#+TITLE: #+AUTHOR: Bob Mottram #+EMAIL: bob@freedombone.net #+KEYWORDS: freedombone, smolrss, rss #+DESCRIPTION: How to use Smol RSS #+OPTIONS: ^:nil toc:nil #+HTML_HEAD: #+attr_html: :width 80% :height 10% :align center [[file:images/logo.png]] * Smol RSS This is an extremely simple RSS reader which is available only from an onion address, so that you have /the right to read/. There is very little code and so not much attack surface, and it will scale to screens of any size. This should be a better reading experience on mobile than with [[./app_ttrss.html][tt-rss]]. A disadvantage is that you can only add or remove feeds via the Freedombone administrator control panel, so this isn't suitable for multi-user environments. But once you have your feeds set up it's trivial to use, and unless you publish the onion address confidentiality should be maintained. * Installation ssh into the system with: #+BEGIN_SRC bash ssh myusername@mydomain.com -p 2222 #+END_SRC Select *Administrator controls* then *Add/Remove Apps* then *smolrss*. After installation within *Administrator controls* go to *App settings* then *smolrss*. You can then add some feeds or edit the existing feed list. There are a few default feeds as an example. Within *Administrator controls* go to *About this system* and select *smolrss*. You will then have the onion address. Navigate to your reader in a Tor compatible browser. You may need to allow the site within NoScript. Then select a feed from the list and begin reading. That's all there is to it.