#!/bin/bash #================================================= # GENERIC START #================================================= # IMPORT GENERIC HELPERS source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers # Exit if an error occurs during the execution of the script ynh_abort_if_errors # Import common cmd source ./experimental_helper.sh source ./_common.sh cp -r /etc/yunohost/apps/${app}/conf ../ # Quick hack for https://github.com/YunoHost/yunohost/pull/427 # RETRIEVE ARGUMENTS old_domain=$YNH_APP_OLD_DOMAIN old_path=$YNH_APP_OLD_PATH new_domain=$YNH_APP_NEW_DOMAIN new_path=$YNH_APP_NEW_PATH app=$YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME dbpass=$(ynh_app_setting_get "$app" mysqlpwd) admin=$(ynh_app_setting_get "$app" adminusername) key=$(ynh_app_setting_get "$app" secret_key) port=$(ynh_app_setting_get "$app" web_port) # CHECK THE SYNTAX OF THE PATHS test -n "$old_path" || old_path="/" test -n "$new_path" || new_path="/" new_path=$(ynh_normalize_url_path $new_path) old_path=$(ynh_normalize_url_path $old_path) domain="$new_domain" path_url="$new_path" # CHECK WHICH PARTS SHOULD BE CHANGED change_domain=0 if [ "$old_domain" != "$new_domain" ] then change_domain=1 fi change_path=0 if [ "$old_path" != "$new_path" ] then change_path=1 fi #================================================= # STANDARD MODIFICATIONS #================================================= # MODIFY URL IN NGINX CONF nginx_conf_path=/etc/nginx/conf.d/$old_domain.d/$app.conf # Change the domain for nginx if [ $change_domain -eq 1 ] then # Delete file checksum for the old conf file location ynh_delete_file_checksum "$nginx_conf_path" mv $nginx_conf_path /etc/nginx/conf.d/$new_domain.d/$app.conf # Store file checksum for the new config file location ynh_store_file_checksum "/etc/nginx/conf.d/$new_domain.d/$app.conf" fi config_nginx # Update gogs config config_gogs # RELOAD services ynh_check_starting "INFO] Listen:" "/var/log/$app/gogs.log" sleep 1