#!/bin/bash # # .---. . . # | | | # |--- .--. .-. .-. .-.| .-. .--.--. |.-. .-. .--. .-. # | | (.-' (.-' ( | ( )| | | | )( )| | (.-' # ' ' --' --' -' - -' ' ' -' -' -' ' - --' # # Freedom in the Cloud # # ipfs functions # # License # ======= # # Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Bob Mottram # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . VARIANTS='' IN_DEFAULT_INSTALL=0 SHOW_ON_ABOUT=0 IPFS_GO_REPO_BASE="github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs" IPFS_GO_REPO="https://$IPFS_GO_REPO_BASE" IPFS_COMMIT='6fdfaaf6e4783ae1be7b348e7a6bc0640982c7df' IPFS_PORT=4001 IPFS_NODE_VERSION='6.2.2' IPFS_N_VERSION='2.1.4' IPFS_JS_VERSION='0.14.3' IPFS_JS_RONIN_VERSION='0.3.11' IPFS_KEY_LENGTH=2048 IPFS_GO_VERSION=0.4.13 ipfs_variables=(IPFS_GO_VERSION IPFS_KEY_LENGTH IPFS_PORT) function logging_on_ipfs { echo -n '' } function logging_off_ipfs { echo -n '' } function install_interactive_ipfs { echo -n '' APP_INSTALLED=1 } function reconfigure_ipfs { echo -n '' } function upgrade_ipfs_go { CURR_IPFS_COMMIT=$(get_completion_param "ipfs commit") if [[ "$CURR_IPFS_COMMIT" == "$IPFS_COMMIT" ]]; then return fi if [[ $(app_is_installed ipfs_go) == "0" ]]; then return fi function_check set_repo_commit set_repo_commit "$GOPATH/src/github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs" "ipfs commit" "$IPFS_COMMIT" "$IPFS_REPO" } function upgrade_ipfs_js { if [[ $(app_is_installed ipfs_js) == "0" ]]; then return fi npm cache clean -f npm install -g n n ${IPFS_NODE_VERSION} npm install ronin@${IPFS_JS_RONIN_VERSION} --global npm install ipfs@${IPFS_JS_VERSION} --global } function upgrade_ipfs { upgrade_ipfs_js upgrade_ipfs_go } function backup_local_ipfs { if ! grep -q "Admin user" "$COMPLETION_FILE"; then return fi ADMIN_USERNAME=$(get_completion_param "Admin user") source_directory="/home/$ADMIN_USERNAME/.ipfs" if [ -d "$source_directory" ]; then dest_directory=ipfs function_check backup_directory_to_usb backup_directory_to_usb "$source_directory" "$dest_directory" fi } function restore_local_ipfs { if ! grep -q "Admin user" "$COMPLETION_FILE"; then return fi if [ -d "$USB_MOUNT/backup/ipfs" ]; then echo $"Restoring IPFS" temp_restore_dir=/root/tempipfs function_check restore_directory_from_usb restore_directory_from_usb $temp_restore_dir ipfs ADMIN_USERNAME=$(get_completion_param "Admin user") if [ -d "$temp_restore_dir/home/$ADMIN_USERNAME/.ipfs" ]; then cp -rf "$temp_restore_dir/home/$ADMIN_USERNAME/.ipfs/"* "/home/$ADMIN_USERNAME/.ipfs" else cp -rf "$temp_restore_dir/"* "/home/$ADMIN_USERNAME/.ipfs" fi # shellcheck disable=SC2181 if [ ! "$?" = "0" ]; then rm -rf $temp_restore_dir function_check set_user_permissions set_user_permissions function_check backup_unmount_drive backup_unmount_drive exit 27627 fi rm -rf $temp_restore_dir echo $"Restore of IPFS complete" fi } function backup_remote_ipfs { if ! grep -q "Admin user" "$COMPLETION_FILE"; then return fi ADMIN_USERNAME=$(get_completion_param "Admin user") if [ -d "/home/$ADMIN_USERNAME/.ipfs" ]; then echo $"Backing up IPFS" backup_directory_to_friend "/home/$ADMIN_USERNAME/.ipfs" ipfs echo $"Backup of IPFS complete" fi } function restore_remote_ipfs { if [ -d "$SERVER_DIRECTORY/backup/ipfs" ]; then echo $"Restoring IPFS" temp_restore_dir=/root/tempipfs function_check restore_directory_from_friend restore_directory_from_friend $temp_restore_dir ipfs if [ -d "$temp_restore_dir/home/$ADMIN_USERNAME/.ipfs" ]; then cp -rf "$temp_restore_dir/home/$ADMIN_USERNAME/.ipfs/"* "/home/$ADMIN_USERNAME/.ipfs" else cp -rf "$temp_restore_dir/"* "/home/$ADMIN_USERNAME/.ipfs" fi # shellcheck disable=SC2181 if [ ! "$?" = "0" ]; then function_check set_user_permissions set_user_permissions rm -rf $temp_restore_dir exit 276357 fi rm -rf $temp_restore_dir echo $"Restore of IPFS complete" fi } function remove_ipfs_go { systemctl stop ipfs systemctl disable ipfs systemctl daemon-reload rm /etc/systemd/system/ipfs.service systemctl daemon-reload rm -rf "$GOPATH/src/github.com/ipfs" firewall_remove $IPFS_PORT tcp remove_completion_param install_ipfs remove_completion_param configure_firewall_for_ipfs sed -i '/ipfs/d' "$COMPLETION_FILE" } function remove_ipfs_js { systemctl stop ipfs systemctl disable ipfs rm /etc/systemd/system/ipfs.service systemctl daemon-reload npm uninstall ipfs --global npm uninstall ronin --global firewall_remove $IPFS_PORT tcp sed -i '/install_ipfs/d' "$COMPLETION_FILE" sed -i '/ipfs/d' "$COMPLETION_FILE" sed -i '/configure_firewall_for_ipfs/d' "$COMPLETION_FILE" } function remove_ipfs { remove_ipfs_js remove_ipfs_go } function configure_firewall_for_ipfs { if [[ $(is_completed "${FUNCNAME[0]}") == "1" ]]; then return fi if [[ $ONION_ONLY != "no" ]]; then return fi firewall_add IPFS $IPFS_PORT tcp mark_completed "${FUNCNAME[0]}" } function mesh_install_ipfs_js { if [[ $(is_completed "${FUNCNAME[0]}") == "1" ]]; then return fi # shellcheck disable=SC2154 chroot "${rootdir}" apt-get -yq install libpam0g-dev fuse if [ ! -f "${rootdir}/usr/bin/nodejs" ]; then echo $'nodejs was not installed' exit 63962 fi cat < "${rootdir}/root/install-ipfs.sh" #!/bin/bash PATH="/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/bin" NODE_PATH="/usr/lib/node_modules" cp /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/local/bin/node cp /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node /usr/bin/curl -0 -L https://npmjs.org/install.sh | sh npm install -g n@${IPFS_N_VERSION} --save n ${IPFS_NODE_VERSION} npm install -g ronin@${IPFS_JS_RONIN_VERSION} --save npm install -g ipfs@${IPFS_JS_VERSION} --save exit 0 EOF chroot "${rootdir}" /bin/chmod +x /root/install-ipfs.sh chroot "${rootdir}" /root/install-ipfs.sh rm -f "${rootdir}/root/install-ipfs.sh" IPFS_PATH=/usr/bin if [ ! -f "${rootdir}$IPFS_PATH/jsipfs" ]; then exit 637292 fi # directories to mount to if [ ! -d "${rootdir}/ipfs" ]; then chroot "${rootdir}" /bin/mkdir /ipfs chroot "${rootdir}" /bin/mkdir /ipns chroot "${rootdir}" /bin/chown "$MY_USERNAME":"$MY_USERNAME" /ipfs chroot "${rootdir}" /bin/chown "$MY_USERNAME":"$MY_USERNAME" /ipns fi if [ -f "${rootdir}/etc/fuse.conf" ]; then chroot "${rootdir}" /bin/chown "$MY_USERNAME":"$MY_USERNAME" /etc/fuse.conf fi if [ -f "${rootdir}/dev/fuse" ]; then chroot "${rootdir}" /bin/chown "$MY_USERNAME":"$MY_USERNAME" /dev/fuse fi IPFS_DAEMON_NAME=ipfs IPFS_DAEMON_FILE=${rootdir}/etc/systemd/system/${IPFS_DAEMON_NAME}.service { echo '[Unit]'; echo 'Description=IPFS javascript daemon'; echo 'After=syslog.target'; echo 'After=network.target'; echo ''; echo '[Service]'; echo 'Type=simple'; echo "User=$MY_USERNAME"; echo "Group=$MY_USERNAME"; echo "WorkingDirectory=/home/$MY_USERNAME"; echo "ExecStart=${IPFS_PATH}/jsipfs daemon --mount"; echo 'Restart=on-failure'; echo "Environment=\"USER=$MY_USERNAME\" \"HOME=/home/$MY_USERNAME\""; echo ''; echo '[Install]'; echo 'WantedBy=multi-user.target'; } > "$IPFS_DAEMON_FILE" chroot "${rootdir}" systemctl enable ${IPFS_DAEMON_NAME} mark_completed "${FUNCNAME[0]}" } function install_ipfs_js { if [ "$INSTALLING_MESH" ]; then mesh_install_ipfs_js return fi if [[ $(app_is_installed ipfs_js) == "1" ]]; then return fi apt-get -yq install libpam0g-dev fuse if [ ! -f /usr/bin/nodejs ]; then echo $'nodejs was not installed' exit 63962 fi cp /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/local/bin/node cp /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node /usr/bin/curl -0 -L https://npmjs.org/install.sh | sh /usr/local/bin/npm install -g n@${IPFS_N_VERSION} /usr/local/bin/n ${IPFS_NODE_VERSION} /usr/local/bin/npm install -g ronin@${IPFS_JS_RONIN_VERSION} /usr/local/bin/npm install -g ipfs@${IPFS_JS_VERSION} IPFS_PATH=/usr/bin if [ ! -f $IPFS_PATH/jsipfs ]; then exit 637292 fi # initialise su -c "$IPFS_PATH/jsipfs init -b $IPFS_KEY_LENGTH" - "$MY_USERNAME" if [ ! -d "/home/$MY_USERNAME/.ipfs" ]; then echo "IPFS could not be initialised for user $MY_USERNAME" exit 7358 fi # directories to mount to if [ ! -d /ipfs ]; then mkdir /ipfs mkdir /ipns chown "$MY_USERNAME":"$MY_USERNAME" /ipfs chown "$MY_USERNAME":"$MY_USERNAME" /ipns fi if [ -f /etc/fuse.conf ]; then chown "$MY_USERNAME":"$MY_USERNAME" /etc/fuse.conf fi if [ -f /dev/fuse ]; then chown "$MY_USERNAME":"$MY_USERNAME" /dev/fuse fi IPFS_DAEMON_NAME=ipfs IPFS_DAEMON_FILE=/etc/systemd/system/${IPFS_DAEMON_NAME}.service { echo '[Unit]'; echo 'Description=IPFS javascript daemon'; echo 'After=syslog.target'; echo 'After=network.target'; echo ''; echo '[Service]'; echo 'Type=simple'; echo "User=$MY_USERNAME"; echo "Group=$MY_USERNAME"; echo "WorkingDirectory=/home/$MY_USERNAME"; echo "ExecStart=${IPFS_PATH}/jsipfs daemon --mount"; echo 'Restart=on-failure'; echo "Environment=\"USER=$MY_USERNAME\" \"HOME=/home/$MY_USERNAME\""; echo ''; echo '[Install]'; echo 'WantedBy=multi-user.target'; } > $IPFS_DAEMON_FILE systemctl enable ${IPFS_DAEMON_NAME} systemctl daemon-reload systemctl restart ${IPFS_DAEMON_NAME} if [ -d /etc/avahi ]; then su -c "echo $($IPFS_PATH/jsipfs id | grep '\"ID\":' | awk -F '\"' '{print $4}') > /tmp/ipfsid" - "$MY_USERNAME" if [ ! -f /tmp/ipfsid ]; then echo 'No IPFS identity was created' exit 37895 fi IPFS_PEER_ID=$(cat /tmp/ipfsid) if [ ${#IPFS_PEER_ID} -lt 10 ]; then echo 'Invalid IPFS peer ID' echo "$IPFS_PEER_ID" exit 74782 fi rm /tmp/ipfsid fi function_check configure_firewall_for_ipfs configure_firewall_for_ipfs install_completed ipfs_js } function mesh_install_ipfs_go { chroot "${rootdir}" apt-get -yq install libpam0g-dev fuse wget mesh_upgrade_golang IPFS_ARCH= IPFS_PATH=/usr/bin if [ ! -d "$rootdir$INSTALL_DIR/ipfs" ]; then mkdir -p "$rootdir$INSTALL_DIR/ipfs" fi cd "$rootdir$INSTALL_DIR/ipfs" || exit 23468264 if [[ $ARCHITECTURE == *"386" || $ARCHITECTURE == *"686" ]]; then IPFS_ARCH=386 fi if [[ $ARCHITECTURE == *"amd64" || $ARCHITECTURE == "x86_64" ]]; then IPFS_ARCH=amd64 fi if [[ $ARCHITECTURE == *"arm"* || $ARCHITECTURE == *"aarch"* ]]; then IPFS_ARCH=arm fi if [ ! $IPFS_ARCH ]; then echo $'No architecture specified' ARCHITECTURE=$(uname -m) if [[ $ARCHITECTURE == "arm"* || $ARCHITECTURE == *"aarch"* ]]; then IPFS_ARCH=arm echo $"Using $IPFS_ARCH" fi if [[ $ARCHITECTURE == "amd"* || $ARCHITECTURE == "x86_64" ]]; then IPFS_ARCH=amd64 echo $"Using $IPFS_ARCH" fi if [[ $ARCHITECTURE == *"386" || $ARCHITECTURE == *"686" ]]; then IPFS_ARCH=386 echo $"Using $IPFS_ARCH" fi fi if [ ! $IPFS_ARCH ]; then echo $'Architecture not detected for IPFS install' exit 738765235 fi IPFS_FILE=go-ipfs_v${IPFS_GO_VERSION}_linux-${IPFS_ARCH}.tar.gz wget https://ipfs.io/ipns/dist.ipfs.io/go-ipfs/v${IPFS_GO_VERSION}/${IPFS_FILE} if [ ! -f "$rootdir$INSTALL_DIR/ipfs/${IPFS_FILE}" ]; then echo $'IPFS package could not be downloaded' exit 63725 fi tar -xzvf ${IPFS_FILE} if [ ! -f "$rootdir$INSTALL_DIR/ipfs/go-ipfs/ipfs" ]; then echo $"ipfs was not found in downloaded package" exit 638235 fi chroot "$rootdir" /bin/cp "$INSTALL_DIR/ipfs/go-ipfs/ipfs" $IPFS_PATH if [ ! -f "$rootdir$IPFS_PATH/ipfs" ]; then echo $'IPFS was not installed' exit 63722 fi IPFS_USER_DAEMON=${rootdir}/home/${MY_USERNAME}/.config/systemd/user/ipfs.service mkdir -p "${rootdir}/home/${MY_USERNAME}/.config/systemd/user" { echo '[Unit]'; echo 'Description=IPFS go daemon'; echo 'After=syslog.target'; echo 'After=network.target'; echo ''; echo '[Service]'; echo 'Type=simple'; echo "ExecStart=$IPFS_PATH/ipfs daemon"; echo 'Restart=on-failure'; echo 'RestartSec=60'; echo ''; echo '[Install]'; echo 'WantedBy=default.target'; } > "$IPFS_USER_DAEMON" chroot "${rootdir}" /bin/chown -R "$MY_USERNAME":"$MY_USERNAME" "/home/${MY_USERNAME}/.config" } function install_ipfs_go { if [ "$INSTALLING_MESH" ]; then mesh_install_ipfs_go return fi if [[ $(app_is_installed ipfs_go) == "1" ]]; then return fi apt-get -yq install golang libpam0g-dev fuse if [ ! -d /home/git ]; then # add a gogs user account adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'Gogs' git if [ ! -d /home/git ]; then echo $"/home/git directory not created" exit 735272 fi # install Go if ! grep -q "export GOPATH=" ~/.bashrc; then echo "export GOPATH=$GOPATH" >> ~/.bashrc else sed -i "s|export GOPATH=.*|export GOPATH=$GOPATH|g" ~/.bashrc fi systemctl set-environment GOPATH="$GOPATH" if ! grep -q "systemctl set-environment GOPATH=" ~/.bashrc; then echo "systemctl set-environment GOPATH=$GOPATH" >> ~/.bashrc else sed -i "s|systemctl set-environment GOPATH=.*|systemctl set-environment GOPATH=$GOPATH|g" ~/.bashrc fi if [ ! -d "$GOPATH" ]; then mkdir -p "$GOPATH" fi fi IPFS_PATH=$GOPATH/bin export PATH="$GOPATH/bin:$PATH:" if ! grep -q 'GOPATH/bin' ~/.bashrc; then echo "export PATH=\"\$GOPATH/bin:\$PATH:\";" >> ~/.bashrc else sed -i "s|systemctl set-environment GOPATH=.*|systemctl set-environment GOPATH=$GOPATH|g" ~/.bashrc fi # set gopath for the user if ! grep -q "GOPATH=" "/home/$MY_USERNAME/.bashrc"; then echo "export GOPATH=$GOPATH" >> "/home/$MY_USERNAME/.bashrc" echo "export PATH=\"\$GOPATH/bin:\$PATH:\";" >> "/home/$MY_USERNAME/.bashrc" else sed -i "s|export GOPATH=.*|export GOPATH=$GOPATH|g" "/home/$MY_USERNAME/.bashrc" fi chown "$MY_USERNAME":"$MY_USERNAME" "/home/$MY_USERNAME/.bashrc" if ! go get -u ${IPFS_GO_REPO_BASE}/cmd/ipfs; then exit 8242 fi if [ ! -d "$GOPATH/src/$IPFS_GO_REPO_BASE" ]; then echo $'go get failed to get ipfs' exit 63923 fi cd "$GOPATH/src/$IPFS_GO_REPO_BASE" || exit 346824 if ! git checkout $IPFS_COMMIT -b $IPFS_COMMIT; then exit 735639 fi set_completion_param "ipfs commit" "$IPFS_COMMIT" if ! make install; then exit 547242 fi # initialise chmod 755 "$IPFS_PATH/ipfs" su -c "$IPFS_PATH/ipfs init -b 2048" - "$MY_USERNAME" if [ ! -d "/home/$MY_USERNAME/.ipfs" ]; then echo "IPFS could not be initialised for user $MY_USERNAME" exit 7358 fi # directories to mount to if [ ! -d /ipfs ]; then mkdir /ipfs mkdir /ipns chown "$MY_USERNAME":"$MY_USERNAME" /ipfs chown "$MY_USERNAME":"$MY_USERNAME" /ipns fi if [ -f /etc/fuse.conf ]; then chown "$MY_USERNAME":"$MY_USERNAME" /etc/fuse.conf fi if [ -f /dev/fuse ]; then chown "$MY_USERNAME":"$MY_USERNAME" /dev/fuse fi { echo '[Unit]'; echo 'Description=IPFS go daemon'; echo 'After=syslog.target'; echo 'After=network.target'; echo ''; echo '[Service]'; echo 'Type=simple'; echo "User=$MY_USERNAME"; echo "Group=$MY_USERNAME"; echo "WorkingDirectory=/home/$MY_USERNAME"; echo "ExecStart=$IPFS_PATH/ipfs daemon --mount"; echo 'Restart=on-failure'; echo "Environment=\"USER=$MY_USERNAME\" \"HOME=/home/$MY_USERNAME\" \"GOPATH=$GOPATH\" \"GVM_ROOT=$GVM_HOME\""; echo ''; echo '[Install]'; echo 'WantedBy=multi-user.target'; } > /etc/systemd/system/ipfs.service systemctl enable ipfs systemctl daemon-reload systemctl restart ipfs if [ -d /etc/avahi ]; then su -c "echo $("$IPFS_PATH/ipfs" id | grep '\"ID\":' | awk -F '\"' '{print $4}') > /tmp/ipfsid" - "$MY_USERNAME" if [ ! -f /tmp/ipfsid ]; then echo 'No IPFS identity was created' exit 37895 fi IPFS_PEER_ID=$(cat /tmp/ipfsid) if [ ${#IPFS_PEER_ID} -lt 10 ]; then echo 'Invalid IPFS peer ID' echo "$IPFS_PEER_ID" exit 74782 fi # Add an avahi service function_check create_avahi_service create_avahi_service ipfs_id "ipfs_id" 'udp' $IPFS_PORT "$IPFS_PEER_ID:none" rm /tmp/ipfsid fi function_check configure_firewall_for_ipfs configure_firewall_for_ipfs install_completed ipfs_go } function install_ipfs { #install_ipfs_js install_ipfs_go APP_INSTALLED=1 }