@ -6,55 +6,9 @@
ynh_setup_source () {
src_url=$(cat ../conf/app.src | grep SOURCE_URL | cut -d= -f2-)
src_checksum=$(cat ../conf/app.src | grep SOURCE_SUM | cut -d= -f2-)
arch_format=$(cat ../conf/app.src | grep ARCH_FORMAT | cut -d= -f2-)
if test -e "$local_source"
then # Use the local source file if it is present
cp $local_source source.$arch_format
else # If not, download the source
wget -nv -O source.$arch_format $src_url
# Check the control sum
echo "$src_checksum source.$arch_format" \
| md5sum -c --status || ynh_die "Corrupt source"
# Extract source into the app dir
sudo mkdir -p "$final_path"
if [ $(echo "$arch_format" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') = "zip" ]
then # Zip format
# Using of a temp directory, because unzip doesn't manage --strip-components
temp_dir=$(mktemp -d)
unzip -quo source.zip -d "$temp_dir"
sudo cp -a $temp_dir/*/. "$final_path"
ynh_secure_remove "$temp_dir"
elif [ $(echo "$arch_format" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') = "tar.gz" ]; then
sudo tar -x -f source.tar.gz -C "$final_path" --strip-components 1
ynh_die "Format d'archive non reconnu."
# Apply patches
if test -f ../sources/patches/*.patch; then
(cd "$DEST" \
&& for p in ${PKG_DIR}/patches/*.patch; do \
sudo patch -p1 < $p; done) \
|| ynh_die "Unable to apply patches"
# Add supplementary files
if test -e "../sources/extra_files"; then
sudo cp -a ../sources/extra_files/. "$final_path"
ynh_nginx_config () {
ynh_compare_checksum_config "$finalnginxconf" 1
ynh_backup_if_checksum_is_different "$finalnginxconf" 1
sudo cp ../conf/nginx.conf "$finalnginxconf"
# To avoid a break by set -u, use a void substitution ${var:-}. If the variable is not set, it's simply set with an empty variable.
@ -74,7 +28,7 @@ ynh_nginx_config () {
if test -n "${final_path:-}"; then
ynh_replace_string "__FINALPATH__" "$final_path" "$finalnginxconf"
ynh_store_checksum_config "$finalnginxconf"
ynh_store_file_checksum "$finalnginxconf"
sudo systemctl reload nginx
@ -84,34 +38,6 @@ ynh_remove_nginx_config () {
sudo systemctl reload nginx
ynh_store_checksum_config () {
config_file_checksum=checksum_${1//[\/ ]/_} # Replace all '/' and ' ' by '_'
ynh_app_setting_set $app $config_file_checksum $(sudo md5sum "$1" | cut -d' ' -f1)
ynh_compare_checksum_config () {
compress_backup=${2:-0} # If $2 is empty, compress_backup will set at 0
config_file_checksum=checksum_${current_config_file//[\/ ]/_} # Replace all '/' and ' ' by '_'
checksum_value=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app $config_file_checksum)
if [ -n "$checksum_value" ]
then # Proceed only if a value was stocked into the app config
if ! echo "$checksum_value $current_config_file" | sudo md5sum -c --status
then # If the checksum is now different
backup_config_file="$current_config_file.backup.$(date '+%d.%m.%y_%Hh%M,%Ss')"
if [ $compress_backup -eq 1 ]
sudo tar --create --gzip --file "$backup_config_file.tar.gz" "$current_config_file" # Backup the current config file and compress
sudo cp -a "$current_config_file" "$backup_config_file" # Backup the current config file
echo "Config file $current_config_file has been manually modified since the installation or last upgrade. So it has been duplicated in $backup_config_file" >&2
echo "$backup_config_file" # Return the name of the backup file
@ -120,7 +46,16 @@ ynh_compare_checksum_config () {
CHECK_DOMAINPATH () { # Vérifie la disponibilité du path et du domaine.
sudo yunohost app checkurl $domain$path_url -a $app
if sudo yunohost app --help | grep --quiet url-available
# Check availability of a web path
ynh_webpath_available $domain $path_url
# Register/book a web path for an app
ynh_webpath_register $app $domain $path_url
# Use the legacy command
sudo yunohost app checkurl $domain$path_url -a $app
@ -186,6 +121,14 @@ CHECK_SIZE () { # Vérifie avant chaque backup que l'espace est suffisant
# Ce helper est temporaire et sert de remplacement à la véritable fonction ynh_restore_file. Le temps qu'elle arrive...
ynh_restore_file () {
if [ -f "$1" ]; then
ynh_die "There is already a file at this path: $1"
sudo cp -a "${YNH_APP_BACKUP_DIR}$1" "$1"
@ -273,7 +216,7 @@ ynh_install_app_dependencies () {
if [ ! -e "$manifest_path" ]; then
manifest_path="../settings/manifest.json" # Into the restore script, the manifest is not at the same place
version=$(sudo python3 -c "import sys, json;print(json.load(open(\"$manifest_path\"))['version'])") # Retrieve the version number in the manifest file.
version=$(sudo grep '\"version\": ' "$manifest_path" | cut -d '"' -f 4) # Retrieve the version number in the manifest file.
dep_app=${app//_/-} # Replace all '_' by '-'
if ynh_package_is_installed "${dep_app}-ynh-deps"; then
@ -378,3 +321,182 @@ ynh_secure_remove () {
# Download, check integrity, uncompress and patch the source from app.src
# The file conf/app.src need to contains:
# SOURCE_URL=Address to download the app archive
# SOURCE_SUM=Control sum
# # (Optional) Programm to check the integrity (sha256sum, md5sum$YNH_EXECUTION_DIR/...)
# # default: sha256
# # (Optional) Archive format
# # default: tar.gz
# # (Optional) Put false if source are directly in the archive root
# # default: true
# # (Optionnal) Name of the local archive (offline setup support)
# # default: ${src_id}.${src_format}
# SOURCE_FILENAME=example.tar.gz
# Details:
# This helper download sources from SOURCE_URL if there is no local source
# archive in /opt/yunohost-apps-src/APP_ID/SOURCE_FILENAME
# Next, it check the integrity with "SOURCE_SUM_PRG -c --status" command.
# If it's ok, the source archive will be uncompress in $dest_dir. If the
# SOURCE_IN_SUBDIR is true, the first level directory of the archive will be
# removed.
# Finally, patches named sources/patches/${src_id}-*.patch and extra files in
# sources/extra_files/$src_id will be applyed to dest_dir
# usage: ynh_setup_source dest_dir [source_id]
# | arg: dest_dir - Directory where to setup sources
# | arg: source_id - Name of the app, if the package contains more than one app
ynh_setup_source () {
local dest_dir=$1
local src_id=${2:-app} # If the argument is not given, source_id equal "app"
# Load value from configuration file (see above for a small doc about this file
# format)
local src_url=$(grep 'SOURCE_URL=' "$YNH_EXECUTION_DIR/../conf/${src_id}.src" | cut -d= -f2-)
local src_sum=$(grep 'SOURCE_SUM=' "$YNH_EXECUTION_DIR/../conf/${src_id}.src" | cut -d= -f2-)
local src_sumprg=$(grep 'SOURCE_SUM_PRG=' "$YNH_EXECUTION_DIR/../conf/${src_id}.src" | cut -d= -f2-)
local src_format=$(grep 'SOURCE_FORMAT=' "$YNH_EXECUTION_DIR/../conf/${src_id}.src" | cut -d= -f2-)
local src_in_subdir=$(grep 'SOURCE_IN_SUBDIR=' "$YNH_EXECUTION_DIR/../conf/${src_id}.src" | cut -d= -f2-)
local src_filename=$(grep 'SOURCE_FILENAME=' "$YNH_EXECUTION_DIR/../conf/${src_id}.src" | cut -d= -f2-)
# Default value
src_format=$(echo "$src_format" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
if [ "$src_filename" = "" ] ; then
local local_src="/opt/yunohost-apps-src/${YNH_APP_ID}/${src_filename}"
if test -e "$local_src"
then # Use the local source file if it is present
cp $local_src $src_filename
else # If not, download the source
wget -nv -O $src_filename $src_url
# Check the control sum
echo "${src_sum} ${src_filename}" | ${src_sumprg} -c --status \
|| ynh_die "Corrupt source"
# Extract source into the app dir
sudo mkdir -p "$dest_dir"
if [ "$src_format" = "zip" ]
# Zip format
# Using of a temp directory, because unzip doesn't manage --strip-components
if $src_in_subdir ; then
local tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d)
sudo unzip -quo $src_filename -d "$tmp_dir"
sudo cp -a $tmp_dir/*/. "$dest_dir"
ynh_secure_remove "$tmp_dir"
sudo unzip -quo $src_filename -d "$dest_dir"
local strip=""
if $src_in_subdir ; then
strip="--strip-components 1"
if [[ "$src_format" =~ ^tar.gz|tar.bz2|tar.xz$ ]] ; then
sudo tar -xf $src_filename -C "$dest_dir" $strip
ynh_die "Archive format unrecognized."
# Apply patches
if (( $(find $YNH_EXECUTION_DIR/../sources/patches/ -type f -name "${src_id}-*.patch" 2> /dev/null | wc -l) > "0" )); then
local old_dir=$(pwd)
(cd "$dest_dir" \
&& for p in $YNH_EXECUTION_DIR/../sources/patches/${src_id}-*.patch; do \
sudo patch -p1 < $p; done) \
|| ynh_die "Unable to apply patches"
cd $old_dir
# Add supplementary files
if test -e "$YNH_EXECUTION_DIR/../sources/extra_files/${src_id}"; then
sudo cp -a $YNH_EXECUTION_DIR/../sources/extra_files/$src_id/. "$dest_dir"
# Check availability of a web path
# example: ynh_webpath_available some.domain.tld /coffee
# usage: ynh_webpath_available domain path
# | arg: domain - the domain/host of the url
# | arg: path - the web path to check the availability of
ynh_webpath_available () {
local domain=$1
local path=$2
sudo yunohost domain url-available $domain $path
# Register/book a web path for an app
# example: ynh_webpath_register wordpress some.domain.tld /coffee
# usage: ynh_webpath_register app domain path
# | arg: app - the app for which the domain should be registered
# | arg: domain - the domain/host of the web path
# | arg: path - the web path to be registered
ynh_webpath_register () {
local app=$1
local domain=$2
local path=$3
sudo yunohost app register-url $app $domain $path
# Calculate and store a file checksum into the app settings
# $app should be defined when calling this helper
# usage: ynh_store_file_checksum file
# | arg: file - The file on which the checksum will performed, then stored.
ynh_store_file_checksum () {
local checksum_setting_name=checksum_${1//[\/ ]/_} # Replace all '/' and ' ' by '_'
ynh_app_setting_set $app $checksum_setting_name $(sudo md5sum "$1" | cut -d' ' -f1)
# Verify the checksum and backup the file if it's different
# This helper is primarily meant to allow to easily backup personalised/manually
# modified config files.
# $app should be defined when calling this helper
# usage: ynh_backup_if_checksum_is_different file
# | arg: file - The file on which the checksum test will be perfomed.
# | ret: Return the name a the backup file, or nothing
ynh_backup_if_checksum_is_different () {
local file=$1
local checksum_setting_name=checksum_${file//[\/ ]/_} # Replace all '/' and ' ' by '_'
local checksum_value=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app $checksum_setting_name)
if [ -n "$checksum_value" ]
then # Proceed only if a value was stored into the app settings
if ! echo "$checksum_value $file" | sudo md5sum -c --status
then # If the checksum is now different
backup_file="/home/yunohost.conf/backup/$file.backup.$(date '+%Y%m%d.%H%M%S')"
sudo mkdir -p "$(dirname "$backup_file")"
sudo cp -a "$file" "$backup_file" # Backup the current file
echo "File $file has been manually modified since the installation or last upgrade. So it has been duplicated in $backup_file" >&2
echo "$backup_file" # Return the name of the backup file