, text, this._tpl_close, image_str, this._item_count, class_name, item_class], tmp
// If it's false, don't show another gritter message
if(this['_before_open_' + number]() === false){
return false;
var item = $('#gritter-item-' + this._item_count);
item.fadeIn(this.fade_in_speed, function(){
Gritter['_after_open_' + number]($(this));
this._setFadeTimer(item, number);
// Bind the hover/unhover states
$(item).bind('mouseenter mouseleave', function(event){
if(event.type == 'mouseenter'){
Gritter._restoreItemIfFading($(this), number);
else {
Gritter._setFadeTimer($(this), number);
Gritter._hoverState($(this), event.type);
// Clicking (X) makes the perdy thing close
Gritter.removeSpecific(number, {}, null, true);
return number;
* If we don't have any more gritter notifications, get rid of the wrapper using this check
* @private
* @param {Integer} unique_id The ID of the element that was just deleted, use it for a callback
* @param {Object} e The jQuery element that we're going to perform the remove() action on
* @param {Boolean} manual_close Did we close the gritter dialog with the (X) button
_countRemoveWrapper: function(unique_id, e, manual_close){
// Remove it then run the callback function
this['_after_close_' + unique_id](e, manual_close);
// Check if the wrapper is empty, if it is.. remove the wrapper
if($('.gritter-item-wrapper').length == 0){
* Fade out an element after it's been on the screen for x amount of time
* @private
* @param {Object} e The jQuery element to get rid of
* @param {Integer} unique_id The id of the element to remove
* @param {Object} params An optional list of params to set fade speeds etc.
* @param {Boolean} unbind_events Unbind the mouseenter/mouseleave events if they click (X)
_fade: function(e, unique_id, params, unbind_events){
var params = params || {},
fade = (typeof(params.fade) != 'undefined') ? params.fade : true,
fade_out_speed = params.speed || this.fade_out_speed,
manual_close = unbind_events;
this['_before_close_' + unique_id](e, manual_close);
// If this is true, then we are coming from clicking the (X)
e.unbind('mouseenter mouseleave');
// Fade it out or remove it
opacity: 0
}, fade_out_speed, function(){
e.animate({ height: 0 }, 300, function(){
Gritter._countRemoveWrapper(unique_id, e, manual_close);
else {
this._countRemoveWrapper(unique_id, e);
* Perform actions based on the type of bind (mouseenter, mouseleave)
* @private
* @param {Object} e The jQuery element
* @param {String} type The type of action we're performing: mouseenter or mouseleave
_hoverState: function(e, type){
// Change the border styles and add the (X) close button when you hover
if(type == 'mouseenter'){
// Show close button
// Remove the border styles and hide (X) close button when you mouse out
else {
// Hide close button
* Remove a specific notification based on an ID
* @param {Integer} unique_id The ID used to delete a specific notification
* @param {Object} params A set of options passed in to determine how to get rid of it
* @param {Object} e The jQuery element that we're "fading" then removing
* @param {Boolean} unbind_events If we clicked on the (X) we set this to true to unbind mouseenter/mouseleave
removeSpecific: function(unique_id, params, e, unbind_events){
var e = $('#gritter-item-' + unique_id);
// We set the fourth param to let the _fade function know to
// unbind the "mouseleave" event. Once you click (X) there's no going back!
this._fade(e, unique_id, params || {}, unbind_events);
* If the item is fading out and we hover over it, restore it!
* @private
* @param {Object} e The HTML element to remove
* @param {Integer} unique_id The ID of the element
_restoreItemIfFading: function(e, unique_id){
clearTimeout(this['_int_id_' + unique_id]);
e.stop().css({ opacity: '', height: '' });
* Setup the global options - only once
* @private
_runSetup: function(){
for(opt in $.gritter.options){
this[opt] = $.gritter.options[opt];
this._is_setup = 1;
* Set the notification to fade out after a certain amount of time
* @private
* @param {Object} item The HTML element we're dealing with
* @param {Integer} unique_id The ID of the element
_setFadeTimer: function(e, unique_id){
var timer_str = (this._custom_timer) ? this._custom_timer : this.time;
this['_int_id_' + unique_id] = setTimeout(function(){
Gritter._fade(e, unique_id);
}, timer_str);
* Bring everything to a halt
* @param {Object} params A list of callback functions to pass when all notifications are removed
stop: function(params){
// callbacks (if passed)
var before_close = ($.isFunction(params.before_close)) ? params.before_close : function(){};
var after_close = ($.isFunction(params.after_close)) ? params.after_close : function(){};
var wrap = $('#gritter-notice-wrapper');
* An extremely handy PHP function ported to JS, works well for templating
* @private
* @param {String/Array} search A list of things to search for
* @param {String/Array} replace A list of things to replace the searches with
* @return {String} sa The output
_str_replace: function(search, replace, subject, count){
var i = 0, j = 0, temp = '', repl = '', sl = 0, fl = 0,
f = [].concat(search),
r = [].concat(replace),
s = subject,
ra = r instanceof Array, sa = s instanceof Array;
s = [].concat(s);
this.window[count] = 0;
for(i = 0, sl = s.length; i < sl; i++){
if(s[i] === ''){
for (j = 0, fl = f.length; j < fl; j++){
temp = s[i] + '';
repl = ra ? (r[j] !== undefined ? r[j] : '') : r[0];
s[i] = (temp).split(f[j]).join(repl);
if(count && s[i] !== temp){
this.window[count] += (temp.length-s[i].length) / f[j].length;
return sa ? s : s[0];
* A check to make sure we have something to wrap our notices with
* @private
_verifyWrapper: function(){
if($('#gritter-notice-wrapper').length == 0){

View File

@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ var colorutils = require('./colorutils').colorutils;
var createCookie = require('./pad_utils').createCookie;
var readCookie = require('./pad_utils').readCookie;
var randomString = require('./pad_utils').randomString;
var gritter = require('./gritter').gritter;
var hooks = require('./pluginfw/hooks');
@ -101,86 +102,39 @@ function randomString()
return "t." + randomstring;
// This array represents all GET-parameters which can be used to change a setting.
// name: the parameter-name, eg `?noColors=true` => `noColors`
// checkVal: the callback is only executed when
// * the parameter was supplied and matches checkVal
// * the parameter was supplied and checkVal is null
// callback: the function to call when all above succeeds, `val` is the value supplied by the user
var getParameters = [
{ name: "noColors", checkVal: "true", callback: function(val) { settings.noColors = true; $('#clearAuthorship').hide(); } },
{ name: "showControls", checkVal: "false", callback: function(val) { $('#editbar').hide(); $('#editorcontainer').css({"top":"0px"}); } },
{ name: "showChat", checkVal: "false", callback: function(val) { $('#chaticon').hide(); } },
{ name: "showLineNumbers", checkVal: "false", callback: function(val) { settings.LineNumbersDisabled = true; } },
{ name: "useMonospaceFont", checkVal: "true", callback: function(val) { settings.useMonospaceFontGlobal = true; } },
// If the username is set as a parameter we should set a global value that we can call once we have initiated the pad.
{ name: "userName", checkVal: null, callback: function(val) { settings.globalUserName = decodeURIComponent(val); } },
// If the userColor is set as a parameter, set a global value to use once we have initiated the pad.
{ name: "userColor", checkVal: null, callback: function(val) { settings.globalUserColor = decodeURIComponent(val); } },
{ name: "rtl", checkVal: "true", callback: function(val) { settings.rtlIsTrue = true } },
{ name: "alwaysShowChat", checkVal: "true", callback: function(val) { chat.stickToScreen(); } },
{ name: "lang", checkVal: null, callback: function(val) { window.html10n.localize([val, 'en']); } }
function getParams()
var params = getUrlVars()
var showControls = params["showControls"];
var showChat = params["showChat"];
var userName = params["userName"];
var userColor = params["userColor"];
var showLineNumbers = params["showLineNumbers"];
var useMonospaceFont = params["useMonospaceFont"];
var IsnoColors = params["noColors"];
var rtl = params["rtl"];
var alwaysShowChat = params["alwaysShowChat"];
var lang = params["lang"];
for(var i = 0; i < getParameters.length; i++)
if(IsnoColors == "true")
var setting = getParameters[i];
var value = params[];
if(value && (value == setting.checkVal || setting.checkVal == null))
settings.noColors = true;
if(showControls == "false")
if(showChat == "false")
if(showLineNumbers == "false")
settings.LineNumbersDisabled = true;
if(useMonospaceFont == "true")
settings.useMonospaceFontGlobal = true;
// If the username is set as a parameter we should set a global value that we can call once we have initiated the pad.
settings.globalUserName = decodeURIComponent(userName);
// If the userColor is set as a parameter, set a global value to use once we have initiated the pad.
settings.globalUserColor = decodeURIComponent(userColor);
if(rtl == "true")
settings.rtlIsTrue = true
if(alwaysShowChat == "true")
if(lang !== "")
window.html10n.localize([lang, 'en']);
@ -410,6 +364,13 @@ function handshake()
$.extend($.gritter.options, {
position: 'bottom-right', // defaults to 'top-right' but can be 'bottom-left', 'bottom-right', 'top-left', 'top-right' (added in 1.7.1)
fade_in_speed: 'medium', // how fast notifications fade in (string or int)
fade_out_speed: 2000, // how fast the notices fade out
time: 6000 // hang on the screen for...
var pad = {
// don't access these directly from outside this file, except
// for debugging

View File

@ -365,8 +365,6 @@
<% e.end_block(); %>
<div id="chatthrob"></div>
<div id="chaticon" onclick=";return false;">
<span id="chatlabel" data-l10n-id=""></span>
<span class="buttonicon buttonicon-chat"></span>

View File

@ -57,4 +57,95 @@ describe("timeslider", function(){
}, 6000);
}, revs*timePerRev);
it("changes the url when clicking on the timeslider", function(done) {
var inner$ = helper.padInner$;
var chrome$ = helper.padChrome$;
// make some changes to produce 7 revisions
var timePerRev = 900
, revs = 7;
for(var i=0; i < revs; i++) {
setTimeout(function() {
// enter 'a' in the first text element
}, timePerRev*i);
setTimeout(function() {
// go to timeslider
$('#iframe-container iframe').attr('src', $('#iframe-container iframe').attr('src')+'/timeslider');
setTimeout(function() {
var timeslider$ = $('#iframe-container iframe')[0].contentWindow.$;
var $sliderBar = timeslider$('#ui-slider-bar');
var latestContents = timeslider$('#padcontent').text();
var oldUrl = $('#iframe-container iframe')[0].contentWindow.location.hash;
// Click somewhere on the timeslider
var e = new jQuery.Event('mousedown');
e.clientX = e.pageX = 150;
e.clientY = e.pageY = 60;
return $('#iframe-container iframe')[0].contentWindow.location.hash != oldUrl;
}, 6000).always(function(){
expect( $('#iframe-container iframe')[0].contentWindow.location.hash ) oldUrl );
}, 6000);
}, revs*timePerRev);
it("jumps to a revision given in the url", function(done) {
var inner$ = helper.padInner$;
var chrome$ = helper.padChrome$;
setTimeout(function() {
// go to timeslider
$('#iframe-container iframe').attr('src', $('#iframe-container iframe').attr('src')+'/timeslider#0');
var timeslider$;
timeslider$ = $('#iframe-container iframe')[0].contentWindow.$;
return timeslider$ && timeslider$('#padcontent').text().length == 230;
}, 6000).always(function(){
expect( timeslider$('#padcontent').text().length ).to.eql( 230 );
}, 2500);
it("checks the export url", function(done) {
var inner$ = helper.padInner$;
var chrome$ = helper.padChrome$;
setTimeout(function() {
// go to timeslider
$('#iframe-container iframe').attr('src', $('#iframe-container iframe').attr('src')+'/timeslider#0');
var timeslider$;
var exportLink;
timeslider$ = $('#iframe-container iframe')[0].contentWindow.$;
return false;
exportLink = timeslider$('#exportplaina').attr('href');
return false;
return exportLink.substr(exportLink.length - 12) == "0/export/txt";
}, 6000).always(function(){
expect( exportLink.substr(exportLink.length - 12) ).to.eql( "0/export/txt" );
}, 2500);