<<<<<<< HEAD #!/bin/bash ======= >>>>>>> 90736b2cc32bd424c78355499e1bfb61062af8ca # Retrieve arguments domain=$(sudo yunohost app setting searx domain) path=$(sudo yunohost app setting searx path) is_public=$(sudo yunohost app setting searx is_public) <<<<<<< HEAD # Check depends installation sudo apt-get install git build-essential libxslt-dev python-dev python-virtualenv python-pybabel zlib1g-dev uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python -y ======= # Remove trailing "/" for next commands path=${path%/} # Check depends installation sudo apt-get install git build-essential libxslt-dev python-dev python-virtualenv python-pybabel zlib1g-dev -y >>>>>>> 90736b2cc32bd424c78355499e1bfb61062af8ca # Check Swap if [ $(sudo swapon -s | wc -l) = 1 ]; then <<<<<<< HEAD sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/myswapfile bs=1M count=128 sudo chmod 600 /tmp/myswapfile sudo mkswap /tmp/myswapfile sudo swapon /tmp/myswapfile fi # Move searx if [ -d /opt/searx ]; then sudo mkdir -p /opt/yunohost/searx sudo mv /opt/searx /opt/yunohost/ sudo usermod -d /opt/yunohost/searx searx sudo chown searx:searx -R /opt/yunohost/searx fi # Copy uwsgi config sudo cp ../conf/searx.ini /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/ # Init virtualenv sudo cp -r ../sources/* /opt/yunohost/searx/ sudo virtualenv /opt/yunohost/searx sudo bash -c "source /opt/yunohost/searx/bin/activate && pip install -r /opt/yunohost/searx/requirements.txt" ======= sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/myswapfile bs=1M count=1024 sudo chmod 600 /tmp/myswapfile sudo mkswap /tmp/myswapfile sudo swapon /tmp/myswapfile fi # Init virtualenv if [ ! -d /opt/searx ]; then sudo mkdir /opt/searx fi sudo cp -r ../sources/* /opt/searx sudo virtualenv /opt/searx sudo bash -c "source /opt/searx/bin/activate && pip install -r /opt/searx/requirements.txt" >>>>>>> 90736b2cc32bd424c78355499e1bfb61062af8ca # Disable swapfile if [ -f /tmp/myswapfile ]; then <<<<<<< HEAD sudo swapoff /tmp/myswapfile sudo rm -f /tmp/myswapfile fi # Modify Nginx configuration file and copy it to Nginx conf directory sudo sed -i "s@PATHTOCHANGE@$path@g" ../conf/nginx.conf* if [ $path != "/" ]; then sudo cp ../conf/nginx.conf-noroot /etc/nginx/conf.d/$domain.d/searx.conf else sudo cp ../conf/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/$domain.d/searx.conf fi if [ $is_public = "No" ]; then sudo sed -i 's/#include conf/include conf/' /etc/nginx/conf.d/$domain.d/searx.conf fi ## Reload Nginx and regenerate SSOwat conf sudo service nginx reload sudo service uwsgi restart ======= sudo swapoff /tmp/myswapfile sudo rm -f /tmp/myswapfile fi # Remove trailing "/" for next commands if installing on a subpath if [ "$path" != "/" ]; then path=${path%/} fi #Configuration Searx sudo cp ../conf/settings.yml /opt/searx/searx/ sudo sed -i -e "s/ultrasecretkey/`openssl rand -hex 16`/g" /opt/searx/searx/settings.yml if [ "$path" != "/" ]; then sudo sed -i -e "s@ynhbaseurl@https://$domain$path/@g" /opt/searx/searx/settings.yml else sudo sed -i -e "s@ynhbaseurl@https://$domain$path@g" /opt/searx/searx/settings.yml fi # Set permissions to searx directory sudo useradd searx -d /opt/searx sudo chown searx:searx -R /opt/searx # Copy uwsgi config sudo cp ../conf/searx.ini /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/ sudo ln -s /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/searx.ini /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/ # Modify Nginx configuration file and copy it to Nginx conf directory sudo sed -i "s@PATHTOCHANGE@$path@g" ../conf/nginx.conf* if [ "$path" != "/" ]; then sudo cp ../conf/nginx.conf-noroot /etc/nginx/conf.d/$domain.d/searx.conf else sudo cp ../conf/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/$domain.d/searx.conf fi # Fix permission #sudo find /opt/searx/ -type d -exec chmod 2755 {} \; #sudo find /opt/searx/ -type f -exec chmod g+r,o+r {} \; ## Reload Nginx and regenerate SSOwat conf sudo service nginx reload sudo service uwsgi restart if [ "$is_public" = "Yes" ]; then sudo yunohost app setting searx skipped_uris -v "/" fi sudo yunohost app ssowatconf >>>>>>> 90736b2cc32bd424c78355499e1bfb61062af8ca