#!/bin/bash # # .---. . . # | | | # |--- .--. .-. .-. .-.| .-. .--.--. |.-. .-. .--. .-. # | | (.-' (.-' ( | ( )| | | | )( )| | (.-' # ' ' --' --' -' - -' ' ' -' -' -' ' - --' # # Freedom in the Cloud # # Gogs functions # # License # ======= # # Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Bob Mottram # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . VARIANTS='developer' IN_DEFAULT_INSTALL=0 SHOW_ON_ABOUT=1 GOGS_USERNAME='gogs' GOGS_VERSION='0.11.4' GIT_DOMAIN_NAME= GIT_CODE= GIT_ONION_PORT=8090 GIT_ADMIN_PASSWORD= GOGS_BIN= gogs_variables=(ONION_ONLY GIT_ADMIN_PASSWORD GIT_DOMAIN_NAME GIT_CODE GIT_ONION_PORT MY_USERNAME DDNS_PROVIDER ARCHITECTURE) function change_password_gogs { curr_username="$1" new_user_password="$2" } function install_interactive_gogs { if [[ $ONION_ONLY != "no" ]]; then GIT_DOMAIN_NAME='gogs.local' write_config_param "GIT_DOMAIN_NAME" "$GIT_DOMAIN_NAME" else function_check interactive_site_details interactive_site_details git fi APP_INSTALLED=1 } function configure_interactive_gogs { dialog --title $"Gogs" \ --backtitle $"Freedombone Control Panel" \ --defaultno \ --yesno $"\nAllow registration of new users?" 10 60 sel=$? case $sel in 0) sed -i "s|DISABLE_REGISTRATION =.*|DISABLE_REGISTRATION = false|g" /home/gogs/custom/conf/app.ini sed -i "s|SHOW_REGISTRATION_BUTTON =.*|SHOW_REGISTRATION_BUTTON = true|g" /home/gogs/custom/conf/app.ini ;; 1) sed -i "s|DISABLE_REGISTRATION =.*|DISABLE_REGISTRATION = true|g" /home/gogs/custom/conf/app.ini sed -i "s|SHOW_REGISTRATION_BUTTON =.*|SHOW_REGISTRATION_BUTTON = false|g" /home/gogs/custom/conf/app.ini ;; 255) return;; esac systemctl restart gogs } function gogs_parameters { if [[ ${ARCHITECTURE} == *"386" || ${ARCHITECTURE} == *"686" ]]; then CURR_ARCH=386 fi if [[ ${ARCHITECTURE} == *"amd64" || ${ARCHITECTURE} == "x86_64" ]]; then CURR_ARCH=amd64 fi if [[ ${ARCHITECTURE} == *"arm"* ]]; then CURR_ARCH=arm fi if [ ! ${CURR_ARCH} ]; then echo $'No architecture specified' ARCHITECTURE=$(uname -m) if [[ ${ARCHITECTURE} == "arm"* ]]; then CURR_ARCH=arm fi if [[ ${ARCHITECTURE} == "amd"* || ${ARCHITECTURE} == "x86_64" ]]; then CURR_ARCH=amd64 fi if [[ ${ARCHITECTURE} == *"386" || ${ARCHITECTURE} == *"686" ]]; then CURR_ARCH=386 fi fi GOGS_BIN="https://github.com/gogits/gogs/releases/download/v${GOGS_VERSION}/linux_${CURR_ARCH}.tar.gz" } function gogs_create_database { if [ -f ${IMAGE_PASSWORD_FILE} ]; then GIT_ADMIN_PASSWORD="$(printf `cat $IMAGE_PASSWORD_FILE`)" else if [ ! ${GIT_ADMIN_PASSWORD} ]; then GIT_ADMIN_PASSWORD="$(create_password ${MINIMUM_PASSWORD_LENGTH})" fi fi if [ ! $GIT_ADMIN_PASSWORD ]; then return fi function_check create_database create_database gogs "$GOGS_ADMIN_PASSWORD" } function reconfigure_gogs { echo -n '' } function upgrade_gogs { if ! grep -q 'gogs version:' $COMPLETION_FILE; then return fi CURR_GOGS_VERSION=$(get_completion_param "gogs version") echo "gogs current version: ${CURR_GOGS_VERSION}" echo "gogs app version: ${GOGS_VERSION}" if [[ "${CURR_GOGS_VERSION}" == "${GOGS_VERSION}" ]]; then return fi gogs_parameters echo "gogs binary upgrade: ${GOGS_BIN}" if [ ! -d ${INSTALL_DIR} ]; then mkdir -p ${INSTALL_DIR} fi cd ${INSTALL_DIR} if [ -d ${INSTALL_DIR}/gogs ]; then rm -rf ${INSTALL_DIR}/gogs fi GOGS_FILE=linux_${CURR_ARCH}.tar.gz if [ ! -f ${GOGS_FILE} ]; then wget ${GOGS_BIN} fi if [ ! -f ${GOGS_FILE} ]; then GOGS_FILE=linux_${CURR_ARCH}.zip GOGS_BIN="https://github.com/gogits/gogs/releases/download/v${GOGS_VERSION}/${GOGS_FILE}" if [ ! -f ${GOGS_FILE} ]; then wget ${GOGS_BIN} fi if [ ! -f ${GOGS_FILE} ]; then exit 37836 else apt-get -yq install unzip unzip -o ${GOGS_FILE} fi else tar -xzf ${INSTALL_DIR}/${GOGS_FILE} fi if [ ! -d ${INSTALL_DIR}/gogs ]; then exit 37823 fi rm -rf /home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/* cp -r ${INSTALL_DIR}/gogs/* /home/${GOGS_USERNAME} if [ -f ${GOGS_FILE} ]; then rm ${GOGS_FILE} fi sed -i "s|gogs version.*|gogs version:$GOGS_VERSION|g" ${COMPLETION_FILE} systemctl restart gogs } function backup_local_gogs { if ! grep -q "gogs domain" ${COMPLETION_FILE}; then return fi if [ ! -d /home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/gogs-repositories ]; then return fi echo $"Backing up gogs" function_check backup_database_to_usb backup_database_to_usb gogs function_check backup_directory_to_usb backup_directory_to_usb /home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/custom gogs backup_directory_to_usb /home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/gogs-repositories gogsrepos backup_directory_to_usb /home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/.ssh gogsssh echo $"Gogs backup complete" } function restore_local_gogs { if ! grep -q "gogs domain" ${COMPLETION_FILE}; then return fi if [ ! -d /home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/gogs-repositories ]; then return fi if [ ${#GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} -gt 2 ]; then function_check gogs_create_database gogs_create_database function_check restore_database restore_database gogs ${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} temp_restore_dir=/root/tempgogs if [ -d ${USB_MOUNT}/backup/gogs ]; then echo $"Restoring Gogs settings" if [ ! -d /home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/custom ]; then mkdir -p /home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/custom fi cp -r ${temp_restore_dir}/home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/custom/* /home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/custom if [ ! "$?" = "0" ]; then function_check set_user_permissions set_user_permissions function_check backup_unmount_drive backup_unmount_drive exit 981 fi echo $"Restoring Gogs repos" function_check restore_directory_from_usb restore_directory_from_usb ${temp_restore_dir}repos gogsrepos cp -r ${temp_restore_dir}repos/home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/gogs-repositories/* /home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/gogs-repositories/ if [ ! "$?" = "0" ]; then function_check set_user_permissions set_user_permissions function_check backup_unmount_drive backup_unmount_drive exit 67574 fi echo $"Restoring Gogs authorized_keys" function_check restore_directory_from_usb restore_directory_from_usb ${temp_restore_dir}ssh gogsssh if [ ! -d /home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/.ssh ]; then mkdir /home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/.ssh fi cp -r ${temp_restore_dir}ssh/home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/.ssh/* /home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/.ssh/ if [ ! "$?" = "0" ]; then function_check set_user_permissions set_user_permissions function_check backup_unmount_drive backup_unmount_drive exit 8463 fi rm -rf ${temp_restore_dir} rm -rf ${temp_restore_dir}repos rm -rf ${temp_restore_dir}ssh chown -R ${GOGS_USERNAME}:${GOGS_USERNAME} /home/${GOGS_USERNAME} fi fi } function backup_remote_gogs { if [ -d /home/$GOGS_USERNAME ]; then function_check suspend_site suspend_site ${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} function_check backup_database_to_friend backup_database_to_friend $GOGS_USERNAME echo $"Obtaining Gogs settings backup" function_check backup_directory_to_friend backup_directory_to_friend /home/$GOGS_USERNAME/custom gogs echo $"Obtaining Gogs repos backup" mv /home/$GOGS_USERNAME/gogs-repositories/*.git /home/$GOGS_USERNAME/gogs-repositories/bob backup_directory_to_friend /home/$GOGS_USERNAME/gogs-repositories gogsrepos echo $"Obtaining Gogs authorized_keys backup" backup_directory_to_friend /home/$GOGS_USERNAME/.ssh gogsssh function_check restart_site restart_site echo $"Gogs backup complete" fi } function restore_remote_gogs { if grep -q "gogs domain" $COMPLETION_FILE; then GIT_DOMAIN_NAME=$(get_completion_param "gogs domain") function_check gogs_create_database gogs_create_database function_check restore_database_from_friend restore_database_from_friend gogs ${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} if [ -d ${SERVER_DIRECTORY}/backup/gogs ]; then if [ ! -d /home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/custom ]; then mkdir -p /home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/custom fi cp -r /root/tempgogs/home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/custom/* /home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/custom/ if [ ! "$?" = "0" ]; then exit 58852 fi echo $"Restoring Gogs repos" restore_directory_from_friend /root/tempgogsrepos gogsrepos cp -r /root/tempgogsrepos/home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/gogs-repositories/* /home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/gogs-repositories/ if [ ! "$?" = "0" ]; then exit 7649 fi echo $"Restoring Gogs authorized_keys" restore_directory_from_friend /root/tempgogsssh gogsssh if [ ! -d /home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/.ssh ]; then mkdir /home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/.ssh fi cp -r /root/tempgogsssh/home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/.ssh/* /home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/.ssh/ if [ ! "$?" = "0" ]; then exit 74239 fi rm -rf /root/tempgogs rm -rf /root/tempgogsrepos rm -rf /root/tempgogsssh chown -R ${GOGS_USERNAME}:${GOGS_USERNAME} /home/${GOGS_USERNAME} echo $"Restore of Gogs complete" fi fi } function remove_gogs { if [ ${#GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} -eq 0 ]; then return fi systemctl stop gogs systemctl disable gogs nginx_dissite ${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} remove_certs ${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} if [ -d /var/www/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} ]; then rm -rf /var/www/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} fi if [ -f /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} ]; then rm /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} fi function_check drop_database drop_database gogs rm /etc/systemd/system/gogs.service rm -rf /home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/* remove_onion_service gogs ${GIT_ONION_PORT} 9418 remove_completion_param "install_gogs" sed -i '/gogs /d' $COMPLETION_FILE remove_backup_database_local gogs function_check remove_ddns_domain remove_ddns_domain $GIT_DOMAIN_NAME } function install_gogs { if [ ! $GIT_DOMAIN_NAME ]; then return fi adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'Gogs' $GOGS_USERNAME gogs_parameters if [ ! -d ${INSTALL_DIR} ]; then mkdir -p ${INSTALL_DIR} fi cd ${INSTALL_DIR} if [ -d $INSTALL_DIR/gogs ]; then rm -rf $INSTALL_DIR/gogs fi GOGS_FILE=linux_${CURR_ARCH}.tar.gz if [ ! -f ${GOGS_FILE} ]; then wget ${GOGS_BIN} fi if [ ! -f ${GOGS_FILE} ]; then GOGS_FILE=linux_${CURR_ARCH}.zip GOGS_BIN="https://github.com/gogits/gogs/releases/download/v${GOGS_VERSION}/${GOGS_FILE}" wget ${GOGS_BIN} if [ ! -f ${GOGS_FILE} ]; then exit 37836 else apt-get -yq install unzip unzip -o ${GOGS_FILE} fi else tar -xzf ${INSTALL_DIR}/${GOGS_FILE} fi if [ ! -d ${INSTALL_DIR}/gogs ]; then exit 37823 fi rm -rf /home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/* cp -r ${INSTALL_DIR}/gogs/* /home/${GOGS_USERNAME} if [ -f ${GOGS_FILE} ]; then rm ${GOGS_FILE} fi if [ ! -f /home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/gogs ]; then echo 'Gogs binary not installed' exit 345562 fi echo "export GOROOT=/home/go" >> /home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/.bashrc echo "export GOPATH=\$GOROOT/go${GO_VERSION}/bin" >> /home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/.bashrc echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH' >> /home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/.bashrc chown -R ${GOGS_USERNAME}:${GOGS_USERNAME} /home/${GOGS_USERNAME} function_check install_mariadb install_mariadb function_check get_mariadb_password get_mariadb_password function_check gogs_create_database gogs_create_database if [ ! -f /home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/scripts/mysql.sql ]; then echo $'MySql template for Gogs was not found' exit 72528 fi function_check initialise_database initialise_database gogs /home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/scripts/mysql.sql chown -R ${GOGS_USERNAME}:${GOGS_USERNAME} /home/${GOGS_USERNAME} echo '[Unit]' > /etc/systemd/system/gogs.service echo 'Description=Gogs (Go Git Service)' >> /etc/systemd/system/gogs.service echo 'After=syslog.target' >> /etc/systemd/system/gogs.service echo 'After=network.target' >> /etc/systemd/system/gogs.service echo 'After=mysqld.service' >> /etc/systemd/system/gogs.service echo '' >> /etc/systemd/system/gogs.service echo '[Service]' >> /etc/systemd/system/gogs.service echo '#LimitMEMLOCK=infinity' >> /etc/systemd/system/gogs.service echo '#LimitNOFILE=65535' >> /etc/systemd/system/gogs.service echo 'Type=simple' >> /etc/systemd/system/gogs.service echo 'User=gogs' >> /etc/systemd/system/gogs.service echo 'Group=gogs' >> /etc/systemd/system/gogs.service echo "WorkingDirectory=/home/${GOGS_USERNAME}" >> /etc/systemd/system/gogs.service echo "ExecStart=/home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/gogs web" >> /etc/systemd/system/gogs.service echo 'Restart=always' >> /etc/systemd/system/gogs.service echo 'RestartSec=10' >> /etc/systemd/system/gogs.service echo "Environment=\"USER=${GOGS_USERNAME}\" \"HOME=/home/${GOGS_USERNAME}\" \"GOPATH=/home/go/go${GO_VERSION}\"" >> /etc/systemd/system/gogs.service echo '' >> /etc/systemd/system/gogs.service echo '[Install]' >> /etc/systemd/system/gogs.service echo 'WantedBy=multi-user.target' >> /etc/systemd/system/gogs.service systemctl enable gogs systemctl daemon-reload systemctl start gogs if [ ! -d /var/www/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} ]; then mkdir /var/www/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} fi if [ -d /var/www/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME}/htdocs ]; then rm -rf /var/www/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME}/htdocs fi if [[ ${ONION_ONLY} == "no" ]]; then function_check nginx_http_redirect nginx_http_redirect ${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo 'server {' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo ' listen 443 ssl;' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo ' listen [::]:443 ssl;' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo " root /var/www/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME}/htdocs;" >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo " server_name ${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME};" >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo ' access_log /dev/null;' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo " error_log /dev/null;" >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo '' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} function_check nginx_ssl nginx_ssl ${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} function_check nginx_disable_sniffing nginx_disable_sniffing ${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo ' add_header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=0;' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo '' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo ' location / {' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} function_check nginx_limits nginx_limits ${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} '10G' echo ' proxy_pass http://localhost:3000;' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo ' }' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo '' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo ' fastcgi_buffers 64 4K;' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo '' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo ' error_page 403 /core/templates/403.php;' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo ' error_page 404 /core/templates/404.php;' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo '' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo ' location = /robots.txt {' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo ' allow all;' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo ' log_not_found off;' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo ' access_log /dev/null;' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo ' }' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo '' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} nginx_keybase ${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo '}' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo '' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} else echo -n '' > /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} fi echo 'server {' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo " listen${GIT_ONION_PORT} default_server;" >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo " root /var/www/$GIT_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs;" >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo " server_name $GIT_DOMAIN_NAME;" >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo ' access_log /dev/null;' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo " error_log /dev/null;" >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo '' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} function_check nginx_disable_sniffing nginx_disable_sniffing ${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo ' add_header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=0;' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo '' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo ' location / {' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} function_check nginx_limits nginx_limits ${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} '10G' echo ' proxy_pass http://localhost:3000;' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo ' }' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo '' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo ' fastcgi_buffers 64 4K;' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo '' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo ' error_page 403 /core/templates/403.php;' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo ' error_page 404 /core/templates/404.php;' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo '' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo ' location = /robots.txt {' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo ' allow all;' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo ' log_not_found off;' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo ' access_log /dev/null;' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo ' }' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo '' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} nginx_keybase ${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} echo '}' >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} function_check configure_php configure_php function_check create_site_certificate create_site_certificate ${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} 'yes' nginx_ensite ${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} if [ ! -d /var/lib/tor ]; then echo $'No Tor installation found. Gogs onion site cannot be configured.' exit 877367 fi if ! grep -q "hidden_service_gogs" /etc/tor/torrc; then echo 'HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hidden_service_gogs/' >> /etc/tor/torrc echo "HiddenServicePort 80${GIT_ONION_PORT}" >> /etc/tor/torrc echo "HiddenServicePort 9418" >> /etc/tor/torrc echo $'Added onion site for Gogs' fi onion_update function_check wait_for_onion_service wait_for_onion_service 'gogs' GIT_ONION_HOSTNAME=$(cat /var/lib/tor/hidden_service_gogs/hostname) systemctl restart php5-fpm systemctl restart nginx set_completion_param "gogs domain" "$GIT_DOMAIN_NAME" set_completion_param "gogs onion domain" "$GIT_ONION_HOSTNAME" function_check add_ddns_domain add_ddns_domain ${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME} # obtain the secret key GOGS_SECRET_KEY="$(create_password ${MINIMUM_PASSWORD_LENGTH})" ${PROJECT_NAME}-pass -u $MY_USERNAME -a gogs -p "*" # create the configuration GOGS_CONFIG_PATH=/home/${GOGS_USERNAME}/custom/conf if [ ! -d ${GOGS_CONFIG_PATH} ]; then mkdir -p ${GOGS_CONFIG_PATH} fi GOGS_CONFIG_FILE=${GOGS_CONFIG_PATH}/app.ini echo "RUN_USER = $GOGS_USERNAME" > ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo 'RUN_MODE = prod' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo '' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo '[database]' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo 'DB_TYPE = mysql' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo 'HOST =' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo 'NAME = gogs' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo 'USER = root' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo "PASSWD = $MARIADB_PASSWORD" >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo 'SSL_MODE = disable' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo 'PATH = data/gogs.db' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo '' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo '[repository]' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo "ROOT = /home/$GOGS_USERNAME/gogs-repositories" >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo '' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo '[server]' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} if [[ ${ONION_ONLY} == 'no' ]]; then echo "DOMAIN = ${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME}" >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo "ROOT_URL = https://$GIT_DOMAIN_NAME/" >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} else echo "DOMAIN = ${GIT_ONION_HOSTNAME}" >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo "ROOT_URL = http://$GIT_DOMAIN_NAME/" >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} fi echo 'HTTP_PORT = 3000' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo "SSH_PORT = $SSH_PORT" >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo 'SSH_DOMAIN = %(DOMAIN)s' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo "CERT_FILE = /etc/ssl/certs/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME}.pem" >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo "KEY_FILE = /etc/ssl/private/${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME}.key" >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo 'DISABLE_ROUTER_LOG = true' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo '' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo '[session]' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo 'PROVIDER = file' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo '' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo '[log]' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo 'MODE = file' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo 'LEVEL = Info' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo '' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo '[security]' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo 'INSTALL_LOCK = true' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo "SECRET_KEY = $GOGS_SECRET_KEY" >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo '' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo '[service]' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo 'DISABLE_REGISTRATION = false' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo 'SHOW_REGISTRATION_BUTTON = true' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo 'REQUIRE_SIGNIN_VIEW = false' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo 'ENABLE_CAPTCHA = false' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo '' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo '[other]' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo 'SHOW_FOOTER_BRANDING = false' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} echo 'SHOW_FOOTER_VERSION = false' >> ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} chmod 750 ${GOGS_CONFIG_FILE} chown -R ${GOGS_USERNAME}:${GOGS_USERNAME} /home/${GOGS_USERNAME} systemctl restart gogs if ! grep -q "gogs domain:" ${COMPLETION_FILE}; then echo "gogs domain:${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME}" >> ${COMPLETION_FILE} else sed -i "s|gogs domain.*|gogs domain:${GIT_DOMAIN_NAME}|g" ${COMPLETION_FILE} fi function_check configure_firewall_for_git configure_firewall_for_git if ! grep -q "gogs version:" ${COMPLETION_FILE}; then echo "gogs version:${GOGS_VERSION}" >> ${COMPLETION_FILE} else sed -i "s|gogs version.*|gogs version:${GOGS_VERSION}|g" ${COMPLETION_FILE} fi APP_INSTALLED=1 } # NOTE: deliberately no exit 0