diff --git a/src/freedombone-sec b/src/freedombone-sec index 2ec320e2..c1ab1575 100755 --- a/src/freedombone-sec +++ b/src/freedombone-sec @@ -1216,7 +1216,7 @@ function menu_security_settings { 18 $"Show firewall") # shellcheck disable=SC2068 - selection=$(dialog --backtitle $"Freedombone Administrator Control Panel" --title $"Security Settings" --menu $"Choose an operation, or ESC to exit:" 22 76 22 "${W[@]}" 3>&2 2>&1 1>&3) + selection=$(dialog --backtitle $"Freedombone Administrator Control Panel" --title $"Security Settings" --menu $"Choose an operation, or ESC to exit:" 25 76 25 "${W[@]}" 3>&2 2>&1 1>&3) if [ ! "$selection" ]; then exit 0