1029 lines
36 KiB
Executable File
1029 lines
36 KiB
Executable File
# .---. . .
# | | |
# |--- .--. .-. .-. .-.| .-. .--.--. |.-. .-. .--. .-.
# | | (.-' (.-' ( | ( )| | | | )( )| | (.-'
# ' ' --' --' -' - -' ' ' -' -' -' ' - --'
# Freedom in the Cloud
# Searx engine application
# License
# =======
# Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Bob Mottram <bob@freedombone.net>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
VARIANTS='full full-vim'
SEARX_LOGIN_TEXT=$"Search engine login"
function logging_on_searx {
echo -n ''
function logging_off_searx {
echo -n ''
function searx_set_default_background {
if [ -f ~/freedombone/img/backgrounds/searx.jpg ]; then
cp ~/freedombone/img/backgrounds/searx.jpg /etc/searx/searx/static/themes/courgette/img/bg-body-index.jpg
chown -R searx:searx ${SEARX_PATH}/searx
if [ -f "/home/$MY_USERNAME/freedombone/img/backgrounds/searx.jpg" ]; then
cp "/home/$MY_USERNAME/freedombone/img/backgrounds/searx.jpg" "/etc/searx/searx/static/themes/courgette/img/bg-body-index.jpg"
chown -R searx:searx ${SEARX_PATH}/searx
# remove the github ribbon icon
if [ -f /etc/searx/searx/static/themes/courgette/img/github_ribbon.png ]; then
mv /etc/searx/searx/static/themes/courgette/img/github_ribbon.png /etc/searx/searx/static/themes/courgette/img/github_ribbon.png.old
function searx_set_background_image_from_url {
if [ ${#url} -gt 0 ]; then
if [[ "$url" == *".jpeg" || "$url" == *".jpg" ]]; then
if [[ "$url" == *".png" ]]; then
if [[ "$url" == *".gif" ]]; then
if [ ${#ext} -gt 0 ]; then
if [ -d /etc/searx/searx/static/themes/courgette/img ]; then
cd "/etc/searx/searx/static/themes/courgette/img" || exit 37853539539
# remove any existing image
if [ -f bg-body-index.jpg ]; then
rm bg-body-index.jpg
# get the new image
if [[ "$ext" != 'jpg' ]]; then
if [ -f bg-body-index.${ext} ]; then
rm bg-body-index.${ext}
wget "$url" -O bg-body-index.${ext}
convert bg-body-index.${ext} bg-body-index.jpg
wget "$url" -O bg-body-index.jpg
if [ ! -f bg-body-index.jpg ]; then
echo "$url"
echo $'Custom background image for SearX could not be downloaded'
echo "1"
chown -R searx:searx ${SEARX_PATH}/searx
echo "2"
echo "0"
function searx_set_background_image {
data=$(mktemp 2>/dev/null)
dialog --title $"SearX Metasearch" \
--backtitle $"Freedombone Control Panel" \
--inputbox $'Set a background image URL' 10 60 2>"$data"
case $sel in
if [ ${#temp_background} -gt 0 ]; then
if [[ $(searx_set_background_image_from_url "$SEARX_BACKGROUND_IMAGE_URL" | tail -n 1) == "0" ]]; then
dialog --title $"Set SearX background" \
--msgbox $"The background image has been set" 6 60
rm -f "$data"
function searx_enable_login {
dialog --title $"Enable Searx login" \
--backtitle $"Freedombone Control Panel" \
--defaultno \
--yesno $"\\nDo you want to add a login so that random web users can't use your metasearch engine?" 10 60
case $sel in
0) if grep -q '#auth_basic' /etc/nginx/sites-available/searx; then
sed -i 's|#auth_basic|auth_basic|g' /etc/nginx/sites-available/searx
systemctl restart nginx
read_config_param "$MY_USERNAME"
dialog --title $"Enable Searx login" \
--msgbox $"Searx logins are now enabled with the password $SEARX_LOGIN_PASS" 6 65
1) if ! grep -q '#auth_basic' /etc/nginx/sites-available/searx; then
sed -i 's|auth_basic|#auth_basic|g' /etc/nginx/sites-available/searx
systemctl restart nginx
dialog --title $"Disable Searx login" \
--msgbox $"Searx logins are now disabled. Anyone can access your metasearch engine." 6 65
function configure_interactive_searx {
while true
data=$(mktemp 2>/dev/null)
dialog --backtitle $"Freedombone Control Panel" \
--title $"SearX Metasearch" \
--radiolist $"Choose an operation:" 12 70 3 \
1 $"Set a background image" off \
2 $"Enable login" off \
3 $"Exit" on 2> "$data"
case $sel in
1) rm -f "$data"
255) rm -f "$data"
case $(cat "$data") in
1) searx_set_background_image;;
2) searx_enable_login;;
3) rm -f "$data"
rm -f "$data"
function remove_user_searx {
"${PROJECT_NAME}-pass" -u "$remove_username" --rmapp searx
if grep -q "$remove_username:" /etc/nginx/.htpasswd; then
sed -i "/$remove_username:/d" /etc/nginx/.htpasswd
function add_user_searx {
if [[ $(app_is_installed searx) == "0" ]]; then
echo '0'
"${PROJECT_NAME}-pass" -u "$new_username" -a searx -p "$new_user_password"
if grep -q "$new_username:" /etc/nginx/.htpasswd; then
sed -i "/$new_username:/d" /etc/nginx/.htpasswd
echo "$new_user_password" | htpasswd -i -s -c /etc/nginx/.htpasswd "$new_username"
echo '0'
function install_interactive_searx {
echo -n ''
function change_password_searx {
if grep -q "$new_username:" /etc/nginx/.htpasswd; then
sed -i "/$new_username:/d" /etc/nginx/.htpasswd
echo "$new_user_password" | htpasswd -i -s -c /etc/nginx/.htpasswd "$new_username"
"${PROJECT_NAME}-pass" -u "$new_username" -a searx -p "$new_user_password"
echo '0'
echo '1'
function reconfigure_searx {
echo -n ''
function create_searx_config {
SEARX_ONION_HOSTNAME=$(cat /var/lib/tor/hidden_service_searx/hostname)
SEARX_SECRET_KEY=$(get_completion_param "searx key")
{ echo 'general:';
echo ' debug : False';
echo ' instance_name : "Freedombone Metasearch"';
echo '';
echo 'search:';
echo ' safe_search : 0 # Filter results. 0: None, 1: Moderate, 2: Strict';
echo ' autocomplete : "" # Existing autocomplete backends: "dbpedia", "duckduckgo", "startpage", "wikipedia" - leave blank to turn it off by default';
echo ' language : "all"';
echo '';
echo 'server:';
echo ' port : 8888';
echo ' bind_address : "" # address to listen on';
echo " secret_key : \"${SEARX_SECRET_KEY}\"";
echo " base_url : http://${SEARX_ONION_HOSTNAME}/";
echo ' image_proxy : True # Proxying image results through searx';
echo ' http_protocol_version : "1.1" # 1.0 and 1.1 are supported';
echo '';
echo 'ui:';
echo ' static_path : "" # Custom static path - leave it blank if you didnt change';
echo ' templates_path : "" # Custom templates path - leave it blank if you didnt change';
echo ' themes_path : "" # Custom ui themes path';
echo ' default_theme : courgette # ui theme';
echo ' default_locale : "" # Default interface locale - leave blank to detect from browser information or use codes from the "locales" config section';
echo '';
echo 'outgoing: # communication with search engines';
echo ' request_timeout : 10.0 # seconds';
echo ' useragent_suffix : "" # suffix of searx_useragent, could contain informations like an email address to the administrator';
echo ' pool_connections : 100 # Number of different hosts';
echo ' pool_maxsize : 10 # Number of simultaneous requests by host';
echo ' proxies :';
echo ' http : socks5://';
echo '';
echo 'engines:';
echo ' - name : arch linux wiki';
echo ' engine : archlinux';
echo ' categories : general';
echo ' shortcut : al';
echo '';
echo ' - name : archive is';
echo ' engine : xpath';
echo ' search_url : https://archive.is/{query}';
echo ' url_xpath : (//div[@class="TEXT-BLOCK"]/a)/@href';
echo ' title_xpath : (//div[@class="TEXT-BLOCK"]/a)';
echo ' content_xpath : //div[@class="TEXT-BLOCK"]/ul/li';
echo ' categories : general';
echo ' timeout : 7.0';
echo ' disabled : True';
echo ' shortcut : ai';
echo '';
echo ' - name : base';
echo ' engine : base';
echo ' shortcut : bs';
echo '';
echo ' - name : wikipedia';
echo ' engine : wikipedia';
echo ' shortcut : wp';
echo ' categories : general';
echo ' base_url : "https://{language}.wikipedia.org/"';
echo '';
echo ' - name : bitbucket';
echo ' engine : xpath';
echo ' paging : True';
echo ' search_url : https://bitbucket.org/repo/all/{pageno}?name={query}';
echo ' url_xpath : //article[@class="repo-summary"]//a[@class="repo-link"]/@href';
echo ' title_xpath : //article[@class="repo-summary"]//a[@class="repo-link"]';
echo ' content_xpath : //article[@class="repo-summary"]/p';
echo ' categories : code';
echo ' timeout : 4.0';
echo ' disabled : True';
echo ' shortcut : bb';
echo '';
echo ' - name : ccc-tv';
echo ' engine : xpath';
echo ' paging : False';
echo ' search_url : https://media.ccc.de/search/?q={query}';
echo ' url_xpath : //div[@class="caption"]/h3/a/@href';
echo ' title_xpath : //div[@class="caption"]/h3/a/text()';
echo ' content_xpath : //div[@class="caption"]/h4/@title';
echo ' categories : videos';
echo ' shortcut : c3tv';
echo '';
echo ' - name : crossref';
echo ' engine : json_engine';
echo ' paging : True';
echo ' search_url : http://search.crossref.org/dois?q={query}&page={pageno}';
echo ' url_query : doi';
echo ' title_query : title';
echo ' content_query : fullCitation';
echo ' categories : science';
echo ' shortcut : cr';
echo '';
echo ' - name : currency';
echo ' engine : currency_convert';
echo ' categories : general';
echo ' shortcut : cc';
echo '';
echo ' - name : deezer';
echo ' engine : deezer';
echo ' shortcut : dz';
echo '';
echo ' - name : deviantart';
echo ' engine : deviantart';
echo ' shortcut : da';
echo ' timeout: 3.0';
echo '';
echo ' - name : ddg definitions';
echo ' engine : duckduckgo_definitions';
echo ' shortcut : ddd';
echo ' weight : 2';
echo ' disabled : True';
echo '';
echo ' - name : digbt';
echo ' engine : digbt';
echo ' shortcut : dbt';
echo ' timeout : 6.0';
echo ' disabled : True';
echo '';
echo ' - name : erowid';
echo ' engine : xpath';
echo ' paging : True';
echo ' first_page_num : 0';
echo ' page_size : 30';
echo ' search_url : https://www.erowid.org/search.php?q={query}&s={pageno}';
echo ' url_xpath : //dl[@class="results-list"]/dt[@class="result-title"]/a/@href';
echo ' title_xpath : //dl[@class="results-list"]/dt[@class="result-title"]/a/text()';
echo ' content_xpath : //dl[@class="results-list"]/dd[@class="result-details"]';
echo ' categories : general';
echo ' shortcut : ew';
echo ' disabled : True';
echo '';
echo ' - name : wikidata';
echo ' engine : wikidata';
echo ' shortcut : wd';
echo ' weight : 2';
echo '';
echo ' - name : duckduckgo';
echo ' engine : duckduckgo';
echo ' shortcut : ddg';
echo ' categories : general';
echo '';
echo ' - name : etymonline';
echo ' engine : xpath';
echo ' paging : True';
echo ' search_url : http://etymonline.com/?search={query}&p={pageno}';
echo ' url_xpath : //dt/a[1]/@href';
echo ' title_xpath : //dt';
echo ' content_xpath : //dd';
echo ' suggestion_xpath : //a[@class="crossreference"]';
echo ' first_page_num : 0';
echo ' shortcut : et';
echo ' disabled : True';
echo '';
echo ' - name : 500px';
echo ' engine : www500px';
echo ' shortcut : px';
echo '';
echo ' - name : 1x';
echo ' engine : www1x';
echo ' shortcut : 1x';
echo ' disabled : True';
echo '';
echo ' - name : fdroid';
echo ' engine : fdroid';
echo ' shortcut : fd';
echo ' disabled : True';
echo '';
echo ' - name : flickr';
echo ' categories : images';
echo ' shortcut : fl';
echo '# You can use the engine using the official stable API, but you need an API key';
echo '# See : https://www.flickr.com/services/apps/create/';
echo '# engine : flickr';
echo "# api_key: 'apikey' # required!";
echo '# Or you can use the html non-stable engine, activated by default';
echo ' engine : flickr_noapi';
echo '';
echo ' - name : frinkiac';
echo ' engine : frinkiac';
echo ' shortcut : frk';
echo ' disabled : True';
echo '';
echo ' - name : gigablast';
echo ' engine : gigablast';
echo ' shortcut : gb';
echo ' timeout : 3.0';
echo ' disabled: True';
echo '';
echo ' - name : gitlab';
echo ' engine : json_engine';
echo ' paging : True';
echo ' search_url : https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects?search={query}&page={pageno}';
echo ' url_query : web_url';
echo ' title_query : name_with_namespace';
echo ' content_query : description';
echo ' page_size : 20';
echo ' categories : code';
echo ' shortcut : gl';
echo ' timeout : 10.0';
echo ' disabled : False';
echo '';
echo ' - name : github';
echo ' engine : github';
echo ' shortcut : gh';
echo ' categories : code';
echo '';
echo ' - name : geektimes';
echo ' engine : xpath';
echo ' paging : True';
echo ' search_url : https://geektimes.ru/search/page{pageno}/?q={query}';
echo ' url_xpath : //div[@class="search_results"]//a[@class="post__title_link"]/@href';
echo ' title_xpath : //div[@class="search_results"]//a[@class="post__title_link"]';
echo ' content_xpath : //div[@class="search_results"]//div[contains(@class, "content")]';
echo ' categories : code';
echo ' timeout : 4.0';
echo ' disabled : True';
echo ' shortcut : gt';
echo '';
echo ' - name : habrahabr';
echo ' engine : xpath';
echo ' paging : True';
echo ' search_url : https://habrahabr.ru/search/page{pageno}/?q={query}';
echo ' url_xpath : //div[@class="search_results"]//a[contains(@class, "post__title_link")]/@href';
echo ' title_xpath : //div[@class="search_results"]//a[contains(@class, "post__title_link")]';
echo ' content_xpath : //div[@class="search_results"]//div[contains(@class, "content")]';
echo ' categories : code';
echo ' timeout : 4.0';
echo ' disabled : True';
echo ' shortcut : habr';
echo '';
echo ' - name : hoogle';
echo ' engine : json_engine';
echo ' paging : True';
echo ' search_url : https://www.haskell.org/hoogle/?mode=json&hoogle={query}&start={pageno}';
echo ' results_query : results';
echo ' url_query : location';
echo ' title_query : self';
echo ' content_query : docs';
echo ' page_size : 20';
echo ' categories : code';
echo ' shortcut : ho';
echo '';
echo ' - name : ina';
echo ' engine : ina';
echo ' shortcut : in';
echo ' timeout : 6.0';
echo ' disabled : True';
echo '';
echo ' - name: kickass';
echo ' engine : kickass';
echo ' shortcut : kc';
echo ' timeout : 4.0';
echo ' disabled : True';
echo '';
echo ' - name : library genesis';
echo ' engine : xpath';
echo ' search_url : http://libgen.io/search.php?req={query}';
echo ' url_xpath : //a[contains(@href,"bookfi.net")]/@href';
echo ' title_xpath : //a[contains(@href,"book/")]/text()[1]';
echo ' content_xpath : //td/a[1][contains(@href,"=author")]/text()';
echo ' categories : general';
echo ' timeout : 7.0';
echo ' disabled : True';
echo ' shortcut : lg';
echo '';
echo ' - name : lobste.rs';
echo ' engine : xpath';
echo ' search_url : https://lobste.rs/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q={query}&what=stories&order=relevance';
echo ' results_xpath : //li[contains(@class, "story")]';
echo ' url_xpath : .//span[@class="link"]/a/@href';
echo ' title_xpath : .//span[@class="link"]/a';
echo ' content_xpath : .//a[@class="domain"]';
echo ' categories : code';
echo ' shortcut : lo';
echo '';
echo ' - name : mixcloud';
echo ' engine : mixcloud';
echo ' shortcut : mc';
echo '';
echo ' - name : nyaa';
echo ' engine : nyaa';
echo ' shortcut : nt';
echo ' disabled : True';
echo '';
echo ' - name : openstreetmap';
echo ' engine : openstreetmap';
echo ' shortcut : osm';
echo '';
echo ' - name : openrepos';
echo ' engine : xpath';
echo ' paging : True';
echo ' search_url : https://openrepos.net/search/node/{query}?page={pageno}';
echo ' url_xpath : //li[@class="search-result"]//h3[@class="title"]/a/@href';
echo ' title_xpath : //li[@class="search-result"]//h3[@class="title"]/a';
echo ' content_xpath : //li[@class="search-result"]//div[@class="search-snippet-info"]//p[@class="search-snippet"]';
echo ' categories : files';
echo ' timeout : 4.0';
echo ' disabled : True';
echo ' shortcut : or';
echo '';
echo ' - name : pdbe';
echo ' engine : pdbe';
echo ' shortcut : pdb';
echo '';
echo ' - name : photon';
echo ' engine : photon';
echo ' shortcut : ph';
echo '';
echo ' - name : piratebay';
echo ' engine : piratebay';
echo ' shortcut : tpb';
echo ' url: https://pirateproxy.red/';
echo ' timeout : 3.0';
echo '';
echo ' - name : qwant';
echo ' engine : qwant';
echo ' shortcut : qw';
echo ' categories : general';
echo ' disabled : True';
echo '';
echo ' - name : qwant images';
echo ' engine : qwant';
echo ' shortcut : qwi';
echo ' categories : images';
echo '';
echo ' - name : qwant news';
echo ' engine : qwant';
echo ' shortcut : qwn';
echo ' categories : news';
echo '';
echo ' - name : qwant social';
echo ' engine : qwant';
echo ' shortcut : qws';
echo ' categories : social media';
echo '';
echo ' - name : reddit';
echo ' engine : reddit';
echo ' shortcut : re';
echo ' page_size : 25';
echo ' timeout : 10.0';
echo ' disabled : True';
echo '';
echo ' - name : scanr structures';
echo ' shortcut: scs';
echo ' engine : scanr_structures';
echo ' disabled : True';
echo '';
echo ' - name : soundcloud';
echo ' engine : soundcloud';
echo ' shortcut : sc';
echo '';
echo ' - name : stackoverflow';
echo ' engine : stackoverflow';
echo ' shortcut : st';
echo '';
echo ' - name : searchcode doc';
echo ' engine : searchcode_doc';
echo ' shortcut : scd';
echo '';
echo ' - name : searchcode code';
echo ' engine : searchcode_code';
echo ' shortcut : scc';
echo ' disabled : True';
echo '';
echo ' - name : framalibre';
echo ' engine : framalibre';
echo ' shortcut : frl';
echo ' disabled : True';
echo '';
echo ' - name : semantic scholar';
echo ' engine : xpath';
echo ' paging : True';
echo ' search_url : https://www.semanticscholar.org/search?q={query}&sort=relevance&page={pageno}&ae=false';
echo ' results_xpath : //article';
echo ' url_xpath : .//div[@class="search-result-title"]/a/@href';
echo ' title_xpath : .//div[@class="search-result-title"]/a';
echo ' content_xpath : .//div[@class="search-result-abstract"]';
echo ' shortcut : se';
echo ' categories : science';
echo '';
echo ' - name : spotify';
echo ' engine : spotify';
echo ' shortcut : stf';
echo '';
echo ' - name : subtitleseeker';
echo ' engine : subtitleseeker';
echo ' shortcut : ss';
echo '# The language is an option. You can put any language written in english';
echo '# Examples : English, French, German, Hungarian, Chinese...';
echo '# language : English';
echo '';
echo ' - name : startpage';
echo ' engine : startpage';
echo ' shortcut : sp';
echo ' timeout : 6.0';
echo ' disabled : True';
echo '';
echo ' - name : ixquick';
echo ' engine : startpage';
echo " base_url : 'https://www.ixquick.eu/'";
echo " search_url : 'https://www.ixquick.eu/do/search'";
echo ' shortcut : iq';
echo ' timeout : 6.0';
echo '';
echo ' - name : swisscows';
echo ' engine : swisscows';
echo ' shortcut : sw';
echo ' disabled : True';
echo '';
echo ' - name : tokyotoshokan';
echo ' engine : tokyotoshokan';
echo ' shortcut : tt';
echo ' timeout : 6.0';
echo ' disabled : True';
echo '';
echo ' - name : twitter';
echo ' engine : twitter';
echo ' shortcut : tw';
echo '';
echo ' - name : urbandictionary';
echo ' engine : xpath';
echo ' search_url : http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term={query}';
echo ' url_xpath : //*[@class="word"]/@href';
echo ' title_xpath : //*[@class="def-header"]';
echo ' content_xpath : //*[@class="meaning"]';
echo ' shortcut : ud';
echo '';
echo ' - name : yandex';
echo ' engine : yandex';
echo ' shortcut : yn';
echo ' disabled : True';
echo '';
echo ' - name : youtube';
echo ' shortcut : yt';
echo ' # You can use the engine using the official stable API, but you need an API key';
echo ' # See : https://console.developers.google.com/project';
echo ' # engine : youtube_api';
echo ' # api_key: apikey # required!';
echo ' # Or you can use the html non-stable engine, activated by default';
echo ' engine : youtube_noapi';
echo '';
echo ' - name : dailymotion';
echo ' engine : dailymotion';
echo ' shortcut : dm';
echo '';
echo ' - name : vimeo';
echo ' engine : vimeo';
echo ' shortcut : vm';
echo '';
echo ' - name : wolframalpha';
echo ' shortcut : wa';
echo ' # You can use the engine using the official stable API, but you need an API key';
echo ' # See : http://products.wolframalpha.com/api/';
echo ' # engine : wolframalpha_api';
echo ' # api_key: '' # required!';
echo ' engine : wolframalpha_noapi';
echo ' timeout: 6.0';
echo ' categories : science';
echo '';
echo ' - name : seedpeer';
echo ' engine : seedpeer';
echo ' shortcut: speu'
echo ' categories: files, music, videos'
echo ' disabled: True';
echo '';
echo ' - name : dictzone';
echo ' engine : dictzone';
echo ' shortcut : dc';
echo '';
echo ' - name : mymemory translated';
echo ' engine : translated';
echo ' shortcut : tl';
echo ' timeout : 5.0';
echo ' disabled : True';
echo ' # You can use without an API key, but you are limited to 1000 words/day';
echo ' # See : http://mymemory.translated.net/doc/usagelimits.php';
echo ' # api_key : ""';
echo '';
echo ' - name : voat';
echo ' engine: xpath';
echo ' shortcut: vo';
echo ' categories: social media';
echo ' search_url : https://voat.co/search?q={query}';
echo ' url_xpath : //p[contains(@class, "title")]/a/@href';
echo ' title_xpath : //p[contains(@class, "title")]/a';
echo ' content_xpath : //span[@class="domain"]';
echo ' timeout : 10.0';
echo ' disabled : True';
echo '';
echo ' - name : 1337x';
echo ' engine : 1337x';
echo ' shortcut : 1337x';
echo ' disabled : True';
echo '';
echo 'locales:';
echo ' en : English';
echo ' bg : Български (Bulgarian)';
echo ' cs : Čeština (Czech)';
echo ' de : Deutsch (German)';
echo ' de_DE : Deutsch (German_Germany)';
echo ' el_GR : Ελληνικά (Greek_Greece)';
echo ' eo : Esperanto (Esperanto)';
echo ' es : Español (Spanish)';
echo ' fi : Suomi (Finnish)';
echo ' fr : Français (French)';
echo ' he : עברית (Hebrew)';
echo ' hu : Magyar (Hungarian)';
echo ' it : Italiano (Italian)';
echo ' ja : 日本語 (Japanese)';
echo ' nl : Nederlands (Dutch)';
echo ' pt : Português (Portuguese)';
echo ' pt_BR : Português (Portuguese_Brazil)';
echo ' ro : Română (Romanian)';
echo ' ru : Русский (Russian)';
echo ' sk : Slovenčina (Slovak)';
echo ' sv : Svenska (Swedish)';
echo ' tr : Türkçe (Turkish)';
echo ' uk : українська мова (Ukrainian)';
echo ' zh : 中文 (Chinese)';
echo '';
echo 'doi_resolvers :';
echo " oadoi.org : 'https://oadoi.org/'";
echo " doi.org : 'https://doi.org/'";
echo " doai.io : 'http://doai.io/'";
echo '';
echo "default_doi_resolver : 'oadoi.org'"; } > $settings_file
function upgrade_searx {
CURR_SEARX_COMMIT=$(get_completion_param "searx commit")
if [[ "$CURR_SEARX_COMMIT" == "$SEARX_COMMIT" ]]; then
# save the background image
if [ -f ${background_image} ]; then
cp ${background_image} ${background_image}.prev
# save the settings
cp ${settings_file} ${settings_file}.prev
# do the upgrade
set_repo_commit $SEARX_PATH/searx "searx commit" "$SEARX_COMMIT" $SEARX_REPO
# restore the background image
if [ -f ${background_image}.prev ]; then
cp ${background_image}.prev ${background_image}
chown -R searx:searx ${SEARX_PATH}/searx
# restore the settings
if [ -f ${settings_file}.prev ]; then
cp ${settings_file}.prev ${settings_file}
chown -R searx:searx ${SEARX_PATH}/searx
# remove the github ribbon icon
if [ -f /etc/searx/searx/static/themes/courgette/img/github_ribbon.png ]; then
mv /etc/searx/searx/static/themes/courgette/img/github_ribbon.png /etc/searx/searx/static/themes/courgette/img/github_ribbon.png.old
function backup_local_searx {
echo -n ''
function restore_local_searx {
echo -n ''
function backup_remote_searx {
echo -n ''
function restore_remote_searx {
echo -n ''
function remove_searx {
systemctl stop searx
systemctl disable searx
rm /etc/systemd/system/searx.service
systemctl daemon-reload
function_check remove_onion_service
remove_onion_service searx ${SEARX_ONION_PORT}
userdel -r searx
nginx_dissite searx
if [ -f /etc/nginx/sites-available/searx ]; then
rm /etc/nginx/sites-available/searx
if [ -d ${SEARX_PATH}/searx ]; then
rm -rf ${SEARX_PATH}/searx
remove_completion_param install_searx
sed -i '/Search engine /d' "$COMPLETION_FILE"
sed -i '/searx /d' "$COMPLETION_FILE"
function install_searx {
# Note: currently socks5 outgoing proxies to other search engines does not work
if [ ! -d /etc/nginx ]; then
echo $'Webserver is not installed'
exit 62429
apt-get -yq install python-pip libyaml-dev python-werkzeug python-babel python-lxml
apt-get -yq install git build-essential libxslt-dev python-dev python-virtualenv zlib1g-dev uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python imagemagick
apt-get -yq install apache2-utils python-setuptools
apt-get -yq install python-service-identity python-ndg-httpsclient
apt-get -yq remove --purge apache2-bin*
if [ -d /etc/apache2 ]; then
rm -rf /etc/apache2
echo $'Removed Apache installation'
pip install --upgrade pip
if ! pip install certifi; then
echo $'Failed to install certifi'
exit 737692
if ! pip install pyyaml; then
echo $'Failed to install pyyaml'
exit 469242
if ! pip install flask --upgrade; then
echo $'Failed to install flask'
exit 888575
if ! pip install flask_restless --upgrade; then
echo $'Failed to install flask_restless'
exit 54835
if ! pip install flask_babel --upgrade; then
echo $'Failed to install flask_babel'
exit 63738
if ! pip install requests --upgrade; then
echo $'Failed to install requests'
exit 357282
if ! pip install pygments --upgrade; then
echo $'Failed to install pygments'
exit 357282
if [ ! -d $SEARX_PATH ]; then
mkdir -p $SEARX_PATH
# clone the repo
cd $SEARX_PATH || exit 26482468
if [ -d /repos/searx ]; then
mkdir searx
cp -r -p /repos/searx/. searx
cd searx || exit 2468246
git pull
function_check git_clone
git_clone $SEARX_REPO searx
set_completion_param "searx commit" "$SEARX_COMMIT"
# create an onion service
SEARX_ONION_HOSTNAME=$(add_onion_service searx 80 ${SEARX_ONION_PORT})
# an unprivileged user to run as
useradd -d ${SEARX_PATH}/searx/ -s /bin/false searx
adduser searx debian-tor
# daemon
{ echo '[Unit]';
echo 'Description=Searx (search engine)';
echo 'After=syslog.target';
echo 'After=network.target';
echo '';
echo '[Service]';
echo 'Type=simple';
echo 'User=searx';
echo 'Group=searx';
echo "WorkingDirectory=${SEARX_PATH}/searx";
echo "ExecStart=/usr/bin/python ${SEARX_PATH}/searx/searx/webapp.py";
echo 'Restart=always';
echo 'Environment="USER=searx"';
echo '';
echo '[Install]';
echo 'WantedBy=multi-user.target'; } > /etc/systemd/system/searx.service
# create a webserver file
{ echo 'server {';
echo " listen${SEARX_ONION_PORT} default_server;";
echo " root ${SEARX_PATH}/searx;";
echo " server_name ${SEARX_ONION_HOSTNAME};";
echo ' access_log /dev/null;';
echo " error_log /var/log/searx_error.log $WEBSERVER_LOG_LEVEL;";
echo ''; } > /etc/nginx/sites-available/searx
function_check nginx_disable_sniffing
nginx_disable_sniffing searx
{ echo ' add_header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=0;';
echo '';
echo ' location / {'; } >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/searx
function_check nginx_limits
nginx_limits searx '1M'
{ echo ' proxy_pass http://localhost:8888;';
echo " #auth_basic \"${SEARX_LOGIN_TEXT}\";";
echo ' #auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/.htpasswd;';
echo ' }';
echo '';
echo ' fastcgi_buffers 64 4K;';
echo '';
echo ' error_page 403 /core/templates/403.php;';
echo ' error_page 404 /core/templates/404.php;';
echo '';
echo ' location = /robots.txt {';
echo ' allow all;';
echo ' log_not_found off;';
echo ' access_log /dev/null;';
echo ' }';
echo '}'; } >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/searx
# replace the secret key
if ! grep -q "searx key" "$COMPLETION_FILE"; then
SEARX_SECRET_KEY="$(create_password 30)"
set_completion_param "searx key" "${SEARX_SECRET_KEY}"
chown -R searx:searx ${SEARX_PATH}/searx
# enable the site
nginx_ensite searx
# restart the web server
systemctl restart php7.0-fpm
systemctl restart nginx
# start the daemon
systemctl enable searx.service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start searx.service
"${PROJECT_NAME}-pass" -u "$MY_USERNAME" -a searx -p "$SEARX_PASSWORD"
if grep -q "$MY_USERNAME:" /etc/nginx/.htpasswd; then
sed -i "/$MY_USERNAME:/d" /etc/nginx/.htpasswd
echo "$SEARX_PASSWORD" | htpasswd -i -s -c /etc/nginx/.htpasswd "$MY_USERNAME"
# NOTE: deliberately no exit 0