#!/bin/bash #================================================= #================================================= # TESTING #================================================= #================================================= ynh_setup_source () { src_url=$(cat ../conf/app.src | grep SOURCE_URL | cut -d= -f2-) src_checksum=$(cat ../conf/app.src | grep SOURCE_SUM | cut -d= -f2-) arch_format=$(cat ../conf/app.src | grep ARCH_FORMAT | cut -d= -f2-) local_source="/opt/yunohost-apps-src/$YNH_APP_ID/source.$arch_format" if test -e "$local_source" then # Use the local source file if it is present cp $local_source source.$arch_format else # If not, download the source wget -nv -O source.$arch_format $src_url fi # Check the control sum echo "$src_checksum source.$arch_format" \ | md5sum -c --status || ynh_die "Corrupt source" # Extract source into the app dir sudo mkdir -p "$final_path" if [ $(echo "$arch_format" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') = "zip" ] then # Zip format # Using of a temp directory, because unzip doesn't manage --strip-components temp_dir=$(mktemp -d) unzip -quo source.zip -d "$temp_dir" sudo cp -a $temp_dir/*/. "$final_path" ynh_secure_remove "$temp_dir" elif [ $(echo "$arch_format" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') = "tar.gz" ]; then sudo tar -x -f source.tar.gz -C "$final_path" --strip-components 1 else ynh_die "Format d'archive non reconnu." fi # Apply patches if test -f ../sources/patches/*.patch; then (cd "$DEST" \ && for p in ${PKG_DIR}/patches/*.patch; do \ sudo patch -p1 < $p; done) \ || ynh_die "Unable to apply patches" fi # Add supplementary files if test -e "../sources/extra_files"; then sudo cp -a ../sources/extra_files/. "$final_path" fi } ynh_nginx_config () { finalnginxconf="/etc/nginx/conf.d/$domain.d/$app.conf" ynh_compare_checksum_config "$finalnginxconf" 1 sudo cp ../conf/nginx.conf "$finalnginxconf" # To avoid a break by set -u, use a void substitution ${var:-}. If the variable is not set, it's simply set with an empty variable. # Substitute in a nginx config file only if the variable is not empty if test -n "${path_url:-}"; then ynh_replace_string "__PATH__" "$path_url" "$finalnginxconf" fi if test -n "${domain:-}"; then ynh_replace_string "__DOMAIN__" "$domain" "$finalnginxconf" fi if test -n "${port:-}"; then ynh_replace_string "__PORT__" "$port" "$finalnginxconf" fi if test -n "${app:-}"; then ynh_replace_string "__NAME__" "$app" "$finalnginxconf" fi if test -n "${final_path:-}"; then ynh_replace_string "__FINALPATH__" "$final_path" "$finalnginxconf" fi ynh_store_checksum_config "$finalnginxconf" sudo systemctl reload nginx } ynh_remove_nginx_config () { ynh_secure_remove "/etc/nginx/conf.d/$domain.d/$app.conf" sudo systemctl reload nginx } ynh_store_checksum_config () { config_file_checksum=checksum_${1//[\/ ]/_} # Replace all '/' and ' ' by '_' ynh_app_setting_set $app $config_file_checksum $(sudo md5sum "$1" | cut -d' ' -f1) } ynh_compare_checksum_config () { current_config_file=$1 compress_backup=${2:-0} # If $2 is empty, compress_backup will set at 0 config_file_checksum=checksum_${current_config_file//[\/ ]/_} # Replace all '/' and ' ' by '_' checksum_value=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app $config_file_checksum) if [ -n "$checksum_value" ] then # Proceed only if a value was stocked into the app config if ! echo "$checksum_value $current_config_file" | sudo md5sum -c --status then # If the checksum is now different backup_config_file="$current_config_file.backup.$(date '+%d.%m.%y_%Hh%M,%Ss')" if [ $compress_backup -eq 1 ] then sudo tar --create --gzip --file "$backup_config_file.tar.gz" "$current_config_file" # Backup the current config file and compress backup_config_file="$backup_config_file.tar.gz" else sudo cp -a "$current_config_file" "$backup_config_file" # Backup the current config file fi echo "Config file $current_config_file has been manually modified since the installation or last upgrade. So it has been duplicated in $backup_config_file" >&2 echo "$backup_config_file" # Return the name of the backup file fi fi } #================================================= #================================================= #================================================= # CHECKING #================================================= CHECK_DOMAINPATH () { # Vérifie la disponibilité du path et du domaine. sudo yunohost app checkurl $domain$path_url -a $app } #================================================= # DISPLAYING #================================================= WARNING () { # Écrit sur le canal d'erreur pour passer en warning. $@ >&2 } QUIET () { # Redirige la sortie standard dans /dev/null $@ > /dev/null } #================================================= # BACKUP #================================================= BACKUP_FAIL_UPGRADE () { WARNING echo "Upgrade failed." app_bck=${app//_/-} # Replace all '_' by '-' if sudo yunohost backup list | grep -q $app_bck-pre-upgrade$backup_number; then # Vérifie l'existence de l'archive avant de supprimer l'application et de restaurer sudo yunohost app remove $app # Supprime l'application avant de la restaurer. sudo yunohost backup restore --ignore-hooks $app_bck-pre-upgrade$backup_number --apps $app --force # Restore the backup if upgrade failed ynh_die "The app was restored to the way it was before the failed upgrade." fi } BACKUP_BEFORE_UPGRADE () { # Backup the current version of the app, restore it if the upgrade fails backup_number=1 old_backup_number=2 app_bck=${app//_/-} # Replace all '_' by '-' if sudo yunohost backup list | grep -q $app_bck-pre-upgrade1; then # Vérifie l'existence d'une archive déjà numéroté à 1. backup_number=2 # Et passe le numéro de l'archive à 2 old_backup_number=1 fi sudo yunohost backup create --ignore-hooks --apps $app --name $app_bck-pre-upgrade$backup_number # Créer un backup différent de celui existant. if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then # Si le backup est un succès, supprime l'archive précédente. if sudo yunohost backup list | grep -q $app_bck-pre-upgrade$old_backup_number; then # Vérifie l'existence de l'ancienne archive avant de la supprimer, pour éviter une erreur. QUIET sudo yunohost backup delete $app_bck-pre-upgrade$old_backup_number fi else # Si le backup a échoué ynh_die "Backup failed, the upgrade process was aborted." fi } HUMAN_SIZE () { # Transforme une taille en Ko en une taille lisible pour un humain human=$(numfmt --to=iec --from-unit=1K $1) echo $human } CHECK_SIZE () { # Vérifie avant chaque backup que l'espace est suffisant file_to_analyse=$1 backup_size=$(sudo du --summarize "$file_to_analyse" | cut -f1) free_space=$(sudo df --output=avail "/home/yunohost.backup" | sed 1d) if [ $free_space -le $backup_size ] then WARNING echo "Espace insuffisant pour sauvegarder $file_to_analyse." WARNING echo "Espace disponible: $(HUMAN_SIZE $free_space)" ynh_die "Espace nécessaire: $(HUMAN_SIZE $backup_size)" fi } #================================================= #================================================= # FUTUR YNH HELPERS #================================================= # Importer ce fichier de fonction avant celui des helpers officiel # Ainsi, les officiels prendront le pas sur ceux-ci le cas échéant #================================================= # Normalize the url path syntax # Handle the slash at the beginning of path and its absence at ending # Return a normalized url path # # example: url_path=$(ynh_normalize_url_path $url_path) # ynh_normalize_url_path example -> /example # ynh_normalize_url_path /example -> /example # ynh_normalize_url_path /example/ -> /example # ynh_normalize_url_path / -> / # # usage: ynh_normalize_url_path path_to_normalize # | arg: url_path_to_normalize - URL path to normalize before using it ynh_normalize_url_path () { path_url=$1 test -n "$path_url" || ynh_die "ynh_normalize_url_path expect a URL path as first argument and received nothing." if [ "${path_url:0:1}" != "/" ]; then # If the first character is not a / path_url="/$path_url" # Add / at begin of path variable fi if [ "${path_url:${#path_url}-1}" == "/" ] && [ ${#path_url} -gt 1 ]; then # If the last character is a / and that not the only character. path_url="${path_url:0:${#path_url}-1}" # Delete the last character fi echo $path_url } # Manage a fail of the script # # Print a warning to inform that the script was failed # Execute the ynh_clean_setup function if used in the app script # # usage of ynh_clean_setup function # This function provide a way to clean some residual of installation that not managed by remove script. # To use it, simply add in your script: # ynh_clean_setup () { # instructions... # } # This function is optionnal. # # Usage: ynh_exit_properly is used only by the helper ynh_abort_if_errors. # You must not use it directly. ynh_exit_properly () { exit_code=$? if [ "$exit_code" -eq 0 ]; then exit 0 # Exit without error if the script ended correctly fi trap '' EXIT # Ignore new exit signals set +eu # Do not exit anymore if a command fail or if a variable is empty echo -e "!!\n $app's script has encountered an error. Its execution was cancelled.\n!!" >&2 if type -t ynh_clean_setup > /dev/null; then # Check if the function exist in the app script. ynh_clean_setup # Call the function to do specific cleaning for the app. fi ynh_die # Exit with error status } # Exit if an error occurs during the execution of the script. # # Stop immediatly the execution if an error occured or if a empty variable is used. # The execution of the script is derivate to ynh_exit_properly function before exit. # # Usage: ynh_abort_if_errors ynh_abort_if_errors () { set -eu # Exit if a command fail, and if a variable is used unset. trap ynh_exit_properly EXIT # Capturing exit signals on shell script } # Define and install dependencies with a equivs control file # This helper can/should only be called once per app # # usage: ynh_install_app_dependencies dep [dep [...]] # | arg: dep - the package name to install in dependence ynh_install_app_dependencies () { dependencies=$@ manifest_path="../manifest.json" if [ ! -e "$manifest_path" ]; then manifest_path="../settings/manifest.json" # Into the restore script, the manifest is not at the same place fi version=$(sudo python3 -c "import sys, json;print(json.load(open(\"$manifest_path\"))['version'])") # Retrieve the version number in the manifest file. dep_app=${app//_/-} # Replace all '_' by '-' if ynh_package_is_installed "${dep_app}-ynh-deps"; then echo "A package named ${dep_app}-ynh-deps is already installed" >&2 else cat > ./${dep_app}-ynh-deps.control << EOF # Make a control file for equivs-build Section: misc Priority: optional Package: ${dep_app}-ynh-deps Version: ${version} Depends: ${dependencies// /, } Architecture: all Description: Fake package for ${app} (YunoHost app) dependencies This meta-package is only responsible of installing its dependencies. EOF ynh_package_install_from_equivs ./${dep_app}-ynh-deps.control \ || ynh_die "Unable to install dependencies" # Install the fake package and its dependencies ynh_app_setting_set $app apt_dependencies $dependencies fi } # Remove fake package and its dependencies # # Dependencies will removed only if no other package need them. # # usage: ynh_remove_app_dependencies ynh_remove_app_dependencies () { dep_app=${app//_/-} # Replace all '_' by '-' ynh_package_autoremove ${dep_app}-ynh-deps # Remove the fake package and its dependencies if they not still used. } # Create a system user # # usage: ynh_system_user_create user_name [home_dir] # | arg: user_name - Name of the system user that will be create # | arg: home_dir - Path of the home dir for the user. Usually the final path of the app. If this argument is omitted, the user will be created without home ynh_system_user_create () { if ! ynh_system_user_exists "$1" # Check if the user exists on the system then # If the user doesn't exist if [ $# -ge 2 ]; then # If a home dir is mentioned user_home_dir="-d $2" else user_home_dir="--no-create-home" fi sudo useradd $user_home_dir --system --user-group $1 --shell /usr/sbin/nologin || ynh_die "Unable to create $1 system account" fi } # Delete a system user # # usage: ynh_system_user_delete user_name # | arg: user_name - Name of the system user that will be create ynh_system_user_delete () { if ynh_system_user_exists "$1" # Check if the user exists on the system then echo "Remove the user $1" >&2 sudo userdel $1 else echo "The user $1 was not found" >&2 fi } # Substitute/replace a string by another in a file # # usage: ynh_replace_string match_string replace_string target_file # | arg: match_string - String to be searched and replaced in the file # | arg: replace_string - String that will replace matches # | arg: target_file - File in which the string will be replaced. ynh_replace_string () { delimit=@ match_string=${1//${delimit}/"\\${delimit}"} # Escape the delimiter if it's in the string. replace_string=${2//${delimit}/"\\${delimit}"} workfile=$3 sudo sed --in-place "s${delimit}${match_string}${delimit}${replace_string}${delimit}g" "$workfile" } # Remove a file or a directory securely # # usage: ynh_secure_remove path_to_remove # | arg: path_to_remove - File or directory to remove ynh_secure_remove () { path_to_remove=$1 forbidden_path=" \ /var/www \ /home/yunohost.app" if [[ "$forbidden_path" =~ "$path_to_remove" \ # Match all paths or subpaths in $forbidden_path || "$path_to_remove" =~ ^/[[:alnum:]]+$ \ # Match all first level paths from / (Like /var, /root, etc...) || "${path_to_remove:${#path_to_remove}-1}" = "/" ]] # Match if the path finishes by /. Because it seems there is an empty variable then echo "Avoid deleting $path_to_remove." >&2 else if [ -e "$path_to_remove" ] then sudo rm -R "$path_to_remove" else echo "$path_to_remove wasn't deleted because it doesn't exist." >&2 fi fi }