Instructions for Bitmessage daemon

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Bob Mottram 2014-01-16 13:32:58 +00:00
parent 70a8b8f391
commit 73e40c0819
1 changed files with 166 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -2503,6 +2503,159 @@ chmod g+s /var/www/$HOSTNAME/htdocs
With a web browser visit your domain and enter an administrator username and password. With a web browser visit your domain and enter an administrator username and password.
** Install Bitmessage
[[][Bitmessage]] is a new type of messaging system intended to fulfill the same role as email, but without the security problems. In particular, Bitmessage attempts to not just encrypt the content but also the metadata. It's message broadcasting system makes it exceedingly difficult for an attacker to know which computer a message is destined for. The only way you know whether a message has been sent to you is whether you are able to decrypt it from the passing stream of messages.
Although similar to Bitcoin in some regards, such as "/proof of work/", Bitmessage has no block chain and messages are only buffered for approximately three days after which they are deleted from any given node.
Installing Bitmessage as a daemon will increase the size of the network, and therefore the level of security for all users.
#+BEGIN_SRC: bash
apt-get install python screen
cd /tmp
git clone
cd PyBitmessage
make install
Save and exit.
#+BEGIN_SRC: bash
emacs /etc/init.d/pybitmessage
Add the following text:
#+BEGIN_SRC: bash
# /etc/init.d/bitmessage
# Provides: pybitmessage
# Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog
# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: starts bitmessage as a background daemon, suitable for servers
# Description: This file should be used to construct scripts to be
# placed in /etc/init.d.
# Author: Super-Nathan <BM-Gu2k3Wy2hpTMYBxSoM2937SPcuU6xzEj>
LOGFILE='/dev/null' # this disables logging
# LOGFILE='/var/log/bitmessage.log' # comment out the above line and un-comment this line to save a log
NICELEVEL=19 # from 0-19 the bigger the number, the less the impact on system resources
bm_start() {
echo "Starting $SERVICE..."
su --command "screen -h ${HISTORY} -dmS ${SERVICE} ${INVOCATION}" $USERNAME
bm_stop() {
echo "Stopping $SERVICE"
su --command "screen -p 0 -S ${SERVICE} -X stuff "'^C'"" $USERNAME
#Start-Stop here
case "$1" in
sleep 60s
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
exit 1
exit 0
Save and exit.
Add a user which will be specifically for Bitmessage. Since bitmessage is still a relatively young and experimental project, this adds further compartmentalisation such that if there are any bugs within PyBitmessage then an attacker can't neccessarily gain control of root or any other user account. Here we create a user called /bitmsg/ and give it a long random password.
#+BEGIN_SRC: bash
adduser bitmsg
Create a /keys.dat/ file which is used to configure Bitmessage.
#+BEGIN_SRC: bash
mkdir /home/bitmsg/.config
mkdir /home/bitmsg/.config/PyBitmessage
emacs /home/bitmsg/.config/PyBitmessage/keys.dat
Add the following:
#+BEGIN_SRC: bash
settingsversion = 7
port = 8444
timeformat = %%a, %%d %%b %%Y %%I:%%M %%p
blackwhitelist = black
startonlogon = false
minimizetotray = false
showtraynotifications = false
startintray = false
socksproxytype = none
sockshostname = localhost
socksport = 9050
socksauthentication = false
sockslisten = false
socksusername =
sockspassword =
keysencrypted = false
messagesencrypted = false
defaultnoncetrialsperbyte = 640
defaultpayloadlengthextrabytes = 14000
minimizeonclose = false
maxacceptablenoncetrialsperbyte = 0
maxacceptablepayloadlengthextrabytes = 0
userlocale = system
namecoinrpctype = namecoind
namecoinrpchost = localhost
namecoinrpcuser =
namecoinrpcpassword =
namecoinrpcport = 8336
sendoutgoingconnections = True
daemon = true
Save and exit. Then enable the daemon and run it.
#+BEGIN_SRC: bash
rm -f /tmp/-usr-local-share-pybitmessage-*.lock
chown -R bitmsg:bitmsg /home/bitmsg
chmod +x /etc/init.d/pybitmessage
update-rc.d pybitmessage defaults
service pybitmessage start
** Install Tripwire ** Install Tripwire
Tripwire will try to detect any intrusions into your system. It's a good idea to install it after you have installed all of the other programs which you intend to use. Tripwire will try to detect any intrusions into your system. It's a good idea to install it after you have installed all of the other programs which you intend to use.
@ -2535,18 +2688,19 @@ apt-get install rkhunter
* Router/Firewall ports * Router/Firewall ports
The following ports on your internet router/firewall should be forwarded to the BBB. The following ports on your internet router/firewall should be forwarded to the BBB.
| Protocol | Port/s | | Protocol | Port/s |
|----------+------------| |------------+------------|
| Gopher | 70 | | Gopher | 70 |
| HTTP | 80 | | HTTP | 80 |
| HTTPS | 443 | | HTTPS | 443 |
| IMAP | 143 | | IMAP | 143 |
| IRC SSL | 6670 | | IRC SSL | 6670 |
| SIP | 5060..5061 | | SIP | 5060..5061 |
| SMTP | 25 | | SMTP | 25 |
| SMTPS | 465 | | SMTPS | 465 |
| SSH | 22 | | SSH | 22 |
| XMPP | 5222..5223 | | XMPP | 5222..5223 |
| Bitmessage | 8444 |
* Hints and Tips * Hints and Tips
** Messaging security ** Messaging security