#!/bin/bash # # .---. . . # | | | # |--- .--. .-. .-. .-.| .-. .--.--. |.-. .-. .--. .-. # | | (.-' (.-' ( | ( )| | | | )( )| | (.-' # ' ' --' --' -' - -' ' ' -' -' -' ' - --' # # Freedom in the Cloud # # Jitsi meet + videobridge # # Instructions: https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet/blob/master/doc/manual-install.md # # License # ======= # # Copyright (C) 2016 Bob Mottram # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . VARIANTS="" IN_DEFAULT_INSTALL=0 SHOW_ON_ABOUT=0 VIDEOBRIDGE_PORT=5347 JITSI_ONION_PORT=8102 JITSI_VIDEOBRIDGE_ONION_PORT=8103 JITSI_AUTH_ONION_PORT=8104 JITSI_FOCUS_ONION_PORT=8105 # domains JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME= JITSI_CODE= JITSI_ONION_HOSTNAME= JITSI_VIDEOBRIDGE_ONION_HOSTNAME= JITSI_AUTH_ONION_HOSTNAME= # repos JITSI_MEET_REPO="https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet" JITSI_MEET_COMMIT='4d335e086be74fd9074ff302ff56401beb62bf80' JICOFO_REPO="https://github.com/jitsi/jicofo" JICOFO_COMMIT='91f08b13b34a4fddedc65901c44fce15905d6a1f' # secrets JITSI_VIDEOBRIDGE_SECRET= JITSI_FOCUS_SECRET= JITSI_CONFERENCE_SECRET= jitsi_variables=(ONION_ONLY JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME JITSI_CODE JITSI_MEET_REPO JITSI_MEET_COMMIT DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME JITSI_VIDEOBRIDGE_SECRET JITSI_FOCUS_SECRET JITSI_CONFERENCE_SECRET JITSI_ONION_HOSTNAME JITSI_VIDEOBRIDGE_ONION_HOSTNAME MY_USERNAME) function change_password_jitsi { echo -n '' } function can_install_videobridge { check_architecture=$(uname -a) if [[ "$check_architecture" == *"amd64"* || "$check_architecture" == *"i386"* ]]; then echo "1" else echo "0" fi } function add_jitsi_onion_domain { jitsi_subdomain_name="$1" jitsi_subdomain_port="$2" jitsi_subdomain_onion_port="$3" new_domain=$(add_onion_service "${jitsi_subdomain_name}" ${jitsi_subdomain_port} ${jitsi_subdomain_onion_port}) if ! grep -q "Jitsi ${jitsi_subdomain_name} onion domain" /home/${MY_USERNAME}/README; then echo $"Jitsi ${jitsi_subdomain_name} onion domain: ${new_domain}" >> /home/${MY_USERNAME}/README echo '' >> /home/${MY_USERNAME}/README chown ${MY_USERNAME}:${MY_USERNAME} /home/${MY_USERNAME}/README chmod 600 /home/${MY_USERNAME}/README else if [ -f /home/${MY_USERNAME}/README ]; then sed -i "s|Jitsi ${jitsi_subdomain_name} onion domain.*|Jitsi ${jitsi_subdomain_name} onion domain: ${new_domain}|g" /home/${MY_USERNAME}/README fi fi echo "${new_domain}" } function create_jitsi_subdomains { JITSI_ONION_HOSTNAME=$(add_onion_service jitsi 80 ${JITSI_ONION_PORT}) if ! grep -q "Jitsi onion domain" /home/${MY_USERNAME}/README; then echo $"Jitsi onion domain: ${JITSI_ONION_HOSTNAME}" >> /home/${MY_USERNAME}/README echo '' >> /home/${MY_USERNAME}/README chown ${MY_USERNAME}:${MY_USERNAME} /home/${MY_USERNAME}/README chmod 600 /home/${MY_USERNAME}/README else if [ -f /home/${MY_USERNAME}/README ]; then sed -i "s|Jitsi onion domain.*|Jitsi onion domain: ${JITSI_ONION_HOSTNAME}|g" /home/${MY_USERNAME}/README fi fi JITSI_VIDEOBRIDGE_ONION_HOSTNAME=$(add_jitsi_onion_domain jitsi-videobridge ${VIDEOBRIDGE_PORT} ${JITSI_VIDEOBRIDGE_ONION_PORT}) JITSI_AUTH_ONION_HOSTNAME=$(add_jitsi_onion_domain jitsi-auth 5222 ${JITSI_AUTH_ONION_PORT}) JITSI_FOCUS_ONION_HOSTNAME=$(add_jitsi_onion_domain jitsi-focus 5222 ${JITSI_FOCUS_ONION_PORT}) } function remove_jitsi_subdomains { function_check remove_onion_service remove_onion_service jitsi ${JITSI_ONION_PORT} remove_onion_service jitsi-videobridge ${JITSI_VIDEOBRIDGE_ONION_PORT} remove_onion_service jitsi-auth ${JITSI_AUTH_ONION_PORT} remove_onion_service jitsi-focus ${JITSI_FOCUS_ONION_PORT} } function remove_user_jitsi { remove_username="$1" } function add_user_jitsi { new_username="$1" new_user_password="$2" } function install_interactive_jitsi { if [ ! ${ONION_ONLY} ]; then ONION_ONLY='no' fi if [[ ${ONION_ONLY} != "no" ]]; then JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME='jitsi.local' write_config_param "JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME" "$JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME" else function_check interactive_site_details interactive_site_details "jitsi" "JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME" "JITSI_CODE" fi APP_INSTALLED=1 } function configure_interactive_jitsi { echo -n '' } function reconfigure_jitsi { echo -n '' } function upgrade_jitsi { echo -n '' } function backup_local_jitsi { echo -n '' } function restore_local_jitsi { echo -n '' } function backup_remote_jitsi { echo -n '' } function restore_remote_jitsi { echo -n '' } function remove_jitsi { read_config_param JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME if [ ${#JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME} -eq 0 ]; then return fi if [ -f /etc/nginx/sites-available/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME} ]; then nginx_dissite ${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME} if [ -d /var/www/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME} ]; then rm -rf /var/www/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME} fi rm /etc/nginx/sites-available/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME} function_check remove_certs remove_certs ${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME} systemctl reload nginx fi remove_jitsi_subdomains systemctl stop prosody if [ -f /etc/prosody/conf.d/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME}.cfg.lua ]; then rm /etc/prosody/conf.d/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME}.cfg.lua fi if [ -f /etc/prosody/conf.avail/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME}.cfg.lua ]; then rm /etc/prosody/conf.avail/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME}.cfg.lua fi prosodyctl unregister focus auth.${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME} systemctl start prosody remove_nodejs jitsi # remove jicofo if [ -f /etc/systemd/system/jicofo.service ]; then systemctl stop jicofo systemctl disable jicofo rm /etc/systemd/system/jicofo.service fi if [ -d ${INSTALL_DIR}/jicofo ]; then rm -rf ${INSTALL_DIR}/jicofo fi # remove videobridge #firewall_remove ${VIDEOBRIDGE_PORT} apt-get -yq remove --purge jitsi-videobridge if [ -d /etc/jitsi ]; then rm -rf /etc/jitsi fi deluser --remove-all-files jitsi if [ -d /usr/share/jitsi-videobridge ]; then rm -rf /usr/share/jitsi-videobridge fi sed -i "/jitsi/d" /etc/apt/sources.list apt-get update remove_app jitsi remove_completion_param install_jitsi sed -i '/jitsi/d' ${COMPLETION_FILE} sed -i '/Jitsi/d' /home/${MY_USERNAME}/README function_check remove_ddns_domain remove_ddns_domain $JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME } function install_jitsi_videobridge { apt-get -yq install wget debconf-utils echo 'deb http://download.jitsi.org/nightly/deb unstable/' >> /etc/apt/sources.list wget -qO - https://download.jitsi.org/nightly/deb/unstable/archive.key | apt-key add - apt-get update debconf-set-selections <<< "jitsi-videobridge jitsi-videobridge/jvb-hostname string jitsi-videobridge.${JITSI_VIDEOBRIDGE_ONION_HOSTNAME}" apt-get -yq install jitsi-videobridge if [ ! -d /etc/jitsi ]; then echo $'Videobridge package failed to install' exit 63983 fi #firewall_add videobridge ${VIDEOBRIDGE_PORT} } function install_jitsi_jicofo { apt-get -yq install default-jdk ant if [ ! -d ${INSTALL_DIR} ]; then mkdir -p ${INSTALL_DIR} fi function_check git_clone git_clone ${JICOFO_REPO} ${INSTALL_DIR}/jicofo if [ ! -d ${INSTALL_DIR}/jicofo ]; then exit 63829 fi cd ${INSTALL_DIR}/jicofo git checkout ${JICOFO_COMMIT} -b ${JICOFO_COMMIT} set_completion_param "jitsi jicofo commit" "${JICOFO_COMMIT}" check_architecture=$(uname -a) if [[ "$check_architecture" == *"amd64"* ]]; then ant dist.lin64 jicofo_dir=${INSTALL_DIR}/jicofo/dist/lin64 else ant dist.lin jicofo_dir=${INSTALL_DIR}/jicofo/dist/lin fi if [ ! -d ${jicofo_dir} ]; then echo $'Jicofo working directory not found' exit 62825 fi # TODO does this have to be run as root? echo '[Unit]' > /etc/systemd/system/jicofo.service echo 'Description=Jicofo (Jitsi Conference Focus)' >> /etc/systemd/system/jicofo.service echo 'After=syslog.target network.target tor.service' >> /etc/systemd/system/jicofo.service echo '' >> /etc/systemd/system/jicofo.service echo '[Service]' >> /etc/systemd/system/jicofo.service echo 'Type=simple' >> /etc/systemd/system/jicofo.service echo 'User=root' >> /etc/systemd/system/jicofo.service echo 'Group=root' >> /etc/systemd/system/jicofo.service echo "WorkingDirectory=${jicofo_dir}" >> /etc/systemd/system/jicofo.service echo "ExecStart=/usr/bin/torify ./jicofo.sh --domain=${JITSI_ONION_HOSTNAME} --secret=\"${JITSI_FOCUS_SECRET}\" --user_domain=${JITSI_AUTH_ONION_HOSTNAME} --user_name=focus --user_password=\"${JITSI_CONFERENCE_SECRET}\"" >> /etc/systemd/system/jicofo.service echo 'Restart=on-failure' >> /etc/systemd/system/jicofo.service echo 'SuccessExitStatus=3 4' >> /etc/systemd/system/jicofo.service echo 'RestartForceExitStatus=3 4' >> /etc/systemd/system/jicofo.service echo '' >> /etc/systemd/system/jicofo.service echo '[Install]' >> /etc/systemd/system/jicofo.service echo 'WantedBy=multi-user.target' >> /etc/systemd/system/jicofo.service chmod +x /etc/systemd/system/jicofo.service systemctl enable jicofo systemctl start jicofo } function install_jitsi_xmpp { if [ ! -d /etc/prosody/conf.avail ]; then echo $'Missing directory /etc/prosody/conf.avail' exit 62382 fi cp /var/www/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME}/htdocs/prosody-plugins/*.lua /usr/lib/prosody/modules cp -r /var/www/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME}/htdocs/prosody-plugins/token /usr/lib/prosody/modules/ update_default_domain prosody_config=/etc/prosody/conf.avail/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME}.cfg.lua echo "VirtualHost \"${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME}\"" > $prosody_config echo 'authentication = "anonymous"' >> $prosody_config echo 'ssl = {' >> $prosody_config echo " key = \"/etc/prosody/certs/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME}.key\";" >> $prosody_config echo " certificate = \"/etc/prosody/certs/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME}.pem\";" >> $prosody_config echo " dhparam = \"/etc/prosody/certs/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME}.dhparam\";" >> $prosody_config echo ' options = {"no_sslv2", "no_sslv3" };' >> $prosody_config echo '}' >> $prosody_config echo '' >> $prosody_config echo 'modules_enabled = {' >> $prosody_config echo ' "bosh";' >> $prosody_config echo ' "pubsub";' >> $prosody_config echo ' "tls";' >> $prosody_config echo ' "onions";' >> $prosody_config echo ' "saslauth";' >> $prosody_config echo '}' >> $prosody_config echo '' >> $prosody_config echo "VirtualHost \"${JITSI_ONION_HOSTNAME}\"" > $prosody_config echo ' authentication = "anonymous"' >> $prosody_config echo '' >> $prosody_config echo "VirtualHost \"${JITSI_AUTH_ONION_HOSTNAME}\"" >> $prosody_config echo ' authentication = "internal_plain"' >> $prosody_config echo '' >> $prosody_config echo "admins = { \"focus@${JITSI_AUTH_ONION_HOSTNAME}\" }" >> $prosody_config echo '' >> $prosody_config echo "Component \"${JITSI_CONFERENCE_ONION_HOSTNAME}\" \"muc\"" >> $prosody_config echo "Component \"${JITSI_VIDEOBRIDGE_ONION_HOSTNAME}\"" >> $prosody_config echo " component_secret = \"${JITSI_VIDEOBRIDGE_SECRET}\"" >> $prosody_config echo "Component \"${JITSI_FOCUS_ONION_HOSTNAME}\"" >> $prosody_config echo " component_secret = \"${JITSI_FOCUS_SECRET}\"" >> $prosody_config ln -s /etc/prosody/conf.avail/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME}.cfg.lua /etc/prosody/conf.d/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME}.cfg.lua prosodyctl register focus ${JITSI_AUTH_ONION_HOSTNAME} "${JITSI_CONFERENCE_SECRET}" } function install_jitsi_meet { if [ ${#JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME} -eq 0 ]; then exit 367839 fi function_check install_nodejs install_nodejs jitsi if [ ! -d /var/www/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME} ]; then mkdir -p /var/www/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME} fi if [ ! -d /var/www/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME}/htdocs ]; then function_check git_clone git_clone ${JITSI_MEET_REPO} /var/www/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME}/htdocs if [ ! -d /var/www/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME}/htdocs ]; then echo $'Unable to clone jitsi meet repo' exit 345673 fi fi cd /var/www/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME}/htdocs git checkout ${JITSI_MEET_COMMIT} -b ${JITSI_MEET_COMMIT} set_completion_param "jitsi commit" "${JITSI_MEET_COMMIT}" install_jitsi_xmpp chmod a+w /var/www/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME}/htdocs npm install -g browserify@13.1.1 npm install make jitsi_nginx_site=/etc/nginx/sites-available/$JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME if [[ $ONION_ONLY == "no" ]]; then function_check nginx_http_redirect nginx_http_redirect $JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME echo 'server {' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo ' listen 443 ssl;' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo " server_name ${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME};" >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo '' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo ' # Security' >> $jitsi_nginx_site function_check nginx_ssl nginx_ssl $JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME function_check nginx_disable_sniffing nginx_disable_sniffing $JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME echo ' add_header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000;' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo '' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo ' # Logs' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo ' access_log off;' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo ' error_log off;' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo '' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo ' # Root' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo " root /var/www/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME}/htdocs;" >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo '' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo ' index index.html;' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo '' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo ' location ~ ^/([a-zA-Z0-9=\?]+)$ {' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo ' rewrite ^/(.*)$ / break;' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo ' }' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo '' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo ' location / {' >> $jitsi_nginx_site function_check nginx_limits nginx_limits $JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME '15m' echo ' }' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo '' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo ' location /http-bind {' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo ' proxy_pass http://localhost:5280/http-bind;' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo ' proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo ' proxy_set_header Host $http_host;' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo ' }' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo '}' >> $jitsi_nginx_site else echo -n '' > $jitsi_nginx_site fi echo 'server {' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo " listen$JITSI_ONION_PORT default_server;" >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo " server_name ${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME};" >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo '' >> $jitsi_nginx_site function_check nginx_disable_sniffing nginx_disable_sniffing $JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME echo '' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo ' # Logs' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo ' access_log off;' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo ' error_log off;' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo '' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo ' # Root' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo " root /var/www/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME}/htdocs;" >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo '' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo ' index index.html;' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo '' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo ' location ~ ^/([a-zA-Z0-9=\?]+)$ {' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo ' rewrite ^/(.*)$ / break;' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo ' }' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo '' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo ' location / {' >> $jitsi_nginx_site function_check nginx_limits nginx_limits $JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME '15m' echo ' }' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo '' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo ' location /http-bind {' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo ' proxy_pass http://localhost:5280/http-bind;' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo ' proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo ' proxy_set_header Host $http_host;' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo ' }' >> $jitsi_nginx_site echo '}' >> $jitsi_nginx_site function_check create_site_certificate create_site_certificate ${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME} 'yes' if [ -f /etc/ssl/certs/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME}.crt ]; then mv /etc/ssl/certs/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME}.crt /etc/ssl/certs/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME}.pem fi if [ -f /etc/ssl/certs/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME}.pem ]; then chown jitsi: /etc/ssl/certs/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME}.pem fi if [ -f /etc/ssl/private/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME}.key ]; then chown jitsi: /etc/ssl/private/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME}.key fi function_check nginx_ensite nginx_ensite ${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME} set_completion_param "jitsi domain" "$JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME" chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME}/htdocs systemctl restart nginx } function install_jitsi { if [[ "$(can_install_videobridge)" == "0" ]]; then echo $'jitsi meet/videobridge can only be installed on i386 or amd64 architectures' exit 83562 fi if [ ! ${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME} ]; then echo $'No domain name was given for jitsi' exit 47682 fi if [ ! -d /etc/prosody ]; then echo $'xmpp must be installed before installing jitsi' exit 62394 fi if [[ "${JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME}" == "${DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME}" ]]; then echo $'The jitsi domain name should not be the same as the main domain name' exit 78372 fi if [ ! ${JITSI_VIDEOBRIDGE_SECRET} ]; then JITSI_VIDEOBRIDGE_SECRET="$(create_password 30)" fi if [ ! ${JITSI_FOCUS_SECRET} ]; then JITSI_FOCUS_SECRET="$(create_password 30)" fi if [ ! ${JITSI_CONFERENCE_SECRET} ]; then JITSI_CONFERENCE_SECRET="$(create_password 30)" fi create_jitsi_subdomains install_jitsi_videobridge install_jitsi_jicofo install_jitsi_meet function_check add_ddns_domain add_ddns_domain $JITSI_DOMAIN_NAME APP_INSTALLED=1 }